Basics: Apritello
Casey is jealous of the special friendship between April and Donnie and confronts Donnie about it.
Casey wandered through the streets of New York, typing away at his phone seemingly oblivious to the world around him. It was Friday and school had finally
ended. He had been hoping to spend time with his crush April O'Neil. During the week he'd been spending as much time with her as possible, sitting with her at lunch and
walking home with her and her friends. Casey smiled as he sent the message, thinking of ways they could hang out together. Maybe they could hang out at the park or the
ice rink? A few seconds later his phone buzzed with Aprils reply.
Casey: Hey Red, fancy hanging out tomorrow?
April: Hey, Sorry but I've already made plans with D, maybe another time?
Casey glared at the phone, anger flaring up inside him. Donatello, AGAIN! Every weekend she was down in those sewers with their other friends, the turtles.
More specifically spending time with one turtle in particular, helping him out with his experiments or watching him work on some new gadget. His grip on the phone
tightened as he thought of the close relationship between the mutant and the human girl. He knew the scientist had a crush on her, that much was obvious, he
turned into a grinning dork whenever she was around.
Kicking a loose stone in frustration he quickly punched out a reply.
Casey: Sure lemme know when your free.
Shoving the phone into his pocket, Casey cast his mind back trying in vain to find some indication that April prefered his company over the turtles. At school she
always seemed happy to see him, smiling when he joined them at lunch, patiently listening to his endless chatter. She seemed to enjoy his company. Then he thought of
all the times he'd seen her with Donatello. To his frustration he realised that it didnt seem to matter whether they were working together or focusing on
completely different projects in silence, the pair of them seemed perfectly happy in each others company. Casey frowned when he thought about it, the way they both
blushed when their hands accidently touched or when they caught the other looking at them, it looked as if April actually prefered Donnie's company to his own. His
fists clenched at the thought. What if the freak finally found the courage to ask her out? Would she say yes?
The thought of them together made Casey's stomach curl. "No" he thought "they aren't even the same species, she can't possibly find that attractive".
He wandered around for a bit, trying to wrap his head round the situation. He wondered if April would say yes if he asked her out. Casey pondered the idea for a while.
He'd like to think that she would but if she refused to hang out with him, prefering to spend her weekends with Donatello then what chances did he have?
Casey suddenly realised that he had been ended up right outside the entrance to the turtles secret lair. He paused for a moment staring at the man hole cover. "Surely"
he thought "the freak knows that he dosnt have a chance with her". He stared at the floor a bit more, his mind drifitng back to the text April had sent him earlier.
"Maybe I ought to remind him"
That single thought was all it took to make up Caseys mind. Glancing around to make sure he wouldn't be see,he lifted the man hole cover and entered the sewers below.