Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars Rebels


Everyone in the Ghost ship was having a good day, Sabine painted, Chopper and Zeb were fighting, and Hera and Kanan were in the cop-cabin, but were was Ezra?

Ezra was in his room, sitting in his bed, thinking.

About 3 months ago, he returned with his crew again and he couldn't sleep so well, he had nightmares about his past, he sweated a lot while he was sleeping, and when he awaked, he heard shrieks of his parents.

"Maybe I should tell Kanan" thought the young padawan, but he founded in a war with himself.

He wanted to tell his master, about his nightmares and his parents, but for the other side, he didn't wanted to worry Kanan, because the Jedi was under pressure trying to find new allies and supplies to the fleet.

Suddenly, Ezra's vision turned blurred and he fell to the ground, making a loud sound.


The first image that Ezra saw, was himself sending a coordinate decoder to a unknown contact, next, he saw his master scolding him, finally, he saw that a boy, probably at his same age was telling him: "We meet us again"


"Ezra?! Ezra wake up!" said a voice full of worry and fear.

The kid opened his eyes and saw Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, Hera and Chopper gazing at him with worry.

"Ezra!" exclaimed his master with relief.

"Wha- What happened?" asked the padawan, but he knew the answer.

"We were on the cop-cabin when we heard a loud noise" explained the Twi'lek "So I decided to came to check you… And you were there, laying on the ground unconscious"

Ezra began to stand up with his master's help, but he fell.

"Are you ok kid?" asked Zeb.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" answered the padawan.

Everyone gazed at him with worry, letting Ezra in a uncomfortable silence; Sabine, when she noticed, decided to leave the room, being followed by the others.

Ezra sat down. Why was he sending a coordinate decoder? Why would Kanan scold him so bad? What he would done? And the most important thing was: Who on the Border Rim was that boy?

Hello Rebels

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the fanfic, and I ask you (again) to have me a little bit of patient, and this days, if you see that I don't update with frequency, is because I'm sick (Nooooo!), but I'll try to do my best. Thank you Rebels (or bounty hunters, mistery resolvers, or blah blah blah)