Alright final chapter of this story. I honestly had no idea it was going to take this route when I first started, but it did and here we are. I hope you find this to be a satisfying conclusion!
*Attention* Like I said last chapter this will be in Yami's POV this chapter, since Yugi isn't really thinking anything much different anymore lol
First off though Thank You to:
xDiox for favoriting and following and your reviews
YamiNoAibou for favoriting and following
Queen of Yugioh for favoriting and following
NightsxTsuna for favoriting
MythQueenOfDarkness for favoriting and following and your reviews
celala for following
animerandom415 for following
PhantomBrat for following
M'andil D'andusm'aril Peredhel for following
thor94 for reviewing
vir for reviewing
cd for reviewing
s2Teennovelist for reviewing
Thank you all again so much for sticking around through this I really hoped you liked it!
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Again for those who skipped the author's note (I know there are some :))
Yami's POV
So, so beautiful.
Such beauty that finally after all this time is all mine.
Those wonderful dull purple eyes that reflect no hope or will. Those wonderful eyes that are so devoid of all emotion. Those wonderful eyes that despite lacking emotion still give a slight twinkle when I show him even the slightest affection. They really are more beautiful this way.
Yes, I love that twinkle that only I get to see. No one else can make you happy like I can. No one else is allowed to make you happy, only I can. You are allowed to think only of me, no one else. I will never allow them to take you away from me, not even in your thoughts, so just forget anyone but me ever existed. You are mine.
I love your hair too. It's always so soft and silky, especially since I have began treating it. I love petting it and running my fingers through it. It is softer than any pet or stuffed animal could ever be, and it belongs all to me.
You voice is so wonderful as well. I love how soft it has become now. It was why I told you not to talk, you don't need to project your voice, just allow it to be a soft noise that occasionally escapes your lips. It has been sounding scratchy lately though. Does it hurt from never using your voice? Maybe I should numb your throat for you, you won't be able to talk properly anymore, but then again things are prettier when they are seen, not heard. You don't need to talk anyways, I can understand you even without your voice, it's not as if you need to ask for things, and conversations are needless between us, the company and sense of touch is enough. Yes I could make you a silent beauty.
Your skin is so perfect as well, especially your face. No matter how many bruises you received they didn't last, and the few scars you have are never seen, I make sure to cover them up so neither you nor I are reminded of how you got them.
You don't need to remember things anymore, I will remember anything for you. I will know things for you. I will even think for you. You don't need to do such useless things anymore, they take away from your beauty and frankly away from me, and I don't like that. Just be my perfect little doll. All you have to do is sit there and allow me to take care of you until the very end.
Not as if you have a choice anymore.
Ah, yes that wonderful and final step towards achieving your ultimate beauty. When you told me that day that your legs were beginning to hurt I couldn't have been happier. I knew right from the start that it would come one day, but I didn't imagine I would be rewarded so soon. It was why I never let you walk once you were in my possession, I was preparing you for this, the day when you would lose your mobility. The day when you would lose your ability to leave me. Yes, Now you can never run away from me, or forget about me, or leave. We'll be together forever.
I would never hold this over you though, I made sure you forgot all about walking. I massaged the pain from your legs so you wouldn't think about it. I carefully portioned your meals and drinks so that you only got as much as you needed, that way you wouldn't have to use the bathroom more than necessary, since you could no longer stand. Even after your daily baths I make sure to hold you up when I dry you off so that your legs never have to hold you up again. The less to remind you of your once mobility the better.
You truly do need me to live don't you? You can't even stand by yourself anymore. Yet even before you lost that ability you still needed me. You couldn't protect yourself, you hardly took proper care of yourself. Think of how little you ate and how you had to hide under the bleachers everyday, that was hardly good for you. You even continued to stay with those bastards you called parents who were ready to kill you off when they saw no value in you. How could you have ever not run away from that?
Yes you really do need me. You need me to show you how to properly take care of your beautiful self. I give you proper meals three times a day everyday. I clean all the grime of the day off of you. I provide you with only the best of clothing. I even make a specific schedule so that you get proper sleep every night to keep you looking healthy. I give you proper love and care all the time showering you in my affection. I know you never had any of that before, I could tell straight away, and now you can't even move by yourself, that's why you need me. That's why you can't live without me. That's why I know you will never leave me.
My cute, little Queen. My beautiful, silent, motionless doll.
I love spending the days down here with you. I love the feeling of you safely tucked away in my arms and cuddled against me. I love always having you near me at all times, the presence of another person down here in my home is wonderful. It's why I never want you to leave, why I lock you down here all day and night. You complete this accursed place. I want you to forget that there was ever a place other than this, that way you will always have to be down here with me.
I still make sure that those pathetic wastes of space that reside above us receive just punishment for their crimes. I will never stop, not until every last one of them is slaughtered. The Slash King will not be forgotten in the slightest, my rules will still be posted and they will always fear me. Of course for the fools that dare disobey, which they will all do someday, will meet their fate.
It is the only time I allow you to leave this place, for I couldn't possibly be cruel enough to leave you down here all alone, not like they did to me. So I carry you to all the classrooms and I always make sure you get the front row seat to watch me take my victims.
Oh how I love that look of admiration in your eyes as I take my victims lives from them. You truly do understand don't you my little Queen, you understand that they deserve this. They deserve this for mistreating not only you, but me as well. You know that they deserve to be punished for forgetting about us and trying to lock me away and outcast you. Yes truly they don't deserve the happy lives they live, when have suffered so much because of them. You understand that perfectly.
I love how you think that I am beautiful. That is one thing that I will always think you are wrong about, but it is the one opinion I allow you to keep, for I know you will never truly understand just how much you outshine me in everyway. They took that ability away from you, that made it so you couldn't see yourself in the right light, another reason you need me, only I can repair the damage they have done to your mind and self esteem. I can bring out your true beauty like no other and I can make it so you see it as well, not just me.
I really am the only one you could ever be with. No one else could ever understand the type of love that you need to go on. No one understands us period, only you and I understand each other. I understand your flaws and how to fix them for you. I know how to keep you happy. I know how to make you feel loved for once in your life. I know how to bring you from the bottom of the peasants to the top of royalty by my side. And you, you understand my thinking. You would never stop me from my revenge. You know how to keep me happy. You know just how to keep me satisfied when I'm not taking my revenge. You know my darkest secrets as I know yours. You and I are inseparable now. No one would ever accept our love for one another, they would say ridiculous things like abuse and being unhealthy. They would try to rip us apart and lock us up, all because they don't understand our relationship.
That's why we can never allow anyone to know, why we can never leave this place, because you want them to interfere would you? You wouldn't want them to take you away from me would you? Especially when you are finally at your ultimate stage of perfection, you wouldn't want them to ruin that would you. You wouldn't want to go back to being a freak to them would you? Down here in my protection and love that will never happen and I know that's what you want.
But don't worry, I'm never letting you anyways, that will never become a possible outcome. You will never leave my sight again, you will never even leave my grasp again, you will always be right here and in my care. You and I will never be alone again.
Yes you are going to be mine now and forever.
And scene! Can't believe we are already at the end of Slash King! It was a journey to say the least! I still can't believe how dark this story got, but I'm glad I wrote it. Seriously thank you all again for all the support and kind reviews! Hope to see you again in my next story
That being said this isn't completely the end of Slash King! Yes I have an idea for a continuation of sorts. See the original title of this story was going to be Reign of the Slash King and Downfall of the Stab Queen, which was OBVIOUSLY wayy too long so I ditched the second part. But now finishing Slash King I realized that despite the name of the story, it was always from Yugi's POV.
So here is the next story idea. It will be the events of this story from Yami's POV. It won't be the same by any means, it will delve far more into his backstory and show his thoughts of all the events from when he first spotted Yugi, to how he is surviving down there and getting all the food that they are consuming, things that were never answered in this story. It will be appropriately named Downfall of the Stab Queen. It will most likely start being posted in a week or so, (Don't count me on that) as I am posting a one shot for something else very soon.
So tell me what you thought of this chapter and R&R plz :)