~Tipping the Scales~

Rixxell Stryfe does not own royalties to High School DxD, nor does he hold any for Naruto. These royalties make Ichiei Ishibumi/Miyama Zero and Masashi Kishimoto respectively billions in whatever currency you want to call. Rixxell Stryfe does own his new computer and his OC, both of which make Rixxell Stryfe happy camper. For now anyway...

Chapter 5: God is emotional, but Emotion is life

-Kuoh Academy, 10:45am-

It was the following morning that Naruto stood in the Gym waiting for his class to begin. He was now officially moved out of the former Hyoudou Residence, at least until Rias found them a new home. In all the excitement which found Asia, Irina, and Xenovia becoming Disciples of the Holy Log, Issei's parents were put in grave danger. Danger they should not have to be a part of after their son tragically lost his life. Knowing Rias, though, she was likely to keep the property for herself and move the elders away rather then find herself a new home.

With everything that had happened the previous night, the shinobi found himself wondering about where Granny Rabbit had disappeared to. She hadn't come back after the destruction of the house and he wanted answers about his clone's new situation. Naruko had told him how Kaguya had said she would leave from time to time, something that bothered him. The reason for that was because of her past ambitions in the Elemental Nations. He didn't really know the woman all that well, despite agreeing to come with her. But there wasn't anybody he knew that was strong enough to stop her if needed.

Speaking of said clone, he glanced at the girl newly enrolled at Kuoh Academy, thanks to yet another favor from Rias. Given his idea of making an identity to use as a cover and the clone now a separate being, sending her to school was the only viable solution. In the meantime, he was still unaccustomed to the fact that she claimed to still get all his clones' memories, without him receiving any from hers. In fact, all her Shadow clones were now Sexy Jutsu clones. She truly was her own being now, just as Kaguya had claimed.

This was something they'd learned when sparring last night, after he finished packing his belongings. He was trying to help Naruko learn to dispel herself, according to what Kaguya said was possible. Having a clone - no, a partner - that could appear at will would be invaluable if Naruto ever got himself in real trouble. Not to mention having a shinobi of his caliber to spar with that wasn't just a clone would help his training immensely. It was actually better than any sparring with his clones he had ever had.

Naruko knew how he thought and she had the exact same moveset, but she somehow fought in an entirely different manner. She preferred to fight without liberal use of Chakra, using her prowess with Taijustu and innate flexibility. Instead of yelling out with her attacks, she moved silently, sneaking up on him and making rely on his Empathic ability detect her advances. In all honesty, she fought more like a shinobi of this world's past; something he read in Serafall's library rather than one who came from the Elemental Nations.

As Naruto mused, he became blissfully unaware that he had students looking at him.

"Sensei? Uzumaki-sensei?" a soft spoken male's voice came from behind him.

Naruto turned around and noticed one of Rias's Peerage members talking to him. The boy was a blonde, whose hair was a lighter shade than his own. Currently dressed in the school's Gym clothes, the boy was eyeing him with concern. Despite this, he carried himself with pride and was well trained in regards to possible threats, if his look was anything to go by.

'Naruto…I don't like the look of this child,' Kurama suddenly spoke up, 'He has a darkness deep inside, waiting to burn. Keep an eye on him.'

"Yes…Kiba-kun, was it?" Naruto spoke up, concern over Kurama's warning kept hidden from his face. "Can I do something for you?"

"No sensei, I was just wondering what you wanted to do for class today. I know it hasn't started yet, but as the new Gym teacher I was wondering what you wanted to do. Our previous teacher was very hands off, often giving instruction to find a sport and play. He never really paid attention to us at all..."

Naruto looked at the boy as more and more students came into the gym. Looking up to the clock, Naruto noticed 2 more minutes until the bell. That was going to change tomorrow...

"Naruko-chan!" A female's voice suddenly overtook the hubbub of noise and an echo formed in the gym as a result.

Naruto immediately took notice of Kiryuu approaching his clone, as she was one of the few in his class that knew the girl. However, unlike yesterday's class, she was without her glasses, likely to avoid them being broken again. She was also holding a red ball. Naruto looked back over to Kiba and then once more to Kiryuu, when a grin overtook his visage.

"Class! Hello, little boys and girls? PAY ATTENTION!" Naruto barked, attempting to mimic Iruka's Big Head Jutsu. Sadly, he failed, much to his chagrin, but the class did quiet down and look to him, just in time for the bell to ring.

"Now, as we spent most of yesterday getting to know each other, how about we start some Physical Education? Kiryuu here has been so kind to bring a ball, so what do you say to playing one of my favorite games?" Naruto raised his voice, excitement evident in his tone. "Dodgeball! Now granted, my sensei, the late great Pervy Sage, taught me how to play dodgeball with stones. However Japanese law strictly prohibits me from bruising my students, so we can't use stones..." As Naruto spoke, he looked at the increasingly concerned class. Looking over to Kiba, he suddenly gained a fierce grin.

Kiba shuddered uncontrollably. His instincts screamed for him to run, reinforced by his memory of the young man's battle with Riser. The blonde student wanted no part of anything to do with that 'fun'... Who plays dodgeball with stones anyway?

Naruto looked over to the girl, who held had been watching him throughout his speech. "Kiryuu!" he barked, "Bring me your ball and we'll start making teams."

Asia looked to her friend and almost shouted to Kiryuu, "Hurry, Ninja Jesus has commanded it... You must answer the will of the Holy Log, Kiryuu-chan!"

Naruto looked at the nun. Kurama chimed in, 'Bless her hearts!'

'Not now Kurama... And I swear to Log, if you're perving on Hinata again I'll string you up by the tails and let Matatabi out on you!'

'Don't toy with me Naruto-kun, I have a sexy kitty that I can sick on you too~...!' Matatabi joined in.

Naruto cut the connection at that. 'Kuroka is a demanding girl, but aren't cats supposed to be independant or something?' The blonde now noticed the blank stares from his students.

Addressing that infernal blonde, "Asia, we're gonna talk after class. Okay?"

"Yes Ninja Jesus!" Asia shouted to him.

Kiryuu walked up at that point to give the ball to Naruto when a door on the far side of the gym opened and the school's headmaster walked in. The teacher noticed he was flanked by two familiar faces. The class began to buzz, as Co-Ed Gym class was already something new for Kuoh Academy. But bringing in these two perverts into his class was something Naruto was not looking forward to.

"Ok class, quiet down. Headmaster, what brings you to my humble torture chamber? I trust you are bringing me more victims by the looks of glee on these boys..." Naruto asked the school's faculty leader, surprised that he would personally escort students to class. Especially when said students weren't new transfers.

"Nothing of the sort my boy, I'm just interested in your teaching ability. You came into this school with a glowing recommendation. Supposedly in your ability to push physical boundaries of those around you, I merely found myself interested in your techniques. Good Physical Education teachers are hard to come by as I'm sure you know. These boys however were more interested in sneaking into the girl's locker room as I was coming here, so I thought you might 'motivate them'..."

Naruto looked at the perverts and a smirk appeared on his face. This smirk was caught by all the students, but only Kiba knew what that look truly entailed. That was a look of impending doom to any it was focused on. Whatever happened in this class was something those boys would never forget.

Meanwhile, Kiryuu was standing next to Naruto with a grin of her own. She was the one who suggested that the boys sneak into the girl's locker room and hide in a locker. She had intended to make a show for them with their favorite girls, Murayama and Katase, both of whom she intended to take for her own budding harem. Their being caught however may provide some better entertainment then the beating the girls alone would give them. Any reason to see more of Naruto-sensei in his element was most certainly a welcome experience to her...

The girls Kiryuu was thinking about were having to be forcibly restrained from mauling Motohama and Matsuda. This action garnered more fear from the perverts than Naruto did. The boys knew righteous feminine fury firsthand. Naruto-sensei was a wildcard they had no experience with and thus any fear of his actions couldn't be that bad.

While Naruto was busy looking at the boys, he was actually having a chat with his tenants on the proper way to deal with these perverts. Chomei had the good idea of public humiliation during class, by making them play through the dodgeball game in their skivvies. However Naruto thought that wasn't enough and most of the bijuu agreed with him. Shukaku had an idea to make the perverts play alone against everyone in the class, but that was dismissed immediately as being too easy on them. Son Goku offered up the idea of the perverts should play blindfolded and continue to play even after they were legally knocked out of the game. Perverts were a plague and Naruto needed to make them suffer. Kurama had been suspiciously quiet throughout before he chimed in at the end.

Naruto looked back over his class and noticed Kiba's look of dread. It was good to know that at least one student could tell when he was serious. Looking over to Kiryuu, he noticed the all-knowing grin on her face and instantly figured that she was involved with their plight. She was getting more interesting with every look. Meanwhile, the girls of the class all seemed to be ready for some righteous fury and the Headmaster seemed to waiting on his decision for what to do with the boys.

"Ok class, this is how it's going to be. I'm going to pick your teams. After which, these two perverts, who will be on the same team, will get in their boxers and be blindfolded. They will play the game throughout even if they're eliminated, as they need to learn BOYS DON'T GO IN THE GIRL'S LOCKER ROOM! After the game, the winning team gets a treat and the losing team gets to see what happens when you break my rules." He then looked over to the perverts and they could have sworn his eyes changed to have slits instead of normal iris.

"Please Uzumaki-sensei, we're sorry! We didn't mean to be caught. We just wanted a view of that sweet, sweet booty," Motohama screeched out, his glasses glinting at the mention of the females behinds while he looked directly at Katase.

Matsuda followed up in perfect sync, putting the metaphorical nail on their coffin as he all but yelled to the heavens, "Exactly! Uzumaki-sensei, you can't punish us for wanting to see that which drives every red-blooded male walking the earth. Oppai calls us forth, beckoning us ever forward. Whether itty-bitty in size or hiding pepperoni nips on monstrous bazongas, Oppai is life! Don't hold us responsible, hold society at fault for hiding such a glorious treat away from all of us..." As he finished his tirade, he looked at Murayama and winked.

This outburst from the Perverted Duo once again lit a fire in the eyes of every female present, but most of all the two girls that they acknowledged directly in their sight. "Let me at them Uzumaki-sensei, I need to remove filth like them from this world at once!" Murayama said, her pink hair no longer being held back by a hairband as she was held this time by Katase.

"Now hold on, we can get something better if we win the game, right Sensei?" Katase asked, calming her friend down a little.

Naruto looked to the two girls, appraising their natures based from their actions. Katase held an unrestrained force behind her words, as if an unmovable rock waiting to crush all that came her way. She was totally an Earth Nature, assuming Chakra natures applied in this world. But Murayama, that wild desire to rush into action, Naruto was almost positive the girl was Wind... Maybe it might be worth looking into their potential ability to train in Chakra in the future?

As Naruto then picked the teams, Kiba watched on and was thankful he ended up on the same team as the two females most aggravated by the perverts, Murayama and Katase. He was also surprised when Naruto put Kiryuu, Asia, and Naruko on the same team with him. Honestly, Naruto looked to have purposely stacked his team with those most physically able or just those who had something that only he saw. If Rias' Knight felt any pity towards the perverts to begin with, it would most certainly have been now. But he was far too pleased that Uzumaki-sensei wasn't taking an interest in him yet...

Holding the ball Kiryuu gave him, Naruto noticed the name Baylor Dodgeball printed on it. Ok, well, if Kiryuu gave it to him there was most certainly some trick that it held. The girl was a Magician supposedly, so anything less at this school would be playful banter. Turning his attention back to the class, he said "Now we have our ball, we have our teams, so it's time to play~!"

With that he chucked the ball into the play area to start the game. Naruto and the Headmaster looked on as the game began, which opened with Murayama catching the ball. The girl found Matsuda out in the crowd of students, wandering aimlessly due in part to his blindfold. Target located, the girl flung the ball with all her might as she cleanly scored a hit on his most holy of holies...

"Argh!" Matsuda screamed out. The boy dropped to his knees, holding his crotch and was left completely unaware of what happened around him. "My twig and berries!"

Kiba was watching as the ball impacted the pervert and proceeded to duplicate? As the ball split into two, Kiba found one heading his way which he promptly caught. The other ball was heading directly at the head of Motohama with a lessened force then that Matsuda received.

The second ball struck true, knocking Motohama right down to the floor as it too split into two more balls, which then started striking at students indiscriminately. The balls doubled each time one struck, and stayed as one when caught...

Naruto watched this and looked at Kiryuu, who was expecting this action. Meanwhile, the Headmaster spoke up, "I knew you were aware of the Supernatural after speaking with Sirzechs, but using magic in school, don't you think it's a bit much Naruto-kun?"

"Trust me sir, this is completely unexpected to me, but honestly I'm going to roll with it. This right now is me getting a handle on just who might be Supernaturally inclined... And also punishing those perverts. Rias or Sona can always do that thing they do. You know, that one thing that alters people's memories if things go too far... I don't like stealing memories, but I can only change things so much, you know? On the other hand, I like that ball and Kiryuu's not getting it back. I may not be able to use rocks or blades like I want, but that? That is going to teach my kids to DODGE!"

Naruto's shout at the end unfortunately cost a girl her concentration, as yet another duplicate dodgeball bounced off the wall and hit her shoulder. This then destroyed her clothing as the ball left her uniform in shreds, somehow? Naruto couldn't quite explain it as it only happened to the females in his class. And yet, as they ended up with more and more skin showing, they seemed to grow in power and ability. But there were humans among the Supernatural kids, so how were they gaining also power... Specifically magical power? It certainly wasn't coming from the ball itself.

Naruto and the headmaster watched as ball duplicated once more after hitting the female and both balls ended up hitting the perverts in less than appealing locations. This was followed up by a massive hit streak which finally ended with roughly 5 remaining besides the perverts.

As the game went on, and the number of balls filling the gym grew larger and larger. Naruto winced as Asia ended up getting smacked right in the chest, completely blowing her clothing away with the force of the hit. Kiryuu was using magic to avoid everything that came her way, almost as if she had a Sharingan to predict where the balls were coming from. Katase was struck by two balls coming from different directions. A piece of cloth was all that remained to cover her modesty and she had a dazed look on her face as Asia helped her to the sidelines.

The game was coming to a close as the only remaining players were Naruko, Kiba, Kiryuu, and Murayama on one side. Across from them, blond girl named Natalia was the only remaining member of the opposing team. This was in spite of the fact that she was using Motohama and Matsuda as walls to help her avoid the inevitable. However the numbers just weren't on her side, as the ball itself had numbers now in the hundreds and her opponents were taking advantage.

The game finally ended as Naruko herself took a ball from the floor at random and waited as Kiba and Murayama both launched attacks against their opponent. Kiba's throw was evaded as Natalia kicked Motohama in his ass, pushing him directly into what would have been the final blow. The ball hit the boy on his right shin, accelerating his expedient fall from Natalia's kick. He howled in pain at the hit before hitting the ground face first.

Meanwhile Matsuda was grabbed and held by Natalia, long enough for the ball to hit him square in the stomach. Naruko saw her chance as Matsuda bent forward in pain at yet another blow. Naruko's throw was true, as it impacted the girl in her shoulder blowing off half her shirt, but leaving her modesty intact unlike a vast majority of the other females in the class. The ball in question rebounded directly to Naruko. The clone caught it easily with one hand and was taken by surprise as the duplicates suddenly flowed as if water, moving into the one she held. It really was a moment where it looked as if someone took a drawing flipbook as the duplicate balls surged back to the original.

"And that's game! Stop and head to the showers, I'll explain the winner's prize afterwards." Naruto said as he turned back to the Headmaster before addressing him directly, "Well, any concerns? I know this is only one class, but I hope the general idea of my ability might have been shown off..."

"Oh yes my boy, you've certainly shown your worth. I just hope this school can weather the storm that Sirzechs unleashed here!" The headmaster laughed uproariously as he walked away, "If you don't mind, I'll be on my way. Just do me a favor and try not to kill those two perverts..." The events of the class seemed to have left him quite amused.

"By the way sir, don't you think there's a problem with this school's female uniforms? The girl's gym clothes and dress uniforms, they all seem to fall apart at the slightest touch..." Naruto said, bewilderment evident in his comment.

"Is there, now? I know Serafall made sure to have the finest tailor of the Underworld design and ship them to everyone, free of charge. It must be your imagination..."

"Serafall, huh? That explains a lot... Have a good day sir." As he said this, students began to line up waiting further instruction regarding his prize. Naruto waited a few more minutes as the rest of the class lined up. Once everyone gathered, Katase raised her hand, likely to ask what was next. "Yes, what is it?"

"Sensei, you said a prize awaited the winning team and since Naruko-chan scored the final hit, we were curious what you had in mind."

Naruko perked up at the prize, her prankster nature got the best of her in just what the boss planned to do with the perverts. She looked over to Katase and smiled, taking the orders the boss gave her to blend in as a student as a chance to have fun like an actual civilian.

"Yeah, yeah, your prize. Now be aware, this is a one time thing. If some people don't shape up," Naruto glanced meaningfully over at the bruised perverted boys, "Then this will look tame. I don't like perverts who don't have respect for women. Women give us everything, from life and love, to fear and jealousy. Stop peeking on them, or I might get angry…"

The boys in question shook their heads with fervor in compliance, knowing that they needed to do something different if they wanted to get off as they normally did.

"Ok, now then, boys." Naruto clapped his hands together as he looked at the class, "You're not done yet, so get naked and join us outside in the quad. We are only just beginning Public Humiliation 101..."

The grin on his face was downright terrifying to his students, a far cry from the boring teachers they normally had. Those who had no prior experience with him outside of school were the most stricken, as the class had been much more physical than they expected. The Perverted Duo started yelling in anger, obviously upset that their lives weren't going back to normal anytime soon.

Naruko took it upon herself to help the boys out, mainly because she was interested in what the boss was going to do. That grin represented a prank waiting to happen, possibly something that he couldn't have done before for some reason, so she was curious at the outcome. She was quite pleased when Katase also stepped forward to help in the plans to come...

-Kuoh Academy Student Council, 11:50am-

Sona Sitri, better known on-campus as Souna Shitori, was getting things ready for the impending lunch rush. She had most of her Student Council busy with some odds and ends, but mostly it had been a very easy day. In fact, most every day had been an easy day for her since the passing of Rias's former Pawn, Issei Hyoudou. It was an odd feeling to be certain, that one person could unknowingly be the cause of so many happenings.

It was at this moment that Sona noticed two things that would change her day. One was the entire Second Year gym class, led by the Alien himself, out on the courtyard. This was unusual in itself, as he should be preparing to let out class in five more minutes, but he appeared to be doing nothing of the sort. The second was the feeling of Exorcists nearby, causing the young Devil some unease at the sudden intrusion in her territory. Before she could do anything in regards to the Exorcists, the Alien did something that shocked her.

She rushed outside, suddenly cursing her luck. The only easy day was yesterday...

-Kuoh Academy Courtyard, 11:55-

"Irina, I don't think we should be here yet. Lord Naruto said he would take us to the Gremory heiress after he was done with school," cautioned Xenovia Quarta, "And she wasn't the only Devil in this area, so don't you think we're overstepping our boundaries just a little?" She was trying her best to reign in her partner's exuberance. Ever since Irina had met Naruto, but especially after taking their newly adopted Savior, she had been almost fanatical about him. The bluenette herself was still having trouble understanding just how easily she accepted that God was dead. At how easily this Alien could swoop into her life and offer up a new Higher Power, one that she witnessed its power before her own eyes... Even if she didn't quite understand how it did the saving?

Her hands clasped together with a smooth motion. 'Forgive me, O Log, for I have sinned!' Xenovia offered up a quick, but silent prayer, in hopes of not being struck down. Irina immediately copied her.

"Nonsense, Naruto will be happy to see us. Can't you feel it? He's pleased for some reason, like he's doing one of his favorite things in all the land." Irina chirped, "He's just over this way, so hurry up Xenovia!" She rushed further into the schoolyard, completely ignorant of any rules that may prevent their entry.

The more levelheaded Exorcist couldn't understand just how Irina could feel that Naruto was pleased, but she did feel the unique power buildup that could have only been him. Shaking her head at her partner's carefree attitude, Xenovia followed after her, only to stop when she saw Irina standing before her, looking at Naruto and many students.

"Okay, class, put those goofballs down here, I need to setup things real quick." Naruto said as he stamped his foot on the ground and two wooden poles sprang up from the grass.

The students watching this action gaped, obviously in awe at the action that came from nowhere.

"Uzumaki-sensei must be a magician!"

"No that can't be it, he must be working with some CG effects."

"I can't believe you would think something like that you idiot, CG only works on TV and in the movies. He must have set up some stage props before class..."

Naruto just grinned at his students commentary. Obviously they were the less Supernaturally-inclined of his class, trying to justify his Chakra use as some tangible action that would make sense.

"Don't be silly, Ninja Jesus would never use stage props! Isn't that right, Ninja Jesus?" Asia said suddenly, prompting the students to look at her like she'd grown a second head.

Naruto just sighed as he felt someone who shouldn't be at the school yet.

"Naruto-kun~! You look magnificent as you call upon the Holy Log. Is there anything your beautiful, self-proclaimed servant Shidou Irina can do to help your glorious mood?" Irina shouted out to Naruto. But unfortunately to him, she was clearly heard by the class, having stood across the yard some ways. She then began running up to Naruto himself ignoring everyone around her in a single minded focus to get to the blonde.

Kiba looked over at the girl who shouted and was immediately on edge. He could feel the power of a Holy Sword radiating off the girl and her blue haired companion. Just looking at these girls, the Knight wanted to call upon his Sword Birth. His goal was before him and he couldn't do anything with all these innocents here. But what was Uzumaki's connection to these girls? If he was colluding with the Church...

Kurama spoke up within Naruto's mindscape. 'Naruto, that boy's anger is growing at seeing the Boosted Gear girl. You may need to nip this in the bud before he goes Uchiha...' The bijuu wasn't aware that Naruto didn't bother pay any attention to him, however.

The blonde was just staring at Irina, his jaw hanging open. Unlike her partner Xenovia who was still in her Battle outfit that he met them in, Irina had changed her attire. She now wore a white dress, with open shoulders and back, adorned with red ribbons tied in bows at her neck and to the left side of her waist. The skirt was short, going down to her upper thigh at most, but it seemed to have two layers, or at least the appearance, judging by the frills. She now wore knee-high boots all red in color, with white thigh high stockings that ended just shy of the dress itself, leaving a bit of skin exposed. Just short of the stockings peak, red ribbons were tied onto the stockings, which matched quite well with her arms.

On her arms she wore loose sleeves, independent of the dress itself but clearly the same design. The sleeves were pure white, but held red inlays at either end, just above frills. The sleeves themselves were loose as the came to her hands, allowing hidden mechanisms or the Boosted Gear Gauntlet to form on her right hand without damaging the cloth. Above the sleeve on her left arm, Excalibur Mimic was in its own resting state, now a red ribbon rather than the previous white it was just yesterday. It was clearly of a different design than the dress itself, making it stand out far more to the trained eye. To add a finishing touch, the girl's twintails were now held in place by strange red clips that peaked out a bit that looked somewhat like ears to Naruto.

"Gorgeous..." The teacher stated just above a whisper, enough for Irina herself to notice that he did say something as she came up to him, but not enough to know what was said.

"Mmm, did you say something my Lord?" Irina inquired, tilting her head to the side ever so slightly as she asked, which was enough to send the Perverted Duo into spasms.

"Why does our teacher get to have this piece of ass worship him like some almighty God? She should be worshipping deez nuts right here!" Matsuda yelled out.

At the perverts shout, some of the girls grew frustrated at his continued disrespect. Naruto noticed that the two most offended were Katase and Murayama. Their desire to bum-rush the boys and beat them to a bloody pulp again took over all rational thought. Or did it? He never could tell with girls...

"87-59-89?! Praise the lord, that girl is right behind Akeno and Rias: the third largest in this school…" Motohama yelled out in shock. He turned his attention to Matsuda, "Dude, we gotta get into that girl before this school corrupts her." The boy was oblivious to the attention his statement garnered from their sensei.

"Naruto-kun, why do I suddenly feel as if I was violated?" Irina asked, so focused on Naruto that she didn't even realize that she was now under scrutiny by the entire class.

"Ah, nevermind that Irina-chan, I'm just finishing my class right now. Excuse me for just a moment," Naruto said, walking over to the children. It was one thing to talk of others, but he had taken a shine to Irina. Those boys pushed the wrong button. Holding his right hand above his head, he backhanded both the perverts in a single motion. The perverts welcomed the blissful, pain free realm of unconsciousness, for the umpteenth time today. Naruto wasn't counting, but they earned that blow in his eyes. "Naruko-chan, please tie these boys up to the poles; Genin test style please."

Naruko did as she was told, gaining a smirk of understanding. The perverts; school uniforms were ripped off through the subtle use of Wind chakra, which caught her classmates by surprise. Naruko herself felt a twinge of understanding to the plight of all the girls in the class, since they had taken leers at her as well. Down to their underwear once again, Naruko encouraged Kiba to help with a look in the tying the boys to the post. As she did this, the blonde clone couldn't help but wonder what Irina was doing here, when the boss said he would help them after school.

Kiba wasn't in any place to refuse the subtle order that the Blonde girl gave him. She had a magical signature that was very similar to the Alien himself, and Rias told him to follow any orders he gave. So, with a sigh the Sword Birth wielder grabbed the unconscious body of Matsuda and alongside Naruko, tied the boy to the wooden post.

Naruko wasn't alone in her musing. Kiryuu herself was feeling somewhat exposed. She was supposed to be in hiding, but Naruto's presence seemed to be dragging all the Factions into Kuoh. What else could she expect? He was supposed to be an Infinite, after all... 'Still, at this rate even my old teacher might show up. She can't learn that I'm here, or else the Golden Dawn massacre will be the smallest of the sins on my mind!'

Naruto took Irina by the arm as he pulled the exorcists away from the class to speak with them. As he did, a spike in Negative Emotions began emanating from Kiryuu. This was the first time that the carefree girl had experienced a Negative Emotion in his presence. Was it because of the Church presence that Irina and Xenovia represented? Kiba he could understand, the guy was a devil and obviously had something up with the Church, but Kiryuu? Oh well, he could get answers from her tonight...

Irina noticing that his attention had drifted, grabbed his arm, which promptly disappeared in the valley of her cleavage. She beckoned him for guidance, "Naruto, did you need anything? I would offer my life to you as my Lord and God, a devout follower of the Holy Log... Please, say the word and I'll make it happen."

Naruto groaned. This girl was obviously taking her role too far. She was completely substituting himself for her Biblical God rather than pushing her Faith onto the Log like he wanted. He wasn't ready for that, but she didn't want to accept the Holy Log quite as easily as Asia and Xenovia seemed to be. Or maybe it was because she couldn't? Damnit, he needed to talk to Granny Rabbit about this shit!

Naruto barely finished his thought when suddenly a horse flew through the sky, barreling towards him and Irina. He grabbed the girl and jumped out of the way, narrowly avoiding the animal as it soared into the forest behind them. It unexpectedly blew up in an explosion that would give his Sage Art: Youton Rasenshuriken a run for its money.

"What the fuck was that, Uzumaki-sensei!" Sona Sitri suddenly came running up to him as he was lying on top of Irina. "First you're using Magic in front of humans, now horses are flying through the air, destroying school property! You will be held responsible, I can assure you of that. And why are those perverts tied up to posts during lunch time?!"

Naruto regarded Serafall's sister with pity; she looked about to pop a blood vessel or something. She was roughly his age, but she didn't seem to have any fun in her life, taking everything with a serious, life or death mindset. It bothered him that Sona wasn't willing to cut loose even a little. She may be a Devil, but she needed to loosen up, and learn when to use that pent up energy before she gets herself or someone else hurt.

Irina meanwhile groaned out underneath him, "Oh Naruto-kun, you're moving too fast! We only just met and you're trying to take me as yours? My memories of Issei-kun are still fresh, but I would give my everything, oh Lord! Truly, you are a loving and caring God, to all around you."

Sona, Kiba, and Asia were all struck with pain thanks to Irina's unintentional blessing, something which Sona herself found curious. Only the Biblical God could cause such a reaction and only when in direct reference of a Devil praising or being praised... Just what was this Alien?

Naruto looked abashed, his hand unintentionally squeezing Irina's breast. The action caused a moan of pleasure from the girl and a moment of pause from Naruto as he looked over to his students. As he expected, the erotic noise gained the notice of several students, but mostly the females who had an issue with the Perverted Duo. They were mostly still looking at the burning forest behind their teacher, his guest, and now the Student Council President.

"Uzumaki-sensei, get up now!" Sona was getting fed up at the new teacher continuing to ignore her presence.

Naruto stood up as Naruko came over to her origin. "Boss, it's done. What were you planning to do with those boys though? Genin Test setup allows for some pretty wild scenarios, ya know?"

"Thanks Naruko." Naruto said as he held his hand down to help Irina up off the ground. Xenovia had also come to join them at some point, but she was almost devoid of all possible sound. "Alright girls, let's finish up class. Irina-chan, Xenovia-chan, would you join me? Since Sona is already here, we might as well get your meet and greet out of the way right now."

Sona looked confused at Naruto's comment of a meet and greet, but considering the girls were the Exorcists she felt earlier and Naruto seemed to already be aware of who they were, she would not object to answers.

Naruto walked back over to his class and smacked the two perverts to wake them up. Tied to posts as they were, the perverts were completely helpless for what Naruto intended to do next.

"Ok class, I offered the winning team a prize did I not? Well this is it. You are going to take these perverts tied to this post, tar and feather them where they sit, and then the girls of the winning team shall practice their throwing skills with softballs... Meanwhile the boys of the winning team are going to eat lunch in front of the scumbags who are not allowed any food for the rest of the day. They will sit tied to the posts until the end of the school day, in hopes that they learn just what they did wrong. No one is to release them until the final bell, if they do that person shall answer to me. Class dismissed!"

Naruto then proceeded to pull two buckets of tar and two buckets of orange colored feathers to leave next to each of the posts before walking towards the Old School Building with Irina and Xenovia. Sona looked at the perverts while frowning, before following Naruto and the Exorcists.

Kiba watched his teacher walk away in the direction of his King's headquarters and just walked away as most of the girls in his class proceeded to follow Naruto's orders. The 12:00 bell for lunch just rang out and most of the students were leaving their class to find a surprise.

Kiryuu watched as Naruto walked off, knowing she would meet him later that evening. She then heard muffled cries from the perverts as the girls began to take part in Naruto's prize with gusto. However she couldn't help but feel guilty as these two idiots were being punished on what was basically her suggestion. She wasn't like Angelika dammit, those fools didn't deserve this!

-Old School Building, 12:10pm-

Naruto was seated on Rias' couch in the middle of Xenovia and Irina, across from the Pretty Kitty, Koneko. They were awaiting the devil's presence, but Naruto was slightly concerned about his prior class and had been lost in thought. Even the bijuu had given him a moment's peace, something well worth taking advantage of. He was content with leaving Naruko to watch on the perverts. She'd make sure nothing happened to the boys at the very least. Yeah, he took them down about two pegs too many, but he wasn't completely heartless.

Koneko sat across from the exorcists, watching their every move as she silently ate her lunch. She took almost mechanical movements as she ate, clearly untrusting of any of them. She still was leery of Naruto for his own use of Senjutsu, although it was beginning to get easier to tolerate his presence. But any trust she might have gained flew out the window when Buchou came to her this morning with news of Naruto not only bringing these Exorcists to her home, but also Naruto bringing her sister Kuroka.

'Uzumaki-sensei came here knowing nobody and now has Exorcists asking him to meet us. Nevermind how he knows Kuroka nee-chan, but what were his intentions? Buchou herself said that Naruto was cleared to operate as he desired by her own brother and Maou Leviathan, so what is he doing gathering our enemies...' Koneko thought of no reason that could explain his actions. Taking another bite, she continued to stare almost lifelessly at her new teacher, pondering what the Alien's motivation may be.

"Uzumaki-sensei, would you care for some tea?" Akeno asked, trying to keep a welcoming posture, if only because of his standing as a faculty member. She too had her misgivings at bringing these Exorcists here, but Rias did say that one was Issei's childhood friend. 'If nothing else, his memory could at least demand a momentary courtesy. They had yet to even finish plans for his funeral before everyone had to come back to school, so maybe this is related?'

Naruto waved off Akeno somewhat sulking in the Negative emotions currently present in the building. Were things really that bad with Rias? Thinking about her wasn't going to accomplish much, he was here to talk with her anyway. So, he continued musing on his students.

Doing all he could to forget the Perverts he basically ordered to be beaten and abused. That was shit Gaara and he dealt with, yet he so easily ordered them to pay a price. Yeah, they deserved it, you can be as perverted as you want to your lover or whatever. Hell, that Issei guy was a shameless pervert, but at least Ddraig made clear the boy had respect for women and people in general, even if he refused to give their personal space. He was almost like Jiraiya in that way and probably would have continued to follow such a path on some level. But still, those two 'friends of his' had no respect in their words. Women need respect. People need respect. And yet, his actions now may be taken out of context. He was not beating them down for nothing, but they just happened to be a perfect example.

The Team 7 ritual he just put them through was meant for more than just punishment. Could all his students look past petty bullshit in the face of the suffering of others? He was certain of it in some, the question as to who was going to lead them, almost as clear. Kiryuu may seem manipulative, but she had heart, more so than anyone else. So the question bothering Naruto, was why did she hide from the Devils, Fallen, and Angels alike? There was something more serious to her troubles then Kiba's issue with the Church or Naruto's own issue with Irina treating him as a God despite meeting her just yesterday. Hell whatever it was even more damning than Rias wanting to gut him for almost everything beyond his control...

But that latter issue was in part why he was here now. As far as he could see, Rias was suffering just as badly, if not more. To have your first love killed in some duel sanctioned by her own brother practically before her own eyes? Apparently some daddy issues were also involved that lead to that encounter as well. Her world was basically being shaken at every angle, this thing with the Church had bothered her from the moment that they came in last night. She was pissed at him because he wouldn't treat her like some spoiled princess. God, the last thing he needed was this girl going Uchiha, but that wasn't her major problem with him. Granny Rabbit was giving her and Ravel shit non-stop.

"Argh!" Rias suddenly hissed out in pain.

Naruto's attention snapped to the shower hidden behind some curtains where Rias was currently bathing. Yeah, Rias blamed him for Granny Rabbit being in her day to day life. But did she have to take it out on him by waiting? Before a meeting that she asked for this morning! He hated waiting...

Before anyone could say anything, Akeno was by her side. "Buchou!"

The black haired girl fussed over Rias momentarily before both left to probably change in some back room. Apparently something had broken in her shower? Naruto watched for a moment as they began speaking in hushed tones before going off. The blonde looked around for a moment as nothing happened to him. Curious, but not terribly important.

Koneko watched as their sensei looked around at seemingly everything, yet nothing. And then just as easily shake it all off before going back to the almost depressed state he arrived in. This boy was supposed to be Buchou's age and yet was all over the place in how he acted. Energetic one moment, giving too much information the next, and then borderline depressed the next... All for no clear cut reason. How was he supposed to teach them anything?

Out of nowhere, Irina suddenly grasped his hand, causing him to look as if to garner attention to herself. Looking to the clock on the wall, he realized why she looked so confused at his attention. They had walked to the clubhouse in this building almost twenty minutes ago now. Had he really ignored them this long? Sensing the well of Negative emotions that she was feeling at her contact brought Naruto's full attention to his most loyal disciple.

"Hey there, what's up?" Naruto said, somewhat lazily yet embarrassed at the same time. His Empathic ability was second to none thanks to Kurama. This building was all kinds of fucked if he couldn't even notice her trouble when she sat right next to him. "Can I do anything? Rias said come over first chance with you, but I didn't expect her to keep us waiting like this. Also, I don't see Sona yet and she only left us to go get her Queen."

"Naruto-kun? I know I'm here under the Church's orders, but can I be more then that alone? You said that I was to become your student..." Irina said, an almost pleading look in her eyes as if she was missing a very important piece of her. "Will you teach me to control my every action? Can I communicate with mere thoughts like you said you did? I don't know why, but coming here I feel more in tune with Issei-kun then ever."

Irina, was seated beside him and awaiting the devil that brought Issei back to life once was normally impatient. Naruto hadn't said much of anything since class, although his actions had shown he was still ever aware of her. But yet, rather than jumping hoops and being all over him like she was outside of this place, once they arrived she was caught in a well of her own emotions. Issei's last happy memories were in this room, she could tell. Since entering this place, the exorcist wanted nothing more than to train under Naruto to get a glimpse of Issei once more. Her lord, right beside her, gave the Boosted Gear to her and it had shown her Issei still remained, even if only on an unconscious level. There were so many things Irina still felt for the boy, so many things left unsaid. Regrets would lead her to sin and she would never let sin drive her actions when the memory of Issei was so important to her. He made her who she was today and therefore what remained of him must be cherished. Even if he was a shameless pervert...

"Of course we will train together soon. I'll have you know that I'm going to be meeting the Angels and Fallen leaders very soon, as we all need to have a nice friendly chat..." Naruto trailed off, snickering to himself. "But Rias needs to get out here so we can chat first!"

Somehow, whatever happened with Rias brought Naruto's attention back to the world and she needed to ask what was most near and dear to her. They hadn't even know each other a full day, but Irina couldn't help but to entrust her greatest fears and prayers in him. People had said God was the greatest confidant a person could have, something Issei himself agreed to as a child. And although her feelings hadn't changed to God, her love for Him eternal, the knowledge that he had been dead her entire life hadn't changed anything. In fact, if anything it only confirmed a different fact. The God that she may have gone to learn about in Church was gone. But God had still been there her whole life as an abstract, faceless entity. It's only now that she was meeting the God she had unknowingly prayed to her whole life. Not even 6 hours after meeting Naruto and she knew.

Xenovia had told her she was being too foolish, placing all her trust and faith in him. She didn't deny that he may well be a newborn god on some level, but he wasn't their god. Not yet, despite how every action he may have taken proved no deceitful intentions. Her partner may very well be right as well. The Holy Log's power could not be denied, of this they both agreed. But he himself said that he worshipped the Holy Log, so therefore it couldn't be too far from reasonable thought that a god could be born from mortal beginnings. However to be their God? The Almighty Biblical God that died in the Great War? It was preposterous and Xenovia called her a fool to even think of him as such.

But Irina Shidou knew, deep down, Naruto was there for everyone. Be they members of the Church, Angels, Fallen, Devils, or Demons. Naruto was there, he was bathed in an aura with the light of Life. The Holy Log had sent him forth, to guide them all back...

Her musing was cut off as Naruto got up to greet Rias. Why did she feel like her left arm was suddenly missing? A phantom pain went off as she moved her arm, reaching with her right hand to help ease some feeling into her wrist, and she saw nothing but Light.

-System of Miracles, same time-

"See brother! I told you if we watched the Alien, he would guide us back to the Boosted Gear. And he even made sure that it went to the friend of the prior Red Dragon Emperor..." Gabriel yelled out to her fellow Seraph, the Archangel Michael. "But I wonder why we can only feel it now?!"

Around them, a world of Gears and Clouds, a sun in the far western skyline and a moon on the eastern. The floor around them a thin sheet of what looked to be water, but clearly only in appearance as it flowed ever moving and remained completely tangible to walk on. It almost seemed to be a separate space, completely devoid of any traditional signs that this was Heaven. But in here, one could feel the pull of every life form in the world, stretching beyond to the hidden realms of the Underworld, Asgard, Mt Olympus, and even the Demons own. Michael sat on a floating throne, designed of similar Gears to those sticking out of the water-like ground. This was the control center of the System of Miracles, the domain God himself created for the betterment of all life.

The Archangel was somewhat taken with who the boy might be underneath all the power he wielded. The Fate thrust upon his shoulders since Azazel came to tell him of the Harbinger's plans last night was also something concerning to the man. As the one most in tune with the System of Miracles despite the fact that none of the Seraphim could ever control it by themselves, he also felt the immediate change just now. The Boosted Gear must have resided with the Alien, as Gabriel had said when it first disappeared. Something else he had heard about him in the week since his arrival was that the first thing the boy said was how he was looking for the System.

With the world seeming to head into further descent just by his very arrival, Michael felt the talk of true peace Azazel always went on about something more important than ever before. But why did this Alien cause Michael to feel fear? The man was just in his actions thus far and true to his words, carrying himself in a manner well befitting of their Father's Reincarnation. But still it wasn't something he understood. It wasn't a tangible fear of his person, but a fear of burdens, sorrow too great for any lone man. Almost like...

"Brother, will we go see him soon? As the Messenger of God's Word, I really need to build my rapport with God and since he seems to be Father reborn... Brother? Michael, what's wrong?!" Gabriel all but screamed, flying up to him as her brother was suddenly getting knowledge from the System. But this wasn't like the scant few other times the System actually gave them knowledge freely. She had never seen her brother or any of the Great Seraphim come down with a seizure as Michael now was.

Quickly taking action, she held her brother in place, ensuring he wouldn't fall from the raised throne, but also to ensure that the message was properly transferred. Whatever caused this seizure was the direct result of a command Michael had given, knowingly or not. But none of the Seraphim could ever speak with the machine fully. It granted each of them some small piece of a larger picture and unfortunately to her brothers, she herself had a habit of going off the system.

Holding Michael in place, Gabriel took the moment of clarity to sync her power back into the System, hoping that her brother would make it through this...

"Aaaahhhh!" The Seraph moaned as she reestablished the connection, her mind fading into a haze she herself could not understand.

-Old School Building-

The flash that went off consumed the room. Everyone was on guard, except Naruto who looked shocked and ready to move. Irina had pulled the Boosted Gear to the mortal plane as she grabbed her wrist.

"Why do you have that..." Rias asked in a low tone of voice, anger clearly evident.

Irina said nothing, making no notice of anyone in room. She sat, holding her left arm with the Boosted Gear on her right hand. Devoid of all presence, absent from all thought, the girl sat motionless. And this only infuriated Rias more. Issei's childhood friend, on some mission for the Church, at Naruto's side, and with his favor, taunting her with Issei's Sacred Gear.

The only other devils currently in the room, Koneko and Akeno, were on the edge of their toes at the sight. It was just as clear to them that they were unaware of Irina gaining the Boosted Gear and they were not happy at it. They weren't about to attack the girl, as they knew Naruto came here to speak and wouldn't let an attack happen, but that girl wasn't winning any favor in the room.

"I SAID, WHY DO YOU HAVE THE BOOSTED GEAR EXORCIST?!" Her body began taking on a reddish black hue as it was clear the girl was losing her control over the Power of Destruction. As the power began to leak off of her, she was causing random minor explosions that almost erased what was hit as her magic flew off her body in various ways, be they her desk, the coffee table, or even Naruto's hand as he grabbed her wreathed in his Six Paths Chakra Mode to put an end to this now.

"RIAS! THAT'S ENOUGH!" Naruto roared, intruding on Irina's behalf, but before he could do anything more, the room was beset by two Teleportation Circles. "Dammit, who is it now? This is so the wrong time for this."

Transporting through them, Naruto clearly saw the other invite to this meeting, Sona Sitri and her Queen, but also Kiba Yuuto, blade in hand.

"Rias, what's happening? I thought we were here to talk with the Exorcists?" Sona asked, trying to maintain her friend's calm. This was completely unanswered as Rias continued to glare murder at the sole sitting Exorcist. Sona took notice immediately as to why she wouldn't calm down. "Rias, you knew someone else would get the Longinus when he died! Calm down, now!"

KIba took one glance at his King and knew this one was not ending well. She had blood in her eyes and it was directed at the the girl sitting... With Issei's Sacred Gear? With his own object of vengeance right before him it was a hard sell to back down, but Naruto had taken his golden form already. They wouldn't win against him, that much was true... But if he could take one of the Excalibur with him, it might be worth the trade. And so, Kiba took a step forward, intent on attacking the motionless Irina.

Xenovia, had pulled forth her own Excalibur Destruction at Kiba's threatening gesture, while Naruto had been trying and failing to get Rias' attention back on him. "So this is how you greet guests, Rias Gremory? I haven't known Naruto long, but at least he has honor!"

"SHUT! UP!" Naruto yelled at Xenovia while still looking at Rias, his eyes morphing into his Rinne Sharingan. "You'll get to talk Xenovia, but dammit if she blows now it's totally on you! And Rias, I'm not having this, now calm down!"

Naruto then began draining the magic away from Rias' person, using a version of what he might think Nagato would call the Preta Path. But whereas the Preta Path only sucked Chakra, the Magic of this world itself was the Spiritual half of Chakra. However Rias was channeling something entirely different and as Naruto absorbed more of her power, he understood something about her. Something she could never control as she was. Rias needed his help far more than she even knew.

Kiba looked at Xenovia as she held her blade at his President. He then looked to Naruto who was, stealing the very magic of his president?! What happened to words... 'Fine then, Uzumaki-sensei, I needed the excuse...'

He then swiftly lashed out with his blade at a low horizontal left to right angle, intent to finish the motionless Irina in one swing.

Xenovia looked at him before Kiba suddenly tried slipping past her for Irina. Raising her Excalibur in defense of her partner, she knew she couldn't make it in time to parry with her sword in such close quarters as the room provided.

Before she could even utter a warning to her partner, Irina herself caught the blade with the Boosted Gear. She crushed it with a loud crack, a flash of magical power coming off the blade's disintegration into magic particles.

Rias was left to scowl as she couldn't move from Naruto's hold.

Xenovia noticed a change in the girl, something that left her with the idea that she should stand down.

"I thank you, Rias Gremory. Issei truly loved you, but he never got to say how sorry he was that couldn't save you." Irina moved to wipe the tears that began to fall. "Heh, it's funny, he doesn't even remember me. He helped make me into the woman I am now, the God loving woman you would so easily attack. And he doesn't even know my name..."

Irina raised her head to look at the Devil before her, tears falling from her eyes as she stared into the now shocked eyes of Rias. "He doesn't even know my name, but he knows me! And even then, he still couldn't say anything more then how sorry he was that he couldn't help you. He asked me to help you, because you can't even help yourself. Rias, you made him happier than I ever knew he could be! And he only knew you for what, 3 months?"

At this point, Rias had slumped to the ground crying herself. Irina had got up and went over to the girl, the Devil that Issei held so dear. She wrapped her arms around the girl and the redhead began to cry even more.

"He loved you, and that I cannot hold against him. But you, you need to let go Rias! Issei is gone, and neither of us will get another chance. I understand you would be mad with me, but Naruto is here to help us all, and somehow I think even Issei would agree." Irina stood up and looked over to Kiba.

By now Naruto had realized the situation was calm and stood just next to the sobbing, but now magically stable Rias. Irina had somehow managed to contact Issei himself when that light happened. But how? What happened that caused them to meet when she had just been asking for his help? Dammit where was Granny Rabbit!

Irina was about to speak again as she noticed a piece of the ceiling falling on Naruto's head... However before anything happened to him, a golden claw materialized from his shoulder and swiped it away.

"Kiba, attack me if you must, but you need to let go just as much as Rias. I saw the hatred you sent at Xenovia and myself during your class. I cannot fathom what I, Shidou Irina, could have ever done to someone I have never met before, but without love you won't move on." Irina sighed as she looked over to Naruto and sent him a bright, loving smile before turning her attention back to Kiba. "Whatever the Church has done to you must have shaped you into the Devil you are, but is that all you'll be? Is that all any of you will be? Issei may have had a silly goal, but at least he had something he wanted to accomplish. Something where people didn't have to be hurt, something where people could accept one another. Even if it was just for himself in the end."

"Irina?" Xenovia was startled at the shear acceptance coming from her. While the girl was never as hardlined as she was, Irina was behaving far differently than she ever had during their training. The girl would bless Devils while still thinking them as evil, but talking like this was unusual even for her. What had happened to her just now?

Irina looked to Akeno and Koneko, before once again settling her eyes on Rias. "I returned here yesterday after over 12 years absence under orders from the Church to capture the stolen Excalibur swords. They are in the possession of a Leader Class Fallen Angel if our intel is correct. We were tasked with bringing them back, even at the cost of our lives. I came to this, my true home fully intent that my life would end, as my love for Issei could never be realized. I leave this room knowing my love for Issei was almost entirely one-sided."

Rias away from the exorcist that moments ago she would have killed in cold blood, potentially starting a war, just because of a material item. But the shame she now felt at being told the exorcist's orders and how she was fully prepared to die over Issei never being able to love her? It was stifling to the girl. It only stung worse as the girl said she now knew that Issei didn't even know who she was and her feelings for him would likely never be reciprocated. Rias looked up as Irina continued, noticing the girl no longer had tears, but her eyes held a brightness like the devil had rarely seen.

"I will also leave this meeting knowing that peace can happen with anyone, so long as my God is by my side. My God gave Issei back to me, if only because it would make me a better person. My God has given me the opportunity to say goodbye to Issei and that even gave me the chance to see what it was that he saw in you... Don't let my God down, because he stands at both our sides. Good day Rias Gremory, we will see each other sooner than you think."

At that, Irina looked to Naruto, offered a smile that shone as bright as the sun, and rushed out. Xenovia looked at Naruto before taking off after her partner. School was still in session after all, so it was likely she'd find herself trouble soon...

"Wait, did she say that her God was standing right next to them both?" Sona said as she looked directly at Naruto, who was beginning to shirk under the gazes of everyone at Sona's comment. This was followed by the school bell signalling an end to the lunch period.

"Saved by the bell! See ya..." With that, Naruto rushed out of the building.

-Kuoh Outskirts Forest, 6:36pm-

Irina and Xenovia ran through the forest, chasing after the Stray Exorcist Freed Sellzen. The man didn't seem to have a cautious bone in his body when he confronted them in the city an hour ago. But after a quick scuffle, he was quick to turn tail and run, leading them on a wild goose chase that lead to here. The girls themselves followed willingly at the time, as any excuse to get out of the scrutiny of the ever watchful public eye was worth it. But this chase was beginning to drag, as Freed was using ambush tactics with the Excalibur Transparency and Excalibur Rapidly.

"Xenovia, we can't keep this up. He doesn't have any backup, but he does have 2 Excalibur blades. We can end this if we push him, but I need time. Cover me!" Irina shouted through the trees as they were forced to dodge another attack that came from nowhere. She quickly reformed Excalibur Mimic into it's Ribbon form as she then began to concentrate her Magic Power into her hand.

Xenovia looked at her partner, who again she was baffled at just how she was managing to fight as well as she was. It almost seemed as if she knew where the attacks were coming from before they appeared. Twice now, Irina had saved her from the twisted Exorcist. But how was she doing it? Boosted Gear gave no such Precognition and yet, nothing had seemed to change for the girl on a physical level except for gaining the Sacred Gear.

Regardless, Xenovia agreed with her partner and it was clear the girl was intending to call upon the power of the Boosted Gear. So doing the thing any walking tank might do, the blunette lifted her Excalibur Destruction and swung it in a wide horizontal slash, tapping into the latent Explosive power. The explosion ripped apart the trees leaving an open field before them, before Xenovia repeated the action to her own rear. 'Yep, an open destroyed field. Solid Snake would be proud... Now to find this creep…'

"My, my, my... What crawled up your snatch and died missy? I'm just trying to have some fucking fun, before I leave you slutty, sexy exorcists dead and rape yer corpses! But you can't even give me that. What does a man need to do to get a woman on her knees and sucking dick in this day and age?" Freed said, walking out into the open for the first time since the chase began.

"Xenovia, above you!"

The Holy Sword of Destruction ready, Xenovia was quick to parry and counter Freed's high speed assault with Excalibur Rapidly. Again it seemed, Irina was on point with her ability to sense attacks. Such a boon would obviously help her fighting skills, assuming she had complete control over it.

Freed looked at the twintailed girl who had once again foiled his ambush. What was with that whore anyway? Yeah, his boss said leave her alone, but how was she aware of his moves almost as he knew what he was planning to do... It was maddening fighting like this!

"Ready. Let's go Ddraig, Boosted Gear!" Irina shouted, as the Longinus Sacred Gear came forth from her soul.


"Wait!" Freed quickly interjected, helping Irina by giving her time to Boost. "Girl with the Handlebars, what's your name and how did you get Shitty Devil-kun's Sacred Gear! I heard that loser died a sad, lonely virgin death before the Alien came. So why do you have his Gear slut?"


"You would disrespect the dead? Of course you would. You just did say you'd rape my corpse..." Irina looked at the man before her, he didn't seem tense, nor did he seem afraid. He was genuinely curious as to why she held the Red Dragon now. "Very well, this is a gift from my God. Issei was everything to me and your disrespect of him shall not be forgiven!"


She sent a mental command to Excalibur Mimic to reform, this time in form of a Whipblade. She still wasn't quite used to wielding the Boosted Gear and this was doubly so in the case of wielding a sword in the hand as her gauntlet. But even so, this man she couldn't forgive and with the combined might of Issei's former power and her own, she would defeat him!


"A gift from your God? Little slut, the only gift your God gave you was delivering you to me... I can't wait until you become my pet. Oh girl, soon you'll be declaring me as your God as your back is arched 30 degrees from me pulling on those lovely Handlebars as I explode my hot thick baby batter into your tight little ass~!" At this point Freed's tongue was hanging out of his mouth while on the verge of cumming himself.

'Boost! Explosion!'

Irina was about to launch forward in an attack when she felt something she couldn't explain. As if all the world's evil gathered and settled into one being. Honestly, this feeling was almost an exact opposite to being around Naruto.

"What a vile man you are Freed. But it's good you found yourself a new pet... Even if she was promised to me!" A disembodied female voice suddenly appeared in the field, disrupting Irina's impending attack. "Still, Emotion has had quite the impact on you girl. I'm happy he has taken such an interest in you. But more then that, I want to see meine schatz crushed as I take you away from him..."

"Who are you! What is your purpose?" Xenovia called out, unaware Freed had any backup.

Irina could feel her however. The presence this voice held was far more disturbed than even the disgusting man before her. "Come out. If you wish to take me, I only ask to know the name of my would-be kidnapper... I know where you are." Irina looked behind her, far beyond the shattered tree stumps Xenovia's attack left behind to the trees.

"Oh, Naruto truly did bless you my pretty." The voice cut in once more, but this time was no longer disembodied and also standing next to Freed.

Xenovia looked at the woman and found herself quickly thinking her pretty, although an enemy nonetheless. But still, the girl was unique in appearance and made her stand out quite a bit. The girl wore a dress of sorts, blue from the front, but string tied to the sides to show her skin, connected to the back of her dress, which seemed to be a different color. The dress was very open, revealing quite a lot of cleavage going below her breast line, and held on by string straps. But she had a purple swimsuit top on underneath, plainly visible from the straps as as they fell off her bare skin shoulders. She wore long see through fishnet stockings, with a design of 4 solid diamonds in the shape of a larger diamond at the height of them and blue slip on shoes. The placement of the design was off to each side, much more visible if you looked at her from the left or right side. Finally, her stockings were attached to a garter, but it, like her panties were not visible from the string clad side of the girl. Yet she was clearly wearing purple panties underneath, as the wind picked up the bottom of her dress showing a clearly unashamed woman.

She had long freely flowing hair in large curls, green with uneven purple locks throughout and ending at about her back. Her shoulder was adorned with a tattoo, in mostly the shape of a skull without the lower jaw, adorned with four streaking lines coming down to form into two halves of an arrow. The upper skull was sculpted by two lines that showed the outer frame of the skull, much like any other, but it was the lower portion that caught her eye. The streaks were designed in a manner that started before the jaw, almost under the cheekbone, swinging down into a single straight line. Another came from the teeth themselves, before joining in a hooked point that caused the arrow shape with the other set. Behind this was a faded design of sorts, that almost looked as if the one was feeding on many...

The girls face however was mostly standard, barring her eyes. Small cheek bones flowing into luscious, full lips. Her face looked young, surrounded by baby fat and somehow making her look more attractive. A smaller nose which was mostly overlooked because the woman's large purple eyes. Eyes that if Xenovia didn't know better, would have looked almost like Irina's own... But it was the telltale glow her eyes held as she looked at them from the twilight of the evening that Xenovia could tell, this girl was part demon.

"If you're done checking me out love, I do believe I had business with your friend?" The woman said to Xenovia, causing the exorcist to blush at the implication of her staring. "Now then Rina-chan, was that what Naruto called you? I believe you asked my name. I'm Angelika Reiniger, very pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Angelika…Reiniger?! Irina, she's the Angelic Purifier! We need to get away, now…!" Xenovia warned, set off by the name that Griselda had long ago warned her of. If Griselda could almost die to this woman, they stood no chance.

"Now, now... You were so greedily taking in my beauty moments ago love, why so quick to leave?" Angelika said from Xenovia's left side, an arm almost wrapping around her shoulders.

Xenovia was just as quick to move, but again found herself caught.

Irina herself was locked in place, unable to do anything but glare at the woman chasing her partner.

"Novia-chan, please, stay with me a moment. Let's chat, like with Naruto?"

"Don't you dare use his name!" Irina said lowly, catching the attention of Angelika.

"Woman, why did you feel the need to disrupt me? I had this slut right where I wanted her, ready to bend over and give it all! And yet again, you fucked up my fun when I needed a goddamned release..." Freed suddenly interrupted, getting tired of being ignored.

"Oh Freed, you poor little child. If you can't tell why I'm here, then you must have not gone after the Devils like we were ordered?" The woman said, still holding Xenovia close as she had settled into a daze of sorts. "I'm here because the job is done. The Power of Destruction is in our hands now and we have the Excalibur we needed. Look at this beautiful girl, the sin in her runs deep, but not too deep that I can't bring it out... Honestly Freed, if you want a new pet, this girl here is more than capable of your release. I'll leave her in your full, undisrupted care when we return."

With that comment, Xenovia herself disappeared as if she was never there.

Irina looked on in confusion before resolve built up. They had Rias? And where did Xenovia go! "Where is she? Where are my friends?!" Irina screamed that turned into a roar as she exploded in power.

When the dust cleared, Irina's body suddenly took on the Red Dragon Balance Breaker form. The armor had adjusted to fit Irina's form, with her twintails sticking out of her helmet.

"Oh ho... Freed, please tell Valper we're good to go." Angelika then waved her hand at him and Freed disappeared from the field as Xenovia did before her. "Now hear this Rina-chan~! Tell Naruto that we have Rias and are planning to make use of her tonight. Everything, all I've done in my life has come to tonight at 9. Bring him, his 'little cousin' and find us where Asia became a Devil. Bear in mind, you are the special guest Rina-chan, but without you Rias will die, so come prepared for war... We're ending all reality in one fell swoop and of all the pieces he has to play, only the two of you combined can stop the merging of Excalibur and the Power of Destruction!"

Angelika disappeared and Irina dropped to her knees, panting as the Boosted Gear Scale Mail dropped. How did she know that Naruto called her Rina-chan? He hadn't said that at all today, just last night...

She then picked herself off the ground as she ran towards where she sensed Naruto.

-Kaguya's Dimension-

'It's almost time my descendent. I trust you won't keep me waiting...' Kaguya thought as she watched Irina run back into the city. Naruto certainly didn't intend to transfer a portion of his Negative Emotion Sensing to the Boosted Gear, but it seems his new student took to it quite well. Even still, the trial directly before her may make such a boon an unpleasant curse, but only time would tell. And the Rabbit Goddess knew time was key here as she went back to gathering the giant mass of Chakra she had been forming.

'It won't be long at all until you return home. Great things and terrible things both await Naruto-kun. The path ahead may be one of my own damnation, but necessary for your growth. The pain may be too much to handle, but it is already assured. The neverending trial requires a great sacrifice, but grants eternal blessing... For the both of you.' Kaguya's thoughts once more settled on Irina Shidou as she put all her concentration into her efforts.

-Omake, Naruto's Mindscape-

Kurama watched Naruto's little dodgeball game and was reminded of Naruto's training journey. The old pervert did provide something to help his partner after all and it was probably the only real entertainment the bijuu got while he was still in his cage.

'Why can't the brat use stones?! I mean, that ball is great... You never know when you're getting knocked on your face and two more come out of nowhere. But I came for blood! What is this?' Shukaku went off on a rant suddenly.

The Kyuubi shook his head at Naruto's newest friends and tenants of his mindscape. If he was truly honest, having his siblings in this new dimension with Naruto was making for a fun time. He'd never say it to anybody, but they were making the most of the time. But Kurama wanted to stretch his legs again...

Chomei answered Shukaku's rant, 'But brother, can't you see how lucky Naruto is to get that ball? For all you know he'll make some seal that duplicates the effect on stones! He did say he was going to train that girl, can you imagine the stones it would take to stone her?'

'The stones it would take to stone her! That's so bad it's good...' Son Goku started laughing at the pun. 'That's not even something that old bastard Roshi would say! Why would you say that Seven?'

'But Naruto has all these women throwing themselves at him, even Granny Rabbit seems to like him...'

As the Kabutomushi said this, the mindscape was overrun by large meteors focused at the Bijuu. Chomei didn't even attempt to hold back as he began to fire Bijuudama after Bijuudama at the meteors.

Saiken joined in with a variant of his Wisdom Wolf Decay, launching streams of acid at the meteors.

"You called my Chakra?"

'Kaguya! Where are you?' Kurama bellowed out. He would share Naruto's mind with his siblings and his father, but he wouldn't share it with that woman.

"I'm...indisposed, but you were speaking of something so interesting. What's this about my descendent and myself?" Kaguya's empty, hollow voice was somewhat more disturbing with the natural echos provided by Naruto's empty mindscape.

'Nothing Granny, we were just talking about how you wanted to fuck Naruto's brains out...'

'Goddamnit Matatabi, really? I mean fucking really...' Kurama was completely shocked at his sister's brutal honesty.

"Oh really, tell me my Chakra, what should I do to Naruto? Should I tug on my Chakra, hoping for a hosedown of his heavenly power?" Kaguya said with complete sincerity.

'If you don't mind Kaguya-sama, I see a peaceful field over there where I can watch Naruto strip girls without disruption...' Kokuo said quietly. It was quite clear that the Bijuu didn't want to talk about Kaguya.

"No, no. Stay, things are heating up my Chakra... Can't you tell when the kitty wants some pussy?"

Kurama knew Matatabi fucked them all. Why couldn't she keep her mouth shut?

'Hey Granny, what do you think of tentacles? I mean, Naruto knows his way around Chakra pretty well... Care for a taste of some takoyaki?'

Gyuki entered the conversation. 'He seems awfully excited for some reason. Does he have a thing for the Energy Being too?' Kurama mused as he prepared to dodge from the impending retaliation. Kaguya was notorious about random acts of violence when being disrespected.

"Yes, you're right. The Octopus does seem awfully excited... Maybe I should tie up Naruto and dominate him, tug his tentacle with some of my own. Would you think he will like that Fox?" Kaguya's disembodied voice asked Kurama directly.

'Oh, Kurama does Naruto-kun like to be dominated? You've been with him so long, so surely you must have seen him with that feisty redhead or that blonde he said goodbye to.' Matatabi chimed in again.

'Surely you can't be serious!' Gyuki shouted at the Two tailed cat.

'I am serious... And don't call me Shirley. Now come on Kurama, spill...'

'Oh Hinata, bless her hearts... That girl would do anything for Naruto. ANYTHING. She made Serafall look tame. And you saw how she became little more than a cum-guzzling monkey slut in Naruto's hands.' Kurama sighed as he reminisced on Naruto's first love. The Uzumaki can yell at him time and again, but that girl would always have a special place in Kurama's mind.

"You speak quite crudely of another of my descendents. Well Fox, were you interested in me, what was it the Pussy said, 'Fucking Naruto's brains out?'" Kaguya's voice said sweetly, sending Kurama on edge. "Did you want to fuck my brains out too... We're all family here, we can speak freely."

'Oh, Granny! Here, here! Look at me... Can I fuck your brains out Granny?' Shukaku said holding a straight face.

'Does the term bait mean anything to you Shukaku?' Kurama began dodging for his his life as Naruto's Mindscape went through a distinct change. Meteors filled the 'sky' that acted just like Naruto's new Baylor Dodgeball...

~Chapter End~

Yes, I did just do that. I totally made Rias the penultimate target of the Excalibur arc. Why you ask, well my genius knows no bounds and my greatness has something completely original planned for High School DxD crossovers. That's right, I have something nobody has done yet in mind! And as for Naruto returning home, I always intended for that to happen. I wouldn't have left it hanging in the opening chapter otherwise... But please, don't give me crap on Naruto being Emo here. There was purpose in that. The Infinite of Emotion is certain to go through momentary bouts of depression. Hell everybody does.

Also, the scene in the System of Miracles was totally intended to end as the cliffy it did, so please hold questions on that. I further delved into Kiryuu's backstory, as I intend to make her a rather large player in things to come, in regards to my OC Angelika in particular. And finally, I added a description for Angelika, as I'm sure some would have wondered about that after her introduction. For those curious, any Omake I write is canon to this story, so enjoy.

I have a question for my readers regarding Asia, my Ninja Jesus girl. I really don't like her, in fact I hate Asia... Honestly I kinda want to kill her, but I need her for the time being. I want thoughts, regarding whether she should live or die. Therefore, I'm going to put a poll up on my profile to determine her fate in the future.

On a final note, I need to add a special disclaimer for Warehouse 13, from whence the Baylor Dodgeball comes from. I'd like to thank my Betas SoulEmbrace2010 and NorthSouthGorem for their help.

Worship the Log! Read and review! Tell me where my insanity needs to stop and start!

Release date: 3/26/17