AN – And here is the end to our little journey. It's short and sweet with just a hint of Bella's life in the future. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer…I unfortunately do not own any of these characters, I'm just borrowing them for now.

Epilogue –

"Never, Darlin'." Jasper purred. "I will never leave you again and neither will Peter."

"Thanks, Tom. You're the best." I said as I smiled at the man on the phone.

"No worries, Bella, just be careful." Tom responded. "Just make sure you swing by and say hi next time you're in town."

"I will, Tom, I promise." I looked around my home as I hung up, sighing in wonder.

It had been two months since the boys had found me in Tom's bar and I have been in my house all of four times and that was due to me being stubborn. I still worked at the bar and if I was there so were my mates, or at least one of them. I started to question why one or the other would randomly disappear, but they never gave me a straight answer. Tried to play it off as hunting, but even I knew they didn't need to feed that often. So I gave up. Until I told them one night after closing that I needed to stop by my house to get a few things.

"Like what?" Jasper asked as he rolled his untouched beer between his hands.

"Well, like clothes and other essentials." I sighed. "It's not like I packed for an extended stay at your…excuse me, our house."

Peter started to fidget in his seat and Jasper wouldn't look at me.

"Alright, out with it. What are you two up to?"

"Us?" Peter asked while looking at Jasper.

"Nothing." Jasper answered with a look of guilt written clear across his face.

"Boys?" I put my hands on my hips as I stared them down.

"You boys better answer her." Tom called from behind the bar. "When she gets like this, she gets more and more stubborn until she gets the answer she's a lookin' for."

They both look at him and then me, before their shoulders slumped.

"We wanted to surprise you." Peter whined.

"It would have been ready within the next few trips if you wouldn't have said anything." Jasper added with a sullen look on his face.

"What would be ready?" I thought I had an idea of what they were going on about, but they needed to own up to their sneaky ways. "Come on, out with it."

"She's worse than my ma'." Peter complained as he scooted back in his seat. "Damn. It was Jasper's idea."

"Fine, blame it all on me, ya coward." Jasper growled. "Just means I get all the credit if she's not pissed by it."

"Humph." Peter crossed him arms and refused to look at either of us.

I was hard pressed not the bust out laughing, but I had an image to uphold here, which meant keeping the laughter hidden from the empath just a bit longer. "Jazz?"

"Damn." He growled. "We were slowly moving your stuff from your house to ours. When you accepted that we were mates and the house was ours, I thought I would make you as comfortable as possible and that meant having your own belongings in the house."

"That was very thoughtful of you, Major." I said and leaned forward, capturing his lips with mine. "I do wish you would have told me though. You know how much I hate surprises."

"I told you." Peter and Tom both chimed in at the same time, causing both of us to glare at them. Peter frowned. "What?"

With a shake of my head, I went out back to get my bike, knowing one of them would be following me. In the past two weeks, Tom had gotten to know my boys enough to approve of them after giving them 'the speech.' You know, 'You hurt my Bella and you will have to answer to me' speech that would've scared a normal guy. Luckily my men aren't normal.

That was the night I saw just how far these two would go to make me comfortable in their world with them. I knew what I was giving up being their mate and I knew what I was leaving behind. But what I was gaining? Was worth so much more than that.

Taking one last look around my house, I went out the front and locked the door behind me for possibly the last time. We hadn't decided if we wanted to sell it or not. Who knows where we would want to live in a few decades time. Hopping onto my bike, I laughed as I put on my helmet. All those years ago when Edward left me desolate and broken, I never would have thought that my life would have turned out this way.

Driving back to our house, I knew there would be hard times ahead. Every couple had their issues, but oh the make-up sex afterwards would be worth the arguments. I almost couldn't wait. As I parked the bike in the driveway, I could almost sense the anxiousness of the two that waited for me inside. This was it. This was the day I said good bye to my mortality and hello to eternity with two mates that would keep me safe and loved always. I couldn't wait.

With a peel of laughter, I walked into our home and found them waiting for me in the living room. Jasper leaning against the wall by the patio doors, the sunlight filtering in and surrounding him in a golden glow. Peter sitting in a chair near the fireplace looking like he was about to come undone with his excitement. I almost wanted to make him wait, but why torture myself? Time for that once eternity is all you have right?

"So, boys." I purred as I pulled off my shirt and headed towards our bedroom. "No fighting over who gets to bite me. Same time or not at all. I'm in the middle and this time, Peter?"

"Yes?" Came his eager response as they followed me into the bedroom.

"I'm riding my Major, while you, Captain, get a new kind of fun."

"I knew it." Peter clapped his hands. "Now you'll see that I'm the one you should've asked to do this in the first place."


"Yes, sugar?"

"Shut up and strip."

"Yes, ma'am." The boys chorused and stripped in a blink of an eye.

Damn I'm a lucky woman.


AN – So that's it. Ok, I know that a lot of you reviewed with your thoughts and hopes on how this story would continue. A lot of you had some really good ideas and they would all make for a great continuation. Right now, RL is kicking my ass in many ways and I am finding it hard to have time to write. I have left you all waiting for updates on quite a few stories and this one I had already had this written. I may continue this at a later time, but right now this is the end of Threesome.

I know I enjoyed Bella's story and I hope all of you did too. I am always open to your thoughts and critiques or ideas for other stories. Ok, you guys know the drill. Review please!

Don't forget there is the FB page for updates and discussions. Just search for Bella & Jasper – Love Under a Blood Moon and you should be able to find it easily. It will be the hub for all Twilight fanfic discussions as I have Darkness as well as one shots that are in the works. If you aren't reading Darkness…I highly recommend it, lol, but I may be a bit biased.