First of all thank you to Dragon, I'm sorry the Elvish //English// was difficult to follow. I also like the twin.

Also thank you to Paryndas.

Please note I do not own these characters and places, apart from Maris, Athela and Iridan (I created them my self so please do not steal them), they belong to J.R.R Tolkien.

This is my second story, I have tried to stick to what J.R.R has already established however there is just one detail that I have changed to make it work better, in my story Gilraen died with Arathorn. Please R & R.

------------------------------ Celeb Nirnaeth -------------------------------


Pale sunshine streamed through the windows settling onto a small child lying in bed, by the bedside sat an elf. His long blonde hair covered his face, as he was slumped forward in his chair. The little girl stirred softly, and immediately the elf sat up, watching the child closely. Her eyes slowly opened as though it hurt, the elf looked down on the child  

"Quel amrun //Good Morning//" he said. Her deep brown eyes looked up at him.

"Is t t that m m my n n name?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"No, that means good morning in elvish"

"W w what is m m my n n name?"

He considered her for a second, her pale face was distorted with purple bruises, and red marks.

"Calimaela" he told her, after deciding not to give her, her real name.

She considered this for a second and then she made an attempt at a smile, but it proved to be too painful.

 "W w what's y y your n name?" she asked, slightly confused.

"Elladan," he replied, and seeing her yawn "You must be tired, why not get some sleep?"

"I I I'm a a afraid t they m might c come and g get m me."

"Who might get you?"

"T t the o orcs, I c can s see them w whenever I c close m my eyes.

 "Hang on I'll get you something for that." He left the room, and returned not look after with a mug of herbal tea.

"Drink this it'll help you fall asleep." He handed her the mug, she slowly drank the warm tea, and then laying her head down she fell asleep.