AN: hey guys, sorry for my spotty updates. I have RA and I have not been well. It's been actively flaring up and I'm trying to get it under control. New medication started so cross your fingers for me :) anyway...last chapter just to tie everything up. Let me know what you think.

I do not own or profit from The Walking Dead

Chapter 9

"Well I call this mission a complete success." Tara said walking up the stairs to Aaron and Eric's house, with Eugene, Abraham, and Glenn in tow.

"Yeah that's why we're hiding over at Aaron and Eric's." Glenn said drily.

"We're not hiding, per say, were allowing them alone time." Tara said as Eric opened the door.

"What's wrong?" Tara asked Eric who had an awkward expression on his face.

"I'm sorry" he said to the group before leading them into the living room to find Daryl and Michonne waiting.

"Well hello sunshines." Michonne said with a large smile. "sit down" Michonne said motioning to the seats in the room.

"Don't kill me." Tara gulped.

Michonne started laughing "That's funny, isn't that funny Daryl?"

"That's some funny shit right there." Daryl said nodding.

"What?" Tara asked.

Michonne sobered " All through this, you worried about me and Daryl, and what we would do to you? Didn't you?" She said

Tara nodded

Michonne smirked " We ain't mad, we know all about your secret meetings and shit." She said

"How do you know about that?" Glenn asked.

"Carl sold you all out." Daryl said gruffly.

"Of course he did...freaking Carl." Glenn muttered.

"See here's the thing" Michonne said interrupting Glenn "You guys were worried about the wrong people. Although you're plan was a disaster, and stupid, you could have really hurt Daryl, I am not mad, neither is Daryl. You wanna know why?" Michonne asked.

"Why" the group asked

"Have you met Rick and Carol? Carol brought down a compound of cannibals on her own." Michonne said

"My baby don't play no games." Daryl said with a smirk lighting a cigarette.

"Yes, his baby don't play no games," Michonne said "And need I remind you what Rick is capable of? We are not mad, you guys will have enough to deal with from those two." Michonne said turning her glare toward each one of them.

"Dear lord." Eugene muttered "I fear for my life."

Michonne grinned and Daryl stood up handing out invitations.

"What's this?" Tara asked

"Carol's having a birthday party for Rosita tonight...seeing how your so fond of invitations, Carl made these for you..." Daryl said " Lots of wine" Daryl said with a smirk as he gave one to Aaron and Eric.

"You' all better be there...wouldn't wAnt Carol's feelings hurt." Daryl said glaring.

"And Rick is planning the entertainment!" Michonne said with a grin.

"We will see you all tonight." Michonne said as she and Daryl headed to the door.

The door closed with a silent click. The group stood momentarily staring at the door, when Tara gulped.

"I'm scared" Eugene muttered.

"Me too" Eric said.

"They were joking...Glenn right? Right? "Tara said. Glenn shook his head no before answering.

"We are so screwed"