Disclaimer: I do not own South Park, I am only borrowing the characters to play with

Summary: People spend their lives searching for their elusive soul mate. They have yet to realise that a true soul mate, a love that truly spans time is a myth, a painful lie.

At least that's what Kyle Broflovski thought. Slash.

Author's Notes: This fanfic will be written as part of Nanowrimo 2015. It will be finished even if I don't finish Nanowrimo. It is plotted out.

It has not been beta'd, it is a first draft and should be read as such. If anyone is interested in beta'ing the fic please let me know.

I will be endeavouring to update daily, if not expect an update every few days.

Wish me luck! Feel free to join me, or add me on the nanowrimo website. My username is "hitthebooks".

Please review and let me know what you think.

There is an ancient legend where a person was created as a whole. They had four arms, four legs, two heads and one heart.

The God of Mischief was jealous.

So jealous that one day they crept up to the person and with a single swipe separated the whole into two halves. Each half had two arms, two legs, one head and half a heart. These two persons now doomed to wander forever in hope of finding their other half.

If two halves ever meet there is a warmth that spreads across the universe. It is felt as the first light of the morning slowly floods the land, it is felt in the flutter of a butterflies wings as they beat against the wind, it is felt in the warm splash of the rain as it falls gently from the sky. This is when one person finds their soul mate, the one soul with whom they can spend the rest of eternity with.

People spend their lives searching for their elusive soul mate. They have yet to realise that a true soul mate, a love that truly spans time is a myth, a painful lie.

At least that's what Kyle Broflovski thought.

Chapter One - Trapped

Kyle Broflovski felt trapped.

He stood at five foot eight, with a lithe build. His bright red curls cropped short enough to just curl below his ears. A pair of thick black frames balanced delicately upon a long, thin nose. His only comfort was the too small green hat tucked into the pocket of his black dress pants hidden beneath his graduation robes.

He stood upon the stage, looking at the sea of faces before him. The twenty or so classmates he had spent his life with, their parents, their families, their friends. All of them grew from child to adult together, all of them grew as a whole, rarely changing.

Most of them would be staying in South Park, having no drive to leave, to move on, explore the world. Others, his best friend included, would not be venturing outside of Colorado. Stating they had seen enough of the world in their childhood adventures to last a lifetime. Then there were the rare few who would move outside of the state, looking to find themselves far away from the quiet mountain town.

And of course there was Kyle.

Kyle who had no choice.

Kyle who would be doing Pre-law at Stanford.

Kyle who would then graduate the top of his class at Harvard and become a prestigious lawyer.

Kyle whose parents would sit at the front of his graduation and bask.

Kyle whose mother would relish the fact that her son was so accomplished, that her son had made her proud.

This is what was expected of Kyle.

And Kyle felt so trapped.

His fingers tightly gripped the podium, turning a frightfully brilliant white. His face was slightly flushed and he almost bit through his lip. He looked at his mother, she had a single perfectly manicured eyebrow raised, her mouth slowly mouthing the opening line of the speech she had prepared for him.

'My fellow classmates,' he began, she smiled at him. 'For many of us today is the day we take that first step forward into adulthood. We will take on new responsibilities as we forge our own paths, our own futures.'

Pausing, Kyle drew a deep breath and fingered the well prepared notes his mother had made. Forcing a strained smile he pocketed the cards, brushed his red curls from his face, licked his lips and then locked eyes with his mother.

'Today is supposed to be about us, our own expectations, finally escaping those of our parents. So I challenge you as your elected class speaker to defy those who seek to control you, to not do what is expected of you, but to demand greatness from yourself. I challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, pursue the unexpected and find enjoyment in the small things. I will take this challenge upon myself, I will defy the expectations my parents have placed on me. I will travel the world, I will figure out the person I want to become, not the one I am expected to become. I will achieve greatness and I know you all will too. Thank you.'

His classmates clapped politely, Stan and Kenny cheered loudly and stomped their feet. As Kyle made his way across the stage and back down to his classmates he locked eyes with his mother. Her face was as red as her hair, she was glaring daggers at him.

'We'll talk about this later,' she mouthed at him. At least that was what she thought.

In this moment Kyle felt freer, and in a few short hours he would finally escape.

'Oh man you should have seen the look on your mom's face,' Eric Cartman spluttered at him, spraying chips across Kyle's face. 'She was so red, her eyes looked like they were going to explode out of her head, it was hilarious.'

'You okay Kyle,' Stan questioned gently. 'She looked pissed.'

'Yeah Stan,' Kyle forced a grim smile. 'She just spouted her usual BS. I'll be fine.'

'Yeah Stan,' Kenny beamed, slapping Kyle on the back. 'He'll be fine.'

The graduation part was in full swing as the boys approached the steps of the Black house. This was the last time they would all really get to spend time together. The four of them would be heading in different directions shortly.

Cartman who had really grown into himself, six foot tall, his brown hair cropped short, would be moving to Berkeley California, he would be studying business. He still called himself big boned but has slimmed down considerably when he went through puberty. Coincidentally Stan's on and off again girlfriend Wendy would also be in the area, starting her education studies.

Stan had grown to be the spitting image of his father, with striking blue eyes, coal black hair and towering over his friends at six foot three. He would be attending Colorado State, he was undecided with what he wanted to do at this point in time, he just wanted to meet new people, to have fun.

Kenny whose dirty blonde hair was always pulled into a messy pony tail, the back of his left ear held a row of piercings, his face was perpetually smiling. Kenny would be staying in South Park, he had an apprenticeship at a mechanics, Cartman's mother had offered him Eric's old bedroom while he was away studying.

Kyle had yet to tell his friends his plans, that in his room was a suitcase already packed, his passport neatly tucked in the top pocket.

'Are you coming Kyle?' Stan asked. 'You're just standing there dude.'

'Sorry,' Kyle smiled. 'It's just a little weird you know? This is pretty much my last night of freedom.'

'Yeah,' Stan laughed. 'Summer jobs suck, but think of the money man.'

'Stan,' Kyle bit his lip. 'I need to tell you-'

'Wendy!' Stan yelled, flailing wildly while cutting his friend off. 'Hey Wendy!'

Kyle sighed as Stan raced away, chasing after his off again on again girlfriend. Kyle rolled his eyes, grimacing slightly. This would be the last night he would see Stan for a long time, and he was hoping to say goodbye, not witness the inevitable break up between him and his girlfriend as they attended College in different states.

In the thirty seconds it had taken for Stan to locate Wendy, Kenny and Cartman had also scattered. Cartman had situated himself between Butters and the refreshments table, a red solo cup had already found it's way into his hand. His round face was full of happiness as he said something to his shorter friend. Kenny's face was plastered to someone else's, male or female, Kyle couldn't tell. Kenny didn't care, he was happy experimenting with anyone who was also willing to experiment.

Kyle wove his way to the refreshments table, nodding to Cartman and Butters as he grabbed himself an empty cup. He pushed his way from the open lounge room through to the kitchen, opening the large fridge and grabbing a bottle of already cool water. He filled his cup, returned the bottle and begun to look for his friend.

He saw Stan gyrating next to Wendy, their bodies pressed together, their faces flushed. The music was loud and had a pounding base line, he could feel the floor vibrating. Luckily the Blacks lived away from the rest of the town so the music wouldn't bother anyone. Kyle took a sip of his water then began to push his way through to Stan. A pair of strong arms circled his waist, followed by soft lips pressing against the side of his neck.

'Token?' Kyle breathed, turning his head slightly.

He smiled at his boyfriend. Token had grown up nicely, creamy smooth skin, full lips, piercing brown eyes which had flecks of gold through them. He stood taller than Kyle at six foot, he was elegantly dressed in a purple button down with grey slacks.

'Interesting speech you made today Kyle,' Token smiled, pressing a chaste kiss into Kyle's lips. 'Have you spoken to your mother yet?'

'She talked at me for an hour before she let me leave the house,' Kyle smirked, enthusiastically returning his boyfriends kiss. 'Apparently my speech wasn't suitable or inspirational, but a waste of time.'

'Sounds like your mother,' Token smiled before proceeding to gently kiss his boyfriend. 'Have you spoken to Stan yet?'

'I was just trying to when you,' Kyle began before being interrupted by a kiss. 'Oh,' and then another. 'So rudely' and another. 'Interrupted,' and another. 'Me.'

Token pulled away, grinning wickedly. He reached up and cupped Kyle's cheek, his dark hand contrasting perfectly against Kyle's pale freckled face. He stroked Kyle's cheek before gently moving to tuck a stray curl behind Kyle's ear.

'I'm going to head upstairs,' Token murmured, pressing another kiss against Kyle's cheek. 'Join me once you've spoken to Stan?'

'Sure,' Kyle said, his face tinged red. 'I'll be there soon.'

Token moved forward, taking Kyle's face in his hands and kissed him again. He then slowly let go and made his way towards the back of the house, throwing a provocative wink at Kyle over his shoulder. Kyle laughed quietly to himself before turning back towards Stan and grabbing his friends shoulder. He dragged Stan away from Wendy, throwing a guilty smile at her before turning to face his friend.

'Stan?' Kyle began, running a hand through his short crop of curls.

'Dude,' Stan glared at his friend. 'That was a bit rude.'

'Sorry,' Kyle grinned sheepishly. 'Can I talk to you for a minute?'

'Sorry man can it wait?' Stan huffed, avoiding his friends gaze. 'Wendy and I were just talking about finding an empty bedroom so-'

'Dude!' Kyle jerked. 'I don't want to hear it.'

'Hey man,' Stan smirked. 'Like you and Token aren't going to-'

'Stan,' Kyle whined. 'Please just don't go there.'

'Chill dude,' Stan laughed. 'You know I don't care.'

'I do,' Kyle glared. 'I don't want to know what and Wendy get up to.'

'I'm pretty sure you already know the gist of it,' Stan began. 'When a man and a woman-'

'Just no,' Kyle joked, covering his ears. 'La la la la la.'

'You're such a prude,' Stan smiled.

'Only with you,' Kyle winked. 'Seriously though, I need to talk to you.'

'Can it wait till tomorrow?' Stan sighed. 'I don't like the way Cartman is eyeing my girl.'

Kyle followed his friends gaze. Cartman had his hand on Wendy's shoulder, they were both laughing. The larger boy looked so alive as he spoke to the smaller woman, of course Stan felt threatened.

'Stan,' Kyle said quietly. 'Please, it's important.'

'Sure dude,' Stan murmured, waving his friend off before making his way towards his girlfriend. 'Tomorrow! I promise.'

'Tomorrow...' Kyle frowned to himself.

There was no point waiting till tomorrow he would be long gone by then. Kyle watched as Stan stalked over to Cartman and Wendy, his shoulder's hunched forward in determination. Stan physically removed the larger boy's hand from his girlfriends shoulder and proceeded to wrap his arm around her petite waist, drawing her closer to him. Ever since Junior year when Cartman and Wendy became friends Stan had been getting increasingly jealous and clingy towards his girlfriend. Or at least that was the reason Wendy gave Stan during their usual monthly break up. Not that his jealousy or clingy-ness mattered when they got back together a week later.

Kyle rolled his eyes and made his way towards the back of Token's house. Kyle squeezed his way past Kenny who broke away from his current make out session to throw the red head a wink before diving back in. Kyle smiled back before heading up the stairs and gently knocking on Token's bedroom door.

'Hey,' Token smiled as he opened the door.

'Hey,' Kyle smiled back, letting Token grab his hand and lead him into the bedroom.

Token quietly closed the door before turning to Kyle. He grabbed Kyle's waist and forcefully pressed his lips against Kyle's. Kyle let out a small moan, opening his mouth slightly to enthusiastically return the kiss. He ground his body against the taller boy's, working his way below the thin purple fabric which covered taut muscles. He broke away from Token and gently tugged at the taller boys shirt. Token smiled and pulled it over his head, revealing his well defined chest. Kyle smiled before removing his own, he pressed his chest against Token's and kissed him again. They backed towards Token's bed before falling gently onto the mattress below.

'Hi,' Kyle smiled, pressing butterfly kisses against Token's neck.

'What did Stan say?' Token murmured, rubbing his hands along Kyle's back.

'Nothing,' Kyke sighed, pulling away and burrowing his head into Token's neck. 'More interested in fucking Wendy than talking to me.'

'His loss,' Token smirked, then his tone turned serious. 'Are you sure you want to do this?'

'Wha?' Kyle said, lifting his head. 'Sex? I always want Sex.'

'No Silly,' Token mock groaned, rolling his eyes. 'Leaving.'

'Oh,' Kyle whispered, he detached himself from Token and sat up, pressing his back against the cool wood of the headboard. 'I've never been surer of anything else in my life. Does that make me a bad person?'

'No,' Token whispered, lazily tracing the veins in Kyle's wrist. Token wiggled himself away from Kyle, earning himself a small whimper in protest. He made his way to his desk and opened the top drawer and picked up a small stack of papers. He pressed them into Kyle's hands. 'Then here-'

'Token,' Kyle looked down, Token had given him plane tickets. 'No.'

'Take them,' Token smile, running his hand down Kyle's cheek. 'Think of them as a Graduation slash birthday slash Christmas gift.'

'Oh Token,' Kyle's voice quivered. 'You don't have to.'

'You haven't bought one yet,' Token smiled, leaning forward and capturing the smaller boy's lips.

'I know,' Kyle continued, returning the passionate kiss. 'I was planning on buying it at the airport.'

'Now you don't have to, you can just go,' Token began to kiss his way down Kyle's body, his hands playing at the fly of Kyle's black dress pants. 'Just fly away my little bird.'

'Token I-' Kyle began, his breath hitching as Token lazily unzipped his fly.

'I'm not expecting anything from you Kyle,' Token looked up, his deep brown eyes locking with Kyle's emerald green ones. 'We're eighteen, not even really adults. I'm not going to wait for you, I don't expect you to wait for me.'

'I love you,' Kyle smiled, dragging the larger boys lips towards his own.

'I love you too.'

'I really do,' Kyle murmurs, his naked body pressed against Token's warm torso. 'Love you that is.'

'I know,' Token smiled into the back of Kyle's neck. 'I love you, it doesn't mean that it'll last forever.'

Kyle rolled over and caught the other man's lips with his own. 'Sometimes I think you're the only one of my friends who truly understands me.'

'I feel the same about you,' Token frowned gently. 'I'm going to miss you like crazy.'

'We'll still talk,' Kyle smiled brightly. 'We'll Skype each other, I'll send you postcards.'

'You want a lift to the airport?' Token smiled back, placing a kiss on the other boys forehead.

'I-' Kyle hesitated. 'Are you sure? You don't want to stay at your party?'

'I'd rather say goodbye to you,' Token whispered. 'Have one of those soppy airport farewells, complete with tears and hurried kisses.'

'Then yes,' Kyle chuckled. 'Please.'

'Then lets go,' Token rolled his way out of bed. 'And as much as I appreciate the view you may want to put some clothes on.'

'Quiet you,' Kyle pouted before dragging himself out of the comfort of Token's bed. 'We'll need to go past my parents house, grab my suitcase.'

'No problem,' Token smiled. 'Now hurry up, the plane I booked you leaves in three hours.'

'I thought you didn't want me to go,' Kyle mocked. 'Now you can't wait to get rid of me.'

'Kyle,' Token frowned. 'I-'

'I know,' Kyle gently kissed his soon to be ex-boyfriend. 'I know.'

'Promise me something Kyle,' Token began, handing Kyle his newly printed boarding pass.

'What?' Kyle grabbed the boarding pass, gently tangling Token's fingers in his own.

'Find a reason to smile more,' Token whispered, smiling gently at Kyle. 'I know it will be hard, now we're no longer together, but please, try for me.'

'You're breaking up with me?' Kyle mock gasped. 'Why?'

'Shut up,' Token laughed gently. 'I'll experiment with other people at College, and you'll sleep your way across Europe.'

'Low blow dude,' Kyle glared. 'I'm not that easy.'

'Only for me?' Token murmured, kissing Kyle gently.

'Only for you,' Kyle agreed before returning the kiss. 'You make me smile.'

'I know I do,' Token whispered, grabbing Kyle's hand. 'But we both need to let go, to find something more.'

'I don't know if I will,' Kyle frowned. 'I'll miss you terribly.'

'I'll miss you too Ky-'

'Calling passengers for JetBlue Flight 98, Denver to New York.'

'Shit,' Kyle released Token's hand and picked up his carry on. 'Token I-'

'Go Kyle,' Token smiled, gently pushing the smaller boy. 'And don't forget to Skype me.'

'I wont,' Kyle said, turning to run towards his gate. 'Don't forget me when you're at your fancy pants med school.'

'I wont,' Token laughed, waving.

'Love you!' Kyle shouted, before he disappeared behind a crowd of people.

'Love you to,' Token whispered. ' Good luck Kyle.'

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