So my college did a bachelor's auction and I got a funny idea...I love all of the pairings (whether they're in the show or not) so much and I can't make a decision of which is best...and I had an hour of free time so this is what happened. I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think!

Do I Hear a Dollar? A Hundred? A Thousand?!

It was an awful idea really. Stiles couldn't help but think of how embarrassing this was going to be, but he couldn't let that show on the outside. He had to be the silly and ridiculous Stiles he always was. "Yeah, who wouldn't want this silky pale skinned beauty made of fragile bone and sarcasm? I'm every girl's and boy's dream." Stiles winked at himself in the small mirror hanging in the dressing room.

Scott laughed and shook his head. "Come on Stiles, try to take this a little seriously. We're raising money for a good cause. And this is one of those rare occasions when Finstock's idea wasn't completely horrible. Just go with it."

"Yeah that's easy for you to say. You're tall, tan, and muscled. Plus you still have a girlfriend who can bid on you. Mine decided to take a break because of one stupid mistake, I'm sorry I'm human. And let's be real, how many teenage couples make it through a break without breaking up? Even if Malia was with me right now I doubt she'd understand how an auction worked enough to bid on me. So excuse my cynicism." Stiles sighed. "Why couldn't I just be the host? I'm funny and charming enough for that. Plus, I would make all of you look even better, let's be honest." Stiles stepped out of the dressing room to look at himself in the suit that had been shoved at him. "Oh God, I look like a twelve year old who stole his dad's closet for his first dance."

Laughing again, Scott stepped out of his little room looking perfect of course (seriously, was this still just the werewolf thing, because Stiles could swear just a few years ago Scott was as awkward as him). "You look fine Stiles. You just have to learn how to tie your tie." His eyes catch on the monstrosity that had been knotted as he looked at his phone to figure out how to prepare his own bow tie. "Maybe my mom can do this for us." He threw his phone down and let the bow tie remain around his neck untied. "And you know Greenburg demanded to be host first. We all know you will get a bid over him. Even if Malia doesn't or can't bid I'm sure my mom will, or heck I will! I mean, I promise you will make at least five bucks. Who knows, maybe we will finally find out if you're attractive to gay guys." Scott laughed and nudged Stiles' shoulder as they stood in front of the mirrors together.

"I hate you." Stiles stood resigned in front of the mirror. "I should have never allowed you to bring me down to your level. I could have had friends outside of you, you know. But no, I had to play with the wolf. I should find a new best friend."

"Nah, that's too much work and you'd get lazy or distracted." Scott smiled. "Come on, let's call these good and go meet up with everyone for dinner and a movie. Maybe you can make up with Malia before the bachelor auction tomorrow." Scott gave Stiles one more nudge before heading back to the dressing room to change back into his clothes.

Scott and Stiles stood back stage as the auction went on and lacrosse players were auctioned off and laughs filled the room. Stiles was still nervous about making nothing, and Scott had made sure his mom had at least twenty dollars to start the bidding just in case. Then it was Stiles turn on stage, he looked back at Scott who gave him an over enthusiastic thumbs up which wasn't as encouraging as he had hoped.

Once on stage Stiles had to put a hand up over his eyes, the stage light being too bright and too focused on him. "Now here we have Mr. Stilinski ladies and gentlemen! One might be deceived by his lanky exterior or motor mouth but this kid has a 3.9 GPA and even won us a lacrosse game back in sophomore year! As coach always says, he is a less sucky lacrosse player than me. Hence why I'm the host tonight." Greenberg waited for the pity laughs. "So, where can I start the bidding for those honey brown eyes? I promise there will never be a dull moment on your date!" He put an arm around the nervous teen's shoulders.

"Twenty dollars!" Melissa's voice broke through the silence, making Stiles' cheeks burn red in embarrassment. He had to be bought by his best friend's mom.

But then, by everyone's surprise, another voice called out. "Twenty-five dollars!" Malia stood awkwardly by the door, just barely making it to the event in time, still confused on how it all worked but she had gotten money from her dad just for this to make up with Stiles.

A smile broke out on Stiles face, his heart warming at Malia's act. But the smile was soon replaced by confusion when yet another voice rang out. "Thirty dollars!" Was that Lydia? Sure enough the strawberry blonde was standing as tall as she could waving her hand in the air. "Thirty-five dollars!" She went up, emphasizing her bid,

With a look of shock Malia took another few steps into the room. "Fifty dollars!" It was all the money she had, she really didn't think she would need more nor did she think she could get more. All she could do was hope Lydia would back off.

But when did Lydia ever back down? "Seventy-five dollars." She smiled smugly, knowing she had won against the were-coyote. Malia could only drop her shoulders in defeat and Lydia was ready to take her prize when...

"One hundred dollars!" A male voice came booming from the back, making everyone jump. It definitely made Stiles' jaw drop. He never in his life expected Derek Hale to make a bid on him at a bachelor's auction, and he definitely didn't expect anyone to be willing to bid $100 on him. This had to be a joke, right?

"$150!" Lydia crossed her arms, glaring at the werewolf in the back of the room.

The dark haired man smiled, actually smiled! "$500" he kept his cool as the words left his lips, so sure his family inheritance could beat the spoiled high schooler.

"Whoa, it looks like we have a bidding war going on ladies and gentleman, and for Stilinski, who would have thought?" Greenburg's joke causes both bidders to turn to the stage with an angry glare, so did Malia. "Ha, um," he pulled at his collar feeling uncomfortable.

"$1000." Lydia said coolly and sat back in her seat. It was as high as she could go on her credit card. She just hoped Derek didn't know that.

"I can do $1000." Derek scowled.

"Wow, $1000, what do you think about that Stiles?" The host gave Stiles a slight shake. "How about we make this interesting?" Because it wasn't already? "A little game, who knows Stiles better? Winner takes Stiles!" He clapped his hand in excitement but Stiles could only nod numbly. "Heck, we can even let Malia back in the game! This will be fun! Don't you think everyone?" Everyone in the room cheered and clapped but Stiles felt his stomach drop. Who was going to win? How was he going to survive this? Who was going to win? Why was everyone bidding on him? WHO WAS GOING TO WIN?!

/Who's going to win the auction? Who knows?! Does anyone want me to continue this? Or have any opinions? hehehe Thanks for reading, please review, and have a great day!