Disclaimer: I own nothing.

The Lost Skits

AN: This is where I will be posting any skit ideas my crazy brain randomly generates/decides what should have been in-game. Don't expect to see very many, I'm only writing what pops into my head.

Skit origin: Spawned by the skits: Watched over by the Seraphim (Etc. #25) and Hearts of the Seraphim (Sub #60). Re-watch both in Katz Korner.

Spoiler warning: This takes place right after completing Edna's side-quest, so if you haven't gotten her second mystic arte yet, you may want to wait on reading this. For those of you that can't wait, however, I tried to make the spoilers as vague as possible.

Skit #1: Guardian Seraphs

The air had grown cold and thin, and a harsh wind raged through the mountain as the party began to setup camp in a craggy enclave down a narrow ledge, where hopefully no Hellions would be able to follow.

The day had been long, tiring and... sad. Exhausted, Sorey looked up from his task of setting up their makeshift shelter and frowned upon spotting where Edna sulked in her own little niche by the rocky wall.

Rose gave him an encouraging nudge as she unpacked their bedding. "She'll be ok. She just needs time."

"Yeah," he replied with a nod and a sad smile. Wordlessly, they finished their chores and ate dinner in a solemn silence.

So utterly tired, Sorey didn't even finish eating, but rather, his neglected bowl of food went limp in his hands and he fell asleep sitting up against the rock wall of their shelter.

Rose didn't fare much better. She was sitting right next to him, her head bobbing forward every now and then as she too lost the fight with unconsciousness time and time again. Lailah finally stepped forth, liberated both of them of their abandoned dishes and gently eased Rose over to rest against Sorey's shoulder. Both humans were snoring softly in moments, leaving only the Seraphs to tend to the night watch and dinner clean up.

Much like a caring mother, Lailah took some blankets and carefully covered the pair before stepping back and watching over them awhile longer. She must have had a worried expression as Mikleo made a quiet inquiry nearby. Zavied was there too, looking just as concerned but also distracted and alert for any dangers lurking about.

As they conversed about recent events and their concerns, their subdued voices blended with the wind, while their human companions, weary with grief, slept on.

Edna, alone in her self imposed fortress, wept silently for the person she would never see again.

AN: Short, yeah, but I just wanted a little clarity for myself as to how they ended up sleeping like that...^-^