Words: "Words"

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Spells: "Spells"

Yelling: "YELLING"

Non-human being speaking: "Speaking"

Soft Sound: *Soft Sound*

Loud Sound: *Loud Sound*

"Natsu hang in there." A voice reached his ears. He recognized the voice, but he couldn't place a name on it. He heard sirens, which irritated his ears to no end, in the distance. Pressure was applied on his left shoulder, pain surging through the area. For a minute, all he could focus on was the pain on his shoulder. Sometimes he would catch hints of different voices urging him to hang on and not die. It's not like he wants to die though. He still needed to find Igneel and kick his sorry old ass for leaving him behind. Suddenly, he felt two pairs of arms lift him onto another platform. At least it's more comfortable than asphalt. He could feel himself being rolled into a vehicle, possibly an ambulance since the sirens are still blaring.

"Shut it off." Natsu slurred.

"Sorry kid, no can do." The paramedic apologized before shutting the door. Then realization dawned upon Natsu. He was in an ambulance. A vehicle. A vehicle that moves. A vehicle that moves really quickly when the sirens are blaring. Ah crap.

"You know I think I could walk to the hospital….. This isn't the first time I got wounded." Natsu weakly protested. The paramedic laughed.

"'Fraid I can't let you do that. Chances are that the guy who shot you is still out there. Waiting for you to show up. Plus, it'll be quicker to reach the hospital in an ambulance." Then Natsu faced the paramedic with fearful eyes, shocking the man.

"Please, sir. I don't want to die in this death trap." The way this man begged sent chills up the paramedic's spine and made him worry for his own safety. Just as soon he was about to ask what he meant, the ambulance moved. Natsu's face morphed into one of absolute pain and shifted into a shade of sickly green. Groans and pleas to end his suffering escaped his barely open lips.

"Eh?" The paramedic had a look of complete and utter confusion as his patient went from desperate to half-dead. He began to go over a mental list in his head to figure out what is causing this man to suffer in this fashion. The sliding of a metal bucket caught his attention, especially when Natsu began to unload his lunch's contents into said bucket. The diagnosis for the source of this man's pain hit the paramedic like a train and made him laugh. "I see that you're motion sick. This has to be the most severe case of motion sickness I have ever seen in my entire career."

"Sh-sh-shut up…. *blergh*" Natsu threw up in the metal bucket. The chuckling paramedic lightly hit his back to comfort him. "Kill me now." Natsu queasily muttered. This caused the paramedic to howl in laughter, much to Natsu's 'delight'.

"I'm sorry kid. Hehehe." A paramedic beside the man slapped him at the back of the head. "Ouch. Anyways, let's see that wound." Natsu groaned as the man cut off the shirt covering the bullet wound. There was a hole the size of a nickel on his shoulder with bits and pieces of cloth stuck on the edges. The paramedic has been in the field for 15 years and he knows what each bullet wound looks like. However, he wasn't prepared to see the numerous scars that littered the young man's torso. Many of the scars looked like slash and stab wounds, but there were occasional bullet scars. Being the professional he is, the paramedic shoved the questions to the back of his mind and focused on the task at hand.

".45 ACP. No exit wound. Though it looks a little stretched out at the sides. Oh, apparently the kid or at least one of the cops pulled out the bullet. Hey kid, what's your name?"

"Natsu." the pinkette mumbled, silently cursing the man who created the wheel.

"You must be nuts to pull out a bullet, you could've bled to death. Anyways, the name's Jack." Natsu grunted, not wishing to answer for he felt really nauseous. "You're lucky that those cops were there or else, you would've died. Why were you there on the first place?" Natsu gave him a shortened, albeit almost unintelligible, summary of the events that took place not a few moments ago.

"So you're the Salamander huh? Who knew that one of the most well known vigilantes is a pretty young fella?"

"Well, I don't really go for the meet and greets with the public. If I have to go out, I try to keep a low profile." Natsu reasoned before throwing up again in the bucket. "I hate automobiles." the pinkette whispered to himself before passing out.

"He's an interesting one. Don'tcha think so?"

"Shut up and do your job." The paramedic next to him slapped the back of his head.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

'Where the hell am I?' Opening his eyes, He saw a white ceiling. 'Oh, sh-'. Turning his head to the right, his suspicions were confirmed when he saw a nurse walk in.

"Oh hello, did you just wake up?" She smiled cheerfully at him. Her cheerful demeanor turned into one of worry when she saw his catatonic state and paling complexion. "Are you alright, you look rather pale." The response she got from him was incoherent mumbling. Worrying for the safety of the patient, the nurse left the room to fetch a doctor.

'I gotta get out of here!' Natsu got out of his bed, thankful that his pants were still on, though he was curious where his top was, and peeked into the hallway. The nurse that was just in his room was heading back towards him with a man in a lab coat following along. Knowing that going into the hallway would bring unwanted attention from the staff, he looked for a window in his room. Luck was not on his side that day as he discovered that his room had no windows. He could hear the doctor's footsteps coming closer and was starting to panic.

"Besides the wound on his shoulder, are you certain that he is fine? I mean I saw that he was unnaturally pale." The nurse asked the doctor.

"Jessica I am absolutely, positively certain that there was nothing wrong with the man's physical state besides the gunshot wound." The doctor replied as they entered the room. An empty room. "Uh, where is he?"

'They'll never find me in here. Mwahaha.' Our resident pinkette mused to himself as he relished the comfort that hiding provided.

"He should still be in this room. We never saw him leave and there are no windows." He heard the nurse speak to someone. That other person remained quiet as they moved around the room. Taking a quick peek, Natsu saw the nurse go in the bathroom and the doctor checked under the bed.

'CHANCE!' As quietly as he could, Natsu left his hiding spot and exited the room. As soon as he did, he was face to face with a pair of brilliant blue eyes. 'NOOOOOOOOOOOO!'

"Hi Lisanna." Natsu tried to greet her as cheerfully as he could, but it came out sounding like a defeated groan. She didn't reply back and he saw her eyes glassed over. He followed her line of sight and found out that she was staring at his body.

'Hot!' She marveled at his well-toned body, most of her attention was drawn to the perfectly sculpted abdominals this hottie in front of her had. Lisanna, no matter how innocent her friends and family perceive her to be, was tempted beyond believe to let her hands touch and memorize every detail of his body. Then she noticed the scars. No one at such a young age should have that many scars. The only person she knew that had roughly the same amount was Erza.

"There you are!" The nurse exclaimed. She took him by the arm and literally dragged him back to his room, leaving the police officer staring off into space in the middle of the hallway.

"Mr. Dragneel, good afternoon." The doctor greeted him, but Natsu grumbled under his breath. "I understand if you're feeling a little apprehensive about being in the hospital, so I'll make this quick so that you'll be on your way." The speed which Natsu turned his head scared both the doctor and the nurse, thinking that he might snap his own neck rather than stay a second longer in the hospital.

"Well?! Get on with it!" Natsu almost screamed.

"Alright, so you suffered from quite a bit of blood loss due to the bullet wound and your action of pulling it out. We got that fixed up as well as stitched your wound up, so you're good to go. Thankfully for you, a friend paid for your hospital expenses, including the ambulance fee." What the doctor just said confused him, he didn't have friends.

"Do you have the name of my 'friend'?"

"Makarov Dreyar."

"Why would he do that?" Natsu asked the doctor.

"He was worried about your financial standing. Being a vigilante can leave quite a dent in your bank account he said. That and he owes you for saving Erza." Lisanna answered for the doctor, for she entered his room when he asked the question. In her hand was a shirt and a familiar scarf.

"He didn't have to do that though."

"He did it and he doesn't regret it, now shut up and put on a shirt. I came to pick you up." Lisanna ordered. With a weak 'Aye', Natsu took the shirt and his scarf, walking out with her.

"So where are you taking me?" He asked her as they walked out the hospital.

"You're coming with me to Fairy Tail."

"Eh? Why? The little chat with your buddies as well as your boss paying for my hospital fees is a sign that I'm a good guy right?" The cogs in Natsu's head were moving at high speed, so that he wouldn't have to spend a second in a cell with a bunch of crooks that probably hate him.

"The little chat was mainly fighting with Erza, molesting her and my sister, and flirting with me."

"First off, Officer Scarlet threw the first punch, so technically I was defending myself. Secondly, what happened between me, Officer Scarlet and Officer Strauss was accidental, I swear. Finally, I was so not flirting with you." Thinking he had won, Natsu picked up the pace and went ahead of Lisanna. He stopped when he heard faint sniffling from behind him. 'Please don't be who I think it is.'

The vigilante reluctantly turned around and saw that Officer Lisanna Strauss was crying. 'FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-'

"Y-you weren't? I guess I could see why *sniff*. Why would someone want to flirt with an ugly girl like me *sniff*?"

"What are you talking about?!" Natsu was panicking; he has never encountered this kind of a situation in his life. "You're not ugly."

"If I'm not ugly, then what am I?"

"Well, you're…..uh…. really pretty." Natsu's cognitive functions were starting to fail him

"You hesitated! WAAAAAAH!" She cried a waterfall of tears, then as suddenly as it came, it stopped. Natsu let out a sigh of relief, but was soon sweating bullets when Lisanna's gaze became furious. "I see how it is. You're interested in my sister. Well, sorry if my chest isn't as enormous as hers."

"What?! Ok, you're jumping to conclusions now. I'm not interested in your sister." Natsu reasoned with Lisanna, but his statement did nothing to calm her down. 'Can't help but notice that she's quite the looker.'

"So you're interested in Erza then! Typical guys and their chest and butt fetishes!"

"No! No no no no no no! I am not interested in Officer Scarlet because her chest or butt is quite large." Natsu retorted 'Though I gotta admit that the crimson hair looks marvelous on her, any other hair colour looks weird.'

"Then prove to me that you are not interested in both of them!"

"Uh…" Natsu's brain decided to shut down and his foot decided to stuff his mouth. "I could take you out on a date?" Lisanna then glomped the poor man.

"YAY!" Natsu almost lost his balance and was beginning to suffocate due to the uncomfortable (?) position his head was in. Thankfully, Lisanna let go of him once her emotional high died down. "Magnolia Palace 8 pm sharp on Friday." She told him before speed walking to her cruiser, leaving behind a confused Natsu.

'What did I get myself into?'

'This sucks.' Natsu thought to himself as he fought to prevent regurgitating, even if his stomach is empty.

"Gee, I'm sorry Natsu, if we had known that you had motion sickness, then we would've figured out a different way of getting you here ASAP." Lisanna apologized to him, her eyes fixed on the road. 'His motion sick face is weird. I don't know if anyone else could turn into that shade of green. Still cute though.'

"Kiiiiill…...Meeeee…. *urp*."

"Can't do that silly, that would make me a criminal." Lisanna lightly joked. Natsu didn't appreciate her jovial attitude as he slouched on the car's seat while on the verge of death. As he was going to retort, the death machine stopped. "We're here!" Lisanna beamed before exiting the car. However, before she could completely get out, Natsu had already slammed the door open and dove for the ground, kissing it with reckless abandon.

"Free. Free. Free." Natsu muttered in between kisses before standing to his feet, to the confusion of Lisanna. A little embarrassed about his actions, Natsu gave her a shy smile and rubbed the back of his neck. An action that caused Lisanna to blush.

'Dang it. Why is he so cute!' She thought.

"So, aren't you gonna invite me in?"

"Oh yeah! Just give me a moment." Then she grabbed something from inside the cruiser and held it behind her back. Although she wore a smile on her face, Natsu felt some malice from her and it scared him a bit. Before he could ask anything, she lashed out and cuffed his right hand to her left wrist. "There you go!"

Natsu stared at the cuffs stupidly for a full minute before reacting. "WHAAAAAATT?!" His scream got the attention of officers within the precinct headquarters as well as some random pedestrians. He snapped his head back and forth between the cuffs and Lisanna. Then he began to stumble upon his words and sputter incoherently as he tried to comprehend the trickery that this seemingly innocent lady pulled on him. "WHYYY?!" He yelled again once he regained the ability to speak.

"So that you won't ditch me because you promised me a date." With those words, Natsu's reality came crashing down.

'I actually was considering ditching her!' A tug on his wrist brought him out of his thoughts. He looked at the source and saw that Lisanna was motioning him to move along with her with a sweet smile on her face. Natsu was not liking that look on her face at this moment.

"Come on slowpoke, Captain Makarov's waiting for us!"

"Yipee." Natsu responded with a deadpan.

A/N: I know that it's a short chapter, sorry about that. Ran out of funny brain juice. Will have to refill.

Now that I think about it, I'll probably have filler chapters such as this be shorter than story arc driven chapters. So yeah.. Hope you enjoyed this and remember to R&R.