A/N: Hey guys, thank you for the follows and reviews. I love Switched At Birth and I couldn't even come close to writing a story that will be as good as theirs, but it's still fun to let my imagination wander until the show comes back. I'm sorry I've been neglecting this story, life is crazy. I'm putting some exposition into this chapter just to place where the other characters are in their lives (in my story.) Kind of a necessary evil, and then I can get more into the triangle.

Bay sat in the chair next to Travis' bed. She didn't want him to hurt himself trying to sign so she asked if he wanted to hear about what she had been doing in China. He smiled and nodded his head yes.

She told him about where they had been staying, how she had started tattooing. Travis laughed when he heard about the tattooing. He though it was a good fit for her. She told him about Daphne's new job and how great she was at it. She looked at her hands.

"Travis, I'm really sorry about how I left things with you. You deserved more than just a 'Goodbye, see ya when I see ya.'"

Travis reached down and grabbed Bay's hand. They had so much to talk about.

The nurse knocked on the door and Travis' mom walked in.

"I'm going to go see if there's an update on Emmett. I'll come see you later, I promise."


Bay went out to the lobby to wait with the others. She asked Melody if they had heard anything yet and she shook her head no. Katherine walked over to Bay and gave her a hug. "I have missed you both so much. Tell me about China, I want to know what you've been doing."

Bay laughed nervously. "Okay, Mom... Don't freak out. I got a job as a tattoo artist."

John came right out of his seat. "You've been doing what?"

"Dad, please calm down. It's a totally clean shop, and I learned everything about how to keep myself and my clients safe."

Katherine didn't seem as upset as her husband. She whispered to Bay, "You know, I may enlist you to give me some ink."

Bay started laughing. "Oh Mom, you never cease to surprise me."

A nurse and a doctor walked into the lobby. Daphne translated what they were saying to Melody.

"As we knew, he had some internal bleeding. After giving him a CT scan, we saw that his spleen had been ruptured. We rushed him into surgery and we were able to save the spleen. It's going to take some time for him to recover, but he should be just fine. He's in recovery now, and will likely wake up soon. One visitor at a time for right now, he's just been through a lot."

Melody signs to Daphne who thanks the doctors for everything they did to help him. The nurse leads Melody to his recovery room.

Katherine points out the late hour and suggests they go home for the night. Both boys have been through a lot with the accident and surgery and since both their mothers are here, they should leave and let them get some rest. The girls didn't want to leave but they knew Katherine had a point.


The girls weren't the only ones who had changed in 10 months. After Carlton was born, Toby and Lily had gone to London. While she was pregnant, Lily was convinced that it would be the best thing for them. After all, her mother had already been through it. But Toby and the Kennish's had been more supportive than Lily could have ever imagined. After a few months in London, Lily's mother had been driving her crazy. She hovered over everything Lily and Toby did with Carlton. Lily felt like her mother was trying to raise Carlton for them. Toby and Lily had made the decision to come back to Kansas City. They had found an apartment in the same building that they previously lived in.

After Eric took off with Will, Regina was really hurt. She really thought Eric had changed and would go back to Atlanta to work things out. Regina hasn't heard from Eric since he skipped town. She put all her energy and focus into the Cracked Mug. She kept doing art shows and she had started having open mic nights and live performances from bands around town. The place was actually pulling a profit.

John and Katherine sold the car wash and liquidated a few other assets. They were able to catch up on their back taxes and even though Katherine had been very disappointed in John for the way he had handled their money in the past, she was proud of the way he owned up to his mistakes and come out of the ashes. They weren't in the top 1% of the city anymore but they weren't living in poverty either. Katherine had actually enjoyed cutting back. She had found comfort in becoming a minimalist in some aspects of her life. John wasn't handling it quite as well.


The next day, Bay returned to the hospital. When she got there, Melody told her that Travis' mom was in the room with him. But Emmett was awake and was probably almost done with his breakfast. Bay opened the door to Emmett's room and she was surprised to see him smiling at something on his phone. Immediately Bay assumed that he was talking to Skye. Emmett looked up and waved Bay into the room.

"You look a lot better than I would have thought you would."

Emmett signed that he didn't know whether to be flattered or offended.

"I meant it as a compliment! Usually when people have surgery, it takes them a little bit to be back to their old self, but when I walked in here, it looked like you were already laughing at something Skye said."

Emmett looked confused. He signed "Bay, I'm not with Skye anymore. I was watching a cat video on YouTube. My aunt sent it to me hoping it would cheer me up."

"You're not with Skye anymore?"

(signing) "No. That's part of the reason I came home. Turns out L.A. isn't big enough for the both of us. I hurt her pretty bad and she let me know it every time I saw her."

"Wow. I had no idea. What made you break up?"

(signing) "I couldn't stop thinking about somebody else. I was honest with Skye and she didn't take it very well."

Just then a nurse walked in and let them know she needed to take Emmett's vitals and check his incisions. Bay told Emmett that she would see him later.

After leaving Emmett's room, Bay was feeling kind of hurt. Her heart rate had sped up when Emmett told her that he and Skye were no longer together but then in the same breath she found out that there was yet another girl in his life. Bay wasn't sure why she kept expecting for the two of them to end up back together. Emmett had clearly moved on.

In the days that followed, Emmett was allowed to have more than one visitor at a time so Bay never went in by herself. She was afraid that he would start talking about this new girl and she wouldn't have an excuse to leave.


After a few days of recovery, Travis was finally released from the hospital. He was currently living in the dorms at the University but with the broken leg and broken ribs, it was going to be impossible to stay there alone. Travis' mom's house was not big enough and not equipped for Travis to recover comfortably. John and Katherine insisted he stay with them until he was able to get around easier. Melody had informed all of Travis' teachers what was going on with him and she was gathering all his homework from each class. There was about 2 months left in the semester. They knew it would be a lot of work, but they were hoping to help him through the rest of the year so he could have the summer off to recover.

Bay wasn't sure how to feel about Travis living under the same roof as her. She would have thought that 10 months away would have been plenty of time for her to decide how she felt but the moment she saw him again, the memory of their kiss came flooding back to her. It was such a shock that he was even kissing her and then on top of that, she had found herself really enjoying it.

Travis would be staying in the room next to Bay's in her parents house, and that made it extremely difficult for her to sleep that first night. Meanwhile, Travis was having an equally hard time falling asleep knowing that Bay, for the first time in 10 months, was just a wall away. He picked up his phone.


Travis: Wanna talk?

Bay: Be there in 5.