Awh man, the end of the story. It has been one hell of a ride. Thanks to everyone who read my story. There may be a companion piece in the future, and the Stories Curtis Knew bonus story is still being written. But the main ride is over. Leave a review and I may be inspired to write something else Misfits related, because my next favourite character enters in season 3 :))

Final Disclaimer; I own nothing.

"Two days until freedom, babe." Nathan ran up behind Beth and placed a kiss on the back of her neck.

"Two days until freedom," Beth repeated, smiling at the love of her life. Nathan was her everything, and soon they would be on a plane enjoying their time as they travelled to the rest of their lives. It was about time for them to enjoy a happily ever after. They'd suffered enough shit.

"I can't believe you two are leaving us for America," Alisha said, pouting. "You'll call, right?"

"All the time," Beth said. "You'll be sick of hearing about how much fun we're having."

"Think of it this way. Now we have a vacation house in California." Simon smiled.

"We can come over?" Curtis asked, smirking. Beth scoffed.

"I'm offended you had to ask."

"I've gotta take a piss," Nathan said, stretching his arms over his head. He brought his hand down to slap Beth's ass. "Catch you in a bit."

Beth shook her head at her boyfriend's antics. This was not new behaviour. But she loved him. The day was supposed to be an easy one. Litter and graffiti, the usual. But Curtis had other plans for the day. In the middle of spraying on deodorant. He froze, and began to breath heavily. No one really noticed until Nathan pointed out that he looked like he was about to take a shit. After an obnoxious laugh from Nathan, the probation worker gifted them with his presence.

"What are you lookin' at?" he snapped. Okay, so it wasn't actually much of a gift. It was the gift your lame Uncle Terry brought during his once a year visit at Christmas time.

"Nothing," Curtis said, showing attitude with his face. The probation worker left as quickly as he came. That's when everyone noticed that something was genuinely wrong with Curtis.

"What?" Alisha asked. Curtis was the centre of attention at that point.

"There's something we need to do," he said. Nobody said anything, they all just stole glances at each other. "We're gunna be famous, and we have to prevent it."

"Why on Earth would we prevent it?" Nathan asked, pulling a shirt over his head.

"Because Simon was right when he said others would come after us," Curtis explained, tying up his jumpsuit as he usually did.

"We've won our fights so far," Nathan said, clearly on the Let's Get Famous team.

"Beth dies," Curtis said. "She dies and you're forced to look at her for a long time because you're paralyzed. You're forced to look at her dead body lying there for hours before anyone finds you."

Nathan grabbed Beth by the shoulders and pulled her startled body close to his. They stayed tight together. "So, what's the plan, boss?" Nathan asked.

Curtis explained that they had to go pay a visit to some creep who knows how to bend milk. He's a fucking milk bender. Nathan refused to let go of Beth's hand the whole way there. The plan was to beat him up. And lie to him, saying that coming out starts a war or something. Simon would be doing the talking, and Curtis would be doing the punching.

The weather was lovely. Not too warm, not too cold. Perfect for terrorizing someone who just wants to show the world what they can do. It felt wrong to Beth. Why the punching part had to be included she would probably never understand. Actually, it made her sick. No wait, she really was sick. Beth snapped her hand out of Nathan's grip and ran to the corner of a building. The leaned on it, and threw up behind the wall so the others wouldn't see.

"Babe? What's going on?" Nathan asked.

"I have to go," Beth said, clutching her stomach and rushing away. "You don't need me anyway!" she shouted over her shoulder. Nathan wanted to chase after her in the present but he had to save her life in the future.

Beth rushed all the way to the convenient store seven blocks away. She made a beeline for the maternity section, and picked up the first pregnancy test she saw. She let Nathan enter her without a condom, and she needed reassurance that she wasn't pregnant. The employee of the store was an older woman, and she must have seen the nervous look on Beth's face. After Beth paid, the lady offered her the key to the bathroom. Thanking the lady, Beth took the key.

Two minutes.

Beth could handle waiting two minutes. She checked the time on her phone. Twelve thirty-four. It was only two minutes. So she washed her hands. Then she cleaned under her nails. Giving up on distracting herself seemed like the easiest thing to do. Beth picked up the pregnancy test and stared at it while sitting on the toilet seat. She'd be giving the jumpsuit back in a few days anyway. Who gave a shit if it got covered with germs. There were far more important things to worry about at this very second. Beth looked at the little white stick.


Beth was pregnant. She was twenty years old, just inherited a company, moving to California, and now pregnant. Could she handle all that? She would leave the company in the care of the people who have been running it for years, and the move was going to be fun since they had all this money to spend. But she has never seen what a good mother looks like. To her, that was just something people did in the movies. Would Nathan be happy? Would he want a child? It was too much too soon. Beth held the stick in her fist, and ran out of the store, loudly crying the whole time. She made it back to the community centre in a few short minutes, the others were already back.

"Funny story, we accidentally killed him. He fell back and broke his neck on a table." Curtis shrugged.

"Wait, Beth are you crying? What happened?" Simon asked, walking up to his friend. Nathan spun around after hearing Simon speak.

"Hey, hey, no touchin'," Nathan said as Simon delicately wiped a tear off of Beth's cheek. "I'll do the touchin'."

As Nathan approached the crying girl, she tried to think of a way to say it. She couldn't do it. Instead of saying anything, she took the positive pregnancy test and threw it at Nathan. It hit him in the leg before it fell to the floor with a quiet clatter. Nathan barely felt it. But when he bent down to look at it, he froze. It was a bit of a shock.

Beth took that as a bad sign, and began to cry louder. She ran out of the room.

"Is that a pregnancy test?" Alisha asked, trying to look around Nathans body.

"Yeah," he said, still shell shocked and crouched.

"'Ou knock 'er up?" Kelly asked, pointing at the door Beth ran out of.

"Yeah," he said.

"Don't you think you should talk to her?" Alisha asked, putting a hand on her hip.

"Nathan's a prick, we all know that. But give the guy two minutes to be shocked," Curtis said. "He has a right to react."

"You're right," Alisha said, throwing her hands in the air. "You're absolutely right."

"I'm gunna go find her," Simon said. Alisha nodded.

"No, no." Nathan stood up. "I'll go."

Nathan left the room, walking with his hands tucked deep in his pockets. He had to think of what to say, so he looked for her slowly. But he knew where he'd find her. She would be crying on the little loft where Nathan used to sleep. She would be sitting up there scared, and alone. The conversation they were about to have would be the scariest of Nathan's whole life. And the most serious. He had to be sensitive, because this was his fragile little girlfriend, and this was a topic that they'd never really discussed. They were so young, but Nathan loved her, and she loved him.

By the time he finally got there, Beth was no longer crying. She was just staring off into space. Her mind clearly lost. Nathan walked up, and sat beside her. They were both silent for over ten minutes.

"I'm in if you are," Nathan said.

"I'm in."

"Do you want to get married?"

"Not now, not because of anything other than the fact that we love each other. We can't just rush into marriage and parenthood, we won't survive it. We just gotta, take it slow." Beth moved her body closer to Nathan. "I love you."

Nathan interlocked their hands. "I love you too."

The ASBO six managed to get through two delightfully boring days of picking up trash. There were no fights. No need to kill anyone. And best of all is that tomorrow Beth and Nathan would be in California, checking into a hotel. They'd decided to keep their apartment in town, so they had a place to stay when they came to visit their friends and Nathan's family. California wasn't a permananite thing. They would probably return home before too long, and continue their life surrounded by friends and loving family.

But that was the future, Beth had to focus on the present. And in the present, Beth was talking to Alisha and Kelly while they all changed out of their jumpsuits one last time. Getting rid of the ugly outfit was Beth's favourite part of the whole deal.

"So you're having a baby, and you're leaving us." Alisha was trying to act sad, but she couldn't hide the bright smile on her face.

"Yeah, I had something important to ask you about that actually, well, you and Simon." Beth waved Simon closer. He finished buttoning up his shirt and walked over. "Nathan and I discussed, and we want you two to be the Godparents."

"That's bullocks!" Kelly said, crossing her arms.

"I'm alright with being the cool Uncle," Curtis said.

"I guess I'm happy t' jus' be there and shi'," Kelly said, closing her locker.

"I'd love to be the Godmother," Alisha said, grinning ear to ear.

"Me too." Simon quickly backtracked. "Happy to be Godfather, I mean."

"I'm happy for you Beth, really." Curtis smiled at Beth. "We all are."

"What about me?" Nathan asked, putting two hands on his bare chest. Nathan was standing in his underwear while everyone else had been dressed for a few minute. Nathan had a issue with change.

"You," Curtis said, getting closer. "Better do your damn best to take care of Beth and this child or I will kick your ass."

"Beth, do you see how I'm spoken to?"

"I'm gunna go ahead and let Curtis say what he pleases because it's in my favour," Beth said, making sure she wasn't leaving anything behind.

"Well, that's very rude." Nathan finished getting dressed, and zipped up his black hoodie. He picked up his orange jumpsuit off the ground, and hung it on the hook in the crammed locker. Nathan was careful to make sure that 'Community Blowback' was what the next lad or lass would see first thing as they opened their new locker. He stuck one hand in his pocket, and held Beth's with the other. "That's it then," he said, a sincerity in his voice."It's over, no more Community Service."

"I though' we'd all be like, celebratin' an' shi'," Kelly said, looking around.

"Doesn't really feel like there's much to celebrate," Alisha said. Alisha may put on a brave face, but she loved Beth, and Simon. One of them was moving across the globe, the other wasn't ready to be with her yet. Alisha was still in a bit of a dark place.

"I just want you to know, being here with all of you. IT's been the best time of my life," Simon said quietly. Beth put her free hand on his shoulder. Nathan allowed the touching to go on in this moment, and it was his way of telling Simon that he's going to miss Simon while he's in America. Simon got the message loud and clear while everyone else remained oblvious.

"Nah, I got to fuck Beth in the bathroom last week, that was way better."

Beth smacked Nathan across the chest which only made him laugh. Alisha shook her head, but laughed a little too.

"What is up with all of you?" Curtis asked, leaning back against the lockers. "We're all here, we're all alive. We made it."

"Does anyone fancy a drin'?" Kelly asked, looking around.

"Yeah, sure man." Nathan grinned, and kissed the side of Beth's head. "You know, aside from all the killin' and the dyin', this Community Service, wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be."

Nathan smiled as he led Beth out of the locker room, smacking Simon on the ass as the pair passed by him. Beth looked over her shoulder, her and Simon sharing a quiet giggle. This was freedom. Her ankle bracelet was off, she would never have to suffer cleaning graffiti on a beautiful day ever again. She was young but she was going to start a family with the man she loved.

Community Service was over.

And the future was knocking at their door. She didn't know what was coming, or what was going to happen. All she knew, was that tomorrow at three pm, a plane would be taking her away from England, and dropping her off in one of the sunniest states, filled with opportunity. Especially for people with the bucket loads of money she'd just come into. She could do anything she fucking wanted to. And she was a fucking superhero!

"Do you think us starting a family is a mistake?" Beth asked, walking alongside Nathan.

"Of the many mistakes I've made, I've never counted you among them." Nathan smiled. "And I don't plan to start now, nor do I plan on counting our little one. We're gunna be grand."

"We're gunna be grand," Beth repeated.

"Oh yeah, you can't be drinkin' tonight while carrying our little one." Nathan gave her hand a squeeze.

"Obviously not, Nathan."