Luffy laughed as Brook cried, enjoying the feeling of gaining a new friend. He was filled with what seemed like helium, like he could float away because of how light he felt. But one look at the still-sleeping Zoro, and his feelings became heavy and filled with regret.
He knew something big had happened while he was knocked out. He knew Zoro had done something crazy to save him.
And Zoro could've died.
His swordsman could've died.
Luffy absently hummed along to Bink's Sake. Although he was smiling and laughing, it didn't ease the leaden feeling in his chest.
That his first mate wasn't telling him something.
And by the way Sanji was casting knowing glances at the sleeping swordsman, Luffy knew Sanji knew what had happened.
But they didn't want him to know. They were hiding something from him, their captain. It hurt that they didn't trust him enough to tell him.
Maybe it was because he was too stupid in their eyes, that he wouldn't understand. Or maybe they thought he was too weak to handle it.
The thought hit him like one of Garp's 'Fists of Love'. They thought he was weak.
This was why he wanted to get stronger. So they could tell him everything without fearing that he was too weak to handle it.
It was why they didn't tell him about the flag at Heart Island. They thought he was too weak to help them save the flag.
He didn't notice the curious and worried stares Brook was giving him. He had fallen completely silent, and his face became dark and brooding.
"Luffy-san?" Brook called hesitantly. Luffy immediately snapped out of it and gave a bright smile.
"Yeah?" he said cheerfully, but continued. "Don't worry about me. Just thinking of something." He rolled onto his back, almost laughing at Brook's upside-down face.
"If you're sure." Brook continued playing and singing, laughing merrily as Luffy joined in the best he could.
But nobody saw that, when he was sure he wasn't being watched, Luffy's face fell into an expression of sadness, and he would stare at Zoro with a confused, hurt look on his face.
Nobody at all.
Just a little one-shot I wrote at 11:00 PM. I got bored, and I just started typing.
This is the first of many random one-shots to come. Not all of them will be depressing like this one, which is why I won't label this collection with a genre.
Hope you enjoyed! Please leave a review on what you think about my little one-shot. It'll help me write more one-shots, and inspire me to write new chapters of my stories! *Wink wink*
I will take suggestions, by the way! Just no romance suggestions, please! I will absolutely NOT write a lemon. Fluff I can do, but not that citrusy crap.
Until next time~!
~Captain Luffy