AN: Unfortunately, I'm kind of getting into a habit of HYPER SHORT CHAPTERS, which this one and the last are, so I apologize. The next'll be longer, I promise. Anyway, I don't know why I wanted to write this entire chapter in the same night I posted 3, but hey, I'm unpredictable. Enjoy!

Sans looked around, the Last Corridor coming into view. It was a hall of judgement he knew way too well.

The skeleton looked confused. What was he doing here? He was just walking home.

"Sans." He spun around, meeting the eyes of a dark creature. It was simply inky black, two glowing white orbs shining out of it, what he assumed were eyes. It crouched in front of him, yet somehow towered over him. "wh...who are you?!" The thing suddenly bared pointed teeth, blood and dust appearing over it's body.

"You know who I am, Sans." Said skeleton's eyes widened in realization.
"n-no! you can't be here! you aren't in frisk anymore, we stopped it, we saved them!"
"Did you?" The voice suddenly whispered into his ear, disappearing from in front of him, it's claws sinking into his shoulders, causing him to let out a quiet whimper.

"Aw, sorry, am I HURTING YOU?! You do know-!"
"YES, I KNOW, I DESERVE IT, IT'S MY FAULT, I KNOW!" Sans shouted out, struggling to pull away from the thing. He managed to, his coat ripping slightly on the arms because of the scratches.

He fell to his back, turning to face the thing in horror. "I wonder how you'll react when I take away your security blanket?" It was in front of him, but the whisper was directly in his ear.

Suddenly, his coat disappeared. He never expected to miss it so much, but the thing, whatever IT was, was right on that. The fluffy, grease-smelling, warm coat had made him feel safe.

But now he didn't have it.

He found himself feeling much like a child, putting his arms around himself and skidding backwards with his legs as the creature approached, until he was pressed up against a podium.

"j-just leave me alone."
"Admit what you did." Sans looked up, feeling even smaller than usual, attempting to push himself into the wall. "i-i'm guilty, i killed them, i-i couldn't s-save them and it's all my fault."

The creature stepped back, a disturbing grin still on it's face. Suddenly, multiple figures stepped out from behind it, seemingly from nowhere. "Good. You believe it." The thing looked around itself and its grin widened. "Because they do, too."

Toriel stepped forward, eyes dark, face blank, cuts covering her entire body. "You didn't even try." She spat it out, anger clear in her voice. She looked dead, but she sounded livid. "You didn't even try to save me." Suddenly, a knife appeared behind her, and stabbed straight through, and she dissipated into dust.

"TORIEL, NO!" Sans attempted to get up, but he found himself paralyzed as he screamed, tears starting, and his magic nowhere to be found. Undyne glared with the strength of a thousand death-wishes. "You could've interrupted. You could've stopped them. I know you were watching." She phased out of existence slower, it looked more painful, and before she disappeared completely, she let out a scream. "WHY DO YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING?!"

"I-I'M SORRY!" The skeleton wanted to cover his eyes, but his hands didn't move, and his eyes remained glued on the scene. Alphys was next. "Ha, bet you didn't even care, did you?" She rasped it out, as if she'd been crying. "Just waited up there for all of us to DIE. I never even hated the human this much." The other was sobbing quietly by now.

"p-please, please, stop. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. stop." The creature let out a laugh as Alphys turned to the grey powder he knew she would. It rang throughout the room, painfully loud, staying in his ears, continuing for what seemed like forever.

"Oh, no. This is where it gets fun, remember, Sansy?" He tried to make himself as small as possible, as if willing himself to be swallowed up into the ground. "p-please." He whimpered out, looking up at the monster. "n-not..."

"Sans." The voice was quiet, and Sans let out a pathetic wail, digging his fingers into the floor. "stop..."
"SANS! HELP ME!" This was different, and his brother reached out as he was murdered, slowly, painfully. "P-PLEASE! HELP! W-WHY CAN'T YOU HELP?!"

"no, no, no, no, no, please, no, stop."

"SANS! WAKE UP!" The skeleton awoke with a gasp, eye suddenly burning as his hands flew to his head. He took a minute to process, and realized he was literally being held like a baby in his younger brother's arms. They had seemingly just reached their house.

When they entered, Papyrus put his brother down, and the shorter instantly ran to his room, slammed and locked the door, and flew onto his bed. He started crying, rocking back and forth, clinging to his jacket, his own magic burning him slowly, not that he was going to stop it.

After a few minutes of sobbing, he calmed slightly, throat sore, and heard a hesitant knock. "Sans?" Hearing his brother's voice, he sighed, shakily standing up and unlocking his door. Papyrus came in slowly, and the other just looked at him, and sat back on his bed.

The other bared hot drinks and a blanket, and instantly wrapped it around his brother's shoulders, handing him the hot chocolate silently. It soothed his throat well, and made the cold that THING had chilled into his bonescompletely disappear, his entire body warming up with it.

Papyrus paused for a moment as the older put down the cup, and then pulled him into a hug. "I-I don't know what you were mumbling about, but..." The hug suddenly tightened. "I'm here, okay? And I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of the Great Papyrus that easily!"

Sans let out a chuckle, nuzzling slightly into his brother's cape. He liked how it felt; Everything about it was so like Paps that it comforted him in the other timelines...where...

Well, now wasn't the time.

Papyrus laughed a little, and pulled back. "So hey, the couch is free for both of us..."
"Just like when we were kids, huh?" The taller skeleton smiled and nodded, and then looked kind of embarrassed.
"I mean, you don't HAVE to, but, well, when we used to have nightmares you always felt better if I was with you, and I thought..."
"Paps, shhhh!" The other pulled his blanket with him and opened the door. "Get'cha blankets. I'd love to."

That night, the skeleton brother's slept to Mettaton's Midnight Extravaganza, with hot chocolates, kicking each other because of lack of space, making occasionally reluctant puns, laughing, and doing something they hadn't done in a long while because of circumstance.

They just sat and enjoyed each other's company until they fell asleep.

Unusually, Sans' sleep that night was peaceful and whole...which is something it hadn't been for a long time.

He was grateful.

They didn't talk much that night. They didn't really need to. His nightmare had spoken more than a billion words to Papyrus.

It was for another day.

For now they could just lay.

Just lay there, and be happy.

AN: Okay, so I decided to make this 90% sad, 10% fluff and like no story progression whatsoever. SORRY! The nightmare above is actually based upon one I actually had. Vaguely, but it's there. My dreams are terrifying, huh? Haha. Don't ask about the naming of the MTT show because I don't even know. No justification for that, whatsoever. I just wanted to write some skeleton brothers fluff, okay? Don't judge me.