Contrary to what the world believed, Gabriel Agreste could not split the skies in two and bring rain down upon the Earth. Nor could he, in fact, create a villainous weather girl to manipulate the weather. What Gabriel could do was look at atmospheric models and listen to meteorologists to make an educated guess as to when Paris was next due for a rather heavy rainstorm. He also had access to his oblivious son's schedule and engagements. It was quite simple to rearrange, cancel, and create appointments as needed. With those factors considered it took very little to ensure that Adrien would not be available to his beloved new girlfriend on the day that a torrential downpour hit the city.

"Mlle. Dupain-Cheng." he called out the barely cracked window. He didn't precisely want more rain water than was absolutely necessary dripping on to him.

The girl in question, one Marinette Dupain-Cheng, spun on her heel to look at him. Though she held an umbrella, she was positively soaked. Her little frame shivered as they met each other's glances. The poor thing didn't have any sustenance to her. She was probably freezing. "Monsieur Agreste?" she answered in confusion.

Good heavens! With that look Gabriel could see why she and Adrien were so well matched for each other. They made quite the pair with their complementary naivete. "I don't believe you've noticed young lady but it is rather wet outside." he pointed out to her, raising his eyebrow at her.

Marinette stuck her hand out from under her umbrella and laughed. "Maybe just a little."

Gabriel smiled lightly at her. He also had control of one other crucial thing… a nice, warm, and dry car. Without it his entire plan would've been impossible.

"Please get in my dear." he said. The locks on the doors audibly unlocked. "Allow me to drive you home."

"Oh no! I couldn't impose. I'd get your seats all wet."

"It's only water. It will dry." Gabriel waved his hand dismissively. She chewed on her bottom lip pensively. He kept a pleasant smile on his face. He'd expected hesitation. Mlle. Dupain-Cheng didn't know him well so it was natural. They'd only interacted once and it had been the time that Adrien formally introduced her as his girlfriend. "You don't expect me to allow my son's girlfriend to walk home in this rain. What would he say? What would your parents think of me?"

"If… if you insist." Marinette said after a half moment more of hesitation.

Gabriel leaned back in his seat. He smirked. All according to plan. However, he quickly returned to his pleasant smile as Marinette slid into the town car across from him.

"Thank you sir." she told him with genuine gratitude. After dealing with entitled heiresses, their fathers, and difficult millionaires it felt truly refreshing to have someone appreciate an out of the way kind of gesture.

"Think nothing of it."

The car pulled away from the curb and back into traffic. Yet another thing he couldn't control but again had been able to predict. People tended to forget how to drive in the rain. It worked all to the benefit of his plan.

The girl took a minute or so to situate herself in the car. It was much different than anything she was used to so he allowed herself the time to feel more comfortable. Gabriel saw no reason why Mlle. Dupain-Cheng couldn't feel a little more at ease when he asked her the questions that he so desired answers for. It might even make her a little more amenable to answering the more 'challenging' ones so he waited patiently as Marinette looked about the car in awe. She brushed her hair back behind her ear, fingers passing lightly over her earrings. Those damn earrings…

Everything about meeting Marinette Dupain-Cheng had been going wonderfully well up until he'd seen and recognized those earrings. Simple round black studs. Benign if not a little plain to his designer eye. That, though, he knew was a complete and utter ruse. Exactly like the plain silver ring that Adrien wore. Gabriel's entire life would've been so much more simple if the girl his son had chose was normal. It would've done wonders for his sanity and nerves.

Which was why he'd lured her to his car in the first place.

"So tell me Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, are you and my son planning anything special for this weekend?" he asked her lightly.

She blushed, "Please MM. Agreste. Just call me Marinette. Mlle. Dupain-Cheng sounds too formal."

"Very well then Marinette. Have you anything special planned this weekend? It's my understanding that it's a very important day this upcoming Saturday."

Mlle. Dupain-Cheng clearly didn't understand what he was getting at.

"It's my understanding that the mayor made the day a citywide holiday. It is the anniversary of the Stoneheart incident afterall. I believe he told me in passing there was some kind of festival?"

"Oh! That…"

The girl looked mildly embarrassed. Her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink that he'd heard Adrien call adorable on more occurrences than felt seemly. Humility was an important trait though and it served her just as well as her outspoken confidence. Gabriel couldn't fault her for it. Then it passed. Rather quickly actually. Mlle. Dupain-Cheng cleared her throat. "Adrien and I talked about doing something after the street fair was over in the evening."

Gabriel didn't doubt that. They probably preferred privacy for such an event. "But not to the festivities themselves though. Such a shame. You, I'm sure, are aware of just how much of a Ladybug fan Adrien is."

"Yeah, it's kind of hard not to notice." she murmured. Unsurprisingly, she blushed and tried unsuccessfully to hide it from him. Gabriel curled his hand tighter into the side of his pants out of her line of sight. Mlle. Dupain-Cheng was a kind girl. A sweet girl. He'd always maintained that even when Adrien was completely ignorant to her feelings. Nothing about that particularly had changed. Which made this all the more difficult for him.

"He is rather obvious in his idolization isn't he. His mother was much the same. She could never truly hide her enthusiasm or passions even if she tried."

"Adrien doesn't talk much about her." Mlle. Dupain-Cheng said quietly. She shifted in her seat, hands fidgeting in her lap like she was trying to figure out what to do with them.

"Losing her was very hard on him. He misses her terribly. We both do."

"From what he does say about her, she sounds like she was an amazing person."

Gabriel laughed a little, "That was one word for it. Sometimes I can't help but see her in him. It's the case more often than not. His smile is her smile. His eyes are her eyes. His spirit is hers. I'll fully admit that much of my… reluctance to allow Adrien to engage in what you and your classmates consider 'normal' teenager activities stems from my personal feelings after the loss of my wife."

She pressed her lips together and didn't say anything. He could see the gears in her mind turning as she wondered what the best thing to say to him would be. Finally, with deliberate cheerfulness, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng said, "Well I think it's great that you let him. I think going to public school and meeting new people has been really good for him."

And it was time…

"I would do anything for my son." Gabriel told her seriously. The sudden shift in tone caught her off guard. The girl looked at him with wide eyes. Probably wondering if she'd said something wrong. He ignored the look and went on. "Adrien can be incredibly reckless. Another trait that he shares… shared with his mother. As his father I will go to any length necessary to protect him."

"I would never hurt him." Mlle. Dupain-Cheng told him firmly. Her backbone came to her aid quickly it seemed.

He nodded in agreement, "Meeting you has definitely been good for him. However, you must understand something Mlle. Dupain-Cheng and understand it well. Adrien is my pride and joy and the only family that I have left. That boy cares deeply about you and has for a very long time. He would do anything to protect you and I'm sure he already has shown you just how far he would go."

She went rigid in her seat. Her hand curled around the strap of her purse and watched him with wide eyes. A realization crossed her face. For a very brief second it almost looked as though she were going to touch her earrings. Then she caught herself and forced her hand back into her lap. "MM. Agreste I…"

He held his hand up and cut her off. "All I'm asking you, as his father, is to do the same for him. If you hold Adrien with even a fraction of the same esteem that he holds you in then you will agree with me. Should anything ever happen to him, an akuma would be the very least of Paris's problems. As I said, he is the only thing I have left in this world and if he were to be taken from me…"

"I will always have his back. I would never let anything happen to Adrien."

Gabriel had always been very good at telling when someone was being less than truthful to him. He could pick out insincerity from a mile away. It was all a part of him being an exemplary business man. He refused to abide lies and falsehoods. There'd been more than one hopeful designer, associate, and customer that he'd thrown their attempts at subterfuge back at their faces. Marinette Dupain-Cheng did not have a single trace of insincerity in her entire being as she swore the words to him.

He leaned back in his seat. Finally, he let a smile cross his face. A genuine one. Not the pleasant business smile that he used with clients. "Very well then. I am satisfied. I believe this is your house my dear."

Mlle. Dupain-Cheng jolted, head whipping around to look out the window. She turned back to face him. "MM. Agreste…" she started, exceedingly tentative. "Does Adrien know that you, um, know? About him being, well…"

Gabriel tipped his head to the side, "Know? About what? I'm afraid that I've no idea what you're talking about. Now run along before the rain comes down even harder."

They sat there quietly for what must have felt like an eternity for Mlle. Dupain-Cheng. The entire time her eyes ran up and down him. Appraising him, he knew. Trying to figure out exactly what to think of him and probably what she thought her next move should be. Understandable. He offered her another smile. Finally she shifted and moved towards the door handle. "Thank you for the ride home sir." she said before opening the door.

"For what it's worth… Marinette," he said. "I do actually like you."

That caught her off guard. She blinked in confusion. It passed quickly though. Her bright smile returned as she stepped out of the car into the rain. Gabriel watched as she sprinted for the front door of her parent's bakery. The car pulled away from the sidewalk after she was safely inside. Not a moment too soon because the rain poured down in sheets. He settled back into his seat and stared out the rain pelted window.

When Adrien found out about this particular car ride, because Gabriel didn't doubt that Mlle. Dupain-Cheng would tell him, there was bound to be some childish whining. He could already hear Adrien's overdramatics and claims that he'd kidnapped Marinette. However, Gabriel couldn't help but wonder what else Mlle. Dupain-Cheng would tell him about their meeting.

Whatever she did or didn't tell Adrien mattered very little. Gabriel was more than ready for whatever miraculous situations came his way.