At The Beginning

Disclaimer: I do not own this amazing movie

This is my first story for this fandom so I hope you enjoy. I love feedback so tell me what you think. This plot bunny has been on my mind so I thought "Hey why not" ya know. Well if you don't know then don't bother. I'll shut up now so you can read.

At the very beginning when I had no idea who I was he was there to help me. Sure the darkness scared me at first but I got used to it. I welcomed the darkness because I knew he was there with me. At the very beginning when I didn't know why people couldn't see me he hugged me and told me it was ok and one day they would see me. At the very beginning when I lost control of my powers he would help me and told me it just took practice. At the very beginning when I was scared of myself he told me not to and he held me close. At the very beginning when I was in trouble he helped me through tough times. At the very beginning all I knew was my name and he would stay with me. My name is Jack Frost and the person who always helped me would be Pitch Black.

300 years later…

"Jack!" Pitch Black yelled into his dark home.

Pitch let the boy roam the streets last night while he gave out a couple nightmares to the children. He was expecting the boy to be back by now. What if he was in trouble? No! Jack was very well trained now. Jack could almost take Pitch out with a single blow from his staff, and his blizzards were a force that no one would want.

"Hey" Jack Frost said coolly laying across Pitch's throne.

Pitch was happy. Yes, happy. The boogeyman was happy that Jack Frost was home. After the Man in Moon brought Jack back as an immortal Pitch took him in and took care to him. Pitch was happy that he had Jack. Jack's happy demeanor always cheered him up and it was always fun to have a snowball fight every once in a while. Pitch always thought of Jack as the son he never had. He shared everything with the frosty child. Except one thing. He always kept his enemies away from the child. Pitch was getting stronger, he was powerful enough to take on the guardians but that would mean Jack would have to be involved. Pitch had installed a very great hatred for the guardians in Jacks mind with the help of his nightmare sand. Yet he still hated that Jack had to be involved into his work, but he had no other choice because Jack was too stubborn to cooperate. He knew he had to tell him, but he didn't know when to.

"Jack, why were you here so late?" Pitch asked.

Jack twirled his staff in the air in a graceful manner. Jack always felt a strange connection to his staff; like it was part of him.

"Oh," Jack drawled out, "You know the usual" he smiled with his brilliantly white teeth.

Pitch eyed the boy curiously, "And what would be the usual hm."

Jack laughed and launched himself off of Pitch's throne. He flew around the room happily with little snowflakes dropping from the ceiling of the dark cave.

Pitch sighed and walked off to his private bedroom and left the boy to his shenanigans. Once Pitch made it to his room he put his head low all the while black sand formed around him in a tornado like manner. All of the sudden the sand disappeared and so did Pitch. All that was left was an echo of a happy child laughing in the dark cave.

It was the busiest time of year at Santoff Clausen. Yetis roamed around the workshop yelling at each other and working on making toys for the children. Elves ran around with cookies and milk on their heads toward a certain room that said "Santa's Workshop". The elves pushed the door open to be amazed. Ice trains and planes roared in the room. A warm crackling fire shone brightly in the sparkly room. A jolly plumb man was sitting in a chair singing some Russian song while carving beautiful sketches on the side of a frozen train.

"Where are my cookies!" shouted the man in a thick Russian accent.

The elves rushed over to the man and shoved the tray of cookies into his lap. The jolly old man smiled happily, "Thank you."

The elves smiled than left him to his work. This man was the Santa Clause or Saint Nick or as his friends call him: North. North was very special; he was the guardian of wonder. The other guardians are his friends. There was Sandy; the guardian of dreams, Tooth; the guardian of memories, then Bunny; the guardian of hope. Then there was the evil that threatened all the guardians and the children. Pitch Black or his other name the Boogeyman. It was a good thing he was defeated during the dark ages; he hasn't shown his face ever since then.

A loud thump was heard as a yeti stumbled inside North's workshop. North turned to look at him and said, "How many times do I have to tell you to knock Phil?" he rubbed his large hands over his face.

The yeti picked himself up and yelled with his hands in the air, "WAGLE WUNGLE COLABLE CLUG!"

North's eyebrows creased in confusion as he spoke, "What about the globe?"

The yeti's eyes were bulging out of his eye sockets, "COLAGLE LUNG RUGT!"

North stood up and calmly walked out of his workshop. Once he stepped out of his room his eyes widened in realization. Black sand was starting to cover the entire globe, a strong wind blew through the workshop sending toys flying everywhere. Then a tall slender figure covered in sand flew acrossed the room laughing maliciously. After the figure disappeared everything was back to normal- somewhat. North walked down to the platform the globe was sitting on.

"Phil," North began in a serious tone, "Clean the workshop up; we are having some friendly visitors" North pushed a handle down on what seemed to be some communication device and walked away back to his private workshop. Oh, no, North though gravely, Pitch is back.

Oooooh I gave you a cliffhanger! Hope you all enjoyed this chappie next one will come out soon! So now I have two stories. TWO! And I have an idea for another story that won't leave me alone so I'll probably be writing three stories. AT THE SAME FREAKING TIME!

Well, see you next time! Review, ask questions, want to show me fan art or something just ask/tell/ give url!

Ok got lots of HW to do now so peace out peeps!