A/N: I honestly shouldn't have finished writing this when I've got so much to do, but Lucaya man. I have an exam today and desperately need to write to get away from studying for a bit. I know this is just a little rushed, description wise, and this is very word vomit-y, but I was trying not to make it drag. It will be revised later so it flows more smoothly.

Thank you for the absolutely sweet reviews and for being so patient with me! I appreciate it and I'm glad that you guys enjoyed it! I hope that this epilogue ties up loose strings well enough! If it doesn't, feel free to let me know and I can tweak some things up for you guys!

Disclaimer: I do not own GMW (but I'm hella Lucaya Trash to the point that I think I've just about lost my mind).

~Seven Years Later~

Maya wonders if there is anybody in the hallway right now that can hear her retching in her dressing room. She must sound horrible with all her groans and the garbled chunks hitting the bottom of the small trashcan.

Maya stares at her pale face in the mirror after wiping her mouth and tossing the vomit stained napkin in the trashcan. This is the third time she's tossed her cookies that afternoon, and she honestly can't stomach anything even though Riley had fretted and worried that she would pass out if she didn't get some food in her system. It just isn't practical to put anything in her stomach when she has a feeling it's just going to come back up the way it went down though. As if throwing up during the rehearsal dinner the night before wasn't bad enough… Maya would be lucky to get through the actual ceremony without vomiting all over Lucas.

Her nerves are killing her.

She's pleased to see that her makeup hasn't gotten ruined with her wiping and stands up slowly, the billowing skirt of her chiffon white gown flowing around her as she steps away from the mirror to take a final look at herself before she heads out. She can hear the introductory tune of the organ as the procession enters into the chapel, and she knows that it's almost time. Butterflies dance ruthlessly in her stomach, and Maya wonders if she'll even get out of this dressing room without hurling again.

She feels a little bloated, and she'd broken out horribly that morning with two fresh zits appearing on her forehead. Thankfully, the makeup artist had done a magnificent job concealing the blemishes, but Maya's stomach is still in knots and she doesn't feel like she's in good shape. She's a little concerned because her anxiety has never made her physically ill before, but she pushes it away. This is her first time being this anxious in level, after all.

She stares at herself, almost unrecognizable in her spectacular, immaculately done makeup and the sparkling diamonds in her ears and around her neck. She turns to and fro in front of the mirror, watching as the elegant gown swishes and flows around her legs. Staring at the plunging back. The rhinestone encrusted ivory lace adorning the bodice and trailing down to the skirt, twinkling almost magically with each of her motions. The cinched empire waist flowing down into a taffeta skirt that tapers away into a luxurious, sweeping chapel train. The French lace veil hanging from the braided chignon on her head and trailing down her back, mingling with the train.

It's not a fantasy she's ever had, wanting to be a princess for one special day, but she can't help but feel like she is one.

And she would be lying if she says she isn't excited.

She's very excited.

Because after all this time, she's finally—finally—getting married to Lucas.

After years of pining for each other, of missing each other, of no visits, of being pulled apart because of the circumstances, and of postponing for ages after he proposed a year ago when she moved to Texas to be with him, she's finally marrying her beau.

She won't lie, it had been hard waiting so long.

But they had made it.

Maya's lips can't help but curve up into a cheerful smile, her heart dancing in her chest in excitement and slight fear and disbelief all at once because she's finally here. This day has finally arrived.

There's a knock on her door. It opens with a creak, and Maya sees Riley's head poking in the door from the reflection in the mirror. She walks in, her teal bridesmaid dress swishing between her legs, flattering to her rounded figure from her growing baby bump.

"All done?" Riley asks in excitement, closing the door behind her and then squealing when Maya turns around to face her. "Oh Maya… You look perfect!"

"I don't feel like myself though." Maya smiles sheepishly, still wondering if she had honestly been looking at herself in the mirror. "But thank you for the encouragement."

"Well that's what best friends do, isn't it?" Riley walks over and rearranges the band of the veil resting in front of her chignon. "How do you feel?"

"Nervous… Scared… Excited." Maya shrugs, turning back around and blinking at her reflection. Honestly, she's shocked more than anything. It's just so surreal. "I just want to see Lucas."

"And you will." Riley checks the clock on the wall. "In five minutes. Did you throw up today?"

"Three times."

Riley's lips curve into a small secretive smile. "You threw up a couple times yesterday at the rehearsal dinner too, didn't you?"

"Yeah." Maya shakes her head with a laugh. "I must really be terrified or something. I've never been this anxious in my life before."

"Right…" Riley says slowly. "Anyway, don't be too scared. You're not the only one freaking out, you know? Farkle told me Lucas was a mess earlier. Got ink on his tie, and then Zay almost lost the rings. And then the wedding planner was going nuts because apparently the—"

"Some motivational words would be really nice right now, Riles." Maya mutters, giving Riley a dry look.

"My point is, Maya. Whatever happens, no matter what crazy stuff will happen—because let's face it: you plus Lucas equals chaos—you'll be okay because you know you have Lucas by your side. And Lucas has you by his. And that's what's important. That's what you both need to remember to make this work. You love each other, and now you're ready to spend the rest of your life together." Riley reassures her, cupping her cheeks with her hands. "It's time. No more hesitation. Are you ready?"

Maya nods, glancing at herself once more in the mirror and letting out a long sigh.

It's go time.

"Okay!" Riley cheers excitedly. "Let's go get you married!"

"Let's go get me married."

"I'm proud of you, Peaches," Riley says, handing Maya her ivory bouquet before picking up her own from the dressing room stand. "Congratulations."

"Thank you, Honey."

With a deep, slightly shaking breath, Maya tugs the veil over her face and prepares herself for the beginning of the rest of her life with Lucas. It's happening. She'd dreamed of it for years, wondered if it was ever going to happen, lost hope for it, and now it's officially happening.

Maya follows Riley out of the door, letting the tall brunette lead her out of her dressing room, down the little hallways to get to the chapel. Maya's heart starts racing in her chest as they approach the doors of the chapel, the wedding march playing from the organ inside. She swallows hard, standing beside her gushing mother as Riley fusses over her veil and the train of her dress before walking over to Missy's twins and standing between them before they start to wrestle each other to the ground.

"Justin. Jeri." Riley chastises sweetly, tweaking them both on the nose. "Remember what I told you. If you want to be the flower girl and ring bearer, you have to be on your best behaviour otherwise your mommy will get mad."

Maya tunes out the rest of the conversation, lost in thought as Riley gets the two twins in position. Then Riley begins her own trek down the aisle, giving Maya a soft, encouraging smile over her shoulder before she disappears inside. Maya's heart begins to double time, her breathing a little uneven as she begins to realize that this is absolutely about to happen. Justin heads in through the doors with the decoy rings on his pillow, and then Jeri makes her way inside, tossing flowers at people in the pews instead of on the floor, and all too soon, Maya knows her time is coming. She's not hesitant to get married per se; it's just everything that comes with the word 'marriage' that sets her on edge.

She's about to become Maya Penelope Hart Friar.

"You've waited for this day for a long time, baby girl," Katy says reassuringly beside her, clearly reading her mind. "There's no reason to be scared."

"Easy for you to say. You never had a huge wedding with a thousand of your groom's family that you've never even met coming to your wedding and judging you secretly with their eyes."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Katy laughs, holding her arm out to Maya who holds the crook of her mother's elbow with a slightly trembling hand. "The Friars and all their extended family love you. Lily was talking last night about how much she absolutely adores you and even thanked me for making you. She's ecstatic that you're the one marrying Lucas and the one who might give her her future grandchildren. Speaking of which, when will we get them? I'm not getting any younger here."

"Let's not jump the gun, Mom. Lucas and I haven't even talked about children yet. One step at a time. I'm barely managing to wrap my head around this marriage thing."

"Well wrap your head around it soon. Because we're on."


Before Maya can try to gather herself, Katy is tugging her through the doorway, decorated in turquoise and white roses, a million watt smile on her face as she walks her daughter down the aisle to the tune of Here Comes The Bride.

Maya is sure she stops breathing as they walk through the red rose-petal covered aisle and everyone stands up, eyes all on her as she makes steady steps forward with her mom. It's almost like stepping into a glowing fantasy dream or something, the midafternoon rays passing through the stained glass windows and scattering colourful, enchanting light across the room. The chapel is intricately adorned with cerulean silk banners on the pews and walls and clusters of soft white rose petals. Maya isn't one to believe much in fairytales, but if she did?

This is it. This is her fairy tale.

She feels her cheeks burn red from the sheer amount of people at the wedding as she glances around, her mind focused on making sure she doesn't trip over her dress with each step she takes. The chapel is filled to bursting with people, most of whom she knows are Lucas' extended family all flying in from wherever they live to see one of their youngest family members get married. She can see a handful of his cousins and uncles (and others she doesn't think are blood related but might as well be because they're all so close) sitting on and filling up her family's side as well, taking thousands of pictures as she and her mother walk towards the front.

She sees some old acquaintances and some mentors she invited as well as the members of Riley's family who she has become quite close to over the past couple of years. She sees Lily and Tristan at the front as she approaches and their encouraging smiles help to loosen up her tightened nerves a bit. She sees Lucas' groomsmen standing proudly, grins on their faces (though she won't lie that they all look a little hungover, especially Farkle, who looks a little green in the face and Zay who has bags for days under his eyes. Amateurs). She sees her bridesmaids holding their own bouquets, Riley's face scrunched up as she blubbers and sobs loudly, proud tears trailing down her face while Missy gently pats her shoulder to shush her and calm her down.

Katy comes to a stop at the front pews, her eyes glassy as she and Maya turn to face each other. She carefully lifts Maya's veil off of her face before stroking her cheek softly.

"I'm so happy for you, baby girl."

Maya can't help the tears that sting the back of her eyes, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around her mother. Katy rubs her back gently before holding her at arm's length.

"Go knock 'em dead."

She kisses Maya's cheek before turning to take her seat at the front pew with Maya's Gammy.

With a deep breath, Maya turns slowly to face the front, and her gaze locks with Lucas'.

She swears she stops breathing as time slows down, all the noise dissipating, everything around her nonexistent as she and Lucas stare at each other. They're in their own world in that moment. Nothing to her matters anymore but the two of them. Herself and Lucas, standing almost slackjawed at the altar, looking unbelievably handsome in a dapper midnight suit, a white rose pinned to the lapel of his suit jacket. She's glad to see he's managed to settle the ink issue with his turquoise tie.

She doesn't know how she actually gets up the altar when her mind has shut down—and how she gets up there without stumbling up the steps in her heels for that matter—but her feet move of their own accord to Riley, handing her the bouquet on autopilot before she drifts back to her knight in shining armour.

Her rock. Her support.

The man she absolutely used to want to break in two for playing his damn country music too loudly all the time (which honestly hasn't changed if she really thinks about it).

Why had she ever been scared of this? Now she just wants it to be over already so they can enjoy their honeymoon. Because all that's going through her mind now is that she wants nothing more than to finish this up as quickly as possible so they can start the rest of their life together.

He's beckoning her to him with his eyes, and Maya can't help but be lured to him, her heart battering in her chest from the warmth in his sea-foam gaze. Their hands reach for each other of their own accord, and Lucas clasps hers in his, rubbing soft circles on the back of her hand. He's smiling, transfixed, a small thing that leaves no doubt in her mind that he loves her just as much as she loves him. She feels her face flush under the weight of his gaze, though she returns the smile, wondering if he can hear her wild heartbeat drumming in her ears. Lucas looks a little nervous and his palms are a bit sweaty, but she knows she's going through the exact same thing.

They really had made it to this point. Through thick and thin. Through ups and downs.

She knows he's thinking the same thing; she can see their journey flashing through his mind as well, remembering the shit they'd gone through. How lucky they were to have met each other and how they had slowly become odd friends to even odder lovers before Maya could finally acknowledge that she had fallen in love with him. His charm, his humour, the care he had for her, the way he made her feel like she could do anything.

It hadn't been easy once he'd officially left for Texas and later when she'd left for Morocco with others to work in communities for youth development programs.

They'd been apart for so many years, four of which they hadn't seen each other once. They had taken a break around her second year volunteering when Maya. She and Lucas had taken some time to see other people to test their relationship and see if when she returned, they truly would be ready for long term commitment with each other. She had briefly dated another member of her group, but it had always been casual and lighthearted and she'd kept close to her heart the promise ring Lucas had given her. Her new relationship had just been out of a desire for companionship over anything else, but she had known with all her heart that the only one she truly wanted was Lucas.

After Maya had returned to New York, the first person she had wanted to see above anyone else was Lucas. She had missed him more than she could ever know, but it hadn't been that simple. She couldn't go to Austin since she had to finish out her grad school requirements to get her teaching license since she had put that on hold to volunteer. And above all that, she had become a student teacher at a high school in Greenwich Village and spent the duration of another couple years there. Surprisingly enough, she had found out Riley lived in Greenwich Village, and she had become her closest confidante and best friend through the years. It had been great being surrounded by close friends and family—her mother, Missy and her twins, Darby, Zay and the others—but there had been a hole missing in her life.


It had been thanks to Riley that Maya had found the courage to get in touch with Lucas once again after she'd gotten her teaching certification. She'd been worried about seeing him for the first time in probably four to five years, but had gone to Austin on a job interview, making plans with Lucas to hang out as friends and see where they stood and if she wanted to continue where they left off. Maya had been terrified that feelings would no longer be there and she had lost her chance with her possible soulmate, but that hadn't been the case at all.

It was true what people said about absence making the heart grow fonder.

Sparks had flown between them within a few seconds of him picking her up from the airport (Maya's official favourite place to have sex had become Lucas' car) and to her absolute comfort and relief, they'd rekindled their relationship as if things never even changed.

Yes, they no longer were the same graduate students they had been when they first met, but they were still just as madly in love as they had been when they separated.

It had taken Maya another year of being in New York—another difficult year—before she could permanently move to Austin, but once Maya had luckily found a position at a small independent school in Austin, she'd made a one way trip there and moved in with him.

They had spent almost every waking moment together, making up for lost time and reaffirming that they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives. The love she felt for him was still so profound and intense and still left her breathless. And when he had proposed to her, right there in the middle of work one day, she hadn't hesitated to say yes.

They'd waited another year to get married for Billy to come back from duty so he could be at Lucas' wedding as a groomsman, and once he had returned, they'd finally gotten started on the preparations to make their dreams of marriage to each other a reality.

And Maya knows it's absolutely a reality now.

She's dragged out of her thoughts when Lucas gives her hands a gentle squeeze, a slow grin growing on his face.

"Hi," Lucas says softly.

Maya beams. "Hey."

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…"

She barely focuses for almost all of the ceremony, not quite paying attention to the warble of the officiant. She can't help it. Her eyes are only on her almost husband as she bites her lower lip, trying to fight the gigantic smile that keeps making its way onto her face. She knows she looks like a blushing, giggly idiot, but she can't help it. She's unbelievably giddy and she's getting fucking married to Lucas and if someone had told her years ago that moving into an apartment next door to some loud cowboy asshole seven years ago would be the best decision ever, she would never have believed it.

But here they are.

"Do you, Lucas Friar, take Maya Penelope Hart to be your lawfully wedded wife, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love her faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?"

"I, Lucas Friar, take you, Shortstack, to be my wife, knowing in my heart that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I affirm to you in the presence of all our witnesses my sacred promise to stay by your side as your faithful husband, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad.

"I further promise to love you without reservation, honor and respect you, provide for your needs as best I can, protect you from harm, comfort you in times of distress, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live… as long as you stop trying to cook."

Maya snorts as the congregation chuckles. Riley gasps behind her, clearly appalled by his deviation from his vows. The officiant rolls his eyes, shaking his head in exasperation before turning to Maya.

"Do you, Maya Penelope Hart, take Lucas Friar to be your lawfully wedded husband, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love him faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?"

"I, Maya Penelope Hart, take you, Huckleberry, to be my husband, knowing that you will always be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I affirm to you in the presence of these witnesses my promise to you to stay by your side as your faithful wife, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad.

"I further promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live if and only if you stop playing your damn country music in our apartment."

"Well, that's not really fair," Lucas says with a quirked brow. "I like country music. It's not like I asked you for something outrageous, since you don't like cooking anyway. If you cook, I'll probably get sent to the ER. Country music isn't hazardous to your health."

"Quite the contrary. Every time I hear it, my ears bleed. I'm pretty sure that's a health hazard."

"You want to talk health hazard? Talk about the number of times you've nearly set our place on fire."

"Would you let that shit go already? It barely happens."

"It happens at least once a week!"

"You're just making stuff up now to make me look unreasonable for asking you to stop playing your country music."

"Do you hear yourself?" Lucas scoffs, looking at her like she's lost her mind. "You're ridiculous."

"You two." Riley hisses furiously. "Stop it."

Maya ignores her, raising a brow.

"It's one little request. I could have asked for anything else, like you finding a different place for your stupid shrine of cowboy hats—"

"I don't have a fucking shrine!"

"—or even moving those dumbbells in our room that I nearly broke my foot over once because you never clean them up after you work out!"

"Do you hear me complaining about all the damn paint you leave all over the apartment? And your incessant ability to magically forget to put the caps on paint?"

"I don't leave paint all over the apartment!"

"Say that to the blue paint stain I got on my ass last week!" Lucas rolls his eyes in annoyance. "And you just don't ever try to clean up after yourself. It's like looking after a child!"

"That's just rude, you asshole!"

"Well, I'm sorry you can't handle the truth that you're problematic!"

"If I'm so problematic, then why the hell are you even marrying me?!"

The congregation gasps dramatically, and Maya can hear Riley faux fainting behind her as the officiant face palms.

"Because I love you, dammit!" Lucas shouts. "You're the most annoying little shit in the entire world, but I can't get enough of you!"

The chapel grows quiet for a spell, everyone waiting with baited breath as Maya and Lucas stare at each other. Riley's face is red, looking like she's about to have a heart attack while Missy and Darby and Zay are snickering at the turn of events. The corner of Lucas' mouth quirks up in a slight smile after a few seconds, and Maya chuckles, shaking her head in mirth.

They're so stupid.

"Couldn't you have said it in a better way, Ranger Rick?"

"You were pissing me off."

Maya rolls her eyes, but she smiles.

"Well… You're a dumbass. And I hate that almost all the time, all I can think about is the way you make me feel so out of control…" His gaze darkens the slightest bit. "I love you too, Lucas."

Riley lets out a long sigh, sounding utterly relieved.

Maya holds his gaze, her heart battering in her chest as she discreetly rubs her thighs together under her dress. It feels hot in the room suddenly and when she tentatively licks her lips, Lucas' eyes drop to her mouth. He slowly lifts his gaze back to hers and her breath hitches when all she sees is heat swirling in his eyes that she knows she's reciprocating.

She wants him. So bad.

The officiant clears his throat uncomfortably.

"Well then, if you two are done, let us now have the rings brought forward."

Zay walks up, reaching into his pocket, and pulls out the velvet box containing their rings. He hands the box to the officiant before stepping back to his spot behind Lucas.

"These rings mark a new beginning in your journey together filled with wonder, surprise, laughter, tears, celebration, grief, and joy. They are a symbol of your eternal love for one another. They symbolize your commitment in marriage." The officiant gives them both a look in turn. "They remind you of who you are, where you've been, and where you're going. As you wear them through time, they will reflect not only who you are as individuals, but also who you are as a couple. As you wear them, may they be a constant reminder to you of one another and of the deep bond of faith, trust, and love which they represent. Lucas, if you may."

Lucas takes her ring out of the box, lifting Maya's left hand as he steadily holds her gaze. Her heart swells in her chest, tears prickling the back of her eyes.

"I offer my vow to you in the form of this ring, so that my word and my love," Lucas says, sliding the ring onto her finger, "will always be with you, close to your heart always and forever 'til death do us part."

"Maya, if you may."

She takes his ring out of the little box, holding his own left hand as she tries to fight her impending tears.

"This ring I give you is a symbol of my love. I pledge to share with you my loving heart," she says, sliding the ring onto his finger, "my mind, my body, and my soul, always and forever 'til death do us part."

"Lucas Friar and Maya Penelope Hart. In the presence of this good company, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. With the sense of incomparable joy that you have found emotional sanctuary for your heart, that you have discovered your life's true love…"

Lucas has an infectious grin on his face that Maya can't help but reciprocate.

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Lucas cradles her cheeks as he bends down, pressing his lips to hers. Maya rises to her tip toes, butterflies and fireworks bursting in her, through her, around her, surrounding her as she laughs and cries through the kiss.

They're married.

She can't believe they did it.

They actually got married.

She wraps her arms around his neck, her fingers threading through his hair as his hands slide around her waist, holding her tightly to him. Shivers dance down her spine from his intoxicating kiss. Maybe it's in poor taste to have a tongue filled kiss in a wedding ceremony, but Maya can't find it in herself to care when she's this happy and nothing can ruin this unbelievable, beautiful moment.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to present for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas and Maya Friar."

Riley is giggling somewhere behind her, and the groomsmen are whooping and hollering, and people sitting in the pews are clapping, but Maya doesn't notice any of that. Not when there's a fire raging between her legs and all she can think about is getting Lucas to screw her in her wedding dress.

They break away from each other with a crude pop, their breathing heavy as they stare at each other, neither wanting to let the other go for even a second.

"Lucas…" Maya breathes out against his lips.

"Your dressing room is empty, right?" He leans his forehead against hers, stroking soft circles on her waist.

Maya nods, biting her lower lip flirtatiously, glad that he implicitly understands what she wants.

"And it has a lock on the door…"

Lucas' smirk grows.

He slips his hand into hers and to the applause and cheers and tears of the congregation, they hurry down the steps and out of the chapel.
