The Armstrong brothers

Setting: In an alternate reality where Nick is still alive and the show plays out exactly like it did. Nick and Melissa are in an exclusive relationship. While his older brother Jake is still pinning for Cassie the girl next door.

L.J. Smith owns The Secret Circle books and CW the TV Series.

This chapter is rated T for content

As Jake and Nick are sitting at the dining table finishing up desert there is an awkward prolonged silence between the Armstrong brothers. Jake is watching Nick playing with his chocolate chip ice cream much like he did with his dinner earlier, then he asks in calm tone

J: Nick is something bothering you?

N: (frustrated) Yeah actually there is

J: Okay...(pause) well what is it?

N: Ever since you've gotten back you have kind of taken over everything

J: What do you mean?

N: Well let's start with my room

J: (annoyed) Excuse me! Whose room? Do you mean my room the one I've slept in since I was born?

N: Whatever! You are just an asshole, forget it

J: Just get it out of your system already Nick, what is it that you are trying to say?

N: I need a bigger room, mine is too small

J: Don't even think about mine

N: Don't worry I wasn't thinking of yours I know you'll never give that up. Besides I know how much you love stealing glances from your precious Cassie when she's in her room

J: Shut up! You know nothing

N: (smirks) Well I know that you would be easier to live with if you were getting some from her

J: Fuck off! What do you want from me?

N: (deep breathe) I want to move into mom and dad's room

J: No way!

N: You are not the boss of me

J: That's their room, you can use it but you can't move in it

N: I don't have space with Melissa staying over

J: Ah! So that's what this is really about you want to impress Melissa with your BIG room? (Smirks) Compensating for something Nick?

N: Fuck off! Atleast I don't fuck Faye when I am really thinking about Cassie

J: Not that it's any of your business but that is not happening either

N: No wonder you are so unbearable now

J: (stern) You can not have mom and dad's room I'm sorry. Maybe you can covert the guest room downstairs it is pretty big and even has its own bathroom. That way I don't have to listen to you both moan as you shag her for five minutes

N: First of all it's not only five minutes, I last much much longer than that

J: Eew gross! I don't want to know

N: Well just stop trying to be dad Jake, you are not him

J: I am not trying to be dad

N: (stubborn tone) Then let me move in to their room

J: Nick look at me (stern look) NEVER

N: (angry as he walks away from the dining table) Aarggh! There is no point talking to you, just go whack of thinking about Cassie …you freak

Jake is annoyed with Nick who walks away huffing heading straight for his room. Jake knows he has won this round by getting Nick to walk away then just to rub it in he says

J: (sarcastic) Nice chat! Love you too little bro

N: (shouts from upstairs) Fuck off!

Later that evening Melissa stops by their house as Jake is loading the dish washer. She tries to rush up to Nick's room but Jake spots her

J: Hey Melissa

M: (blushes) Hi Jake

J: How are you?

M: Good, I'm just going to see Nick

J: Yeah Ofcourse! Have a good evening

M: Thanks

As Melissa walks up the stairs she turns around to see Jake is now sitting by himself reading a book. He looks so sad, lonely even in that position, she feels like she should say something

M: Jake she has feeling for you too

J: Huh? What?

M: Jake just hang in there she will come to you

Jake smiles knowing him playing dumb isn't going to work with Melissa. He appreciates her saying that even if he is not sure Cassie will ever give him another chance.

Melissa enters Nick's room only to find him sulking watching a TV show.

M: Hey baby what's up?

N: (grumpy) Nothing

M: What's wrong?

N: Jake is an ass

M: He is just hurting Nick because of you know...Cassie

N: Well it's his own damn fault. He had her and he blew it

M: Maybe but he's the only family you have left Nick, try to be a little more patient with him

N: It's not easy he is such a pain in my ass

M: (mischievously) Well I know how to make your ass feel better

N: (cheeky smile) Is that right?

M: (seductively) Ah ha!

Melissa walks seductively towards him unbuttoning her shirt one button at a time licking her lips as she starts to unbutton her jeans showing him exactly what he wants to see. His girl only in her lingerie waiting for him to make love to her. Nick walks over to her as he starts to unbutton his own shirt unbuckling and unzipping himself so he's left with only his boxers on.

N: Melissa you are too good for me

M: Yeah that's true but I still love you so stop trying to push me away. Even your emotionally damaged older brother Jake has fallen in love. Stop selling yourself short Nick

N: I don't want to hurt you Melissa. Everything I touch gets ruined

M: Well you've been touching me for the last year and I am not ruined

N: (hands around her waist) You make me want to be a better man

M: (cheeky) You make me want to be a slutty girl

N: (cocky smile) God I love you too Melissa

With that he moves towards her crashing his mouth desperately on hers. She moans lightly feeling his hard on as they proceed to rip each others remaining clothes off in record to start another intense session of love making. Meanwhile Jake walks up to his room with the book he was reading downstairs. He figures he would call it a night after catching up on some reading for work however the intimate noises coming from Nick's room disallow him to have a quiet evening, then he turns up the stereo loud trying to drown out their sounds.

Jake knows he can very easily get laid by some girl but doesn't want that anymore. Those empty sexual encounters can no longer mask the fact that he is in love with a five foot blonde that happens to live next door to him and goes by the name of Cassie Blake.

Jake can't stand to hear the moans coming from his brother's room so he walks over to open his window only to see Cassie stepping out of her shower in a robe with a towel around her neck, which he can only assume is there to dry her soaking wet hair. He looks over at her admiring her beauty, he just can't peer his eyes away from her. It is obvious to anyone who has ever been around them that their chemistry is undeniable ever since Jake first came into town. Cassie has been drawn to him despite the multiple warnings from members of the circle. Jake has been the one person who has always been there for her no matter what, he has risked his life to save hers several times and it was apparent to everyone he was in love with her. Although he knows she would have opened her heart to him at one point, he is not sure she will give him another chance.

Although multiple people have told her "it is written in the stars" for her and Adam to end up together, she has always been magnetically attracted to Jake. The immediate connection she felt for him goes much deeper than the obvious electrifying attraction they share. Cassie who has also been thinking about Jake Armstrong wants to show him that his feelings were never one sided.

Thank you for reading my story, feedback as always is sincerely appreciated.