Nikola Tesla was a busy man lately. For the past three weeks his mind was occupied by Helen's latest project. She and Henry designed a more powerful but safer stunner for the Sanctuary Abnormal retrievals. The work of perfecting it was mostly left t to Nikola.

Nikola started to insert the stunners delicate powers supply in the chamber. At the sound of a click he waited to see if his latest attempt was successful. This was attempt number 45 to create a working power supply.

For over a month Henry teased him until an EM pulse slammed into his computer system, reminding Henry that taunting a walking power plant was not a good Idea.

The machine was silent causing Nikola to groan in frustration, "Come on you bastard work." Suddenly there was a low hum then the device started to glow.

Nikola burst out into a grin and pumped the air, "Damn right I am the king of electricity, let Edison try and make a 21s century device in a 19th century lab."

He smiled, now that he had finished her stunner he could complete his own project without delays or discovery. He only needed one more day to finish his Devamper before he headed to Mexico on his mission to examine rumors of vampires, or so he told Magnus anyway.

He would store his Devamper in the wine cellar later just in case things didn't go according to plan. He wanted to tell Helen where it was located but it would lead to questions about his secret project in Mexico. He would have to trust her to figure out its location if he needed it.

If Helen was open minded he would share it with her. Instead she left him no choice but to indulge in wine tasting before storing the Devamper in the wine cellar's now empty bottle.