This is it. This is the last chapter. It kind of snuck up on me, but it was a good place to end. I hope you all like it!

Chapter Twenty

By the time the men pulled Abraham from Eugene, the other man laid unconscious and his face was a bloodied mess. For a moment, Daryl thought that the former army man had killed him. Though he had been a lying little shit, Daryl didn't want him dead.

Rick took Abraham off to the side, spoke a few words to him, which seemed to be ignored and Abraham shoved Rick away and began to walk in the opposite direction of the houses. Rosita went to follow, but was told to 'stay the hell back' in which case, she fired something to him in Spanish and went back to Eugene.

T-Dog and Daryl were able to wrap an arm around their necks and hoisted the man up. He was heavy as fuck, but they managed to bring him in the house that Hershel was staying in. They placed him on the couch and Hershel kneeled next to him. Beth and Sophia went on the look for first-aid supplies, water and a washcloth.

"Abraham really did a number on him," the older man observed and gently began to wipe away from of the blood. "His nose is definitely broken, both eyes will probably swell shut and both lips are split. Fortunately, he still has all his teeth and nothing else seems fractured or broken. He's going to be in a lot of pain for a while."

"Fuck, did he take a beatin'," Merle whistled low. "Ain't never messed anyone that bad in my life."

"But you have been messed up that bad before," Daryl said with a smirk. At the time, seeing his brother like that hadn't been funny. But it had been so long ago, he now treated it as a joke.

"Shut up." Merle shoved him with his good hand.

There was a slam behind them and Rosita marched in looking pissed. But when her eyes fell on Eugene and the state he was in, her eyes softened a little. Only a little. "Is he going to be okay?"

"With no ice to keep the swelling down, he's going to be hurting and uncomfortable for a few days. I'll have to monitor him, though, to make sure Abraham didn't give him a concussion."

"Okay. Is there any way I could stay here for the night? I'd like to keep an eye on him, too." Abraham had completely abandoned him and though Rosita was not happy with him, they had been together for too long to just abandon him now.

"You can take my room for a few days," Merle volunteered surprisingly. "I'll take Eugene's in the other house."

Rosita cocked a hip and placed a hand on it. "What? No 'you can have my room as long as we share'?" They had all been together long enough for Rosita to know how Merle was. After all, he had flirted with her, Michonne and Andrea while they were on the road.

"Now, that wouldn't have been very gentlemanly of me, would it?"

"No, it wouldn't have been." Her eyes narrowed. "Though, I can't help feeling you're trying to get somewhere with me, which for the record won't work. But, thank you, anyway."

"You're welcome." He moved to the head up the stairs. "I'll start moving some of my stuff."

"Do you need help?" Sophia, who had been silent up until that point, spoke up.

"Uh, sure." He glanced at Carol, who only shrugged. "Ain't going to move much, so I might not need your help."

"Okay," Sophia said and followed Merle up the stairs to his room. Carol watched as the small figure of her daughter walked up the stairs behind the large, imposing figure of the eldest Dixon. Normally, men that size or any man, would frighten Sophia, but she had come to care about Merle.

"Do you need anything for when he wakes up?" Carol asked.

"Painkillers. Most definitely those. Like I said he's going to be in a lot of pain. He'll probably need to be on a semi-liquid diet for a few days, with his lips as swollen as they. Pudding, if you can find it, jello, stuff like that." Hershel stood, knees popping at the movement.

"Looks like we'll need to head into Atlanta, after all," Daryl spoke. "Unless we can find that stuff here."

"Our house had Tylenol," Rosita said. "He might need something stronger. Well, he'll want something stronger, anyway. There wasn't much in the way of foodstuffs, though." She crossed her arms and looked at Eugene. "Abraham won't want to help get anything. Probably try to kill him again if he sees him."

"We'll help," Carol said and placed a hand on the young woman's shoulder. "You're a part of this group, now. We're all family."

Rosita smiled. "I'm glad you think so. You have no idea how much it sucked when I was the only woman."

"Now, you have seven other women to be with." Carol rolled her eyes. "Though we're still outnumbered by the men."

"Hey!" Daryl protested. "What's so wrong about that?"

Carol turned and gave him a sweet smile. "Nothing, honey. Of course." She turned back to Rosita and whispered, "Everything." This caused the other women to laugh and Daryl to narrow his eyes at the woman he loved.

Speaking of woman, Carol decided that she, Rosita and Michonne would be the ones to head into Atlanta. Michonne, who had originally lived in the city, know of a pharmacy and shopping mart that was close.

"It's was in a part of town," she said and as she drove one of the vehicles down the road. "So, I'm hoping the people just fled and didn't loot the place."

"I hope so, too," Carol said, sitting in the passenger seat. Daryl hadn't been happy to let her go on her own, but she told him that they weren't going to go far into the city and at the first sign of trouble they would leave.

Things were silent in the car for a few minutes when Rosita spoke up. "So, I'm not with Abraham anymore. Haven't been since we joined up with you guys."

"Really?" Carol asked, slightly shocked. They hadn't really acted like a couple, but they were always together. They even shared a room.

"Yeah. I think we were together because he thought I was the only woman around. Not a very good base for a relationship, you know?" She propped her arms on the two front seats and leaned forward. "So, any worthy single men in our group?" She was only slightly teasing.

"Hmm. There's Eugene, T-Dog and Merle." Carol ticked off each man on a finger. "Hershel is too cold, Noah and Carl probably too young. Randall is twenty-two."

"I'm twenty-six," Rosita said. "He may be a little too young, but if he turns out to be a good guy, who knows?" She shrugged. "I'm not looking for anyone right now. Just wanted your opinions."

"They're all pretty good men," Carol answered.

"Though I think yours is the best of all, Carol." Michonne winked. "At least, I think he's the handsomest."

Carol blushed. "Thank you." In the old days, no one would have said that about Ed. "Anyone in particular you have your eye on, Michonne? Besides Daryl."

"Hmm. It's between Merle and T-Dog and both of them have their qualities. Eugene is just a no and Abraham seems like an asshole. Sorry," she apologized to Rosita.

"He is," she responded.

More girl talk and more miles later, they wound up at the pharmacy. It would prove to be the quickest run to date. They were in and out with the things they needed in ten minutes and were heading back to the houses twenty minutes after they parked their car.

"I say us women should go out more often," Rosita said, this time from the passenger's seat. "We get things done."

"I second that," Michonne said from the back.

"I third that," Carol added from behind the wheel.

Daryl was the first to greet him and Carol kissed him on the cheek, arms fulls of supplies. "I bet you didn't even have time to miss me, huh?" And she sauntered past him into the house to show their things to Hershel.

It took a few weeks for Eugene's injuries to heal. Abraham moved out of the house he shared with Eugene and Rosita ( who had moved back into her room a few days after Eugene had been beat up) and into a shed behind the first house. He didn't mind having the space to himself.

The group got together and decided that this would be a permanent place for them. However, they were going to wait until spring came to gather supplies for a wall and would enact watches until then. Not that many walkers made its way up to them, anyway.

They went to Atlanta for their supplies and stayed clear of the herds of walkers still in the city. Glenn found a map of the area on one of the runs, and they found that there were two smaller towns around them. They all decided they would gather supplies from their until they ran out.

After they were there for five months, Lori gave birth to a girl, which they named Judith. Carl no longer had a room to himself, anymore. But he didn't mind. He was a big brother now.

Michonne had made her choice and soon was found sharing a room with Merle most nights. A fact which had T-Dog grumbling, but then both Andrea AND Rosita started making eyes at him, so he got over it pretty quickly.

Daryl and Carol never had a wedding, but they considered themselves married. If they ever came across other good people, Carol looked forward to when she could introduce herself as Carol Dixon. Sophia didn't need to meet new people to proclaim her new name. For two days, she made Carl call her Sophia Dixon, not just Sophia, but her full name. The boy was clearly in love because he hadn't complained one bit.

Randall was able to walk without limping after a month of being able to rest and soon became a valuable member of the group. Between him and Glenn, no one knew who was the quicker and more efficient one on runs.

After a year went by, Maggie was pregnant and things were starting to get crowded in the houses. A small fence had been wrapped around the three houses, but they were all pretty much bursting at the seams. There were nineteen members and two babies.

The problem was quickly solved when Daryl and Carol came across a group of four while on a hunt. Aaron and Eric were recruiters for a town called Alexandria and they had run into Sasha and Tyreese, a brother and sister.

It took a lot of convincing, but when they insisted there was MORE than enough room for them all and that the place was surrounded by a twenty foot fence, they all packed up their things and said goodbye to their home of more than a year.

Alexandria was different than what they had expected and it took some time to get used to. But the kids were able to go to school and those with babies were able to breath. The houses were practically mansions and they were all able to fit comfortably.

They were given five houses near each other. The Dixon house, which consisted of Carol, Daryl, Sophia, Merle, Michonne and Noah, who they had adopted into their family. The Grimes house, which housed the Grimes family and Randall (despite the age difference, he and Carl got along well). The Greene-Rhee house. The Bachelorette house which had Sasha, Andrea and Rosita. The Bachelor house which had Abraham, T-Dog, Eugene and Tyreese.

Things weren't perfect, nothing ever was. But they were all happy and together. That was all that mattered.

The End

Thank you all for reading this story and this series. I had so much fun writing it and It still baffles me that Lost and Found was only supposed to be a oneshot.