Three Letters Back

It was night time now, and Dipper laid in the room he shared with Mabel. Mabel and everyone else in the house was already asleep.

How are we gonna be able to beat him? Dipper thought, He has followers in this world, human followers, and I couldn't even beat THEM! He punched his pillow, How can I do ANYTHING against this!

It was then he noticed that his surroundings had turned into a black void he recognized as the Time Bubble of No Time.

A strange yin-yang symbol appeared before him, coupled with something that looked like the Pine Tree symbol on his hat, only broken in half.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Dipper-wan!" greeted Willpower God cheerfully as she replaced the two symbols that represented her. Dipper jumped a little, mildly surprised despite being used to it.

"H-Hey, Willpower God." he greeted. Willpower God smiled, before turning serious.

"What I predicted is coming sooner than expected." she told him, taking off the necklace she wore. It was the shape of the strange yin-yang symbol. She held it out to him.

"The only way we can win now is if you use my power." Willpower God said, "The power of Willpower. Us Trees have an incredible amount of willpower and determination."

"Us… Trees?" questioned Dipper.

"I'm a 'Pine Tree' too!" Willpower God explained cheerfully, "I'm the Fallen Pine Tree."

"I can use your power because we're both 'Pine Trees'?" Dipper questioned.

"Yup!" Willpower God nodded, "And because you know this now, you can call me Will!"

"Will?" Dipper tried the name out, "Okay." he nodded.

"There's a catch to the power." Will suddenly said, "You gotta trust yourself. It's not 'your' power, it's mine. It's a loan. You have to trust yourself with the power of someone much stronger than you." she fully straightened, "But you also have to remember that you can't trust anyone on a whim."

Dipper nodded.

"You also have to accept that with your powers, comes a responsibility far greater than one you would've had. You'll have to make a sacrifice that another would've had to make." Will said, "Can you accept that?"

"I… Don't know." Dipper admitted. Will smiled.

"I'm sure you'll know when the time comes." she said, "Time in."

With that, Dipper found himself once again on his bed.

Only, this time, he was holding the necklace Will gave him. He put it on, moving it so the pendant was under his clothes. He didn't quite get what she was saying, but he decided to trust her words. So he could protect Mabel.

"Qfjb Fk" fp colj Axkkv Mexkqlj. Qfjb fp prze x zifzeb mltbo. Pl zifzeb lkiv qeb bmfz mblmib exsb fq.


This chapter took SO LONG, and it's probably REALLY BAD. DX

Please review anyway...