The Hogwarts clan

Trying not to make any noise, Harry snuck towards the room the troll had just entered. Ron was waiting for him further down the corridor. Holding his breath, Harry dived forward and closed the door, locking it as he did so.

Relaxing slightly, he made his way back towards Ron. He had just reached the other boy when a high pitched scream came from the room behind him.

Harry felt sick as realisation dawned on him, he had just locked Hermione in with the troll. turning, he tried to run back but stopped when Ron grab his arm and shook his head. Frowning at the redhead Harry pulled his arm free and ran for the bathroom, a glance over his shoulder showed Ron to be heading in the other direction.

Dreading what he would see, he swung the door open. The bathroom was a mess, the troll had smashed several of of the sinks, the cubicles were in ruins and broken pipes were spraying water everywhere.

Hermione was on the far side of the room, her face a picture of terror as the troll approached her.

Without stopping to think Harry grabbed a tap of the floor and threw it at the troll "HEY!" the impact and noise causing the beast to turn. "RUN!" he shouted to the girl as he picked up a piece of broken sink.

The troll wiggled its ears in confusion before coming to a decision and charging the boy with its club held high.

Shocked, Harry threw himself to the side as the club slammed into the floor, shattering the tiles. Harry was pelted with fragments and struggling to his feet on the wet stone. When the troll sung again, Harry couldn't move quick enough. The horizontal swing caught him in the side and sent his small body into the wall with a sickening crunch.

The world swam as Harry tried to stand, his chest felt like it was on fire, he couldn't feel anything down one side and his glasses were gone. looking up he saw the blurry shape of the troll raise its club once more.

Just as everything started to go black, there was a sound, like a feral cat roaring and a blur launched itself at the troll.


"... ary… wa… please Harry, wake up!"

Slowly opening his eyes, Harry could make out someone standing over him, the voice was high enough to be a girls and he could make out a bushy mass of hair so he assumed it was Hermione. She didn't look right, her skin was a funny colour and there was a dark shape behind her.

"Harry! You need to stay awake, please, keep your eyes open."

He tried to talk but the pain in his chest made it hard to breath, let alone talk. He couldn't feel the rest of his body, which was probably not a good thing.

There was a commotion and Hermione turned away, "Here! Were in here! Please Hurry!"

"Mrs Granger? what on-Oh my goodness, Severus quickly! Someone get Poppy!"


Harry awoke in the hospital wing two days later. The pain was mercifully gone and he had no trouble breathing. He tried to sit up but Madam Pomfrey, the school's medi-witch was quickly there to stop him.

She spent nearly five minutes casting spells on him, muttering to herself as she did so, before she allowed him to sit up.

"Well Mr Potter, it would seem you had a lucky escape," She said as she handed him a pair of glasses. "it looks like you are going to be fine, if a bit sore for a few more days."

Satisfied he wasn't going to suddenly keel over, she left to get him some breakfast.

The door to the hospital wing opened and Hermione stuck her head in, seeing he was awake, she quickly ran across the room to him. Barely slowing down she threw her arms around him and drew him into an almost painful hug.

"I was so worried, they wouldn't tell me if you were going to be okay. it's all my fault, I shouldn't have let ron get to me like like."

She barely stopped for air, her words comming in such a rush he barely had time to hear them. Speaking of air.

He let out a strangled gasp and Hermione quickly let him go.

"Oh! I'm sorry!"

"It's," he coughed, "It's okay. You're pretty strong."

"Mrs Granger, is everything alright?" Madam Pomfrey asked, choosing that moment to return.

"Yes miss, it's fine. I just needed to [i]talk[/i] to Harry"

She gave the girl a calculating look, "very well, I'll give you both ten minutes before I tell the headmaster you're awake."

With that, she placed a tray with a bowl of porridge on Harry's bed and walked away. She stopped only briefly to wave her wand in their direction.

Not sure what to say, the two children sat in an awkward silence. Hermione refusing to look directly at him and Harry not sure what she wanted to talk about. Eventually, tried to break the silence.

"Are you okay? That troll didn't hurt you did it? Do you know what happened after I blacked out?"

She smiled faintly, she sat down in the chair by his bed and explained most of what had happend. The teachers had found them and dealt with the troll. After which, she had told them everything.

None of them were in trouble but Ron was still giving her dirty looks for squealing.


For the rest of the next week, Hermione barely left Harry's side. Ron still wouldn't go near her or Harry when she was around but he wasn't too worried about it.

After nearly a week together, Hermione approached him one night visibly screwing up her courage.

"Harry? can I talk to you… In private?"

"Sure?" He got up and followed her out of the common room.

Nearby, her roommate, Lavender Brown giggled and nudged the girl next to her. Both girls sending Hermione knowing looks.

Hermione led him to an empty classroom not far away.

"Harry? How much do you remember about the troll?" she asked, shifting nervously.

"Most of it, but everything gets blurry at the end, why?"

"What did I look like?" she pressed, sounding, if possible, more nervous.

"I'm not sure what you mean," He shrugged, "I'd lost my glasses after all. I remember you looking pale though and I think your robe was tangled up."

She relaxed slightly before she started to pace back and forth.

"Thats… No, it doesn't matter. Harry, If I told you something, can you promise to keep it a secret? Even from Ron."

"Of course," he said without thinking.

"No, I mean it. This isn't like you nicking the last chocolate frog. No one can know about this," she stressed.

Realising how much this was bothering her, Harry stood up and, hesitantly, placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hermione, I promise, nobody will ever know. Now what's wrong?"

She stared into his eyes before sighing, "I'm not human…"

"What do you-?" he fell silent as hermione changed,

Her skin paled to a light grey and her height increased as her suddenly bare feet lengthened. A tail appeared behind her and most startling of all, a pair of large batwings grew out of her back. Throughout all of her changes, her clothes had changed to fit her body.

She wrapped her wings around her body like a cloak, "I'm a gargoyle Harry. One of the few still alive."

AN: Yeah, I don't know why but I've had a lot of HP ideas over the years and creature Hermione (or at least, non-human) tends to crop up surprisingly often.

So, I may or may not continue this. In terms of a timeline, the manhattan clan is still stone at this point and will probably stay frozen for the duration of the fic. This means later events of Gargoyles canon won't have much effect on this fic and it will be very AU.

For those who want to know, the pairing would be H/HG as it was my otp since… book 2 I think? I can promise no Ron bashing at least.