Disclaimer: Don't own Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki, subbed or dubbed, characters included.

Rating: T (some hints of M at points)

A retelling of the movie, except in written form

Almost a year later

"Are you sure about this?" Yuki asked, worried.

Dad just smiled, hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Yuki; your mom will say yes" he assured, entirely confident. "Of course we'll miss you, but it's for a good reason, not having to spend five hours a day going to-and-from home."

"But that's also it, dad" she answered, glancing over the corner; mom sat at the table, working on a scrapbook, no doubt with pictures of her. "It'll just be the two of you here, and it won't be easy for me to visit, except maybe every weekend or so."

"As long as you write to us, it could be even longer than that" he answered, rubbing her shoulder now. "We'll be alright, and happy that you're continuing your education. Also, for awhile it won't just be the two of us; we have a guest."

She slowly conceded that one, glancing at the open back doors, even though she couldn't see anything in the forest growth.

Dad bent down a little, bringing her back. "Yuki, we'll be fine" he assured again. "You can go to middle school without having to worry about us. Okay?"

Part of her remained unsure, but Yuki slowly nodded, dad returning it as he stood up... slowly, she went toward the corner.

Dad patted her back after she hesitated: "Go on" he urged, tone just as gentle.

She smiled, before taking in a breath, fidgeting with her folded junior-high-school uniform. Then she walked into the living room, dad following behind her a short distance, while mom looked up - she seemed to have an idea when she saw dad, who probably reacted behind her. "What is it, Yuki?" she asked.

Yuki tried hard not to fidget again, managing to sit down just opposite her. "Mom, I was thinking" she said, glancing down. "Well- the middle school is two-and-a-half hours away, by bus and train..."


Already she felt this wasn't going well, but Yuki fought that off; not necessarily. "It'd be a hassle, having to spend five hours going back-and-forth" she continued, even more nervous. "Not just for me, you and dad too, if you drove me by car. Is it r-really worth it-?"


She jolted, looking up + heart beating faster... mom looked at her a few moments, then smiled. "It's okay" she breathed gently, "You can stay at the school's dorms."

Yuki slowly gasped, entirely surprised... did she just-?

"You're right; it would be a hassle" mom admitted, hands in front of her, glancing at the scrapbook - Yuki slowly looked too; older pictures of her from before, including at sporting events, one picture with her friends that even sorta had Souhei on one side. "Of course you'd want to avoid that, but why did you think we'd say no?"

Yuki felt the urge to shake a little from relief, and something else... she glanced back at dad, who nodded in a 'what did I tell you?' gesture; he hadn't had any doubts. Then she looked back at mom, all this swirling in her head, "I was afraid, mom" she admitted, tapping her fingers once. "I know you don't wanna let me go-"

"We're not letting you go, Yuki."

She jolted, looking up in surprise.

Mom's smile was soft, and a little proud. "It's not the time for that yet, as you're not going away forever" she continued, Yuki slowly realizing dad was coming toward the table too, "You're going to school, finding out what it is you want to do with your life. Maybe we won't see you every day, but every week or two would be enough for us, even if it is in writing sometimes - we'll be fine."

"Exactly what I said" dad added gently, his smile just as soft.

Her eyes grew wet, before Yuki realized this, quickly wiping at them - she still felt unsure about if they were really fine with this inside, but how could she argue? "Thanks mom, dad" she whispered, happier, "I promise I'll do my best, and be back as often as I can."

"You'll do great" mom assured - when dad took her hand, showing the same sentiment, mom wasn't surprised at all.


Later that day

"Almost time" Ame thought, even as the wind shifted; he could smell Yuki's scent growing stronger and stronger, other fainter scents included in that - he could identify mom and dad easily, but it took a little on the third one. Even as he did so, the animals that resided in this grove could smell her too, and all quickly strove to hide themselves, for even his word didn't override their instincts.

Well, she could've come less loudly, he guessed.

Soon her breathing could be heard, and he stepped down from the higher roots, seeing her gradually appear over that small rise. She barely needed to catch her breath, as she raced straight toward him, slowing just four feet away.

"Ame" she breathed, feeling glad to see him.

"Yuki" he greeted, settling on his haunches, even as she sat on one of the roots. "You're leaving soon, aren't you?"

His sister nodded vaguely, thoughts inwardly directed. "They're letting me go" Yuki whispered, slowly looking at him, "After you left, I was sure they weren't gonna let me."

"But you remember, don't you?" Ame asked, looking out across the grove, seeing a few of those memories himself. "How hard they worked when we were little? That should tell you how strong they are."

"I remember" she stated, more gentle. "I still long for those times, even if it would mean you hadn't decided on anything yet. I miss you, Ame."

He didn't answer, but his lip did twitch.

"But I know you're not gonna come back" Yuki continued, a little more sad. "Still, I'm glad I came here today."

He looked at her then, she only slightly behind on returning it. "I wish you luck, Yuki" he answered, lip curving a bit. "Also, if you ever want to explore the wild, you know where to find me."

"I could say the same for you visiting civilization again" his sister added, still smiling. "Even if briefly."

He merely smirked a little.

"Do one thing for me though."

"What's that?"

Yuki glanced down the grove, back the way she came. "When we're getting ready to leave tomorrow, give off a howl" she said gently, hands on her knees, "Mom and dad seem fine, but I'd like them to hear you. Make it seem like you're sending me off."

"You got it" he assured, already picking out the exact spot from which to do so.

Just like that, his sister got up, before Yuki came over - she was slightly unsure, the question obvious in her bearing, where he slowly sighed. "Go ahead" Ame whispered to her, affectionately exasperated; Yuki just smiled, almost giggling, before she hugged him.

For quite a long time, at that.

"Sorry if I'm being clingy" she whispered into his fur. "I really did mean it; I miss you so much, Ame."

Ame slowly breathed out, but settled against her. "I know, Yuki" he whispered back, "I do too - I'm always thinking about if you'd decided to join me, of which it's not too late."

Yuki shook her head a little. "No thanks" she continued to whisper, but gentle, "Being a wolf has it's charms, but I think being human is even better, in the end."

She said that with no hesitation, no doubt whatsoever, which made him a little proud; he might not agree, but he respected her choice. And as long as she found her place, was happy, especially both, what exactly could he say about it?

"And do you still think I'm an idiot?" he asked.

"Yes" she whispered, slightly playful. "You're a stubborn idiot, Ame, but I understand the appeals of being out here."

Ame nuzzled her flank a little, "Good" he breathed softly.

The next day

Near school

"Honestly Yuki, the twelve years we spent raising you and Ame, they were kinda crazy" mom admitted, turned in her seat.

"I can imagine, mom" she admitted; raising children was hard enough by the sound of it, but half-wolves? She must've been a handful really, with all that energy to run around and be a maniac - it was strange to look back and remember all that now, especially considering how different she'd been.

"That time passed by in a dream" mom continued-

Yuki jolted, hearing the emotions in mom's voice; it was like everything packed into one. And more than that, when mom said that line, dad glanced at them both - his little smile somehow managed to convey the same senses to her, both of pride and sadness.

"-or in a fairytale. It was quite the adventure, full of happiness and love."

Mom was- she was smiling when she said that, completely sincere.

Just like that, Yuki's entire worry seemed to drain away... mom and dad really were fine, she realized...

She could actually go.

Yuki touched a hand to her heart, feeling warmer all of a sudden. "They were some adventures all right" she whispered, more content now, "Me, Ame, all of us- they were really fun. I wish my brother was here to share in them, like old times."

"We all do, Yuki" dad breathed in the driver's seat, soft. "We all do."

Mom continued to smile, touching dad's arm. "Ame's found his place though" she whispered, glancing up, probably imaging it, "And every now and then, just like today, he gives off some of the most beautiful howls."

Yuki just smiled, remembering how it echoed in the wind, and how it seemed to give chills too.

"Not that I don't disagree, but you realize that excludes me?" daddy teased; mom just laughed, pushing his arm slightly, but they both continued to laugh. Eventually it got 'bad' enough that no one could resist, and Yuki didn't try to; she felt better now than she had in awhile.


In what seemed like no time at all, they arrived at the junior high school - an impressive collection of buildings, one no doubt the main administration, while others were dorm buildings, or had other uses. Yuki was out first, and she just breathed out with interest, before suddenly feeling a little worried - but that's okay; it's literally her first time here, so she'd get used to everything.

She looked at mom and dad, who had their own smiles, having watched her reaction. "Looks even bigger up close" Yuki admitted, smiling- however, her attention was soon diverted when, among the new arrivals, she saw a familiar face:


They all looked; it was indeed him, trailing behind his mother and some guy (the new father?), the former seemingly holding a baby too. Souhei looked back briefly, began to look forward again before he double-taked + recognized them - he glanced at his mom, then quietly slipped away from them.

"Hey there, Yuki" he greeted, slowing to a stop three feet away. "You came by car?"

"This time" Yuki answered, glancing back. "I'm gonna live in the dorms though."

Souhei looked at her parents too, surprised, but after two seconds, realized they were all serious/accepting about that. "Wow" he breathed, blinking, before getting a little smile. "I mean, that's cool; so will I, and everything."

Dad then hummed a bit. "If you kids want, Hana and I can go register Yuki; let you two catch up" he offered, but mom was obviously trying to stifle a giggle.

Yuki groaned mentally ("Mom! Dad!"), thinking they must recognize a potential moment or something - it's not really 'that'; she was simply glad for the chance to catch up.

Souhei seemed to pause, glancing at her briefly, yet nodded. "Uh, sure I guess" he answered graciously, before: "Yuki?"

Despite her inner thoughts, she smiled a bit. "Yeah" she agreed, looking at her parents, "Just try not to take too long."

"We'll do what we can" mom answered easily, dad nodding, even as they hurried off.

Souhei waited till they were out of earshot, though since he knew about her dad, that waiting period was longer than normal. "Let me guess; they're leaving us alone because they think there's a 'moment' going on?" he asked, entirely unembarrassed. "'That' type of moment, I mean?"

"Maybe" Yuki admitted, cheeks briefly turning pink. "Even if they didn't though, they were certainly acting like it; that was embarrassing."

"I understand" Souhei answered, before he moved over to the fountain, where she followed. "I'm actually a little envious of it, Yuki" he added, as they were both sitting down.

Yuki was surprised, before she remembered seeing Souhei's mom, the new baby, and what seemed to be the new father. "Does that mean-?" she started to ask, tentative, before she trailed off. "I mean, well-"

"Is my mom ignoring me?"

She fidgeted slightly at the brutally honest wording.

Souhei glanced up, letting out a slow breath. "Well, it's still the initial transition period, so things could change" he outlined, one hand upon his knee. "But thus far, it's not as bad as I expected - the new guy is actually nice enough, mom does talk to me outside of for practical reasons, if curt about it."

"And your new half-sibling?" Yuki asked slowly.

His lip curved slightly. "Loud, squabbling, makes it hard to sleep normally, just like all newborns" he said, but gentle, "I kinda wish we were fully brothers; he's adorable."

She was really surprised then, before slowly getting a grin. "At this point, many guys would 'threaten' that I never tell anyone they said that, or similar" she teased; Souhei merely rolled his eyes playfully, chuckling.

"Whatever" he waved off, quite easily.

Yuki briefly held a fist up, stifling her giggles, before putting them down. "So that means, you won't run away?" she asked, more serious now.

He considered that a bit, then tilted his head. "Don't get me wrong; I'm still prepared in case it does happen" he said, before making a sound. "But if it doesn't, well, I'll handle things as they come."

She opened her mouth to reply, until she saw mom and dad stepping out of the building - that had been quick. Souhei looked too, then gave her a little nod, and so she stood up, catching up to them. "Is everything taken care of?" she asked.

"Yup" mom answered, smiling as she rifled around in her bag. "Your dorm number, room key, map of the place- everything you need."

"And we heard the athletics department is interested in you, saying they have good instincts about you" dad added, very soft, except on that last part (he nearly looked ready to laugh). "They're gonna keep an eye out."

Yuki felt better, smiling- well, till Souhei tapped her back, turning her around quickly.

"Come on, look a little more cheerful, Yuki" he admonished, slightly teasing. "It's great news."

"I didn't say it wasn't, Souhei" she told him.

"So look happy then" he answered mildly.

"I am happy" she protested a little. "I just want to make sure I think about this seriously."

Souhei raised an eyebrow briefly, but shrugged with a little lip curve. "Fair enough" he said lightly, before he looked behind her briefly, at her parents, "So... should I leave you alone? Say goodbye?"

Here it was; the moment had finally arrived... somehow, she managed a 'Mmh' in response. Souhei took it as his cue, nodding to her parents with a bow before he ran off a fair distance, leaving her to turn - mom and dad looked at her then, smiling, but she could tell everything else they were feeling.

"Mom" Yuki started-

-mom didn't let her finish; just hugged her, a little tight.

She slowly made a sound, but glad, holding her back.

"You'll be fine, Yuki" mom whispered, entirely happy as she pulled back, her eyes a little wet. "Plus, I think I've already said everything before, just yesterday and today. Don't you agree?"

Yuki couldn't help but giggle, a little overcome now. "You did mom" she whispered, hugging her again; mom didn't mind. "I love you."

Mom's grip got even tighter, in the good way. "I love you too, Yuki."

Seconds later, they let go - mom backed away, before:

"Looks like my turn then" dad breathed, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Well Yuki- I can't match your mom in words, obviously" he continued, a little overplayed, which made them all laugh. "Heh, but that being said, I'm proud of you. Of course I am."

Her smile just turned softer, feeling even warmer. "Thanks dad" Yuki answered, before giggling again, "For you, that says a lot."

He gave her a fondly playful smile, bending down a bit. "Maybe" he admitted, gentle, "but you know everything I mean. That I love you."

In answer, she just hugged her dad tightly, who returned the favor with strong arms. "I do" Yuki breathed, "I love you too, dad."

Even without looking, she knew he was smiling; he was just like mom that way.

When she finally pulled away though, she found a surprise; mom had pulled out her camera, still smiling big. "Souhei!" she called over, to his surprise, though the full reaction was hard to tell. Yuki got the idea immediately though, and loved it; mom and dad would remember this day in that little scrapbook, and always look back on it fondly.

They'd be fine that way.




Balto slowly breathed out, feeling the wind in his hair - it was a nice day to relax, but they were both looking forward to one of their favorite dishes. He held a peach in his hands, one of a few left on their welcome mat when they came home... proof that Ame was indeed following his sister's words, keeping in touch occasionally, though it was twice-in-one-day for this case. It was almost a shame they couldn't keep the peaches forever- still, after looking awhile longer, Balto gently placed it on the threshold of the back slider doors. When he returned to the table, Hana was quick to come over, setting down two plates of shish-kebab, and the drinks to go along with it.

Just at the edge of the house, there was sniffing, before the peach was taken- but she remained kinda shy, or maybe determined, crawling back into the brush.

"How's our guest doing, Balto?" Hana asked, keeping her voice down; all this must seem new to her.

"Still trying to adjust, as expected" he whispered back, humming - their little guest being the nature center's she-wolf.

During infrequent visits over work, first Balto tried talking to her, asking how she liked it at the center. Well, she was understandably bored, despite everything, and their talks didn't go anywhere big for those first few years... then something changed, near the time Ame was making his decision. She recalled 'his pup', and how he talked of nature, plus how she couldn't relate to such things. His passion had awakened something within her, and so she slowly asked him about everything - he did his best to be honest, and her interest grew. That process had gone on for six months, until she revealed her internal conflict; part of her wished to remain here, where she'd be fed on a regular basis, but another wished to get things done by herself, even if things weren't a guarantee.

He wasn't sure, but he told her this was her choice - another four months went by, the she-wolf pondering this decision, discussing various things along the way. Part of that was the obvious aspect that she didn't have a clue about the wild, but he could teach her about some things, if she'd be willing; plenty of time to consider.

Still, the idea of breaking her out didn't sit well; it'd be hard to do. Hana agreed, but assured him throughout - if the she-wolf really wants to experience the wild, why should they say no?

Plus sometimes there weren't easy choices - their move from the city being a prime example of that.

At ten-and-a-half months, the she-wolf then gave her decision... it took some very careful arranging, but they managed to set her free close to the year's end. Questions abounded, searches were made, the whole nine yards at the nature center, including on them (which they 'cooperated' with)- but no trace was ever found.

They worked to keep it that way-

-but back to the present:

"Right now, I think this semi-approach is best for her" Balto continued, Hana slowly dipping her shish-kebab in her drink, just like old times. "She has a human home nearby, which is a familiar-ish element to her, while also surrounded by nature to get used to."

A moment passed, Hana eating a bit. "Where do you think she'll go in the future?" she asked gently.

"Who knows?" he breathed, humming; that tasted great. "She isn't ready just yet- as it surprisingly turned out, she's only seven years old, so there's time."

Her smile was soft. "When you've got her used to nature again, taught her everything you know" Hana whispered, entirely soft as she took his hand. "Will you send her to Ame?"

"Only as a student" Balto assured, also gentle, squeezing back. "He can teach her what I can't; I've told her that much. Anything else that may or may not happen, well, that isn't up to us."

Hana just hummed, but continued to eat- he did too in comfortable silence.

A howl sounded in the distance-

They both breathed out, looking at the mountaintop, from which the sound originated - but they just closed their eyes, listening, content in every sense.

-it lasted a good long while, not that they minded at all.

When they opened their eyes again, they felt even more relaxed than before, pretty much all smiles.

"It's been a crazy adventure" Hana whispered, toying with his fingers now.

Balto smiled, adding onto the 'action', "Who says we won't have others?" he asked, slightly teasing. She just looked at him in response, slightly playful - he relented with a chuckle, before humming again. "Well, either way, this last one was quite the ride" he admitted.

"Have we done our best, Balto?" Hana asked, her fingers pausing.

Somehow, he wasn't surprised to hear that - they were both proud of Ame and Yuki, but it still remained a fact that they had to let their kids go, one shortly after a sudden reveal as well. And now for the foreseeable future, they would look back upon the times they spent raising their kids; the good, the bad, and the crazy, cherishing them all.

Balto put down his skish-kebab, squeezing her hands with both of us.

"We did our best, Hana" he told her sincerely. "We raised them as best as we could, teaching them to choose their own paths, and both Yuki + Ame have grown up wonderfully."

Hana needed a few moments to wipe her eyes, but she never stopped smiling. "I don't think-" she started softly, "I didn't even know, h-how much I needed to hear that. We- heh, we messed up a bunch though."

"More than I can count" he added, soft as well. "But we still did well. And I know one more thing."

"What's that?" Hana breathed.

"No matter what happens next, I'll be content" he whispered. "Because I have you by my side."

Saying her look/smile softened was an understatement; still, she continued to toy with his fingers, now focused on his gemstone wedding ring. He easily returned the favor, watching how the light played off it, but mostly enjoying the warmth of her hand.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Balto" Hana whispered, entirely happy. "Having you by my side; it's all I want."

He leaned forward, just over the table. "And you'll get it" he whispered, a little inviting-

-Hana didn't waste any time, leaning toward him, before they met in a kiss.

Maybe it seemed simple, or even short, but everything passed between them in that one act; they were glad to share it. And more than that, when they pulled apart, he surprised Hana a little by holding his shish-kebab right in front of her, the meat just near her lips. A brief touch of pink appeared on her cheeks, fading away when she giggled, nibbling his food a little teasingly. She did the same thing with him of course, and he hummed before nibbling on her own stick, enjoying the taste... though he soon found her trying to playfully yank it away.

Their laughter soon ran through their little home; it was all they needed.

Expanding upon the ending statements made by Yuki, with a few additions as well. Hana and our Wolfman together; Yuki + Souhei at school; Ame to not quite be so lonely for a time, via teaching the she-wolf his knowledge...

Sadly, this ends the retelling of the movie - but that being said, in the future there could be other fics ;) Meanwhile, happy New Years Eve + (early) Day