This is my first Glee fanfiction but I love the show dearly and have felt inspired lately.

Summary: Kurt bring home his new girlfriend for the holiday break. They're relationship might be a fake cover up but there are definitely real sparks for Rachel in the Hudson-Hummel household and they aren't with Kurt.

I do no own anything.

Chapter One: Kurt's Girlfriend is Coming to Town

Finn Hudson was pushing around his last few pieces of bacon on his plate while attempting to listen to his mother's ongoing chatter. He understood she was excited about his winter break from college and how "deeply" she had missed him in the past few months, but it was 8am on a Sunday and the kitchen was not his bedroom. Carole insisted he should be up early to help prepare the home for his step brother and his guest, whom he wasn't even sure was just yet. Picking and choosing what to listen to Finn continued his daze until a few words had him practically choking on air.

Did he hear that right?

Kurt was bring home - "His girlfriend goes to college with him and I guess her parents are away for Christmas, which is so very sad, so he is bringing her home!"

Finn gave his mother a shocked look because as long as he could remember his tinier and younger step brother was as gay as the sky was blue, not that his father, Burt, knew anyway. "Mom," He began, wanting to enter the conversation cautiously. "A girlfriend, really?"

Carole let her dishes drop in the sink she had been working on and walked carefully towards Finn with a sigh. "I know Finn, I think Kurt just wants to prove something to Burt. So for the time being please just go along with it."

"You're okay with Kurt lying to us like we don't know?" Finn asked intrigued arching his eyebrow.

"Honey, he never did come out to us and I can't tell if Burt even has an inkling. But maybe college changed him yeah? Maybe he's experimenting." Finn laughed as his mom shook her head. "I know, okay? Just leave it be and let's see how it goes. Obviously the girl he is bringing needed a place to go for the holidays and I would never turn down a guest down, especially during the time of giving." Carole chirped while smiling and heading back to her dishes.

She wanted the conversation to end before Burt joined the breakfast table and Finn could telling by the way she began humming instead of her usual blabbering. Chuckling to himself again he wondered what kind of girl would be faking a relationship with Kurt and how the hell did he talk anyone into this situation in the first place.

Obviously she wasn't warned of the Hudson-Hummel holiday chaos or else Finn is sure she would never agree, no one would.

Rachel Berry was frantically trying to recollect all the information she had been told about Kurt Hummel's family while sitting anxiously in a cab next to him. As an aspiring broadway star she took any acting opportunity seriously, which she most definitely took this scenario as. She was practically best friends with Kurt's boyfriend and just as close with him as well or she would never indulge in lying to one's family. When she saw her friend's pleading eyes after initially accepting to stay with him as just a guest, she gave in. Rachel knew what it was like to not want to disappoint your father, especially since she had two.

And that's where the mess started, her fathers. Hiram and Leroy Berry were amazing men, and never try to tell Rachel differently, not that anyone would. They were only gone away for the holidays because of a trip to Israel with their Jewish church group. Normally she would join, but this year Rachel had an off broadway show and her first year of college to conquer and would not have been available to leave when the trip started. Her fathers offered up the empty penthouse in New York, but truthfully she did not want to spend her holiday alone. Kurt may have celebrated Christmas, but that seemed far better than not being able to celebrate anything at all.

"So your brother goes to what college?" Rachel asked retracing all the facts.

Kurt rolled his eyes, "Rachel Barbara please calm down. He goes to Ohio State and I'm sure that will be brought up. Everything you learned will be force fed to you at our first dinner tonight."

"I'm just nervous Kurt, I hate lying." She groaned while staring out the window of the cab that seemed to be approaching a stop.

"It's not like I'm exactly enthusiastic about it either, but they're my family." Kurt almost whispered feeling ashamed he was even doing this. He knew deep down his father would never disown him, but the sound of happiness he heard in Burt's voice when he had mentioned a girl only made him more sure of this plan.

The cab came to a halt, "Well boyfriend, we're here."

Kurt quickly engulfed Rachel in a hug while expelling multiple "thank you's" in a hushed tone just before they could exit the vehicle.

Walking towards the door Kurt nervously grabbed Rachel's hand while ringing the doorbell; this had to be believable. Their luggage was gathered around their feet as the door opened. Of course it was Burt and he had looked more enthralled than Kurt had ever seen him.

"This must be Rachel," Burt beamed while pulling his son into a hug and patting his back. "Good job boy."

Rachel instinctively shot her hand out for a shake but Burt ignored and just yanked her into a tight squeeze and she couldn't help but giggle at the joy. Suddenly two more heads popped up at the door. A woman, who she assumed to be Kurt's stepmother Carole, and a very tall attractive dark haired man.

A very attractive dark haired man.

One of the most handsome men her eyes ever laid on, she was sure of it.

Her mind went blank as Carole and Burt introduced themselves properly. She was too busy looking over their shoulders at the man she assumed to be Finn, Kurt's stepbrother. Kurt never mentioned how tall he was, or how captivating his sparkling brown eyes were, or how fit he looked in a blue polo sweater.

Suddenly she was being pushed through the door by Kurt who was trying to get her attention, "Rach get yourself together. You're not speaking." He hushed in her ear, wondering if her nerves about the situation had gotten to her.

"Oh my Carole this house is lovely," she finally spoke looking around at the farmhouse chique style; it was homey.

But her eyes were drawn back to Finn, who she had sworn was caught staring at her.

Finn was not sure what to expect out of Kurt's "girlfriend", but he was not expecting the beautiful and short well tanned woman that stood before him. She was wearing a pleated school girl skirt with a white blouse tucked neatly into it. A beige fur coat wrapped around her tight and firm little body as her brunette curls gracefully draped down her shoulders. Her smile was wide as she shook hands with Carole stating her full name to be "Rachel Barbara Berry". He was so captivated by her that he found himself without words. The skin colored tights she was wearing had a sparkle to them and his eyes could not move. Suddenly the "legs for days" saying made sense.

Dragged from his devious thoughts Kurt spoke, "Finn this is my girlfriend Rachel."

He saw Rachel's willing hand waiting, hesitant for a second before grabbing a hold of her delicate fingers and shaking lightly. Her skin was so soft and he wanted to speak, but just her light touch was mind altering.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Finn," Rachel announced meekly as their hands remained together.

"Yeah, you too," was all he could manage because her shy voice saying his name paralyzed him; it was just downright adorable.

It took Kurt's clearing throat to get their hands to jolt apart. "Can you take Rachel's bags to the spare bedroom Finn and then mine to my room? We are far too exhausted after our flight to lift such heavy bags."

Finn just chuckled, Kurt hadn't changed a bit. "Sure thing." He then looked to Rachel again smiling before back to his step brother. "We're talking then," his eyebrows raising and head tilting.

Kurt bit his lip groaning, "Not a word to dad Finn."

And just like that Kurt grabbed Rachel's hand to pull her into the kitchen where Carole was waiting to give her a grand tour. "Does he know?" She whispered.

"He's always known."

Later at the dinner table Rachel was next to Kurt, yet across from Finn and it was making it extremely difficult to keep her mind in the family conversation. Carole had thankfully been informed of her veganism and made sure dinner fit Rachel's diet. The talk was mainly about Finn at this point and how his football season at Ohio State went. She adored the way Finn's eyes lit up talking about his team. A passionate man was Rachel Berry's favorite kind of man. She took mental notes at how he was a junior and was studying to be an English teacher. Everything he said had interested her more than anyone else at the table and she couldn't help but feel guilty since she was here for Kurt and all.

But that wasn't real, so this isn't too awful she explained that to herself over and over again in her head. She had barely spoken to Finn truthfully. She knew her thoughts about him were childish and school-girl like and most definitely never going to happen, but hey a little eye candy never hurt anybody.

Then the question came. "So Kurt, Rachel how did you two meet? Where was your first date?"

Rachel shot her head up to Carole and Finn just smirked, "Yeah tell us."

"Alright, one question at a time!" Kurt groaned.

"No Kurt, it's okay." Rachel grinned with nervous laughter. "Well as you know we both go to NYADA," She bagan. "I'm really good friends with Kurt's bo-best friend, who I have a ton of classes with. He introduced us."

"Interesting," Finn interjected noticing how Rachel stumbled over her words.

"How exciting!" Burt excited while shoving broccoli into his mouth.

"Our first date was just coffee." Rachel shrugged looking to Kurt, somehow they forgot all about the most obvious questions.

"Just coffee?" Finn asked wanting to pry at the liars.

"Yes Finn. Unlike you I like to actually go on dates and get to know my girlfriend not just plow through the cheerleading team." Kurt smiled ear to ear wanting his brother to shut the hell up.

Rachel's eyes went wide and she looked terrified staring across at Finn. He quickly felt the need to explain himself to her, "It was like two cheerleaders Kurt."

Kurt chuckled and rolled his eyes while Carole decided to cut in, "Dessert?"

Over dessert they talked about how Rachel and Kurt were both theater majors and the talking flowed pretty easily. She had brought up the fact her dads were doing good and not abandoning her just to make sure that it was clear. Kurt couldn't help but notice when Burt was in shock and almost at unease about Rachel's parenting situation, and neither could the rest of the table. But it was brushed off and Kurt reassured himself this was the right thing to do. So when all was said and done they were both relieved that for the day the lying could end. Carole remained in the kitchen cleaning while Burt retreated to his man cave. Rachel, Kurt, and Finn headed to the basement where a full bar and lounge area were. As Finn began to make himself a drink Rachel sat on the couch tucking her skirt beneath her and making sure to be next to Kurt.

"Make me one too!" Kurt called out while flipping on some music for background noise.

"Hmm lying must be stressful." Finn bellowed, "Rachel would you like a drink too?"

"No thank you." She answered before Kurt could interrupt.

"Not another word Finn Hudson, it's not like you haven't lied to mom and dad."

Finn made his way to the couch and handed his brother a drink, "I just don't get why you're doing it. Lying about who you are and involving your pretty friend over here just isn't the little brother I know."

"You think I'm pretty?" Rachel asked as her cheeks started to get red and she bit her lip.

Finn just turned to smile at her but before he could answer Kurt intruded, ignoring the statement all together. "I just want something to bond with dad over. You guys have football and manly things and I have – well nothing until now. Now we can bond about girls! Besides Rachel needed a place for the holidays and our family is always welcoming."

"I get it Kurt, I do. It's just messy."

Kurt nodded knowing his brother was right, but he was not going to admit it out loud.

"So why didn't you tell me Finn knew about you?" Rachel turned to Kurt wanting to participate in the moment.

"I don't know, it didn't seem important. I guess I didn't mention it because my brother is the least of my worries in this situation." Kurt explained looking noticeably distressed while sipping from his drink. "Finn was my hero in high school you know."

Rachel's mouth opened in awe as she stared towards Finn, wanting to hear more. "I wasn't a hero Kurt, I was just a good person just like everyone else should have been." He scoffed. "No one should be bullied especially when it's for being themselves."

"People thought we were lovers," Kurt chuckled into his glass. "All because he stood up for me."

Finn followed in laughter and shrugged his shoulders again. His eyes caught Rachel's. Her amber orbs were glowing and she appeared to be pleased with Finn; he liked that. "That's very admirable Finn. Not everyone is as kind or accepting as you. I would have loved to have an older brother to protect me in high school."

"Pfft, come on Rachel you had to be popular in high school. You're hot." Finn let out while downing his drink.

Her face flushed red and Kurt let his jaw drop. Had his brother really just called Rachel Berry hot? He had always assumed Finn's type to be blonde, athletic, and super slutty. All of which he could assure you Rachel was not. "No really. People in my high school hated me." She looked to her feet nervously, "No one ever thought I was hot, not once."

Finn looked dumbstruck, "That's insane." Their eyes meet again and his heart felt a strain as he could see hurt in her eyes. "I would have protected you from that." Rachel felt her stomach do flips and she so badly wanted to respond but-

"Finn fix me another drink!" Kurt demanded while shoving his empty glass into his hand. As soon as the older brother stood Kurt whipped his head to Rachel. "Rachel Barbara Berry don't you dare think about crushing on my big brother when you are dating me!" He sternly whispered.

"One fake dating, and two I'm not crushing." Kurt rolled his eyes. "No really. He's just very sweet and you know I'm not used to guys like that."

Finn sat down again looking between his brother and Rachel, "What did I miss?"

"Oh nothing, just don't get any ideas about my girlfriend!" Kurt exclaimed while yanking his drink from Finn's hands. He was always one to speak his mind and just come right out with whatever he had to say. He watched Rachel and Finn practically eye fuck each other from the moment they met. Kurt was not blind, and he certainly was not deaf – he could hear the flirting you know.

"Fake girlfriend." Rachel and Finn both exasperated in unison and instantly they all just laughed.

Maybe this whole lying holiday break thing wasn't going to be all that bad Rachel thought. Maybe, just maybe, this could be really fun.

She looked at Finn as he took another drink and Kurt began to ramble about the slue of awful fashion Rachel would be introduced to thanks to her family. But neither of them really paid attention as they just gazed at each other with child-like grins.

This was definitely going to be really fun.