Greetings and Salutations

Oh! Hello there, my good little pony! Welcome to the Story Loft, Ponyville's one and only honest -to- goodness library. It's really late, and I don't get very many visitors here at this hour, so I'm really happy to have you visit here. My name is Storybelle, and I'm the Librarian and caretaker of the loft. Please, do come in, and have a look around! Now, I know this place looks a little weird, being a giant lighthouse with a spinning pinwheel on the side (that's also on my cutie mark, in case you hadn't noticed!), But I can assure you, we have one of the finest collections of books this side of the Everfree forest!

I haven't seen you in town before, are you new to Ponyville? Oh, you're not from here? Well, that explains a lot! Yes, we do certainly get a lot of tourists in from all over Equestria. Huh? This wasn't the Ponyville you were expecting? Yes, we got a lot that, too. We're kind of tucked away in our own little corner of Princess Luna's kingdom, living a peaceful existence away from the busy cities like Manehatten and Fillydelphia. But I assure you, while our town may not have any harmony bearers or magical elements, we do have a quaint charm all our own.

So, see any books you like? Oh, of course you can check out something while you're here! Just return it to the library in your hometown, and they'll make sure we get it back through our library lending program! Oh, you'd like to find a book on our Ponyville here? Well, we don't really have very many of those. You see, most ponies in town already know about our town, and have very little interest reading about something they can just walk outside and see.

Hmmmm, but wait, maybe there is something I can give you. Please follow me up to the story loft. Oh, please watch your hooves on those stairs, they are a bit narrow! Yes, this little balcony up here is where I read to the little ponies who come to story club; they like to sit on these ottomans and listen to me tell stories from the great books. Now, I happen to have that book around here somewhere, but I just can't seem to find it... Gossamer, where did you put my 'Stories of Ponyville' journal? I know I left it around here somewhere!

Oh, don't be frightened by that giant dragonfly! He's Gossamer, my personal assistant who helps me take care of the library, and keep it neat and tidy. Yes, I know she had a baby dragon as an assistant when she was a librarian, but I find a dragonfly can be very useful in getting books back onto high shelves. I am only an earth pony, after all, and can't exactly levitate the books back up onto their shelves. Oh, he's bringing me the book now- thank you, Gossamer! He's such a sweetheart, isn't he?

Hm? Oh, you want to check this out? I'm really sorry, but I can't let this book be checked out by visitors to Ponyville- this is an extra-special book for our little town, after all. This book is a personal record of all very special ponies here in our very special little town -along with our sister towns of Unicornia and Butterfly island. Oh, but you don't have enough time to sit here and read all the entries in this book, do you? Wait, I know! I could sit down and read you some of the stories out of this book, right now!

Oh, don't worry about it! I have plenty of time, and I doubt many other patrons will be visiting the story loft this evening. And I don't really have to worry about going home after we're done- I live here! Wait, why is your jaw hanging open like that? Ohhhhh, you're shocked that I can wrap my hooves around the book and lift it as if I had hands and fingers! Yeah, that's kind of an ability only we Ponyville Ponies have-kinda sets us apart from the rest of Equestria, I know- but it comes in very handy when we want to pick things up!

Now, you just sit down on that ottoman over there, and- hmmm, which pony should I start with? Maybe our 'simply Darling' Rainbow Dash? Or perhaps our 'Positively Pink' Pinkie Pie? Oh, that playful trickster Rarity might from Unicornia might be a good choice, or maybe Fluttershy and her crazy camera antics would tickle your fancy? Oh, I didn't think about the fact that you would associate those names with other, moire famous ponies- they weren't the first to have them, you know! I can tell you, it's something that totally and utterly irritates my Ponyville friends to no end!

Hmmm, perhaps I should just start off with some ponies you most likely haven't heard of. Yes, some less famous friends of mine, who are probably less likely to confuse you. Oh, don't get me wrong, their stories are just as much fun as the tales of ponies whose names you've already heard. But fate has not been as kind to them when it comes to notoriety, as it has to those select few names that every Equestrian knows by heart. But I feel that makes their stories all the more special!

Ahhh, here's a good one to start with- a Pony who, for as long as I have known her, has had trouble finishing anything that she starts! Now, sit back,relax, and lend me your little ears. As I tell you the stories of the ponies of Ponyville... the mares and fillies who make this special little town of ours... so special.