Chapter 3

Heiwajima Shizuo was not a happy man for the begin with, he had this angry issue that scare people around him. But he, of course, tried his best to manage it when he talks to a girl, except Izumi. That sadistic girl didn't worth his kindness at all, she always knew where's to press his button to make him lost control.

But now, he didn't even know if he had to snap at her when she looks so... so...

"Good morning, Shizuo-kun, it's a clear day, isn't it?" Izumi smiled soflty at him, not a smirk, but a kind of smile every normal girl's wear.




Do you want to know what kind of thought that crossed Shizuo's mind? It's like this...

'What the hell, the louse for the first time look so girly and fragile, her hair tied up into pigtails is kind of cute, damn! Stop looking at me with those innocent eyes! You're the louse, you shouldn't be innocent! You always be—'

The lunch bell ringing.

A hand brushed his hair, snapped him out of his thought, he stares at Izumi who smiled as she brushed her own hair.

"Are you okay? You're spacing out."


"Yes?" Izumi smiled, "But it's a shame if you still call me that, you said you'll call me by name if I stopped called you Shizu-chan, right?"

"What?!" Shizuo take a step back, "I did not say such a thing!"

But Izumi just smiled and said, "Call me Izumi,"

"I don't want to." Shizuo dismissed as he walked pass Izumi.

"But Shizuo-kun—"

"Ah, shut up and let me have my lunch in peace!" he snapped as he walked towards the rooftop, where's Shinra and Kadota usually eat.

"Lunch?" Izumi eyes sparkled, "Wait, I'll come with you!"




"Eh? What is this? Shizuo-kun and Izumi-chan walks here together with no yell and knife?" Shinra asked when he saw the two enemies walking together.

"It's because this louse followed me here!" Shizuo yelled as he sat on the pavement with angry looks.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Shinra sighed and stared at Izumi from head to toe, he already hear what happened from Celty but he want to check it himself, "Izumi-chan, I know you're a beautiful girl but I never imagine you will become this charming..."

Izumi's smile widened, "Huh? Really?"

"Yes! If I'm not already have Celty, I'll surely fall for you!"

"Thank you, Shinra!"

Shizuo snorted, "That's creepy, Shinra, the louse will never looks good even she wear a feminism clothes, moreover I pity the clothes that being wear by her."

Izumi's smile fell as soon as those words came out from Shizuo's mouth, she stared at her feet for a while before dismissed it with a smile.

"A-Anyway, let's eat," she said and sat down rather far from Shizuo, more looks like she's closer to Kadota than her beloved one.

Kadota stared at her with a sad looks when he saw her smile fell, if that smile for him, he'll surely treassure it.

"This smell is good," Kadota said, "What're you cooking, Izumi?"

"Ah, today I cook some fried chicken and sausage, of course with sweet tamagoyaki," Izumi replied, somehow she feel relief when Kadota spoke to her.

"Are~? Izumi-chan you bring two lunch?" Shinra asked while chewing bread.

"Y-Yes," Izumi's face turns bright red, she look up to Shizuo, "S-Shizuo-kun, do you bring lunch?"


"I-I..." she gulped, "I made you lunch, would you like to take it?"

Shizuo stared at her like she committed a crime, "Ah, yeah, of course," Shizuo take the lunch box, stared at it for a while, before threw it from the rooftop.

Izumi's face turned into a horror one, "Huh?"

Kadota and Shinra was no better, they can't believe their friend just to that to a girl who nicely offered him a lunch, of course she is Orihara Izumi but still!

"What are you planning, Flea? Are you pretend to be cute today and offered me a poisoned lunch to kill me? Is this your new plan?"

The raven's hands started shaking, she stared at Shizuo in shock, she knew he was a brute, but she still believed that he is a gentlemen and never will hurts a girl feeling.

"You can't fool me, flea," Shizuo crushed his canned drink, "Your charms won't work on me."

There's a pregnant silent before Izumi stood up abruptly, "A-Ah, I remember I have appointment for today," she took her lunch in hurry, "S-See you in class!" and she runs away.

"W-Wait Izumi—" Kadota tried to catch her hands but failed. He didn't miss how her eyes glinting in tears before she left.

Shizuo huffed angrily, "Tch! She wasted my time for nothing, who will accept her hand made lunch anyway?! I'm sure she poisoned it!"

Kadota and Shinra stared at each other, this time Shizuo really did over the line.

"I can't believe you did that to Izumi, Shizuo-kun," Shinra said coldly, "Even if she's Orihara Izumi but you can't just throw her lunch that she specially made for you like that, if I say, you're an asshole."

"Huh?! What's with you, Shinra! You know perfectly how she always acts!"

Kadota stood up, "I'm done here, I can't eat in the same air as you." he said as he walked out from the rooftop.

"Kadota?" Shizuo stared in shock, did he really defending that piece of shit?

Shinra sighed as he also stood up about to leave before said to the fake blond, "Shizuo-kun, if you still didn't realize what did you do wrong to her, don't ever call us friend again, truthfully I pity Izumi-chan. She deserves better." Shinra murmured the last line and closed the door behind him, leaving the blonde in shock from the sudden hate.

"What the hell..."




After Izumi runs out from rooftop, she hurriedly searched the lunch box which Shizuo threw from rooftop. She found it behind the school building, she smiled in relief when she saw that the lunch didn't jump out from the box, so anyone still can eat it.

"Are you pretend to be cute today and offered me a poisoned lunch to kill me?"

Izumi's eyes widened before tears started to fall, "No... I didn't *sob* I didn't put poison in it, I want you to eat this *sob* just a bite is fine..." the tears keep coming even if she rub them with her sleeves.

"W-What's wrong with me? I know I shouldn't get my hopes up just because I change my image, I know *sob* I know he will rejects it but—"

Izumi smiled sadly as she held close the lunch she made for Shizuo, "Hear that from the one you love, it hurts..."

The tears falling harder, "It hurts, it hurts..." Izumi closed her eyes, "Shizu-chan..."

A hand tapped her shoulder, she quickly wipe all the tears and facing the person, it was Kadota.


Kadota smiled and sat beside the raven, "Can I... Can I have your lunch?"


"A-Ah, I forgot mine today, so..." he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Izumi stared at him for a while before broke into a giggle, "Of course, let me feed you."


"You don't want to?"

Kadota's face brightened from happiness, "O-Of course I want you to!"

Izumi smiled, she opened the lunch and took tamagoyaki with chopsticks before heading to Kadota's mouth.

"Here, say A~ah."

"A-Ah," Kadota welcomed the food and chewing it slowly.

"H-How is it?"

Kadota smiled softly, "It's tasty, you're good at cooking." he said as he patted her head slowly.

Izumi's face reddened by the touch, for a moment she feel loved, her beat started to pick up in fast. If Shizuo act like Kadota she sure—she stopped when Shizuo's words once again crossed her mind. Kadota was kind and... She feels safe with him, but there's no way he will fall for a people trash like her.

"I-Is that so? If you want I will make it for you every time I get the chance."

"That be great, I look forward it."

Izumi nodded with a smile, but Kadota was not happy because he knows, that delicious food that she made with a lot effort wasn't for him in the first place.

"Are you giving up already?" Kadota asked.


"About Shizuo."

Izumi flinched, "I-I don't know."

"If you love him then don't give up this easily, isn't that how he always acts?"

"I know but—"

Kadota put a finger on her lips, "No buts, chase him until you catch him, okay?"

Izumi smiled brightly, "Yes! Thank you, Dota-chin!"

Kadota smiled before murmured, "I think that also apply to me too…"

Love's sucks.

Yay~ To be continued! Bo bo! Stupid Shizu-chan, I hate you! How can he throw it like that! I cried a waterfall while I wrote this. How about you guys?

RnR please?