Young, confused and in love

Sousuke x Makoto

It had been a terribly bad idea to wound up playing games at Haru's place after the summer festival fireworks. It wasn't a big group of people; the usual gang –Haru, Nagisa, Rei, Makoto and Rin. Ai had dragged along the grumpy Sousuke and ever giddy Momo. They had gathered up randomly around Rin and Haru who had most likely planning on spending the evening together alone, but when you added Nagisa and Ai into the picture the whole thing was bound to expand and change. Makoto had just been smiling gently, watching his friends making fun of each other and examining the people he knew little about. There weren't many opportunities like these as half of them had graduated and moved on with their lives and studies.

The biggest enigma of the group was the quiet Sousuke. Makoto couldn't get much clues as to what sort of person he was as the man was almost all the time slightly intimidating and definitely reserved. He didn't speak much but then again.. neither did Makoto. Makoto didn't dislike the guy, of course not. He was a pleasant companion and tolerated fairly well all the antics Nagisa managed to crop up, even if Rei tried to tone the blond young man down. In the end, the evening had been fun until they ended up playing the game Spin the bottle…

The game was simple enough: truth or dare when the bottle pointed at you. But, trust Nagisa to come up with the most ridiculous dares in the history of mankind. And it seemed that Nagisa had bent the rules more than a little and figured it would be the best idea ever and oh, so much more fun to make the person whom the bottle pointed have the absolute tyranny over the rest of the players. After some mumbling and giggling and too much wandering around Nagisa had announced he wanted to use Makoto and Sousuke for his dare. And thus, Makoto found himself locked up in Haru's cleaning closet with Sousuke. Stuffing into too small space the two biggest guys there were in the group had been such a funny idea indeed..

Makoto sighed, feeling flustered and embarrassed. He tried not to look at Sousuke who stood rigidly staring up at the ceiling with him in the cramped space where they were absolutely forced to stand their bodies pressing together and heads nearly knocking together. Makoto wasn't sure he was happy there was a light on after Nagisa, with the help of Rin and Momo, had pushed the unwilling duo in to the closet: it made him feel slightly claustrophobic. Until.. There was a small clicking sound and the light went out. Makoto could hear Nagisa giggling on the other side.

"I'm so sorry you got dragged into this." Makoto sighed and closed his eyes. No point keeping them open as he could see nothing in the darkness anyway. He felt Sousuke to breath in more than he heard it; the broad chest against his own expanding, rubbing against the fabric of Makoto's yukata he had put on for the festival. They were nearly the same size, Sousuke only slightly taller and heavier built than Makoto was. Makoto could feel the tuned abs against his stomach with every breath the other took. Oddly enough it created a sense of warmth in him to feel something like that.

"It's fine." Sousuke muttered in low tone and Makoto could feel the breath of air on his cheek and shivered slightly as it tickled his skin. "Could've been worse. At least you are a quiet sort of person." Sou said with a gentler tone that made Makoto imagine the dark haired man was smiling. He understood however why he got such an.. eh, compliment. Had it been either Momo or Nagisa to company the stoic man in here the situation might've ended up with Haru's closet door breaking faster you could say free style.

"I guess you're right." Makoto chuckled. He shifted on his feet trying to adjust to the cramped position but managed only to rub even more against Sousuke who in return flinched. "I'm sorry, it's just my arms are getting numb." Makoto felt sorry for struggling but his fingers were starting to get that tingling feeling you get before the part is going to go numb.

"You can put your arms around me if it makes your situation any better." Sousuke said, the warm air again tickling Makoto and he furrowed his brow. The suggestion wasn't a bad one though. That would make the stiffness from Makoto's arms stop. And it would allow him a bit more room to move his shoulders if he wasn't sandwiched between the closet shelves and Sousuke so tightly. Then he would be just tightly clinging onto Sousuke but hey, who counts in this sort of situation.

"Again, I feel like I should apologize." Makoto said before he wiggled his arms from their inconvenient position to more comfortable place around the slim, tight and warm waist of Sousuke. Makoto tried his best to avoid resting his hands anywhere near the others rear but he had a nagging feeling he would end up lowering his grip at some point and then it would be too late. Sousuke smelled nice, he noticed now that he was even closer to the other. The t-shirt he wore was evidently pristine and had that faint smell of detergent. Makoto liked the smell of clean clothes. His weakness was clean sheets. They made him want to roll up in them and keep on breathing in the fresh, clean scent. Sousuke was almost the same; clean and fresh and warm and Makoto wanted to keep on hugging him like this because it gave him a sense of safety.

"No need. I suppose I have to apologize to you because I think I have to move a bit too." The low voice came so close to Makoto's ear now he trembled. Then he realized just what Sou had meant when he said he should be apologizing; the man was maneuvering his legs so that one of his thighs was pressing directly on Makoto's groin.

"Hn…!" Makoto let out an involuntary gasp of breath as a jolt of unexpected pleasure coursed thru him. He turned his face down even though it was dark enough to hide any redness on his face. Too bad his face landed on Sou's ear and Makoto ended up nudging the earlobe with his nose, the short dark hair tickling his forehead and a second airy, silent moan escaped his lips straight into Sousuke's ear. Sousuke stilled suddenly and stood there his breathing shallow and all his muscles tight and tense like he was suddenly too aware of the situation and what the effects of this much closeness could make happen if either one was at all receptive to that sort of thing. Makoto could almost hear the question that hung in the air. But no words came; only the soft brushing feeling over Makoto's hair as Sousuke turned his head towards Makoto's. He felt his heart racing as a breath of air moved over his cheek, a slightly cold tip of a nose brushing the skin under Makoto's eye and finally a pair of dry lips planting a gentle touch over his.

Makoto felt a thousand things at the same time when Sousuke ever so faintly kissed him. He thought this had to be a joke. He thought how fair and light the touch was. How gentle and so unlike of the image Sousuke put up in public. He thought about how he wanted to lick his lips, to open his mouth, to give in on some desire the cramped space, darkness and heat of the other body against him had sprung up to spiral in his stomach. He thought how the situation was so bizarre and weird and how the hell had it led up to something like this? And why was he considering on responding to this feather light kiss?

"Makoto.." Sousuke whispered against the nearly trembling lips and Makoto felt his knees almost give in. How could anyone have such a sultry voice that would melt the ice on arctic pole? It was sinful, full of hints of something deeper, something hotter, something so passionate Makoto felt his toes curl for just the thought of it. And nothing had even been said or done yet! The thigh against his groin was going to prove a problem if the situation was to continue.

"Sou.." Makoto parted his lips just a little bit, feeling the warm skin still ghosting there and he subconsciously licked his lips. Not a bad idea but in the process he managed to touch Sousuke's lips with the tip of his tongue too. A sharp intake of air indicated the accident hadn't gone unnoticed and Makoto wanted to sink under the floor. But to his astonishment he felt a small lick in return touching his bottom lip as if asking for permission to touch more.

Makoto was unable to resist himself going with the flow, the darkness around him giving him some hidden power to overcome his usual bashfulness and to act a bit more courageously. Thus, Makoto opened his lips more and inhaled softly the familiar smell of chlorine mixed with the natural smell of Sousuke that was unfamiliar to him but oh so exciting. It made his mind spin. And then Sousuke's hands were buried in his hair pulling their faces closer together, lips pressing together open and inviting, hot breath mingling in between the silent gasps. Makoto felt the floor disappearing under him and clung tightly onto Sousuke's t-shirt just to prevent himself going absolutely weak kneed.

Sousuke's tongue was probing his lips, slipping gently a bit further with every lick the man made. Makoto wanted to melt into a puddle of throbbing goo. Why was it so good! A bit awkwardly he responded and slipped his tongue to taste more of this genuinely intriguing person who was lighting Makoto's insides in fire with such small gestures. He moaned longingly as the kiss deepened just enough to cause his stomach to flip and an electric jolt run thru his spine.

Then there was dazzling light, laughter and then complete silence only followed with someone whistling and some other person's muffled sniggering.

Makoto wrenched his lips away from Sousuke and his hands tried to go somewhere else than on the other man but couldn't as the space was so tiny for them to move much. He heard Sousuke grunting and clicking his tongue in irritation then releasing Makoto's hair. Makoto didn't want to move, not now. No. He had never been more grateful he was wearing a yukata as it covered up the tightness the small escapade in the closet had caused him. Makoto was however quite sure that his tiny (or not so tiny at all) had not gone unmissed by his companion. And that was something that made him want to disappear pretty much right now.

"You're dead meat you if you utter a single word." Sousuke growled finally at the gawking audience they had gained. Makoto felt the body against him moving away from him as the dark haired man started to squeeze his way out of the narrow closet.

"Wasn't going to say anything… Lover boy." Rin grinned wickedly but bolted towards Haru from the reach of his friend. Makoto saw Nagisa giggling to Rei's shoulder his face all red, and Rei himself staring at the ceiling his face also giving away the usual embarrassed flush on his cheeks. Makoto wanted to sink under the floor and die. The only thing he could think of at the moment was the pulsing pleasure in his veins and the fact he had wanted to do so much more with Sousuke. So, he fled from the closet as soon as Sousuke had moved enough to allow him to exit and marched out of the room determined not to look at any of the people in there.

"Wait, Mako…" Sousuke called after him but Makoto didn't want to know what he had to say. Of course the whole thing was absolutely ridiculous now, when he thought about it, but it didn't erase the fact Makoto had found Sousuke so deliciously attractive he could've given the other his ass on a silver platter if the other had wanted it. He was pretty sure that would've been taking the matter a bit too far. It was one thing to kiss and maybe grope in the blissful darkness but to want to have… sex (just thinking of this made his face go crimson)… with another guy just like that was completely different thing.

Makoto stepped out of the house and onto the porch seating himself on the edge of it. He inhaled deeply to calm his nerves and then exhaled. He repeated this few times and slowly felt his arousal fading and his senses dull back to the.. well, nothingness they had always been before that incident. Makoto raised his head and stared up to the night sky. It was partly cloudy but he could still see few of the starry constellations blinking down at him peacefully. His raging hormones seemed to tune down even more and a small smile lifted the corners of his mouth.

Of course it would be brushed under the carpet, the whole matter. It wasn't like he and Sousuke were in much contact anymore now that they had graduated and the only thing connecting them was Rin. And a thin breath of air tasting like the waters they swam in, and something sweet, like candy. Makoto shook his head to banish such thoughts immediately. But it had been wonderful to feel something like that.. Makoto mused his eyes slipping close and a light blush tinting his cheeks as he thought about the hands in his hair and lips on his own.

Then there was a realization that something was pressed over his lips again. Makoto snapped his eyes open only to find a hushing finger over his mouth and one on Sousuke's own to indicate that silence was needed. Makoto raised one eyebrow, questioning the meaning of this but got no other answer than the jerk of a head and silent 'follow me' mouthed. Makoto watched as Sousuke walked around the corner, disappearing. The sight somehow formed a knot in his stomach in an unpleasant way and Makoto found himself following the tall man out of earshot of the others still inside. Puzzled though he was, Makoto was also feeling nervous and maybe a little hopeful too.

Stepping out of the Nanase grounds and onto the public street Makoto easily found his target. Sousuke was walking slowly towards the seaside, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Makoto bit his lip, appreciating for the first time how good the other looked. Of course he had seen Sousuke in even less clothing more than once, and even stark naked, but he had never thought him in this manner in the past. The curve of his nape, the slight sway of his hips, the long muscled legs and broad shoulders brought a shudder to Makoto in a way he thought he would go mad soon. Swallowing hard he hurried after Sousuke, trying with all his might to keep the dirty images out of his mind.

They walked to the shore in semi-comfortable silence, neither of them wanting to voice anything yet. Makoto felt his anxious feeling flying away as the cool night air brushed his hair to his eyes and made the hem of his yukata flow. He stole small glances at the young man next to him, studying his companion carefully. Sousuke had such aristocratic features it was amazing no one had scouted him for modeling or doing drama or anything related. His nose was straight, lips full but not too much, his cheekbones high and the shape of his face oval; the perfect kind actually. The short jet black hair suited Sousuke well, though Makoto was quite sure he would look cool even with longer hair, or maybe even a ponytail. The most striking feature was of course those narrow eyes. So brilliantly blue, with the smallest hue of green shading the color into steely color of teal. It reminded Makoto of hidden lagoons in more tropical waters and secret journeys to coral reefs under the surface.

"What are you thinking?" Suddenly Makoto's thoughts were interrupted as Sousuke asked the question. Makoto realized he must've been staring too intensively at the other and had been caught red handed at it. He flushed and quickly removed his eyes from the eyes now staring straight at him.

"I.. ah. Nothing in particular." Makoto mumbled and turned even deeper shade of red.

"Really? Is that why you are blushing, for thinking about nothing in particular?" Sousuke said and Makoto stole a glance at him. He saw a faint smile hovering at the corners of Sousuke's lips and the mere sight sent happy feelings riding a carousel in his head. "I might have to interrogate you some more. But not here. Come." Sousuke took Makoto by his wrist and pulled the astonished man with him down to the beach they had reached.

The beach was silent and empty, only the waves made the usual whooshing sound when hitting the sand. Makoto shivered. The garment on him wasn't all that warm for this and the wind had picked up during the evening. The only part of him that felt warm was his wrist where Sousuke's fingers were wrapped around and his cheeks. He was probably blushing like a school girl even now when nothing had happened since the closet. Then Sousuke came to a stop and Makoto almost walked into the broad chest as Sou turned to face him.

"Now. Tell me, Makoto.." Sousuke almost purred at his companion and pulled the sandy haired man closer to his chest the hand still on Makoto's wrist preventing him from escaping. "What were you thinking back there, hm?" The blue eyes seemed to sink deep into Makoto's eyes and suck his thoughts out.

"I.." Makoto licked his lips nervously and swallowed. Get a grip Tachibana! He's just another human being, not an alien whose about to devour you. Though, one glance back into the mesmerizing eyes told Makoto that particular thought probably wasn't too far from the truth. Sousuke looked like he was stalking a prey. He shivered again. "I wasn't thinking much." He managed to say. "Just that.. you have very attractive face and.. you know. The rest of you too.." That was when his voice trailed off and the small amount of courage sailed away with the wind passing them.

"I'm glad you think that. Because I find you rather handsome too." Sousuke's smile was more visible this time and man, what a smile it was. It seemed to light up the whole being of him and transform the mysterious aura around him into something more approachable and gentle. "Are you cold?" A hint of concern then appeared into the low voice as Makoto had felt himself trembling again.

"A bit. The wind isn't all that warm tonight." Makoto admitted and shuffled on his feet. Sousuke radiated warmth even from this small distance and he wanted to lean into it but didn't want to seem too… eager? Eager for more skin ship, eager for more touches and… His train of thought ran slowly and deliberately towards the more explicit subjects again. Lucky for him no one knew how lewd his mind could be at times and people usually took him as an innocent bystander, which suited Makoto just perfectly.

"Easily fixed." Sousuke said as calm as he was stating the weather and pulled Makoto close to his chest and wrapped his taught arms around his waist. Makoto found himself an inch away from Sou's face the second time this evening. This time though, he could see everything even if the night was dark and there were only streetlamps further away from them. "I wanted to hold you close again because we got interrupted before.." Sousuke leaned to whisper into Makoto's ear, that low velvety voice filling every part of his brains so sweetly and echoing somewhere inside him like tubular bells.

"But.. why?" Makoto managed to say as he leaned into the embrace, leaning his head against the dark hair and allowing his arms sneaking around Sousuke's waist. The embrace was so warm and safe Makoto wanted to melt because of it. It was rare for someone about the same size of him embracing him. And with rare, he meant never.

"Why? Because I find you attractive and interesting." The soft reply was breathed into Makoto's ear making his knees go all soft. "And I want to continue what started back there.." There was a definite purr in the low voice and Makoto felt a small flip in the pit of his stomach. He leaned back so he could search the beautiful face and the eyes to see if this was really happening. And he found the answer staring right into his own eyes. The look Sou gave Makoto spoke in volumes of lust and interest and maybe something beneath those. Then Sousuke leaned in to kiss questioningly Makoto's lips his eyelids fluttering close and before Makoto closed his own eyes he had time to notice the perfect line of long black lashes. The touch on his lips was so small, so fair it was almost illegal to do something like that. Makoto felt himself breathing out a small happy gasp and relaxed his body, allowing the other to continue whatever he had in mind.

Sousuke moved his dry lips over Makoto's slowly, kissing the warm skin almost shyly at times. He took the flesh between his lips gently and tugged only to move on to some other part to repeat the action. Makoto wanted to moan out loud. How could anyone be so gentle and plant such tender kisses when one could've expected much more force and domination from someone like Sousuke. Well, this was one sort of domination, of course, but it was the kind Makoto could get used to, even hooked on to.

It was easy to let the self-control slip away at this point. Makoto didn't even realize when he had moved his arms to cling onto Sousukes neck and had buried his fingers into the soft strands of black hair. The whole situation was so incredibly cheesy and romantic and oh god he wanted it to last forever. Sousuke broke off his little pecks only to look down at Makoto who was bleary eyed and smiling like there was no tomorrow. Sou grinned and cocked one eyebrow at the sight.

"I gather you are not going to protest if I were to proceed with this?" Sousuke muttered into Makotos neck where he had leaned and was highlighting his sentence by nipping at the soft skin with his teeth. Makoto flinched visibly biting his lower lip in surprise and clutched tightly onto Sousuke's t-shirt.

"Why.. Mh! Would I protest? I.. ah.. can't see any reason for.. mm.. doing so." His reply was cut off by his own gasps of air every time Sou decided to nibble and lick Makoto's neck. Makoto could go on like this the whole night but the place wasn't exactly the best for naughty things. "Sousuke.. Ah. We shouldn't do anything here." Makoto tried to push himself a bit off from the embrace. Sousuke straightened his back and huffed almost irritably.

"I suppose you are right. But.." A devilish grin rose up to his lips and a predatory glint flashed in the blue depths. "We need to do something about these first." Sousuke grinded his groin against Makoto's and the sandy haired man let out a sudden moan. He hadn't even noticed how hard he had grown during the small ministrations and what was even more terrifyingly, absolutely thrillingly exciting was that he wasn't alone. Oh no, definitely not. Sousuke's erection was evident as it pressed against Makoto and a hot flood of blood rushed up and down his body.

"Do.. something?" Makoto almost whimpered. He wasn't a complete novice of course and knew at least the basics but he was feeling quite shy for obvious reasons. For one, he was being treated like a shy virgin girl and two, he had never done anything with anyone. But he was feeling also a bit adventurous. "Like.. this?" Makoto whispered as he slid one hand down from the tight shoulder and onto Sousuke's chest. He pressed his fingertips enough down to feel the tight muscle and followed it line until he found Sou's nipple. He let his fingers cross over it lightly, then adding a bit more pressure into the touch he rubbed the now hard numb with just his forefinger. Sousuke's breathing hitched and he hummed appreciatively.

"And here I thought you were innocent.." The low purr came closer to Makoto's ear and soon the hot breath had moved over to his cheek. "I'm going to enjoy this." Sousuke said before he latched his lips over Makoto's and plunged straight into his mouth with his tongue. Makoto moaned, stars filling his eyesight at the assault into his mouth. The kiss was deep, a whole lot more wet than before and so filled with lust it made his socks spin. Their tongues mingling, teeth almost clashing together and their hands getting busier by the minute as the kiss kept going on. There were only short moments when they weren't almost glued from the lips when they had to gasp for more air. Sousuke had moved his hands onto Makoto's buttocks and was kneading the flesh thru the fabric.

Makoto was feeling almost hot now, despite the cooling wind around them. It felt so good to be touched like Sousuke was touching him and the feel of the taught trained body under Makoto's fingers was nothing but a huge turn on in this situation. He had found the buttons on Sousuke's jeans and was popping them open one by one. Before Makoto would however go ahead and touch the bare skin he dragged his fingertips down the erection that was hidden under the fabrics. He enjoyed tremendously when Sou moaned into the kiss and jerked his hips forward.

"Nasty, aren't you.." Sou mumbled and pushed his hands under Makoto's yukata and straight onto the straining boxers he was wearing that hid his own shaft, begging to be touched. "Lay down, Makoto." The low lusty voice was all Makoto needed to obey instantly. He sat down on the sand and lay on his back. He could see the silhouette Sousuke made above him, kneeling over Makoto's body. Makoto reached up to place his hands onto the strong shoulders wanting their bodies to be in contact again.

"Kiss me again." Makoto whispered with a blush on his cheeks and his eyes full of the stars shining above. Sousuke swallowed at the sight but leaned down to claim the awaiting lips with his own again. It was like they had been introduced to a highly addictive drug, so intense was their kiss, so full of promises of a long and passionate night. Sousuke laid his body lower placing his weight on his elbow and reached between them to unleash the neglected body parts that were anxious to be held. He pushed his own jeans and boxers down enough to reveal his cock, shivering slightly at the cool wind blowing over the heated skin. The yukata was easy to handle in a situation like this; Sou moved the garment aside finding the waistband of Makoto's boxers and pulling them down the same as he had done to his own. With one smooth move Sousuke ground his hips down into Makoto's, grinding the two pulsating cocks together, the friction causing them both to moan with pure lust.

It wasn't the perfect harmony of movements at first as they weren't accustomed to each other. Not yet at least. But the ecstasy and the lust, the burning passion drove them to find a unified rhythm that boiled up in their veins like lava, curled up in the pits of their stomachs and gathered down to the groins slowly and deliciously, driving them onwards to the white light that was to be the moment of blissful release.

Makoto could almost see little blinking stars behind his closed eyes as he was embraced like this. His brains seemed to be lagging due to the lack of air, and because the pleasure he was feeling were too much for his poor helpless mind to handle. Sousuke felt so good, so right, so close.. Makoto loved every lewd noise he managed to make and only hoped there would be more. Thought he hoped that time would happen somewhere with less sand. He raised his hips to create even more friction between their grinding hips. The feel of another cock against his own was so unique and so fucking hot Makoto felt guilty for feeling like this and that he wouldn't have minded watching the two shafts rubbing together with pre-come trickling down from the slits.

"Sou.. I.. I'm close!" Makoto breathed into the sloppy kiss, feeling the boiling sensation building up inside him. He wanted in harder, rougher and faster. There were all sorts dirty things he wanted to spill from his lips but was enough sane still to prevent that from happening. Who knows what his companion might've done after that.

"Ma..kot..!" Sousuke trembled on top of him and reached in between their tightly bound bodies to add his hand into the movement. The touch of fingers gathering two cocks into one grasp and stroking the flesh fast up and down was too much for Makoto. He came hard after only few pumps shuddering and jerking his hips and biting down onto Sousuke's lower lip. The dark haired man cursed under his breath and pumped his hand few times more before grunting, stiffening and then coming with a silent puff of air onto Makoto's lips.

Oh god what a ride on the pleasure carousel. Makoto's body was thrumming, pulsing with his heart that was beating and thumping like he had been running for hours. The smell of Sousuke filled his nose and mind as the other lay on top of him and a small knot of happiness unfurled inside him. He wanted to laugh because he felt so relieved and happy at this moment even though he was covered in sand, there were two shots of semen all over his stomach and clothes and his body temperature was declining rapidly.

"You think we could.. continue this at some other location?" The sudden question jerked Makoto back to presence and he found Sousuke staring down at him, his head tilted slightly to the side.

"You mean.." Makoto dared to smile a bit. "To take this to end?" He had to be sure of course. And it was fun to play a bit dumb sometimes to get other people saying things out loud that would've otherwise been left unsaid.

"Yes. I want to have sex with you. But I can take you dinner first if it helps to understand why I want to do dirty things with you." Sousuke wasn't one to get embarrassed easily it seemed as he stated his wishes out loud quite easily.

"You want to date me?" Makoto blinked his mind trying to pick up where it had left before this whole trip to ecstasy had started. That was unexpected. He had thought this was nothing but pure lust in the heat of the night. "I don't mind, of course, but since when have you decided that?"

"A while ago." Sousuke shrugged, sitting up and straightening his shirt and buttoning his pants up. "That's why asked Nagisa to make such a suggestion tonight." A sheepish grin appeared on the handsome face and Makoto went crimson again. "I couldn't let the opportunity go by and it wouldn't be as much fun to track you down in Tokyo." Sousuke smiled at the perfect O Makoto was making with his mouth. Makoto knew they lived in the same city because of their studies but had never seen the other there even if their schools probably were joined.

"Your idea! I thought.. Nagisa.. Oh god!" Makoto hid his face in his hands and hoped his poor heart wasn't going to burst out of his chest. This was too much. Sousuke had wanted him, him, enough to play his cards right with the help of the little minx called Nagisa. And this man, this gorgeous and talented swimmer wanted to take him, Makoto, out on a date. Talk about turning the tables..

"Don't be embarrassed. Just let me take you out and then show you a night of passion you've never experienced before." Sousuke laughed happily and removed Makoto's hands from his face. "Say yes, please?" Such a charmer.. Makoto couldn't help but to laugh and feeling himself surrendering to the twinkling blue eyes and that smile that made his insides tickle and turn.

"Fine. I'll let you be the knight in shiny armor and let you sweep me off my feet." Makoto smiled his heart pounding hard in his chest and filling his ears with the thumping. He felt elated to say the least.

"I thought I already did.." Sousuke's velvety voice purred at Makoto and the man leaned down to kiss him softly, slowly. The world around them didn't matter as they melted together with the promise of a brighter future now clear in their thoughts.


This was written after I read the brilliant Close quarters by TheFluffyPrince. (Go read it if you haven't.) My dirty smut ridden soul demanded more details and thus this piece was created.

Too cheesy? Naw, never! Can't get these two out of my head so I'll just go and probably write the next part for this. Shameless smut, that's for damn sure..Well, maybe I will. Don't hold your breath though. ^^; Hope you liked this anyway!