
It was nearly the last day of term. Up in Gryffindor Tower, there had been a huge party to celebrate the last night at school and the completion of exams. At 2:00 am, in amongst the ruins of the party, a group of Gryffindors remained, still awake and wondering what to do.

Fred, George and Lee sat slumped against a wall, by the warm glow of the fire. Next to them were Harry, Ron and Hermione, all leaning against the back of a chair. Parvati and Lavender were both lying down directly in front of the fire, opposite Fred, George and Lee. Seamus and Dean were sitting cross-legged next to Parvati and Lavender, and next to them, fast asleep, lay Ginny and Neville. Angelina, Alicia and Katie were all slouched together in a heap, leaning up against a table, slightly removed from the rest of the group.

Seamus yawned,

"Are we actually gonna do anything?"

"We could play exploding snap" suggested Harry

"Or," Fred paused, for dramatic effect, "we could play truth or dare"

Parvati and Lavender squealed with delight, and sat up so they could get a better view of things. Everyone perked up. Hermione groaned, but didn't protest. Angelina, Alicia and Katie got up from their remote spot by the table and came and sat down near Fred, George and Lee.

"So," Fred continued, looking round at everyone, "who's in? Me and George are, for a start"

"Yeah count me in" said Lee, shifting positions slightly so he could see everyone.

"We're playing!" called Parvati and Lavender

"Well us three are definitely in" smiled Angelina. Alicia and Katie nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, me and Dean too" put in Seamus

Ron, Harry and Hermione looked at each other questioningly. Ron and Harry grinned,

"Yep, we're in"

Hermione glared at them and sighed deeply,

"Ok, I'm playing to then, I guess"

"Well then, that's settled," beamed Fred, "who wants to start? Me. OK, Harry, Truth or Dare?"


Fred stared up at the stone ceiling, thoughtfully,

"Right then, who do you fancy most out of everyone in this school? Teachers too." Fred grinned

Harry hesitated,


Parvati and Lavender giggled. Harry, eager to divert attention away from himself, took his turn,

"Um, let's think…(I'll get you back Fred), Dean. Truth or Dare?"

"Huh?" Dean seemed to snap out of a trance, "oh, right. Dare" He yawned, and then shook his head, forcing himself to stay awake.

"Kiss Lavender" Harry said. That ought to shut those two up, he thought, glancing over at Parvati and Lavender, who shot him extremely sour looks. Dean pulled himself up, and stretched with an "ahhh". He ambled over to where Parvati and Lavender were sitting, and heaved Lavender up in one liquid movement. He raised an eyebrow, and grinned. She gave him a dangerous look. He leaned in and gave her a brief kiss on the lips. They broke apart and went and sat back down on their separate sides of the room. George rolled his eyes,

"You call that a kiss?"

"Oh shut up George. Or is that Fred? Anyway, I choose….Lavender. Truth or Dare?"

Lavender furrowed her brow, in deep thought,


("boring") whispered Alicia to Katie and Angelina.

"Did you enjoy that kiss?" Dean asked with a smirk

Lavender tilted her head to one side, and met his eyes,

"I've had better" she said haughtily

Seamus snorted, but sobered up when Dean glared at him.

The game went on for quite a while. Lavender dared Alicia to eat a whole bowl of leftover cheese puffs (now stale and horrible) which she threw up soon after. Angelina chose truth and Alicia asked her if Fred was as good a kisser as he's cracked up to be ("Yes" she replied, a massive grin on her face, and Fred's). The fire in the common room burned on, casting a warm glow on everyone. The group gradually drew closer together, forming a semi-circle round the fireplace and the heat emanating from it. It was Angelina's turn to choose someone to pick on. She decided on Fred.

"Truth or Dare, Fred?" she asked, with a wink

"Dare" he replied instantly

"Ok, I dare you to down a whole glass of vodka"

"Done" he replied, stood up, stepped across Hermione ("'scuse me, sorry") and retrieved a large bottle of vodka from in amongst old packets of crisps and half-eaten slices of pizza on the table. He carried it back, and sat down again. Angelina passed him a glass, into which he poured the clear liquid. He filled it right to the brim, ("I have a very high tolerance of alcohol, don't-you-know") , grinned, and downed the whole glass in one. He slammed it down on the floor, wiped his lips, and breathed out heavily,

"Jesus that stuff is strong!" he replied, and cleared his throat, trying to remove the burning feeling that the vodka had left behind. He cleared his throat again,

"Ok, George. Truth or Dare?" he said

"Dare. Of course"

"Well, in that case, go get dressed up like a girl and perform your rendition of 'the Sound of Music'"

"I will" George stood up, followed by everyone's gaze, disappeared up towards the dorms, and, 10 minutes later, reappeared in Ron's dress robes ("Oy!", shouted Ron, "They're mine!") and fully made up with mascara and lipstick and all. He battered his eyelashes, and launched into song,

"THE HI-I-I-I-I-I-ILS ARE ALI-I-IVE WITH THE SOUND OF MU-USIC…." He bellowed in a high-pitched falsetto

"Stop! Stop!," roared Lee with laughter, "you're killing me!"

Everyone was practically pissing himself or herself. Even Hermione was laughing (OH MY GOD) . George stopped just in time, everyone was completely out of breath from laughing and Lee was in danger of suffocating. George rejoined the group amid many wolf-whistles from Katie, Fred, Lee, Seamus and Ron.

"Ahem. Right. Everyone regained themselves? Lee, truth or Dare?" George asked innocently

"Dare," Lee rolled his eyes, "what else?"

George narrowed his eyes.

"We'll soon take that smile off your face," he grinned darkly, "I dare you to…PULL FRED! HA HA HA!" George finished triumphantly. Lee pursed his lips and gave George a look of pure evil. Fred looked scandalized. George was grinning broader than ever. After the initial silence from the others, Angelina shouted,

"Well get on with it! He's not such a bad kisser!"

Harry looked at Ron, and they both burst out laughing,

"Now this I have to see" cried Ron

Parvati whispered something to Lavender and they both burst into fits of giggles. Hermione looked torn between curiosity, amusement and horror. This gave her an odd expression which vaguely resembled constipation. Fred and Lee got to their feet and shook hands.

"This is nothing personal" said Lee, suppressing a smile

"Of course" said Fred, who seemed to be seeing the funny side

"And we're going to do it properly. Pretend you're in a bar. I'll come up to you"

Fred nodded in understanding.

Everyone turned around to face Lee and Fred, looks of rapt attention on their faces. George was shaking with silent laughter.

Lee sauntered over to Fred,

"What's a lovely er bloke like you doing in a place like this?" he said suavely

"Phhhh!!!!" Fred couldn't keep a straight face. He cleared his throat, the effects of alcohol and absurdity finally mixing together, with interesting results. "I mean, yes. I'm looking for guys like you….baby."

"That's nice. Now let me buy you a drink"

Lee directed them both over to the bottle of vodka. They both took a long swig from the bottle and turned to face each other.

"Fred, your eyes sparkle like gold in the glow of this romantic fire" Lee said softly

"Oh Lee your skin is so radiant"

Fred and Lee took a step towards each other, their was now only about 2 inches between them. Everyone held their breath. Fred's and Lee's eyes were at the same level, and they gazed into each other's. Lee slowly, and slightly akwardly, leant in towards Fred.

Angelina, Alicia and Katie were practically bursting with anticipation, and were chanting

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

George was struggling for breath. Hermione's curiosity has prevailed and she was gaping at them, open-mouthed. Parvati and Lavender were still giggling. Dean and Seamus seemed almost in awe of Lee and Fred, while Harry and Ron kept exchanging amused glances while they laughed silently. Ginny and Neville were still asleep.

Fred closed the remaining distance between his mouth and Lee's and their lips met.

Angelina whooped, and Katie wolf-whistled. Alicia cheered and clapped. Harry, Ron, George, Seamus and Dean were all dying of mirth.

Lee kissed Fred, softly at first, but then it began to heat up. Lee parted his lips slightly, giving Fred's probing tongue free reign. Lee massaged Fred's tongue with his own, as it searched every corner of his mouth. Lee snaked his hand round to the nape of Fred's neck, and pulled him deeper into the kiss. Fred emitted a soft moan, which only Lee heard as it was muffled by his soft lips. Fred's right arm reached around Lee's waist, while the other reached up and tangled in Lee's thick dreadlocks.

The girls were all cheering and whooping. ("GIVE IT TO HIM FRED!" "GO LEE! SHOW HIM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF!") but the boys were all staring at each other, slightly confused, well, all except George. Fred and Lee had way surpassed the requirements for the dare, hadn't they? Why were they still going? George sat there, shaking his head, grinning and spluttering with laughter.

Lee kissed Fred hungrily, and as they stood there passionately devouring each other, a very palpable heat began to surge through their bodies. They became aware of the desire to go further…to touch each other. They broke apart suddenly, panting. Their eyes met and Lee looked at Fred searchingly, trying to read what he was thinking. Fred was attempting to do the same, trying to fathom out what was going through Lee's mind.

The clapping and cheering had died down. Everyone was grinning at Lee and Fred. They made their way back and sat down on either side of George, uncertain of what to do and both feeling extremely awkward. They also had the problem of trying to cover their increasingly prominent erections…
