I'm Thalia. Daughter of Zeus, and Lieutenant of Artemis.
Yes, that Thalia.
You may have heard about me from my friend, Percy Jackson, and let me tell you, if you have, you haven't heard the whole story. I mean, sure, Percy has done some dangerous things. But I've been through worse.
Like today, for example. It was the 25,000 Annual Olympus Shoot Off, and I was charged with a very important task. I was going to scout out new recruitments for the Hunters. I know, it doesn't sound life threatening but look at it this way.
Half the tournament's population wanted me dead, half of the population would do anything to join the Hunters, and 80% of the population was male.
Let that sink in.
I gritted my teeth as Phoebe and I made our way through the tournament, the crowd of people parting around us, some jeering, and some in awe. "Nothing to see here folks," I muttered, shrugging off an unwelcomed satyr hand. Phoebe glanced around and pointed to the registration desk, a good fifty meters in front of us.
Just as we were about to approach the booth-poof-a tall, tan young man with blindingly white teeth and golden blond hair suddenly stood right in front of us. "Thalia," Apollo grinned, "how is my baby sister's lieutenant?"
"I am doing just fine, and the rest of the hunters are as well," I nodded curtly, and attempted to push past him. "Whoa, slow down there half-sister chick," he chuckled, "I need a favor." Apollo began to recite:
"I made a mistake,
I've gotten myself into,
A sticky pickle"
Grinning, and spreading his arms out wide, he waited for the recognition of his oh-so inspiring haiku. "Um, wow Apollo," I grimaced, "that was revolutionary."
"Listen, I need a favor," Apollo repeated, "I-uh-challenged Helios,"
"You did what?" I spat out, shaking my head.
"It's no big deal, really. We just got back into our spat about who actually the almighty deity of the sun and there is a very good possibility that I might have challenged him to… a duel of sorts."
I groaned, figuring that this would definitely not work out in my favor. And here I was, thinking that I could spend the day handing out brochures, drinking nectar-espresso lattes, cleaning off the tips of my celestial bronze arrows while shooting off my 'don't mess with me' vibe, I thought, zoning out, waiting for Apollo to get on with his story.
"And then I said 'I challenge you anywhere, anytime, anyway. You set the parameters'. Did I think that was stupid at the time? No! I was merely defending my honor," Apollo ranted on, when I cut him off.
"How exactly does this pertain to me? I have things to do, places to be."
"Right, I was just getting to that," he said nervously, "He decided to have two mortal champions duke it out in a one on one archery extravaganza."
"No," I said indignantly, realizing exactly what he meant, "no, no, no, there is no way you can make me."
"Aw, c'mon, I'm Artemis's big brother, what I say goes, right?" Apollo grinned nervously, fiddling with the pair of sunglasses hanging around his neck.
"Yeah-no," I winced, "first off, when has Lady Artemis ever listened to you? And second, you're male. The Hunters typically shun leadership, directions, and orders offered and/or given by men." Phoebe snickered at this, flipping her braid behind her back. She caught my eyes and fingered her bowstring.
I paused for a moment. Artemis had given us her expressed permission to send a few arrows through "the big fiery ball of gas" if he got on our nerves.
This is to say, we fired at will quite often.
"Newsflash, Apollo," I grinned, finding my loop hole, "I'm not mortal." Ever since I had pledged myself to Artemis, I've stopped aging, and let me tell you, it felt good. I felt strong, stronger than I did before that is to say, and I suppose it was because not only did my father's lightning course through my veins, but Artemis's eternal moonlight as on top of that. What can I say, when it comes to being an immortal demigod, I kicked butt.
And kicking butt is exactly what I plan to do.
"Please, you have to help your half-brother out here. Weren't you mortal once? I'm sure that counts," he pleaded. Apollo smiled so brilliantly that Phoebe and I actually had to block out the blinding light emanating from his grin. Dozens of wood nymphs all around us swooned like flies dropping dead. Phoebe sighed and said, "Thalia, just represent him in the challenge, and then after, we can actually have time to do what we came here to do." She sent Apollo a pointed glare as to say, be glad I'm the diplomat of the bunch.
"But," I protested, when Phoebe shot me a pointed glare. I gulped. I may be Lady Artemis's lieutenant, but Phoebe could be pretty authoritative, not to mention intimidating, if need be. Turning to Apollo, I solemnly nodded. He grinned, and waved his hand, motioning for us to follow him.
Leading us to the main stage of the festival, Apollo pushed on his sunglasses, and spread his arms out wide. The crowd in front of us parted and he sent the adoring crowd a sunny smile. I scrunched up my nose at that, wondering if Apollo commanded the attention of the people, monsters and other mythological creatures because he was a god, or because he was, and I'll admit it, an attractive guy. Rolling my eyes, I took in my surroundings. A stage, with a large black canopy loomed in front of us. In the middle of the stage, a blinding light burst into existence. I mentally noted to bring sunglasses where ever I went, in case of randomly having to deal with not one, but two sun deities.
As the three of us walked through, a loud voice coming from the light echoed throughout the stadium. "And who have you brought, Apollo? I'm surprised you showed your face," A tall, middle aged man jeered, practically glowing.
Apollo's smile faltered and I put my hand on his shoulder. If I was going to go through with this, I might as well support him. "I'm Thalia, Daughter of Zeus, Lieutenant of Lady Artemis, and Champion of Apollo. But you know, no biggie," I taunted, brandishing Aegis, rattling off a handful of my long list of impressive epithets. "I'm surprised you showed your face, Helios." Behind be I could feel Phoebe smirk, and I advanced, mortals and immortals a like backing away from my shield. Helios looked taken aback for a moment, but he covered it up with a sneer. Reaching the metal fence surrounding the stage where Helios was waiting, I grasped the railing in one hand and leapt over easily. Swinging one leg up and onto the stage, I pushed myself up, and stood to my full height and sauntered over to Helios.
"You have much arrogance, girl," Helios rumbled, and I felt the edges of my cloths singe a bit from the angry heat pulsing off of him.
"I prefer confidence, actually," I smirked and looked around the stage, "Where, exactly, is your champion, eh?"
Helios smiled, and I narrowed my eyes. Almost instantaneously, my senses sharpened, and the nod of his head told me all I needed to know. A faint swish behind me, and my bow was loaded. Spinning around, I found myself face to face with a boy with fiery blond hair, arrow nocked and pointed at his throat. His sword was raised, and was clearly intending to strike, but his face gave away that he was not used to being the one taken by surprise.
A bitter scowl streaked across his face. "I'm Quinn Thompson, Son of Helios."