Had he mentionned he was not expecting this? He felt as though this line revolved in his mind more often than not in the past few days. He had froze on the spot, clearly in obvious shock. Had he not been telling her he had wanted her to be mad at him? He had been telling himself - and his mother - countlessly about how he knew he wasn't even good enough for her. He wanted to help her yes, but his mind stopped him from seeing it go any further.

Well now, it certainly was seeing it going further.

He had not responded, yet, the blonde collecting his thoughts until she pulled away. His piercing silver eyes stared into her brown doe eyes, before his velvet voice made itself known and escaped his lips. "You really shouldn't have done that." he pointed out, before his hands moved to each side of her face, cupping her cheeks as he crashed his lips onto hers, a movement his body decided on its own without even letting him approve of it first. After all, for how long would he have been able to downmine his feelings and hide them? He had become quite the genius at it, knowing how well how to even lie to himself, but now, it was no use doing so.

Hermione gasped as she suddenly felt his lips on hers again. He was kissing her back? Merlin, what was going on with thetwo of them? She faltered only momentarily before she allowed her mouth to melt against his and kissed him back. He was good at this, she thought to herself as she reached up and tangled her fingers in his hair.

She didn't know where this sudden attraction toward Draco Malfoy had come from, possibly because she had seenthe change in him. Maybe because subconsciously, he was now everything that she wanted in a man. A soft moan escaped her as she felt his tongue swipe across her bottom lip.

She really should not have done that. Throughout the years, Draco had managed to take his feelings for her and transform it into something else. Anger. Jealousy. Annoyance. Hatred. Pity. Fear. Anything went. Love and hate, such a fine line, right? But now, now it wasn't so easy to hide those feelings. He felt his lips on hers when this time he initiated the kiss made him feel as though he would have far more trouble pretending he had never liked her.

The moan, although it was melody to his ears, only made him realize where this was going, and where they were. For Merlin's sake, his mother could arrive any minute-

Speaking of his mother, he realized quickly that it had been quite a while that she had been with Rookwood. What if something had happened to her?

He pulled away from Hermione with much reluctance, his silver icy eyes showing that this was something that would happen again. "My mother." he pointed out, feeling a bit bitter that he had to think of his Mother at this point in time. "She still hasn't come back."

Hermione was admittedly enjoying herself very much as they kissed, his lips smooth like silk against hers. Ron had never kissed her this way, in fact he barely even looked her way anymore let alone touched her. The redhead had never made her feel this way with a simple kiss either. So whenever Draco pulled away, she let out a small whine of protest- her eyes slightly out of focus as she looked up at him.

"Your mother?," she echoed, willing her brain to focus on what he was saying- mentally cursing herself for losing herself to such a great extent over a kiss. "Oh, right! Your mother is with Rookwood," Hermione murmured, her brain finally starting to kick into gear. "Well come on, let's go check on her," she told him, grabbing his hand before they began making their way back to the bathroom where they had last seen Narcissa and Rookwood.

He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at how she seemed surprised that he brought up his mother, and how she seemed to have forgotten what had happened not so long ago with Rookwood. He snorted, a hint of a smirk appearing on his lips. "Although I am very much aware that my kisses can easily swept women off their feet, I expected you to have thought of it sooner, Granger." he pointed out teasingly, after all he couldn't help himself.

He of course followed her, not even minding the fact that she took his hand (after all at this point he was almost used to the intimacy). He sighed in relief when he saw his mother was still there, while Rookwood was tied to a chair with veritaserum drooling down his chin. Clearly, he didn't want to talk.

Hermione's cheeks burned brightly at his comment and she couldn't help but be glad that her mask hid most of it. "Oh bite me, Malfoy," she retorted just before they entered thebathroom, pressing closer into Draco as Rookwood realized she was back-the man sending her an almost hungry stare.

"Have you learned anything, Mother?"

"Not much," Narcissa replied with a frown, an otherwise thoughtful expression on her face as she stood with her hands on her hips and foot tapping impatiently as she stared at Rookwood. "I'm guessing that his father must have crucioed him pretty extensively because I've sent a few stinging hexes his way to make him talk but he hasn't really budged," she murmured.

"Do-Do you think that he would talk to me?," Hermione asked quietly, faltering slightly under both Draco's and Narcissa's icy gazes- even though they weren't malicious they were still intense. "I mean, I am who he wanted after all. Maybe he'll tell me why he wanted me," she suggested.

"No. I'm not leaving you alone with this...this psycho." he wrinkled his nose.

"Draco I can protect myself!," Hermione protested, her eyes glittering with thebeginnings of anger as she looked up at him. "We want to know what his motives are and maybe he'll talk to me. Besides, if I need you- which I won't- you'll just be outside the door," she said firmly. She looked to Narcissa for help and was a bit frustrated to see that the woman was wearing only an amused smirk.

"Perhaps she's right, Draco. He wants her, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind bragging to her. Besides, if I remember correctly, Ms. Granger is a very capable witch. I understand your protective feelings but we'll both be just outside. Let her have her way, darling,"the tall, pale woman persuaded.

Draco narrowed his eyes. What if this was all a trap? He didn't like the sound of this, not one bit. Especially not how Erwild was eyeing him at the moment. He looked almost...victorious. It made Draco tense all the more, making him clench his fist before he sighed in defeat. It was no use arguing against /both/ Granger and his mother. He'd lose theargument painfully.

"Fine." he snapped, his silver icy eyes showing he wasn't agreeing with this at all. "Do whatever you need to do." he said towards Hermione before he made his way to Erwild. "And you." he began with a hateful tone. "You try anything and I will skin you alive, are we clear?"

Erwild only snorted. "Sure, whatever, Malfoy. Why don't you let me alone for 7 minutes in heaven with your precious mudblood girlfriend?"

"Don't you dare-" Draco began, getting out his wand already, only to be stopped by his mother who gripped his arm, yanking him away from Erwild. "Draco! Out! Of! Here!" she made herself clear.

Draco growled lowly, yanking his wrist away from his mother's grip before he stormed off the bathroom, leaving Narcissa alone with Hermione for a short moment, during which she gave her a somewhat apologetic look for her son's rude behaviour, before Narcissa followed him out, closing the door behind her.

Hermione took a deep breath as she looked to thedoor where Draco and his mum had just disappeared through. Why had she volunteered to do this again? Damn her and her Gryffindor bravery. She took a deep breath and steeled herself before she turned around and looked intothecool eyes of her would be attacker.

She had to play this cool, had to get under his skin like he was doing to Draco. Hermione studied him closely for a few long moments before she moved to stand in front of him, leaning back againstthewall in an effort to be as far away from him as possible. She wasn't really scared of him, it was more like she was wary- which is why she had her wand in her hand, gripped tightly at her side. He may betheson of a Death Eater but he was still no match for her whenever it came to magic.

"I remember your father," she began softly, her face neutral, "He wasn't much of a Death Eater really. I remember hearing Voldemort himself speak of how disappointing he was whenever Harry, Ron and I were held hostage in this very manner. I believe Draco was a better Death Eater, and we both know that he wouldn't harm a fly. I also remember how your dad seemed to have this strange fixation with me. He always seemed so excited attheprospect of capturing me in particular- quite odd really. Your father didn't have a thing for muggleborns did he? I hope not, because that would mean he was a disgrace to purebloods everywhere."

She offered him a smile and pushed herself off ofthewall- trusting that Narcissa had bound him tightly and that he wouldn't be able to move as she came to stand directly in front of him. Hermione bent down until she was at eye level with him and reached out to teasingly run a finger down his jawline with a smirk reminiscent ofthe blonde standing just outside. "Now Erwild, is that what you wanted with me? Did you want to take me home and have your way with me so that you could continue your family's tradition of being a disgrace?," she asked condescendingly; hoping that her slight taunting had worked.

Erwild laughed. Clearly, he was finding this whole thing rather amusing. "You want to know why I'm here? You're partly right- I'll give you that. You are, however, wrong on some aspects. My father was loving capturing Muggleborns, having his fun with them before he killed them. This is however not the reason why I had an interested with you tonight." he confessed with a hint of a smirk.

"You must remember your husband, Ronald Weasley. That pathetic excuse of a wizard. A blood traitor. Do you know what he's done? I bet not. You see, unlike your little friend Potter who decided not to prejudice any child of Death Eaters- giving them a second chance when they had not been like their parents- Your husband thought otherwise. Hell, when I applied to be an Auror, Potter readily accepted my request. However, your husband wastheone who had to see whether I was a good fit. I was better than anyone else applying, that much was certain. But he thought otherwise. I don't even think he would have a place intheAuror department, but being Potter's best friend and all, it has its perks." he snapped, tilting his head totheside. "Fascinating story, is it not? My interest in you has nothing to do with whatever you think it has. What I want? Is to showthe world what your husband really is. What better way than to show his wife is Draco Malfoy's little mistress? Oh, it would be such a scandal..."

Hermione listened to his story intently, raising her eyebrow whenever he admitted that this was about Ron. That red haired prat was going to get her killed after all. She shook her head as he finished and gingerly sat down on thefloor in front of him- choosing her words carefully before she spoke. "I don't think you understand what's going on here, Erwild. I'm not Draco's mistress, all of this has been a big farce because he's protecting me from Ron. He abuses me, cheats on me...He usesthe Cruciatus Curse on me for fun. All in all he makes my life a living hell. Draco is helping me to get away from him, and I'm sorry that Ron ruined your Auror dreams. It has nothing to do with me though, nothing at all. And if it makes you feel better, everything about Ron is going to come to light hopefully sooner rather than later. As soon as we find a way to break an Unbreakable vow," she finished as an afterthought, looking a bit hopeless as she looked up at him.

Well, that clearly was not what he had expected, and his eyes showed her as much. For a second he believed her, but then he laughed. A cynical laugh. "That was good, Hermione. I almost believed you. Sounds like you truly lived it. I, however, do not believe a word. Him, using the Cruciatus curse on you? Don't play me for a fool! Everyone knows he's a git who doesn't even know how to handle his wand. You, ontheother hand, were known to bethecleverest witch of our age." he pointed out, before snorted. "As for you not being Draco's mistress- Only a fool would believe way he looks at you says it all."

Hermione frowned at his words, shaking her head at him. She didn't know why exactly but she needed Erwild to believe her. "You can use Occlumency- rifle through my memories and see that I'm not lying. And I've only had my wand back for a day or so, he took it from me after we got married and I made the Unbreakable Vow," she murmured, taking her mask off and looking up at him. "The way Draco looks at me? What are you talking about? Right before you barged in he was telling me that I shouldn't be here and you heard what he said to me. I'm nothing more than an inconvenience to him, and I honestly don't know why he offered to help me."

"An inconvenience?" Erwild snorted, shaking his head. "For thecleverest witch of your age, you're not a very good observant. You are, however, a very good liar. You want me to use Occlumency on you to provethetruth? Sure, why not. But for that, you do know I'd need my wand."

The male tilted his head to the side,the smile appearing on his lips, not to mention the look in his eyes, showing that perhaps, his intentions were not the best.

Nervous butterflies whirled in Hermione's stomach as she looked at Erwild. What had he meant that she wasn't very observant? Of course she was, and she knew what Draco had told her- he didn't want her here. She also was a bit nervous about handing the man his wand, but surely he wouldn't hurt her.

So she took a deep breath before bending over to pick his wand up where it had fallen on the floor. "Please don't hurt me," she murmured as she looked into his eyes and handed him his wand.

She should absolutely not have done that. She porbably realized that much, when Erwild took his wand back and suddenly a very dark, dark look appeared in his eyes and soon enoguh he was grinning, rather mischievously. "For the brightest witch of your age, that was incredibly stupid," he first said before he raised his wand, quicker than most wizards would.


It echoed in the room as Hermione fell for the floor, Erwild quick enough to catch her. He shook his head at her, tilting his head. "It is a shame this is happening to you, dear. I believe you, if that is any consolation. But your stupid husband as to pay," he said, before he threw her over his shoulder, rather wary that he had to be doing this rather quickly if he wanted not to get caught.

He used the ballroom as a distraction, casting a spell on the ceiling to make it rain, all of the guests screaming in horror and he was certain that Draco would have to take care of this.

And meanwhile, Erwild was gone.

Arriving to his flat, Erwild placed Hermione on his bed, not that there was any other place she could go. He took her wand, clearly, and casted a spell that chained her wrists to the headbord of his bed so she wouldn't go anywhere. He had other things to do than to fight her off, really.
