I wish I could say I woke up peacefully to the birds chirping and the smell of pancakes cooking, but unfortunately it was more like Jeremy's heavy metal music and the aroma of burnt toast courtesy of Aunt Jenna. I groaned angrily and tried to cover my ears with my pillow. This tactic was useless as my room was so conveniently placed right next to my fifteen year old brother's, who was going through such a wonderful faze at the moment. I rolled out of bed, mumbling unfriendly words to myself. I stumbled into the hallway and pounded ruthlessly on Jeremy's bedroom door.

"JER MUSIC OFF BED SLEEP!" I screamed obnoxiously. He ignored my banging and turned his music up louder. The door across the hall opened revealing my sister, Elena, with a murderous and unattractive look on her normally beautiful face. She marched over to Jeremy's bedroom door and continued badgering Jeremy in a more civilized manner.

"JEREMY GILBERT, YOU TURN THIS MUSIC DOWN RIGHT NOW! HAVE SOME CONSIDERATION FOR THE OTHER PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN THIS HOUSE." Elena bellowed over the top of Jeremy's music. He either couldn't hear us or was choosing to ignore us.

"Ugh, I can't take it anymore," I groaned, accepting defeat and slumping down the stairs. I could still hear Elena yelling at Jeremy from upstairs as I sat across from Jenna at the kitchen table. A plate of slightly burnt toast sat in front of me.

"Morning sunshine," Jenna smiled wryly at me. I yawned unattractively and pointed at the toast.

"This," I began mid yawn, "Is an abomination!" I finished as I picked up a piece of it and began munching on it. Jenna rolled her eyes.

"Jeremy listens to such lovely tunes," She laughed, taking a sip of her coffee. Before I could answer Elena came stomping down the stairs miserably. Jenna laughed again.

"This has to stop," Elena complained, "I'm worried for him, he's been hanging out with some shady people lately and now he's listening to headbanger music? What if he's still doing drugs?"

"I don't care what the excuse he comes up with is, he is going to school today." Jenna said, attempting to put forth some authority. My stomach turned.

"Shit," I moaned, slapping my hand against my face, "I forgot all about school." I said the word with disgust.

"Olivia, don't be such a drama queen," Jenna teased, "I'm sure you have to be excited to see your friends." Although Jenna thought she was helping, seeing my friends was what I was most nervous about. I hadn't seen them since my parents died, and I hadn't returned any of their calls. Elena seemed to know what I was thinking and gave me an understanding look.

It was almost 7. I shoved the last bit of burnt toast in my mouth and took a gulp of chocolate milk before heading back upstairs to get ready for school. I threw on the outfit I had picked out last night, a pair of jeans, a grey t-shirt, and red flannel. I put on my favorite necklace, an old birthday gift from my father, a small ruby ready heart on a thin chain. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I yanked a brush through my wavy blond hair, grimacing at the number of tangles that had appeared in my sleep.

I attempted to cover the bags under my eyes with my foundation makeup. I smirked at myself, well Oliva time to face the music. My bright green eyes widened as Jeremy pounded on the door.

"Liv," He began irritably, "I still gotta brush my teeth, so can you hurry it up?" I sighed and opened the door to let my little brother in. I loved Jeremy, I really did. But man, the kid could really piss me off. I could tell he was even more nervous than I was to go back to school.

"It'll be alright Jer," I sighed, reaching up to pat his shoulder. "It'll get easier after today," I half expected him to push me off or scowl at me, but he nodded.

"I really hope so."

Soon we were herded out the door by Jenna, already late. "Are you sure you guys don't want a ride?" She yelled as we hopped into Elena's car.

"We're fine Jenna!" Elena and I yelled in unison. Jeremy sat quietly in the back, already with his headphones in listening to music sullenly. Elena glanced at him worriedly, before driving in the direction of Mystic Falls High School.

I had never been one that desired to slide under the radar, going unnoticed. I was witty, fun, and had a decent group of friends. I always seemed to be able to pull some good grades. I was a sophomore in high school. I was popular among my group of friends, and was well enough liked throughout the school. Of course, I've never been Elena popular. She was a year older than me and was a cheerleader, everyone wanted to be her best friend. I guess I've always been sort of jealous of how many guys seemed to chase after her and how people would practically plead to be her friend.

I stood nervously at my locker, waiting to get the awkward confrontation from one of my friends about not returning their calls. I didn't have to wait long.

"Well, well, well," I heard a familiar voice tsk, "If it isn't the beautiful Olivia Gilbert!" I turned around, not able to help the growing smile on my face.

"Look at you, Simon Fell, looking as fabulous as always!" I was pulled into a big hug by my best friend. Simon had dirty blond hair, fashionably styled and kind blue eyes. Simon grinned at me cheekily.

"It's good to have you back, Livy." He said as the bell rang, "We'll catch up later," he promised. I nodded, relieved he didn't bring up my disappearance among our friends lately.

"The Grill after school?" I called after him.

"It's a date," Simon winked at me. I laughed, shaking my head. I missed Simon, and I missed our best friend talks and our teasing banter. Suddenly Elena rounded the corner of the hallway, charging at me with not the most pleasant of facial expressions.

"So," She gritted her teeth, "I just followed our brother into men's bathroom, because I had a suspicion he was doing drugs," my eyes widened, Elena could sometime be psychotic, "and I was right!" She exclaimed. I shook my head, shocked. I mean it was common knowledge Jeremy smoked pot. But you'd think he'd be smart enough not to do it in the school bathroom. On our first day back at school. "Ugh," Elena said, "I have to get to class. We need to have an intervention with Jer tonight."

I nodded, "Agreed." Elena walked away, pulling her phone out to text Jenna, I assumed. I walked into my first class of the day, ignoring the stares from my peers, I sat down at a desk in the back, hoping not to receive as much attention. I notice one of my good friends, Kira Bennett sit down in the front row, she didn't notice me hiding in the back. I also saw my ex boyfriend, Tyler Lockwood take the seat next to her. He unfortunately did notice me, doing a double take. There was an awkward ten seconds of eye contact before he turned away, a blank expression on his face. I let out the breath I had been holding during our staring contest.

Mrs. Kelly, our teacher, waltzed into the room. I had always thought she resembled a bird. She began writing on the whiteboard the homework for tonight and then started to read role call. I held my breath until my name was called. "Olivia Gilbert,"

"Here," I said with a shaky voice, causing the room to turn and stare at me. Mrs. Kelly slid her glasses up her long nose to get a better look at me.

"Welcome back, Ms. Gilbert." She said. I nodded sheepishly, this time making eye contact with Kira. She stared at me for a moment with wide eyes and mouthed "Talk after class?" I nodded, and smiled back at her. She smiled back curiously.

After class I met Kira at her locker, we hugged and she agreed to meet me and Simon at the grill tonight. "It'll be just like old times," She smiled at me kindly, "I can't wait to catch up."

"Me too," I agreed, genuinely happy that my friends had been so understanding today.

When the day was over, I couldn't be more relieved. I decided to walk from school to the Mystic Grill. First, I wanted to stop in my favorite thinking spot, and read. It was something I always used to do after school.

It was a little bit of trek into the woods, but it was so worth it. I finally came to a large pond with a log that was perfect for sitting on. I sat down and let out a deep breath. It was beautiful. I smiled as a couple of ducks swam past. I was digging through my bag, trying to decide if I was in the mood for an oldly but a goody (The Great Gatsby), an all time favorite (Harry Potter), or a book recommended to me by Kira (The Fault in our Stars), when a voice came from behind me.

"I'd go with Harry Potter, Gatsby is overrated and I've never heard of the other one." I jumped off the log stumbling a bit.

"What the Hell!" I exclaimed, clutching my chest. The stranger behind me smirked. I blushed as I noticed how attractive he was. He looked like he was in his early twenties and had the most piercing electric blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Well you're kind of in my spot." He shrugged, ignoring my flustered appearance. The smirk was still firmly on his face. I noticed him check me out. I cleared my throat.

"Actually, new guy," I frowned, "This is my spot." He laughed, a bit condescendingly.

"I can guarantee you, that this spot has been mine a lot longer than it's been yours." I narrowed my eyes.

"Listen dude, I know you're new to town. This place is so small and boring that everybody knows everybody. I think I would have ran into here at MY spot before if that were the case." The attractive man looked amused at my sudden attitude. I started to get a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was off about him. I may be feisty, but I'm not stupid. I was alone in the middle of the woods with a strange man who kept eyeing me in a way that made me uncomfortable.

The situation just screamed "run".

"So uh, nice to meet you," I said grabbing my backpack, "Maybe I'll consider sharing my secret spot with you," I laughed nervously, my hands started shaking a little. This did not go unnoticed by the stranger. He took a few steps forward until he was chest to chest with me.

"Is something wrong?" He cocked an eyebrow at me, still smirking. I narrowed my eyes and tried to push him away from me.

"I'd appreciate if you'd backup a little," He caught my hand as I was about to push it against his chest.

"What's your name," He peered into my eyes. I stared right back at him, my fear replaced by my attitude again. Damn my sassiness.

"Olivia Gilbert." I returned with a smirk of my own.

"Hmm, Gilbert." He repeated curiously, "Do you happen to have a sister named Elena?" I rolled my eyes for the sake of being scared of this guy earlier. He was just another guy trapped under my sister's spell.

"Yeah." I sighed, trying to walk away from this guy but he reached out and grabbed my wrist. I tried to yank it away but his grip was strong. The bad vibe I had gotten from him earlier was back. He looked into my eyes again.

"You're going to forget that you met me, Olivia." He spoke to me as if trying to hypnotize me. I frowned, but before I could respond to him he disappeared in an instant.

I dropped back onto the log in shock. What the Hell just happened.