Chapter 1 She Burns

She didn't understand what the fuss was all about, she was bored out of her mind sitting near the bar, watching the crowd enjoy the night on the dance floor. How she had let herself be dragged here to this shady night club by her friends was beyond her. What was she thinking? 'That Sun was probably right and that I really did need to let loose.' Though how any of them could cut loose and have fun when at every turn she makes there is always a human glaring at her and her friends with disdain?

She couldn't really blame them though; they were literally the only Faunus in the building. So it couldn't be helped that they stood out like sore thumbs and brought this kind of attention. They could glare at her all they wanted; as long as they stayed away from her and her friends they could tolerate each others existence. She sighed deeply to let her nerves calm for a moment and turned around the bar stool to get the bartender's attention, she waved him down and requested for a drink over the blaring techno music, "Rum and coke, on the rocks please!" The bartender nodded and began to prepare the drink behind the counter.

With a drink now in her hands, she let herself relax a little more and dragged her golden eyes around the dance floor, watching Sun pick up a girl to dance with to the up beat music. This made her smile as she took a sip of her drink, still scanning the large dancing crowd she spotted another of her friends there dancing too. Which was a shock to her, her rabbit eared friend is normally the shy type. It seemed Velvet had found another Faunus among the crowd who appeared to also be a rabbit just like her. 'Wow that's a surprise.' She thought to herself with wide eyes, not really expecting other Faunus in this scene but she was happy for her friend that she was at least enjoying herself. At ease now she took another sip of her drink and lounged back on her seat, she was always a people watcher. She wasn't exactly the dancing type, Sun had tried to convince her to try it out with him but she politely declined the offer. She was content with just sitting down and relax as she watched the crowd dance. Even though it was still boring watching all those people dance.

Coming here may not have been such a bad idea after all, though she won't really say it to Sun's face.

There was one thing she indulged about this nightclub, and it's the vibrant bright lights that flashed all over the room in sync with the music that played energetically. It was energizing feeling the pulse of the music beat through her chest, she had to admit it. This isn't usually the type of place she would frequent, but she could actually get use to it. Another thing that made her curious about this club, she had noticed this place was super packed. Even for a nightclub, she wondered if there was some kind of big event going on tonight. She let her cat ears twitch as she over heard a conversation three bar stools away from her, "Man, I can't wait for them to play soon. I've been waiting all week for it!" One slightly drunken boy said as he waved over the bartender, the other boy next to him nodded excitedly in agreement, "It's gonna light up in flames soon, hot damn she's so hot!" He commented.

She could only roll her eyes at the boys. 'Typical men.' Must be some kind of a performance, she deduced judging by their behavior.

Soon her attention was brought back to the dance floor now, the crowd started gathering at the center of it in front of a large stage. The lights slowed, and the techno music began to fade away. The crowd began to roar in excitement as a single spotlight pointed down on the stage and there stood a girl with white hair that was tied into an oddly angled pony tail, a microphone in hand along with an electric bass slung over her shoulder. Her facial expression seemed a bit annoyed as she stared down at the crowd with mild disgust; she let out a sigh and brought the mic to her mouth. "Alright you losers stand back and shut up." Her voice carried out through the entire floor, despite her nasty attitude the audience seemed to cheer even louder as if they were enjoying the white haired girl's blunt crudeness. She rolled her blue eyes down at the crowd and ignored their cheers; she placed the mic on the stand and stepped away to the far left where another mic stand stood for her.

The Faunus girl with the cat ears chuckled slightly at the white haired bassist, she concluded that the girl on stage was very into herself and prissy. Though she was surprised that the girl wasn't the main singer of this band, least she assumed it was a band that was about to perform. Another spotlight appeared, this time it was shinning towards the back where a drum set was perched. There was a small redheaded girl sitting behind the drums, a sheepish smile on her face as she waved at the crowd. She turned to look at the bassist; she seemed to be talking to the white haired girl. It was hard to make out what she was saying to her, she was covering the mic with her hand to prevent the crowd from hearing anything. The girl jumped in her seat with a cold sweat running down her face when the bassist yelled something back at her, it seemed the ice queen had a hot temper ironically enough.

"Weiss don't yell at me!" The redhead whined, "All I was trying to say is that was a poor distraction, we needed to stall the audience not insult the audience!" She tried to reason with her fellow band partner.

"You come up with something then, you dolt!" The girl named Weiss was beyond angry at this point, they should go ahead and cancel the performance all together at this point. "This is all your sister's fault! You should be the one taking responsibility, not me!" She crossed her arms in defiance and turned her head away from the redheaded drummer. She couldn't believe that their guitarist in addition to lead vocalist was late yet again. This was becoming routine, and it was testing her patience.

The drummer laughed nervously as she took a quick side glance at the waiting crowd, 'Dammit, Yang. Where are you?!' She cursed mentally; she stared to the right to their sound technician/DJ. He was setting up his sound board along with his keyboard and scratch records for their remixes to use during their performance; he soon caught the drummer's stare and blinked in confusion as his headsets slid back from his ears awkwardly. "What?" He asked.

"Jaune, heeeeeelp~!" She drummer pleaded with big teary eyes, she had no idea what to do at this point. Last time she tried to distract a crowd she was almost boo'd off the stage, turns out joggling was really not her strong suite.

The blonde boy stared back at her with a grimace, "Me?! What am I suppose to do?!"

"Anything!" She yelled in frustration while waiving a clenched fist around.

"Gahh…" Jaune stumbled around his setup and began to put together a mix song, quick fingers gliding around his sound board as he did so. Hypnotic techno rifts filled the silent dance floor; the crowd started to sway and bobbed their heads to the beats the band's DJ was creating.

Soon they began dancing to it, enjoying the opening performance of Jaune. Weiss made a sigh of relief and she walked over to the drummer, "Ruby, we can't keep this up forever. If she doesn't show up in the next five minutes during this song we are going to have to cancel this time."

Ruby shook her head and stared at Weiss with determination, "She'll be here!" She said confidently, her sister never failed to deliver. Sure, she tends to have the worst timing sometimes but her sister would never leave them high and dry.

"Your confidence in her will get us in trouble one of these days." Weiss glared at Ruby icily.


She made a sharp turn down the streets, tires screeching at the long drift the turn had made. She revved the motorcycle to pick up speed, causing the beastly machine to jerk up into a wheelie as she zoomed down the road in a yellow streak. As if lightning was driving through town, she kept accelerating without hesitation. Letting herself get carried into the speed, she sank into it as if she was becoming one with her bike.

She was so late, extremely late. She looked on the bright side though; she finally gets to test out the engine she got installed into her baby. She kept up at top speed, and drove around the traffic ahead of her expertly. Gliding around the cars like she was the wind itself, one of the cars honked and rolled down their windows, "Slow the hell down ya nutcase!" The driver yelled, but it fell upon def ears.

Within seconds the nigh club's sign came into view, a wave of relief came to her as she drove around to the back of the building quickly screeching her tires once more but to a halt this time. She kicked the stand of the bike and reached up to take her helmet off, long wavy blonde hair cascaded down her back as she shook it with her hand to make it somewhat less messy. Helmet hair was the worst. She hopped off her bike as she unzipped her yellow jacket, "Ohhh boy, Weiss is gonna murder me." She laughed awkwardly.

'I am going to murder your sister.' Weiss was tapping her foot impatiently against the stage floor, arms crossed still and her stance frigid. There was only a minute left to Jaune's song, she shot Ruby a cold stare sending the redhead a silent message.

"Hehe…" Ruby kept her toothy grin, little beads of sweat on her temple rolled down yet again. 'Weiss is going to murder Yang.'

Sun finally escaped the dancing crowd and made his to the bar where his cat Faunus friend sat, "Phew! Thought I'd never get away!" He laughed heartedly, his monkey tail curling up behind him.

Golden eyes squinted at the monkey boy, "Riiiight, you seemed very distressed for a moment."

Sun took a vacant seat next to the cat girl and stared out the stage curiously, "What do you think is taking so long for them to start?"

She shrugged in response to the question, unsure herself exactly what was going on. They were too far away, but she picked up bits and pieces from the band's conversation. It seemed that one of the band members was running late, 'Tsk, what an irresponsible idiot.'

Back on stage, Ruby was starting to chew at her fingernails like a machine gun. 'This is bad, this is very very baaaaad!'

"Ruby! Where in hell is she?!" Weiss had finally lost her cool. She was getting ready to strangle the little redhead with her bare hands. If this performance gets cancelled, the band will not only be humiliated but her father will stop funding the band as well. Too much is at risk, they were going to get their reputations ruined. 'Completely and utterly ruined!' Was the dreadful thought that came to Weiss' mind.

The song was over, and Jaune was out of ideas for another track. The crowd was starting to get impatient and were being vocal about it too. "What's the hold up?!"

"Yeah! Been waiting here!"

Weiss was also beginning to sweat under the situation, "Ruby, I'm sorry but this is the end of the line."

"Yang…" Ruby bowed her head in disappointment, heart dropping as she was about to give up as well.

"You guys need to give me some credit." Came a sassy voice from behind them, the two girls turned their heads back practically breaking their necks in the process. There stood the blonde with a big grin on her face, guitar in her hands.

Ruby's silver eyes brightened up overjoyed to see her sister. "Yang!"

Weiss' face began to turn as red as Ruby's hair, pure rage coursing through her body as it shook. "Yang… You LITTLE F "

Before Weiss unleashed all hell on the blonde guitarist, Yang began to strum a familiar tune on her electric guitar, strutting down the stage as she did so with every step screaming confidence. Weiss and Ruby quickly took their places once Yang reached her microphone, Ruby fumbled with her sticks but drum beats quickly followed Yang's lead. As so did Weiss' bass matched up the pace perfectly with her.

Come at me

And you'll see

I'm more than meets the eye

You think that

You'll break me

You're gonna find in time

You're standing too close to a flame that's

Burning hotter than the sun in the middle of July

Sending out your army but you still can't win

Listen up silly boy cuz I'm gonna tell you why

The crowd went wild and rocked out along the song as Yang started singing it, screams and applause continued to grow at the performance. The lights on stage turned into gold as it flashes across the stage following the rhythm of the band, Yang jumped off her feet as she shredded on the guitar.

I burn!

Can't hold me down

You got nothing that can stop me

I burn!

Swing all you want

Like a fever I will take you down

"Wooo! Yeah!" Sun threw up a fist pump in the air, "This is awesome, Blake!" He cheered out for the band, putting fingers in his mouth and began to whistle loudly.

Blake's eyes were glued on the stage now, not expecting the turn of events at all. She was impressed by the band's talent, but most of all, the girl that was on guitar caught her attention. She could tell from this far the color of her eyes were bright red. Was it part of the band gig? Blake had no way of knowing, but she was entranced by her voice as well. The blonde's vocals was strong and raw, it caused a strange feeling within her that she couldn't quiet explain. One thing was for sure, this girl knew how to rock that guitar.

Yang's fingers glided over the frets of her guitar effortlessly, keeping up with her vocals as well without breaking a sweat. Her hair rocked along with her as she continued on with the performance, she strutted around the edge of the stage. The crowd's hands were reaching out to her, barely grabbing at her boots as she walked by them casually, teasing them. Yang had the audience wrapped around her finger, and she knew it. She had complete control and she was drinking it all up, she was giving them what they wanted. And damn was she good at it, she was born for this. It brought a flame in her she could never get outside of a stage, just like the song, it made her burn. And she burned brightly, the crowd felt the energy off of her and that's what drives them insane at each of their performances.

Blake continued to watch from afar as Sun was still rocking out to the band in his own little world, the feline Faunus watched every single move the lead of the band made. She was trying to figure out this feeling in her still, what was so weird about this wild girl?

Yang kept her big smile on her face as she continued on the song, as she scanned the crowds her gaze somehow ended up at the bar in the very back of the dance floor. Her eyes fell on the golden ones that were clearly staring back at her, Yang grinned. It doesn't have to be this way, let's kiss and make up, and then you'll learn. She threw a quick wink at the girl that was closely watching her from the bar, which earned her a scowl in return, she almost laughed into the mic in the middle of the song,

You can fight your life away

I get what I want, so don't bother and just watch me burn!

In comes Jaune with his part of the song, quick rap of the verses poured out of him as he held the mic up and blasted out sweet rhymes.

Blake was still scowling at the stage, had the vocalist really winked at her? She was now not impressed anymore, clearly it wasn't the bassist that was into herself, but the lead. She scoffed, forgetting quickly the odd sensation she was getting from watching the blonde perform. It was getting late now. She was tired and was ready to go home. She said goodbye to Sun and made sure to tell him to take care of Velvet, the monkey Faunus protested at first but said goodnight regardless.

Jaune was almost done with his chorus, and it was soon Yang's turn to take over and finish off the song. Though all the while Yang was watching the retreating back of the girl she was watching exiting the club, she held back a pout and brought her attention back to her audience.

A/N: Hello everyone J Just thought up this scene just now, and it was late in the night that I couldn't sleep so I decided to post it. Hope you all liked it, please do RR your thoughts and opinion matter a lot and it helps. Also if you have any ideas for a band name I am open to any suggestions!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, not the characters or the song.

Edit 11/5/15: I would like to give a shout out to my new Beta, you are awesome and I appreciate you helping me out :D