I do not own Skip Beat!

Hi everyone! I'm sorry for the super late update, I'm lacking inspiration for this fanfic tbh, I was thinking about ending it earlier, but it didn't feel right writing something for Kyoko's birthday and not doing the same for Ren, So this is dedicated to Japan's number one actor, you'll always be my fictional crush XD and my favorite character to torture! Happy birthday Ren!

So, yeah, this is the last chapter of the Touma-kun chronicles, I feel so sad to end this, but writing it has been super fun, your reviews made me really happy, I might add a chapter every now and then if I get the inspiration for it, but for now I'll tag this as a complete fanfic! Thank you so much for your support!

Ch23: Beloved papa.

Ren was working late, his shooting was taking longer than it should have, which made him very frustrated, he had wanted to go home early and play with his son and his wife, ever since Touma started walking the house became even more lively, everyday was an adventure playing tag with the little penguin and chasing him around.

Unfortunately, by the time he gets back tonight, his son would be asleep and maybe even Kyoko, it was almost midnight after all, pushing these thoughts to the back of his mind, he put his professional mask back on and made sure to finish all his scenes as fast as he could.

Finally, five minutes before midnight the director called it a night, and everyone was excused, Yashiro had been allowed to go home earlier so Ren won't have to take him home, picking up his bag, he walked towards the exit to go home himself.

Walking to his car, he saw a figure leaning on the driver seat's door, coming closer he realized who it was.


"Mama!" it was his son who answered him, confirming his father's realization, both Touma and Kyoko were waiting for him by his car, it wasn't until Kyoko spoke that he made sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Hi honey!" she hugged him, sandwiching Touma who shrieked in protest.

"Hi buddy! What are you guys doing here this late?" he asked them, taking Touma from his mother's arms.

"Well, this little chipmunk here didn't want to fall asleep, ever since he heard about it!" she smiled, looking at her watch "Happy birthday Ren!" she said and just on cue Touma started clapping his hands, backing her up.

"You guys!" Ren beamed his famous Katsuki smile and hugged them again.

"Let's go home!"

After taking a refreshing shower, Ren settled on the table with Touma and Kyoko across him, she made him a birthday dinner, and a light cake, being too happy to protest he ate it all, and then she pulled out a wrapped box from under the table.

Looking at him, she nodded "Open it!"

When he did, he was surprised to find a pair of boxing gloves inside, he didn't expect her to buy him this kind of thing since she was always fussing about violence, and how dangerous the sport he loved was.

As if reading his mind she said "I saw you looking at it last time when we left the gym, you looked at them like you look at Touma, which was kind of... disturbing, but I figured you must really like them, so, Happy birthday!" she said, her blush matching what was left of the tomato salad.

Ren got up and headed towards her, crushing her bones in a bear hug, he didn't even say anything and stayed like that for a while, until Touma decided he didn't like being left out, and interrupted their moment.

"P-P-P…!" sputtered.

Ren let go, leaning away he looked at Touma with wide eyes, then back at Kyoko "Is he…? Oh god, this is your birthday all over again, is he going to say papa?" he was beyond excited.

Kyoko just smiled, eyes as wide as her husband's "Go ahead sweetie, say it!" she encouraged the child.


"Come on buddy! Come on champ!" Ren coaxed.


"Go on!"




"…" -_-

"…" ^_^'

"This is your doing isn't it?" Ren said, looking at Kyoko nonchalantly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" she said, avoiding his gaze.

"How many times have you referred to me as ... that?"


"You know what, don't answer that, since he picked it up, I would say a lot!"

"Sorry!" she grinned sheepishly.

"I'm blaming this on you, you know?"

"I didn't think that was the first thing he would call you…"

They both turned to look at their son who looked very pleased with his new word, turning back to each other they shared a look before erupting into a fit of giggles which Touma was glad to join.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was Tsuruga Ren's 29th birthday in a nutshell.

The End

A/N: Don't kill me! XD I swear I couldn't resist! I laughed my head off writing that scene, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity, I hope you guys, as well as Ren will forgive me XD anyway, please review, to everyone who will review and doesn't have an account, I would like to thank you in advance, for your support, and for reading this and sticking with me until the end…or is it? *Wink*

PS: I know that babies in Touma's age aren't able to say 'Playboy', but bear with me, this isn't the most realistic fanfic out there after all :p

Alright, so this is the very late answer to the previous chapter's reviews, and the last set of answers, I guess.

Sara: Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it, thank you so much for reading so far, for all your reviews, it means a lot to me!

Guest1: Thanks a lot for your review, I'm glad you share my love for Kyoko lol, and I'm glad you liked that chaper, thanks for your support it warms my heart!

Guest2: Thank you! you're very sweet, I'm so happy you liked it, thanks a lot for your support!

Guest3: Awww thanks a lot, you're so cute, I'm happy you liked it, thank you for encouraging me with that sweet review!