A/N: Wow, I can't believe I'm finally getting to this chapter. It's been what… a month or so? Sorry. I kept trying to write this but felt no motivation and didn't want to give you a chapter that my heart wasn't into.

This is literally just fluff and love and pure character building (and smut) :)

Enjoy the pure AOKAGA~

Aomine's eyes widened and the cloth slipped through his fingers, not quite hearing what else Midorima said other than Kagami had woken up finally. His breath whooshed out in one big exhale, and before Midorima knew it, Aomine was already gone. He couldn't believe that he didn't realize the feeling in the back of his head, and the tightness of his chest meant that Kagami was awake. Aomine had been in a kind of daze for a while since the incident.

"Taiga," he murmured under his breath as he rushed to the Medical Units, breaking record time. Huffing, he leaned his hands on his knees for a moment outside the door. Reaching a hand up, he placed it on the door and realized that his hands were shaking. Was it from relief, or maybe fear that this was just a dream? Either way, he was going to find out. Squaring his shoulders he finally pushed, light from the window blinded him for a moment before his eyes rested on a glowing figure.

He took a couple steps forward slowly before jerking forward and pulling Kagami into his arms. "Taiga… You're awake…"

"A-Aomine?" Came the befuddled voice. It felt like Aomine hadn't heard it in years. The tenseness in his body that he hadn't realized he'd had since then finally was able to relax.

"You fucking idiot!" Aomine snapped, pulling away just enough to look at the reddened face. "What were you thinking?"

Kagami's eyebrow twitched, "Well I—,"

"That's right you weren't! Who said that you could do that? That you could just fuckin' get yourself hurt?"

"Could you just—,"

"Did I say that you could do that? The only one who can hurt you is me!" Aomine growled, eyes flashing bright blue, luminescent in the light peaking through the open windows.

"Well Aida—,"

Aomine just ignored Kagami, going on. "Bakagami, Aida can take care of herself, sure the disease is terrible but what would you have done if you didn't wake up? What about your family? What about your job?"

Kagami looked down, ashamed, then hardened. "My family can take it, they're strong. And someone else can fill my position in my job—,"

"FUCKING SHIT TAIGA!" Aomine roared, slamming his hands on the bed beside Kagami. His voice cracked, and he looked down at his the lap of the man before him, "W-what… What about me? What would I have done? How could someone fill your place with me?"

Wide red eyes stared at Aomine, who just huffed and leaned back, glancing to the side with a slight blush on his face. He couldn't believe that he'd just said that. Kagami's mouth was open, still gaping at him. "Tch. Shut your mouth, you look like an idiot."

Kagami blinked, having a hard time following Aomine's quick change of mood. His personality seemed to change as fast as his swordplay. "Eh?"

Aomine glared and Kagami chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "So you were worried about me?" The redhead asked, with a hint of something in his tone that made Aomine blush more.

Scowling he narrowed his eyes, "You wish."

"Who knew that the great pureblood Aomine could actually worry about someone other than himself?" Kagami said smugly, leaning forward which made the light catch his eyes. Those red rubies glowed, and made Aomine swallow harshly.

"I definitely wasn't worried over a jerk like you," Aomine said snidely.

Kagami's eyes got a gleam to them, and a secretive little smirk appeared, "Oh really?" Aomine's knees weakened at the sight of Kagami's devious look. He'd never seen him like that before. "If I recall correctly I remember someone saying something along the lines of 'don't you understand you're leaving me behind?' that I heard?"

"You heard that?" Aomine gasped.

"So that was you?" Kagami asked, a small smile playing at the edges of his mouth. "I wasn't sure but I had hoped…"


"Yeah you fucking dumbass." The redhead looked a bit shy now, "I thought after you said that you didn't really want me that you'd… I don't know, go off with Moriyama or something while I was under… or whatever…"

"I said I didn't want you?" He said incredulously. "When the fuck did I say I didn't want you?"

Kagami glared, "you said it quite plainly when we fought before this whole… whole thing."

"Huh… Oh… Ohhh." Aomine got a look of understanding on his face before it fell. "Taiga… I…" He made a strangled noise, and sat down on the bed next to Kagami's legs, one hand on the other side of his body. The words he really wanted to say didn't seem to be able to form in his mouth and so he just settled with, "Moriyama's nothing to me. You're the only one that can fight me on equal… well sort of equal ground." You're the only one that matters to me. "If you hadn't spoken back to me that day I would've been a lot more bored lately." I don't know what I would do without you. "I've actually had to fight seriously." You brought me back from that darkness, and you gave me hope. "Fate may have brought us together, and bound us to one another, but I chose to succumb to it." I chose you.

A quick inhalation of breath made Aomine look up at Kagami finally. Aomine wasn't sure if Kagami knew what he had been trying to say, but he figured he did since hands twisted into his yukata and jerked him forward to meet Kagami's lips with his own. They were as warm and soft as Aomine remembered, tasting just like he'd dreamed of for the past while. It was slow and sweet, everything that he normally hated. Now he couldn't get enough of it.

When they finally separated a bit, Kagami smiled and murmured, "You sound like that green bastard, Midorima. Spouting off about fate and shit."

Aomine couldn't help the relief that flushed through him and he tipped his head back and laughed. Laughed at how much he had missed Kagami's snark, and him just generally lighting up his boring life. His hands clutched at his stomach but he couldn't stop. A hand brushed his cheek and wiped away the tears that had gathered from laughing so hard, bordering on hysterically.

"God, I think I broke you." Kagami laughed with him.

"…Maybe you did." Aomine whispered to himself, still chuckling a bit.

"What'd you say?"

He shook his head, "Nothing, now shut up and kiss me again. I've been horny for forever."

"Che, that would be what you're thinking about." Kagami griped, but leaned forward anyways. Aomine rolled his tongue against his bottom lip slowly, drawing a groan from him.

"Mmm… missed this…" Aomine drawled between caste kisses. "So sweet…" The hand on his left curled around Kagami's back to pull him closer, wanting the warmth that the other naturally gave off to heat his cold body. He peppered light kisses against his jaw and went down to his neck, brushing his teeth lightly against his throat.

"Sh-shut it." Kagami growled, fisting a hand in the blue hair. His fingers scraped the back of his head slightly, trailing down to the tan neck. Aomine shivered at the feeling, the tensing of his stomach making him renew his attack of the redhead with more vigor.

"You love it." Aomine smirked, sucking on the junction of his shoulder.

Kagami paused his ministrations, eyes wide, but Aomine didn't notice at all. A slick tongue against his skin broke him from his thoughts and he groaned. "A-Aomine…" Tugging at the hair in his hands he brought that warm mouth back to his to plunder. They stayed that way for a while, just heated kisses and playful nips. Eventually the heat turned to a raging inferno and Aomine was done with waiting.

Aomine moved quickly, putting his body over his on the medical bed. He sighed in delight at the pressure but blushed when he realized that the door was wide open and just about anyone could walk in on them. "Aomine…"

"Ah…?" He grunted, a bit distracted with what he was doing.

"Aomine…" Kagami said annoyed. "The door…"

"What about it?" Aomine growled, pulling away for a second to look at him.

"Its wide open, dumbass!" His eyes shot worriedly to it, "What if Midorima or Takao come in?"

He smirked, "Tch. Let em watch. Who cares? Maybe it'll loosen that Midofuck up a bit."

Kagami blushed bright red at the thought of someone watching them, "No way in hell am I going to do it with you while someone watches! Close it, you Eromine!"

"Hooo? So we are going to have sex?" Aomine's mouth twitched in amusement.

"I-I… Aomine…" He growled, a tick on his forehead, falling back onto anger to cover up his embarrassment.

"Didn't you just recover, and you already want to have sex? Hmmm… have I corrupted you Taiga?" That husky voice drawled into Kagami's ear. "Do I make you want to do naughty things?" He said while dragging his hand down the light hospital gown that he was wearing. Kagami couldn't help but arch into the hand, all but purring at the physical contact he hadn't know he was missing.

Growling Kagami grabbed Aomine's ear harshly and tugged. "Close the damn door, or you wont get anything from me except an ass kicking."

Aomine yelped, and glared down at him before using a big of magic to slam the door closed and close the shades. "Kinky, would you really kick my ass?"

Kagami rolled his eyes, "Eromine."

"And proud." Said pervert snickered. "Now… where were we?" He sat back on, still straddling Kagami. "Oh right." He chuckled again and ignored the amused look from the redhead. Resting a hand on Kagami's hip he looked over the flushed man before him, licking his lips at the sight.

"Stop looking at me like that." A blue eyebrow rose.

"Like what?"

"Like you want to eat me." Kagami ground out.

"Tch. I do." Before Kagami could come back with a remark Aomine had already covered his mouth with his. Those lips instantly parted for him and he slid his tongue into that warm cavern, taking his time to memorize it. Kagami groaned when Aomine sucked on his tongue harshly, pulling it with his own to bring it out to play. After pulling slight, delicious gasps from him for a while Aomine pulled back to untie his yukata.

Kagami eagerly pushed it off his shoulders to throw it to the ground, then grabbed the bottom of his undershirt to rip it off also. His eyes quickly devoured the tan skin that was now available to him and kissed his collarbone. Biting lightly he drew him closer and listened as each ministration made Aomine's noises get louder. He liked how much that he seemed to affect the vampire, and smirked into his smooth tan skin.

Aomine growled playfully and pushed Kagami back down to the bed, throwing off the covers that lay over the body he wanted to see more clearly. The small hospital gown did nothing to cover those strong thighs and half hard cock tenting in it. His eyes grew dark and he reached out to palm gently against it, drawing out pants from the redhead.

"Shit… you're already hard. I guess I did corrupt you, eh? And to think you were a pure little angel before?" Kagami blushed, and almost blanched at Aomine calling him an angel, too close to the truth for him. It made him pause and think about if he should tell him, but then Aomine's lips and hands were everywhere and that was that.

It didn't take long before Kagami had enough of the teasing and thrust up against Aomine, the friction making him moan. He brushed against Aomine's hip, feeling the others arousal clearly against his own body, which only made him hotter. "Aomineee, come on…" He moaned.

"So impatient." Aomine whispered in his ear, lightly tracing the outline of it with his mouth and sucking the lobe. He nipped it once more before crashing his lips against Kagami's again, getting lost in his sweet taste and tantalizing scent that always drove him crazy with want. "But I want to take my time with you today." He hummed on his throat and his hand pushed under the gown to caress the insides of his thighs.

The contact made Kagami sigh, but soon he was squirming to try and get him to put his hand where he needed it. Aomine chuckled and barely touched his dick, dragging a whine of annoyance out of the redhead. "Y-you bastard," He panted with a glare.

"Shhh…" He snickered and pulled up the white gown a bit to see how Kagami stood proudly against his own stomach, leaking precum down the sides. Aomine wrapped his right hand around the base, starting a slow rhythm that had Kagami trying to thrust up to make him go faster. A hand against his hip stopped him and he about sobbed with need, but would never admit to the blue haired jerk that he was making him insane. Though, Aomine already knew what he was doing to him.

"Why don't you let me take this stupid hospital gown off?" He scowled, but Aomine's one hand was holding his to keep him from doing what he wanted.

Blue eyes looked up from where he was kneeling between Kagami's legs, glinting dangerously, "Hooo, because you look so sexy like that Taiga. I'm here to cure all your needs." He said that as he started pumping a little bit faster, and squeezed when he reached the base. Kagami gasped and jerked forward, eyes rolling back at the pure pleasure he felt. "I wanna fuck you in that little gown."

Ignoring the throbbing in his own pants he kept his pace on Kagami's dick, kissing the soft skin on his hip. His thumb pressed against the tip making a ragged sound come from the redhead, and hearing that made his fangs slide out. Aomine groaned, placing his face against him, "Fuck, you need to stop doing that Taiga."

"Hgnnn… Doing…what?" Kagami breathed out a little moan.

"That." Aomine said, and brushed his elongated fangs against the junction of his hip, making Kagami inhale sharply at the feeling. "Can I?"


"Fuck yeah," Aomine smirked and bit down gently while stroking him again. His eyes shot wide open as the delicious blood flowed into his mouth. Kagami glanced down to see Aomine's lips moving against his skin, sucking and licking each drop he could get. It was oddly hot, and he felt that telltale burning in his stomach and clenching of his balls.

"Ahhh… ngnn… I'm so fucking close…" Kagami panted and he was about to see stars when the hand on his dick stopped and he growled. "Goddammit Aomine."

"Tsk tsk. Not so fast Taiga, you'll come when I'm inside of you and not a moment sooner." He said as he gave one last lick at the salty skin, tongue peaking out to catch a drop of blood that dripped down his chin. Just hearing that made him squirm a bit, and he looked down to see Aomine had his own problem.

"Fucking Ahomine…hurry up."

Smirking again, Aomine propped himself up a little and a turn of the wrist had a space pocket opening next to them. Digging around a bit he finally found what he was looking for. With a triumphant 'Aha!' his hand came back with a bottle of lube.

Kagami closed his eyes to brace for the preparation, but was surprised by the feathery light pressure against his lips. He opened them to find Aomine looked at him softly, something in his eyes that he couldn't quite place. "What?"

"Calm down Bakagami. It wont hurt." I wont ever hurt you.

He nodded, looking a bit sheepish. Aomine smiled and Kagami was shocked at the breathtaking sight, a light blush coming to his face. Those blue eyes were still locked on his as a finger brushed up against his ass before slipping in quickly. Kagami gasped, still not used to the awkward feeling, and Aomine staring at him wasn't helping his embarrassment. Somehow it made it feel so much more intimate than the first time they had sex.

Ever so slowly he pulled it out and back in, pushing against the warm walls of Kagami's ass, stretching him. Kagami shuddered as the second finger breached him, but he was getting used to it more now. His eyes slid shut one more time as he was enraptured in the feeling of Aomine's hand pushing inside of him. Unlike the first time, where it was hot and fast and just down right dirty, Aomine was doing as he said and actually taking his time.

The bluenette watched as Kagami panted and grew more restless. A low gasp came from him as his appendage brushed up against his prostate. Aomine pressed against it again and again each time he thrust his fingers up. By now, Kagami was a mess, face flushed, body arching into each touch and blood pumping through his veins faster than he thought possible. Kagami's one hand got free of Aomine's strong grip and his hand immediately went to wrap around his broad shoulders.

Deeming him ready his fingers slipped out, making such a dirty sound that Aomine couldn't help but groan. To him, everything about Kagami drew him in further, each sound, smell and action. If Aomine believed in such a thing as God, or a higher power, he would have thought that he was made especially for him. He pressed his lips against the wrist in his grasp as his other hand fumbled with his pants, trying to pull them down.

It took more time that Aomine would have liked, but he was able to unlace them and pull out his dick, which was twitching with anticipation in his hand. He moaned at the contact and quickly eased his hand over himself, spreading the lube to make sure that he didn't hurt his mate. With that done, he breathed out and grabbed Kagami's hips, bringing him closer to be able to brush his erection against the seam of his ass.

Kagami shivered and tried to press down further, and Aomine chuckled. Red eyes shot daggers at him through the lust filled haze that he was in. Aomine simply leaned in and captured him in a kiss, distracting him as he pressed inside him. Lips parted in a gasp and Aomine swallowed those sounds as he seated himself to the hilt inside him.

"Finally," Aomine sighed, head leaning back in pleasure. He felt like he was whole now, complete. It was a new feeling for him, one completely different than the jagged emptiness he dealt with on a daily basis, and all because of the man before him. Kagami looked up at him, and his mouth twitched up in an involuntary smile. He smiled back softly, a little shyly since Aomine still hadn't moved.

When he relaxed around the hard cock inside of him he moved restlessly, trying to get him deeper and sighed as Aomine understood and pulled out to thrust back. His fingers dug into Aomine's tan back, leaving little scratches as he went. It just heightened the excitement thrumming through Aomine's veins and he groaned as he pushed Kagami's thighs apart to push inside harder.

Kagami pulled Aomine down, making his dick push against a new spot, right where he needed him. A loud shout came from his mouth and he pressed his mouth headily against the ambrosia that was Aomine's mouth. Everything about Aomine intoxicated him to the point of no return, and his hips sped up, pushing down against him. Aomine didn't let him though, and kept the pace at a steady rhythm.

Each time that Aomine thrust up into him he could feel his stomach clenching more and more. His mouth was open, body taut as he shuddered with bliss. A hand brushed his jaw after a particularly hard press against the bundle of nerves that drove him crazy and he looked up to lock eyes with liquid blue. Kagami's own dragged from his mate's back to his neck, and with shock he realized that his hand was glowing white.

A pulse went through the air and both of them gasped, Kagami watched as something blue and black powerful magic swirled around them and touched his own. Every time that it would brush up against the other shocks went down their spines, enhancing their awareness of the other. Aomine's eyes went to half-mast and kissed him hungrily, hand sneaking down to stroke his throbbing cock as he drove up into Kagami's tight ass. Both of them got lost in the feeling of one another, not noticing how their magic fluctuated before mixing together.

It was perfect for Kagami, but not just yet. He moaned and wondered why before the thought came to him as he pulled away from Aomine for a second to hoarsely breathe, "Ngnn… Bite me Daiki…"

Blue eyes widened before narrowing again and a smirk slid onto his face, "With pleasure." Nibbling on his jaw he caressed all the way down to his neck with his lips, taking his time as his stomach swirled with anticipation. A final kiss to his neck and then he bit down, making Kagami shout and come instantly. Aomine groaned, swallowing his blood and thrusting up one more time before following along with his mate. The magic around them pulsed once more and grew before dispersing in a powerful wave, making everything around them rattle.

"Holy shit…" Kagami wheezed, breath catching when Aomine pulled out of him.

Aomine plopped down beside him on the bed, out of breath also. "You got that right… What the hell was with our magic?" He picked up the sheets from the floor and placed them over Kagami and him, snuggling up into his warmth.

Kagami blinked in surprise at how domestic Aomine looked and shook his head before answering, "I have no idea… I've never heard of that happening before. But more importantly, what was that?"

"Hah?" Aomine looked confused, eyes a little drowsy.

"You know… that whole thing, I mean do you normally… uh…" Kagami blushed at the thought of how Aomine had treated him during sex, it felt so different than the first time, but he didn't quite know how to breach the subject.

"Normally what Bakagami? I cant read your mind." He snorted, hand draping over Kagami's hard stomach.

"Never mind." Kagami sighed, looking to the side. It was quiet for a moment before he looked at the bluenette in his bed, "When do you think Midorima is going to discharge me? I know I just woke up but I feel fine. Better than fine actually."

"Tch. That's cause of me, obviously." Aomine said smugly, pushing his head into the redhead's neck.

Kagami raised a brow, "You give yourself too much credit. Aho."

"Don't be pissed cause I'm an awesome lover." Kagami stiffened, there it was, that word again. The worst part was that Aomine didn't even seem to know he was saying it.

A/N: I actually really liked this chapter and am surprisingly happy with it… they still have a lot to say to each other but give some props to Aomine, he tried lol. :3

Oh for those who don't know, I have a tumblr now, you can follow me at : dusk-before-dawn I mostly just post my art that I do (its not all related to aokaga just fyi) and repost aokaga stuff and maybe warn you guys if I put up a new chapter of something or made a one-shot. Stuff like that.