Well here it is dear reader's, the dabbles of Hissy Fit: Sinnoh League.

I know you've all been waiting, so here's the first chapter of dabbles I've put together.

The Adventure Continues. . . Now!

Hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or Harry Potter in any shape or form. This is a non-profit fanfiction for reader's fun and enjoyment, who want to escape from the reality we call LIFE, for a while.

These are the episodes each chapter follows:

Ch. 1 Episodes 1-4

Hissy Fit: Sinnoh League-Diamond & Pearl

Chapter 1

On the ship that was heading towards the Sinnoh Region, was a young 12 years old trainer by the name of Ash Ketchum. Ash was on his way to compete in the Sinnoh League, after he has obtained the necessary badges. With his trusted Pokemon friends beside him Pikahcu, Harry/Arbok, Tsunami/Kingdra, whom Ash brought along to get used to battling with her, and Aipom, who followed him onto the ship, Ash felt certain that this time he'll win the Sinnoh League Competition.

The trip to Sinnoh, by boat, will take 3 days. So they still had two days left of sailing to go.

Ash was leaning on the rail of the ship and letting the salt-water air move across his face and through his hair. He had let the other two members of his team out of their Pokeballs for some fresh, sea-water, air and to spend some quality time with them.

With Pikachu was on his shoulder and Aipom was on the railing, both Pokemon were looking ahead of them. Ash noticed his friend Harry was looking at the water below, or more precisely at Tsunami moving along in the water beside the ship. She easily kept pace and wasn't even winded yet. Ash and their previous traveling companions had learned what her name was, thanks to Harry writing her name in the dirt with his tail, back in Kanto.

Ash smiled at them, ever since he received Kingdra from Alex, she seems to spend a lot of time being around Arbok. Sure she spent time with Pikachu and everybody else as well, but she always seem to be around Arbok the most. And Arbok doesn't seem to mind at all.

In fact Arbok, Ash noticed at times, would sneak surprise snake kisses to the side of Kingdra's face. Those times would cause Kingdra to blush and nuzzle Harry in return. Ash couldn't help but smile at his friend Harry, for finding someone to be with.

Ash knew what was going on, thanks to Harry's memories. By witnessing Harry's memories of his love life with Blaise, Ash started looking at girls differently. Harry's grandpa had given Harry 'The Talk' before his death, and by extension, via memories, both Ash and Brock were taught it as well. Boy did Harry give both him and Brock a private talking to later during the 2 months of training, especially Brock. He spoke with Misty privately, too.

When the three of them saw his memories, they saw everything. Including his first time with his wife. Ash, at the time, had learned to push those, ADULT, memories to the back of his mind, and focus more on the memories that would help his team grow stronger. That doesn't mean he was completely oblivious, to the opposite sex. He noticed, he just used Harry's memories as a guide to not act on them, yet.

Misty, for example, was not really what he was looking for in a girlfriend. True, she was what he considered one of his best female friends, but not what he wants in a girlfriend. Temper wise.

May, on the other hand, was the girl he started looking at the start of his journey though Hoenn. Based off of Harry's life, Ash did feel something for the new Trainer when they first met, in Professor Birch's lab. He guessed puberty was starting early with him like it did for Harry. It had to be, cause Brock at times would pull him aside, away from May and Max, and give him some helpful advice, as to avoid making May upset.

Ash was lucky that he was being as subtle as a Slytherin, with his checking May out looks, as he could be, while her kid brother was there with them. Max, to Ash's relief, never caught on. As smart as Max is, he was still a 7 year child. Plus, Ash really didn't want to deal with the consequences of Max finding out, then telling their father, while they were still traveling through Hoenn. Especially if it all turned out to be just a fleeting crush.

Ash would help May out as much as he could, whether with training for Pokemon Contests, or just understanding Pokemon in general. It really was Harry's past life experiences that had influenced a lot of Ash's decisions. When to act, and when not to act. The way Harry looked at women, Ash started to do the same. Hence, why he felt attracted to May.

The feelings for her only became stronger when they where put in danger because of Team Rocket, Team Magma, and Team Aqua making trouble, and he wanting to keep her and his friends safe. When they traveled Kanto, Ash slowly, but surely, started to show May he really liked her. And to his joy and relief, she reciprocated those feelings. However, they were both young and decided, mutually, to take it slow.

When the siblings were about to get on the ship that would take them back to Hoenn, did Ash make two risky moves. One, he gave her the Pokeball that held his Dragonair. He told the surprised May to raise her, that she loved Contests as much as May did. May promised to take good care of her. Two, he kissed her, on the lips. And May returned it. That was their first kiss. Ash knew he was in love.

Ash smiled at the memory. Max nearly fainted, and Brock's jaw dropped to the ground. Their starter Pokemon, Pikachu and Blaziken, looked shocked at this, then smiled at their trainers. The two had promised to stay in contact, as they had bought a pair of Pokegears and traded numbers.

Ash had called her earlier that day, on his way to the ship that would take him to Sinnoh, to let her know were he was heading, and she wished him luck.

Coming out of memory lane, Ash saw Kingdra had jumped back onto the ship, over Arbok's head. She landed beside Arbok, while getting him wet with water along the way. Harry frowned at her, water dripping from his head, with a raised brow ridge. Tsunami looked up at Arbok, tilting her head, and blinked at him innocently. Ash suspected that if she had a mouth, instead of the snout, she would be smiling at him.

Ash, Pikachu, and Aipom laughed when Kingdra tried to hop away, but was quickly caught and was wrapped up in Harry's coils. Harry then proceeded to rapidly, shoot out his forked-tongue, all around the struggling Kingdra's head and snout. Planting many snake kisses on her, in retaliation for getting him wet.

Kingdra made some alto, churning sounds, that sounded like laughter and pleads for mercy. About a minute later, Harry stopped, and nuzzled the Dragon-type lovingly. His heart fluttered with happiness when she returned the gesture with equal affections. Neither one caring they had an audience of three watching them.

Ash knew that his Sinnoh journey in 1 more day was going to be great with these two on board.

Dawn's plan worked. She managed to trick the Ariados into attacking with Sludge Bombs at its own web. That freed all the captured Pokemon, including Piplup and Chimchar. The two starter Pokemon that had fled the lab.

When they were out of danger, Piplup pecked Dawn and threw a tantrum. Chimchar, first thanked Dawn by hugging her neck, then proceeded to yell at Piplup for attacking the brave human girl that rescued them.

Dawn learned that Piplup was a boy and Chimchar was a girl. She also learned that Piplup was hungry and that Chimchar was the one who swiped its food earlier. Chimchar blushed and chuckled nervously at Dawn's raised eyebrow at her. Dawn tried to feed Piplup some Pokemon food, but the water type refused. Chimchar took some gratefully, which caused Piplup to glare at her.

Dawn and the two Pokemon ended up battling the returning Ariados. Chimchar showed off her rather impressive Ember Attack, keeping the poison types away until she was hit by Sludge Bomb, and fainted. Dawn cried out for the defeated fire type, and Piplup grew angry at the bugs for hurting his friend. He defeated them all and protected Dawn and Chimchar with his Bide Attack.

Afterwards, at Lake Verity, Dawn tried to feed the two again, but didn't have enough for both. Chimchar encouraged Piplup to take it this time. He smiled, thanked the fire type, and took the offered food. Then the three saw what looked like the shadow of a legendary Pokemon rise and return to the lake.

Dawn had brought Piplup and Chimchar back to the lab. When she got back she learned that another beginner came by and took Turtwig as his/her starter. That left Dawn with a difficult decision to make. Who to choose between Piplup and Chimchar. The three of them made a good team, and she didn't want to leave one behind.

Rowan helped her out by saying he wasn't expecting anymore new trainers, so she could have both Pokemon. Dawn and the two Pokemon were happy and thanked the Professor. Chimchar nominated Piplup to be Dawn's official starter. This surprised the water type, and he held out a flipper for her to shake, which she gladly did. They were friends and partners. Dawn returned both to their Pokeballs and left to begin her journey.

Dawn and her two Pokemon, with a battered Pikachu's help, sent Team Rocket blasting off with a combination of Bubbles, Ember, and Thunderbolt. Pikachu fell over in exhaustion. They hurried the electric type to the Pokemon Center.

After getting a report that Pikachu will be fine, Dawn called her mom to show off her two Pokemon. Piplup and Chimchar were delighted to meet Dawn's mother. Of course, Piplup had to show off. That caused Dawn and Piplup to get into a scuffle on the videophone. Chimchar just giggled at the two.

Ash, Aipom, Brock, and Starly were still on the move to find Pikachu. Team Rocket had snatched his starter Pokemon from him. Now he had caught a Sinnoh flying type, Starly, to help search from the sky.

That is until they ran into a purple haired Trainer, who rudely told Ash that he should have tried to catch the strongest Starly around. Ash was about to battle the kid before they saw the effects of the move Volt Tackle in the distance, and knew it was Pikachu's.

Ash and Brock left to check it out.

After listening to Team Rocket's new motto, and Ash freeing Pikachu, he then grabbed his friend's Pokeball, from his necklace. "Arbok! I choose, you!" he yelled, and threw the Pokeball.

A scarred, green eyed Arbok materialized, his hood flared open and bared his fangs for all to see. He had a metal contraption attached to his hood/belly, and in the center of it was a blue, black and purple stone of some kind. In the center of the stone looked like a DNA symbol.

This surprised the new Coordinator Dawn and her two Pokemon Piplup and Chimchar. That Arbok was big, and in their eyes scary, too.

"Uh, Oh!" Team Rocket said in fright. "Arbok, Hyper Beam!" Ash called out the attack.

Arbok opened his mouth and inhaled, forming a basketball size sphere, then firing the purple and white energy beam at the machine. Once it made contact, it exploded. KABOOM!

"We're blasting off again!" Ding.

Harry looked at the scene from within his Pokeball, and sighed at what had transpired recently. Once Ash and Brock agreed to let Dawn travel with them, they headed out side, only to run into the same rude Trainer from before, now identified as Paul.

The Trainer challenged Ash to a Pokemon battle and Ash accepted. Prof. Rowan allowed them to use his back garden as the battle field.

Now, Prof. Rowan and Dawn stood off on the sidelines, as Ash and Paul faced off to battle. Brock would act as referee.

Dawn was excited to see an actual Pokemon battle. "This is great! I've never seen a real Pokemon battle before!"

Ash smiled over at his new friend. "Well, you're seeing one now. So hold on to your hat," Ash said to her, while adjusting his own hat.

Paul smirked and hmph'd at him. "What's so funny Paul?" Ash asked, frowning at his challenger.

"Just that you talk like such a little kid," Paul insulted.

Before Ash could retort, Harry vibrated his Pokeball against Ash's chest. Ash stopped immediately and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, slowly exhaled, and calmed down. He opened his eyes and really looked at Paul. He realized that Paul was trying to make him lose focus, and he can't afford to do that. Not after coming all this way, and after beating Brandon! Plus he was to show Dawn how Pokemon battles are done. He silently thanked his partner for making sure he didn't lose his head.

"The rules?" Ash asked, calmly. Paul frowned at Ash's lack of reaction.

"Like I said before, 3 on 3 with no substitutions. And the one with two wins first, is the winner. Got it?" Paul sneered at Ash.

Ash nodded instead of verbally replying, then threw his first Pokemon onto the field. "Kingdra, I choose you!" and Tsunami materialized onto the field.

Harry watched as Paul inquired as to why not use his captured Starly. He smiled when Ash told Paul that he hasn't begun training Starly yet, so wasn't going to use him in the battle. Paul had frowned at that, then called out his Starly.

Harry watched Tsunami and Ash beat Paul's Starly with an Ice Beam Attack, and Starly fell to the ground in faint. Paul recalled his Pokemon, and said something rude to it, as Ash recalled Kingdra and thank her for a job well done.

Arbok witnessed Paul call out a monkey like Pokemon with a fire on its rear. According to Ash's Pokedex, the mon was called a Chimchar. One of the starter Pokemon in Sinnoh. A fire type. Ash countered by calling Aipom. Arbok had to admit, that Paul kid knew how to train Pokemon, but his attitude left a lot to be desired. Chimchar lost to Aipom and Ash's quick thinking.

Paul had lost two rounds, and recalled the fire type back. There was no point in a 3rd battle, when Ash already has 2 wins.

Harry couldn't hear what he said to the young Chimchar's Pokeball, but he was sure willing to bet his Mega Stone that Paul was degrading his Chimchar. He watch Paul close his eye and declared the he lost, and Brock made it official.

Dawn jumped for joy at Ash winning. Paul turned to Prof. Rowan and thanked the professor for the use of the field. He then turned to Ash, frowned, and nodded to him. He left afterwards.

Dawn had battled the Pokemon Barb Nando in a Pokemon Contest battle. She wanted to show Ash and Brock that she has gotten stronger. She used Piplup against Nando's Budew. She sadly lost.

While the gang was resting with Nando in the forest, after getting rid of Team Rocket, Ash let out his Arbok and Kingdra for the night. The two went to positioned themselves by a tree. Then Harry proceeded to wrap Tsunami in his coils, and lean against the tree, upright. Tsunami, made those churning sounds again. Only this time, it sounded like purring to the humans, while Harry continued to nuzzle her lovingly.

Dawn squealed quietly "Aw! They're so cute together!" at the two lovebirds public affections, and stated to the others that she wished she had a camera for this.

Nando played his harp of sweet music mixing in with the sounds of the forest Pokemon. Hearing the mixture of the two sounds, the two Dragon Egg Group Pokemon were put into a peaceful sleep. Ash and the others smiled at the sight, and thought the same thing as Dawn stated earlier.

The next morning, Ash challenged Nando to a Pokemon battle. Ash managed to pull off a victory, with Pikachu.

Nando then had made his choice, and decided to do both Contest and Gym battles. He then wished them farewell, until they meet again.

"Battling Nando sure was fun. Wasn't buddy?" Ash asked his electric type, who nodded to him.

"And just think Ash, Nando will be competing against both of us! For the Grand Festival and the Pokemon League!" Dawn said excitedly.

"Nando sure will be having his hands full, no doubt," Brock added, "which means you two had better do your best as well."

"Right!" both Ash and Dawn yelled in unison.

To be continued. . .

Here's a little dabble of Hissy Fit in other regions.

Hoenn: Hissy Fit

Pikachu was out of danger. Ash could now rest easier. He watched his buddy, resting on the examination table, until he heard a sound behind him. He, along with Birch and his assistant, looked and saw and embarrassed girl holding a vase.

Ash felt his breath get caught in his throat at the sight of the girl, in particular her pretty, sapphire eyes. The girl introduced herself as May, a new Trainer.

"N-nice to m-meet you," Ash stuttered, then cleared his throat. "I'm Ash Ketchum, from Pallet!" 'I stuttered, I can't believe I just stuttered!' he thought in shock.

Harry watched from his Pokeball, and couldn't stop from chuckling at what had just happened. Ash just acted like he did when he first met Blaise all those years ago on Hogwarts Express. Grinning, Harry couldn't wait to see how Ash really handles the opposite sex, especially one that he seems to be attracted to already.

(This journey is already promising to be amusing so far. He he he,) Harry chuckled in thought.

While Ash, May, and Max were helping Brock with the dishes after eating Brock's stew with the wild Taillow's, Arbok was having a private conversation with a depressed Dratini. Ash looked at them, and could sympathize with his dragon-type. After all, he too felt down at losing his first gym battle against Brock, way back then.

Arbok had the smaller serpentine dragon wrapped in his coils, and his head was nuzzling the top of hers. She no longer looked sad, and started squealing in laughter when her papa started tickling her with his forked-tongue.

To him, Dratini was lucky to have her father figure there to help her through this. Her first defeat she received in a new region. He smiled when they both returned to him, and Dratini having a look of determination in her eyes.

Ash nodded to her. No words were needed. They'll get stronger together.

Harry had just blasted Team Rocket with his Hyper Beam, and watched as the Great Tree fell apart. After Treeko was done mourning it, he turned to Ash for a battle.

Ash smiled and said, "Alright Pikachu, let-"

(No!) Treeko shouted and waved his paws at him. Ash stopped and looked confused. (I want to battle him!) Treeko pointed to Arbok, who was beside Brock, May, and Max. Treeko had seen how strong the older poison type was and wanted to battle him.

"Well Arbok," Ash asked, "do you want to battle Treeko?" Harry looked at the prideful grass type, then nodded.

The battle didn't last long, Treeko did several Quick Attacks, but they always fell short. And none of his Pound Attacks were connecting either. He was tiring, and Arbok has yet to strike back. He was about to call the Cobra Pokemon a cowardly worm, when he was suddenly struck in the gut by Arbok's Dragon Tail. He was thrown into the air, and before he even touched the ground, he felt a Pokeball hit him.

He was sucked into the Pokeball, and couldn't break free. He was caught. Pong.

Later he said his goodbyes to the other Treeko of the forest, and left with his new trainer. As he walked, he would sneak glances at the Pokeball that hung around Ash's neck. That held Arbok. Treeko vowed to himself, that he'll get stronger, and won't lose to him again.

Next time they battle, the results will be different!

There it is dear readers, hope you enjoyed the first set of dabbles for the new Sinnoh adventure.

The dabbles at the end of each chapter will deal with some ideas I didn't put down with Hoenn: Hissy Fit, mostly dealing with Treeko and his little attitude towards Harry/Arbok like I mentioned in Hissy Fit: Pokemon Master.

I didn't think at the time to put any of this down when I did Hissy Fit: Indigo League, because it didn't fit in with the way I was doing the story then. Treeko and his species line is one of my favorite Pokemon and I really want to write how he and Harry will somewhat react to one another.

I've already dealt with Charizard, now I am going to delightfully deal with Treeko/Grovyle/Sceptile. Also Dawn and Ash's Buizel is on that list as well, as he is another favorite of mine.

So a reminder, the first set of dabbles at the end of the first set of chapters, I haven't decided how many yet, will deal with Hoenn, then afterwards. . . . . .you'll have to wait and see! I've said too much already!

I'll post the next chapter when I can. Like I said before I like to focus on my other story.

Reviews are appreciated.

Until next time dear readers.