Meanwhile at the Vongola head quarters

"Juudaime!" Gokudera yelled out loudly, He checked everywhere for his beloved boss frantically. He checked Tsuna's room, the closet, under the bed and even checked Hibari's part of the base. Tsuna's guardians were also panicking and searching all over the place.

"Where could bossu be?"

"Tsuna are you playing hide and seek?" Yamamoto called out.

"He could be kidnapped due to his extreme cuteness!"

They all agree to split up and find their missing boss; they weren't planning to lose him again, never again. Suddenly there was an announcement coming from the intercom. All the guardians listened intently to Gianini whose voice came from the intercom.


Hibari frowned at the news and gripped his tonfas tightly. Someone had the nerve to kidnap Tsuna, HIS LITTLE ANIMAL. He didn't spare Kusakabe a glance and immediately headed to the conference room, he needed to know where Tsuna is and he'll tolerate crowding to find his omnivore, even if it'll kill him… He never liked to admit his attraction to the omnivore, Hibari would always find ways to stop thinking about him but it was futile, so he decided to accept it and make sure Tsuna is his. He'll kamikorosu any one who dare attempts to interfere, especially that Rokudo Mukuro.

"Juudaime I'll definitely save you!" Gokudera swore out loud. He wanted to bang his head into the floor and apologize to Tsuna for not being by his side, at all times. Tsuna gave him happiness, company and resolve… What Tsuna did for him for all these years has changed his life for the better. Gokudera is his boss's right-hand man where he had the privilege to watch Tsuna's back and in turn his Juudaime will watch his. But something has been bothering him lately, when Tsuna turned into his 6 years old self, he noticed that everyone is starting to show their affection to his Juudaime.

'So they finally decided to make their move' He thought with a frown, Gokudera always thought that he wasn't worthy enough to be something more than just a right-hand man to Tsuna. It was a greedy thought but it was better than giving his Juudaime up to anyone else.

"I'm going to confess my feelings" He closed his eyes and whispered.

"Huh did you say something Hayato?" Yamamoto called out with a smile. This shocked Gokudera causing him to flush deep red.

"N-Nothing Yakyu- I mean Takeshi!" He snapped at the rain guardian. Before Yamamoto could say anymore Gokudera stomped away, heading towards the conference room. Yamamoto closed his mouth and watched Gokudera's back as he walked away. His smile dropped immediately after and couldn't help but frown, he heard what Gokudera whispered and it made his stomach churn, he didn't know why…

"Confess his feelings… to who..?" Yamamoto said to himself.

But deep inside he already knew, it was all too obvious, Tsuna. He already heard Ryohei's sudden announcement that'll he will 'Extremely get Tsuna to fall in love with him', Lambo's plan to perform a serenade to Tsuna and it didn't help that he saw Haru secretly, creating fake wedding invitations to her and Tsuna's wedding. He loved Tsuna and he realized it a long time ago and did well keeping it to himself. He also knew Gokudera's obvious crush on their boss, but to think that his actually going to confess...

Yamamoto clenched his eyes shut. He wouldn't admit it but he was quite jealous of Gokudera for being able to be the right-hand man, Gokudera gets to be the closest to Tsuna, the most ideal position to be in. But that doesn't matter right now, he doesn't want to lose to Gokudera…

He'll also confess his feelings once he saves Tsuna and everything settles down. With new-found resolve he walks to the conference room. He'll be the one to save Tsuna… He has to be.

"You're late Yamamoto"

"Ahh kid sorry" Yamamoto smiled and scratched his neck. It was Reborn and the other Arcrobaleno in the conference room besides the Tsuna's other guardians.

"Yare Yare lets hurry up and rescue Tsuna"



"Calm down we're getting to that kora!"

"Get on with it or I'll bite you to death"

Reborn watched on as, everyone in the room were becoming restless. Tsuna's guardians argue a lot when Tsuna is near but this is even crazier when he is not here. Reborn coughed out loud to get their attention.

"Shut up and listen"

Everyone in the room immediately became quiet to Reborn's stern voice.

"Tsuna is at Varia's headquarters because Mammon decided to kidnap him" Reborn stated simply. Everyone's eyes in the room narrow dangerously and the atmosphere became tense. Chrome is here and Mukuro is nowhere to be seen, Reborn is already aware that the illusionist also has some deep connection with Tsuna and cares deeply for him in his own way. The infant can only assume that Mukuro is secretly planning something himself to rescue Tsuna.

"We are going to get the Vongola decimo back and that is to infiltrate Varia…"

"Wait… Varia is a part of Vongola, why would they kidnap Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked.

"Baka, do you really think that Varia goes by the rules, especially if it's Juudaime?!"

"Oh!" he laughed back awkwardly.

Hibari couldn't take the crowding any longer so he started to walk out the room. The other guardians noticed this "Hey where do you think you're going, we have to save Tsuna!" Lambo yelled and later flinched, really scared of the consequences of yelling at the ex-prefect. Instead of attacking the cow herbivore to death he looked back and smirked "You herbivores are crowding, I'm heading to the Varia headquarters first, they are all of my prey. You herbivores stay here"

"WHAT, GRRR… HIBARI YOUR ALWAYS EXTREMELY LIKE THIS, DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT?!" Ryohei had the urge to beat down this cocky skylark.

"Stay here? no way in hell, Juudaime needs me and I'm going!" GOkudera joined in. Another fight was about to erupt. Chrome helplessly watched as everything started to unfold and Yamamoto being the rain guardian tried to calm everyone down "Maa, Maa lets all calm down, we need to work together to save Tsuna"

Reborn smirked "Yes Yamamoto is right"

Everyone stopped and faced Reborn once again. "Since Hibari likes charging in by himself we'll let him go first"

Hibari smirked and in turn Ryohei's, Yamamoto's and Gokudera's expression dropped. "W-what so Hibari would be the one to save Juudaime…?"

"Not necessarily, we don't know where in which part of their base is Tsuna. Hibari would clear the way, that's where you and the rest of the guardians will go in from a different entrance"

"Akambo, I don't like being used" Hibari said in low voice.

"You get to fight Varia and might be able to save Tsuna in one fell swoop, so I think your position is quite favorable" Reborn stated with a knowing smirk.


"What are you, the arcrobaleno going to do?" Asked Lambo.

"That's a secret kora!" Colonnello answered.


After a rundown of the plan, everyone began to finally unite with the same goal in mind.

Save Tsuna.

Back to Chibi Tsuna~

'Please help….' Tsuna thought desperately as he is now in the middle of cross fire between the members of Varia. How could this happen you may ask or perhaps you know the answer already, it's just that Tsuna is worth fighting for.

"Shishishi the kid belongs to me!" Bel said as he threw knives at Fran.

"Oww… Bel sempai that hurts, Tsuna would prefer me actually"

"VOI, you guys better stop this right now!" Squalo screamed. Ever since he was shot with the bullet, everyone around him started, arguing and fighting more or is it just him. It was this bad before, but why does he seem like his in a battlefield whenever his near.

'Is this my fault?'

"Haha yes that's right Tsunayoshi Kun~" A playful voice, rang dangerously close to his ear.

"Hieeee…!" He squeaked and immediately covered his mouth. His bad habit of screaming like that came back. Suddenly arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him away, Varia was still busy fighting among to each other to notice their cute brunet gone.


Tsuna tried to wriggle out of the strong grip. Then in a room he didn't recognised, he hesitantly turn back to look at who's holding him. In close proximity, he is faced with a familiar face with white hair and the purple mark on his face. It was Byakuran.

"Byakuran…. What do you think you're doing" T

suna blushed because the marshmallow lover was just inches from his face. Byakuran smirked and let Tsuna go, Tsuna landed on the floor and stared back at Byakuran cautiously.

"The answer to your question will be revealed soon Tsunayoshi kun"

"What do you mean?"

"Look outside of the window~"

Tsuna gulped, and walked to the window slowly. When he took a peek outside he couldn't believe his eyes… Varia was just outside their base and Hibari is fighting with them. That's not all Gokudera, Ryohei, Lambo, Chrome and Yamamoto joined the fray.

"Hmm… it's seems your guardians had a change of plans"

"Byakuran…. I know that my guardians are trying to rescue me, but It seems like you're trying to tell me there's something more to this…"

"Ho I thought you've reverted to your dame self completely, seems you still can think properly" Byakuran arched his brow.

Tsuna frowned; Byakuran just mocked him but at the same time complimented him?

Byakuran opened the window so they both could hear the explosions and crashes louder, as well as their voices. "It won't be long till they start to fight against each other" Byakuran whispered next to Tsuna. The burnet faced him in return with a confused expression and tilted his head.


Byakuran stared at the burnet with widen eyes, and looked away to quickly hide his blush. 'Damn Tsunayoshi is too dense and he has the nerve to ask why they are fighting?!' Byakuran made a great effort to regain his composure in front of the irresistible cute chibi in front of him.

"Ahem Tsunayoshi kun what do you think your guardians see you as?" He suddenly inquired.

Tsuna frowned in thought and placed a hand on his chin "They see me as a friend… and their boss, well for Mukuro I don't really know and for Hibari he sees me as someone to spar with" Byakuran felt like face palming, the answers from the brunet were so simple that he started to feel pity for his guardians. Tsuna's attention was on the fight, that soon is about to become an all-out war.

"Byakuran I'm going to stop the fight" Tsuna said seriously.

Before Tsuna could enter hyper, dying will mode Byakuran stopped him "Tsuna you can't stop them, look into their eyes what do you see?"

Tsuna squint his eyes for a better look; all of his guardian's eyes were fierce as if there's purpose and resolution. Even Hibari's eye wasn't just pure blood lust, Tsuna didn't understand. He wanted to but at the same time he was scared to know, was it his super intuition?

"Why are they looking so determined… What else are they fighting for?" Tsuna didn't tear his gaze from the fight. Byakuran frowned and stood beside the brunet.

Outside was noisy; it was like an intense battle, Xansus firing his guns, Yamamoto clashes swords with Squalo, the very person who taught him and Acrobaleno joining in the fight…. WAIT REBORN IS FIGHTING?!

Tsuna's eyes widen as he watched Mukuro appear with Ken and Chikusa, he leaned in to hear what they were talking about.

"Mukuro Rokudo…" Hibari glared.

"Oya oya it seems we've all came with the same objective in mind" Mukuro laughed. Everyone stopped to listen to the illusionist who just appeared.

"What do you mean?" Lambo asked.

"You all our planning to claim Tsunayoshi after this right…. It's a shame, but his mine"

"What did you say Juudaime is mine!"

"NO SAWADA IS EXTREMELY NOT YOURS!" Ryohei yelled, he wasn't smiling at all and glared seriously at both Gokudera and Mukuro. Tsuna watched in confusion, they usually joked around like this but something about their aura and their eyes tells him that they are dead serious. And the fact that they are beginning to turn on each other is even more terrifying.

"I'll bite you to death" Hibari scowled and didn't hesitate to attack Mukuro.

Lambo began fighting, Chrome backed off near Ken and Chikusa. Yamamoto didn't even try to mediate the fight, in fact he seemed all for it.

"Shishishi, well I'll keep your beloved boss!"

"Trash, go and die" Xansus smirked, and aimed at anyone next to him, even at his own members. Skull brought in his gigantic octopus and lackey's while Verde brought out his inventions. Reborn frowned, their whole plan was completely ruined because on their way to the Varia headquarters they started to quarrel again. The infant pulled down his fedora, he usually keeps people in line but just this one time he'll fight as well. It's simply because there's nothing better than to have Tsuna, even he knows that much.

"I… I have to stop this.." Tsuna gritted his teeth, he didn't know what to do, they are fighting for him... not to just rescue him but something more. But one look in their eyes made Tsuna flinch, should he let them fight it out, or should he interfere with their determination?

He immediately shook his head; he couldn't let them fight for him like this. Byakuran smirked playfully "This is your fault Tsuna what are you going to do?" Tsuna faced Byakuran with sadden eyes.

"Just like me they love you…it's ridiculous right, that their fighting without even considering your feelings" Byakuran said as he looked out the window.

"Byakuran did you just…"

Byakuran frowned and smiled lightly "That's right, realized it already… how much you make people go insane…" He whispered softly and hugged Tsuna's small stature gently. Tsuna blushed at the sudden action but automatically shook it off. To think that it was his fault that this is happening. The fact that his guardians, Varia and Byakuran actually felt that way, he didn't know how he should approached this.

But how does he feel?

"Byakuran… I'm sorry, I... don't know about my feelings"

"Don't worry I understand Tsunayoshi kun" He said softly. Byakuran slowly let go of of the small brunet. Tsuna looked down and clenched his fist 'they're all are important me in their own way whether he liked one of them or not, he'll have to choose one…'

'No… that's not it…. That's not it at all!' he screamed in his mind.

"Tsunayoshi Kun….?" Byakuran called out in shocked, in his eyes Tsuna was glowing in bright orange and just like that, smoke enveloped the chibi.

"I'll be the one to win Juudaime's heart!" Gokudera screamed before shooting at everyone around him. It didn't matter which side he was on, he was on his own side and he'll get his juudaime to only look at him.

"Kufufufu, Sawada Tsunayoshi is mine skylark… someone like you can't love" Mukuro mocked as he he dodged Hibari's tonfas skilfully.

The said skylark growled and used his box weapon to enclosed Mukuro in, but Chikusa intercepted by using his yoyo to deflect the cloud hedgehog.

"The same to you herbivore, you just want that omnivores body… you merely hate the Vongola, you're unable to love as well" Hibari retorted.

Mukuro's eyes narrow dangerously and swinged his trident forward, but Hibari was able to parry it off.

To Mukuro, Tsuna was someone who is not suited to be in the Mafia but at the same time he believed that it should be only be Tsunayoshi. He hated the Mafia with a passion, but he couldn't get him to hate the man who easily forgave him for all of his evil deeds. Mukuro would always entrust Chrome to the Vongola boss and Tsuna never failed to protect her. Now that it has come to this, he won't allow his Tsuna to belong to his incompetent guardians.

"Everyone stop fighting"

Before anyone can get gravely injured, a calm and stern voice, so melodic that everyone stopped what they were to doing and look up high up at the ledge of a building. They all knew that voice, it belonged to the person they cared about the most, Sawada… Tsunayoshi…

"J-Juudaime…" Gokudera whispered.

Tsuna wasn't in his 6 year old stature anymore, in all his glory Tsuna looked down at the damage near the Varia's mansion, his guardians and the Arcobaleno made. A Dying will flame appeared on his head and he flew down to ground.

"Hayato I'm disappointed in you, as my right-hand man how could you let it go this far?" Said Tsuna, in his familiar hot, low voice.

"Juudaime… I…" Gokudera gulped in saliva, He failed as Tsuna's right-hand man and his Juudaime is actually scolding him.

"I'm so-…"

"Yamamoto… Ryohei… Lambo… Kyouya… Mukuro… and Hayato… I am aware of your feelings and I don't know much about mine. But you guys are all important to me, fighting each other because of someone like me…" Tsuna trailed off sadly.


"I am not fit to be Vongola Decimo, I can't even get my guardians to listen to me... if it's my fault that my guardians are fighting among-st each other. Then I'll resign from being the Vongola boss right here and now..."

Tsuna's guardians couldn't help but feel guilty. They made their boss sad and dragged him in their mess. They weren't thinking properly and forgotten their original goal which is to save Tsuna, but instead their desires took over and made them want to get rid of any other obstacles that may seem like a threat. Greedily taking him for themselves…

"Juudaime.. forgive me…" Gokudera dropped to the floor and hit his forehead into the floor in front of Tsuna.

"Sorry Tsuna we weren't thinking" Yamamoto also apologized and dropped to the floor next to Gokudera.

"I'm extremely sorry Sawada…"

"Yes let me apologize"

Hibari and Mukuro remained silent, but you could tell they were feeling guilty as well. Tsuna closed his eyes and then gave them a small, angelic smile. All of Arcobaleno, Varia and his Guardians furiously blushed… Ahh screw it they can't defy Sawada Tsunayoshi any longer. He wasn't small anymore and not as cute as when he was a chibi, but replacing that… Tsuna in his original size is just… One look and you'll end up drooling and in complete awe of his handsomeness and sex appeal. You'll be a victim of nose bleeding if you stay in his presence longer than 10 seconds.

"Sa, let's go" Tsuna said simply and turned to walk back. But a dangerous voice stopped him "Trash do you think you could just walk off after your guardians destroyed almost my base?"

Tsuna looked back at Xansus with a smirk "I'll arranged your base to be fixed up, is something else you want Xansus?"

Xansus suddenly felt his cheeks rise in tempature… Oh now he remembers this feeling "Tsk get out of here trash I'm tired, I'll spare you for now"

Tsunayoshi turned to face the Arcobaleno and then to Reborn.

"Reborn, Fon, Skull, Verde and Collonello thank you for coming to rescue me I appreciate it" Tsuna flashed them a gentle smile. Once again all hell broke loose as Skull, Fon and Colonello nose bleed and Reborn and Verde looked away to hide their blush.

"Tsuna don't get kidnapped like that again" Reborn smirked.

Tsuna blushed in embarrassment "Who's fault do you think that is?" At that Reborn looked Tsuna up and down before his smirk became wider.

"Nice sense of fashion"

Tsuna looked down and saw his white dress shirt unbutton showing his toned chest, what's worst his fly is unzipped. His guardian's also didn't noticed until now because they were too into the moment... Lambo, Hibari and Mukuro leaned in closer to get a better look. Tsuna flushed under their gaze, usually he wouldn't care since their all men and in the past they've seen him in his boxers when shot with a dying will bullet. But since he is now aware of their feelings and their lustful eyes, this definitely broke his composure and he couldn't help but cover himself in embarrassment.

"Y-You… guys stop staring"

At this moment of time his guardians all agreed that Tsuna, even in his 24 year old self can still be so helplessly adorable.

"Ahh sorry Juudaime…. You bastards stop staring!" Gokudera snapped while trying to keep himself from fainting at the sight of Tsuna. Tsuna went to look at Reborn but he and the other Arcobaleno are gone. He then regained his composure and ceased on covering his body.

He gave off a small smile "Lets go shall we?" but frowned when his guardians were still staring at him like a deer in headlights, which made him blush once again. He shouldn't be self-conscious like this, he's a guy for goodness sake…

Well he does know that his guardians have feelings for him, and it doesn't help that they look like hungry wolves waiting to devour him!