Author's Notes:

I'm here! Finally! READ READ READ!


Remember it's in third POV


~ : ~

His Mistress

Natsu watched Lisanna break down in front of him. He felt a small tug of guilt watching her cry. The guilt began to build as each tear hit the cement. How could he put her through this? Why would he put her through this and choose to break her down to a weeping mess?

Lucy meant everything to him. He loved her more than his next breath. His thoughts was only about Lucy. Even when she had left without any notice, he thought about dropping everything just to search for her. He would have dropped everything if it meant he could be with her forever. Instead, he stayed in their hometown of Fiore and played house with Lucy number two; Lisanna. He was hurt knowing that he could not have the original; therefore he chose to settle for the next best thing. Why did he do that? Why didn't he fight to have Lucy? She was single when he was with Lisanna. He could of broken up with her, told Lucy his undying love and lived happily ever after with her. No, instead he married Lisanna, built a life with her, sort out Lucy when she contacted him, made love to her and continued to make love to her disregarding the fact he was married. Next thing he knows Lucy is pregnant with his child. Lisanna his wife, who he made vows to; for better or for worse was not carrying his child. What kind of man was he? What kind of husband is he? The selfish kind that only wanted the woman he thought he could never have. Now that he had her… what now? Through this whole ordeal he broke Lisanna's heart and probably Lucy's.

So what now?

He's still married in the eyes of the law. Lisanna is his wife. So, why did he drag Lucy into his sham of a marriage? He claims to love her more than anything. So, why did he leave her inside with no one to comfort her? He felt even more guilt build up knowing she was alone in her office. What could possibly be going through her head about him at this very moment? Was she confused on what to do about her feelings?What about the baby? Was she still going to keep it?Will this mess make her second guess keeping the baby? Natsu shook his head.Lucy would not do that. Abortion is not something she would do. On the other hand, maybe this fucked up situation will.

Natsu ran his hand through his hair. Maybe he deserves to be alone. He broke two women's heart in just a matter of seconds.

His eyes roamed around taking in the bystanders watching as his marriage fell apart. They had to go somewhere more private to hash-out their problems.

"Come on Lis. Let's go somewhere else to discuss this," Natsu whispered bending down to touch her shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" she wailed out. "I'm not going anywhere with you. Just leave me alone." Natsu jerked back at her cracked voice. Looking out at the crowd, he heard some whispers on how rotten he was. Then he heard some bystanders whisper Lucy's name and how her reputation of being the other woman in the relationship. More guilt started to rise in his chest.

Because Lisanna mentioned her name when she scolded him, he knew Lucy's business may be at risk. Some women in the crowd pointed behind him. He turned around to the revolving doors behind him. His eyes widen when he seen Lucy shaking and holding her arms close to her body. He took in how her eyes was brim with tears and swollen from crying. His eyes fell downcast. He was the cause of her pain once again.

Turning back to Lisanna he tried again to get her to move. Bending down to reach ear level, Natsu whispered. "Get up Lisanna. Let's go home, please. You're causing a scene."

Lisanna growled out in frustration. "I'm causing a scene?" She stood up abruptly. Natsu almost fell back on his ass from being hunched over on his knees. "I'm sorry I'm causing a scene you cheating bastard! I'm sorry I'm embarrassing you because I'm heartbroken!"

He narrowed his eyes. "Stop it," he whispered.

"Don't tell me to stop!" Lisanna shouted while pushing him away from her. Her eyes drifted behind him and locked on to Lucy. "You happy now, homewrecker!" She pointed at Lucy. "You can have all of him now! I'm done!" Lucy shook her head, and then bowed her head in shame.

Lisanna turned around and began to walk away. Natsu grabbed her arm and turned her back to face him.

"Don't you do this Lisanna." Natsu harshly whispered. "Don't drag Lucy into this anymore than you've already done."

"Me dragging little Ms. Lucy Heartfilia into this?" she asked moving her hands in-between her and Natsu. "What dragging did I do? You were the one who dragged her into whatever this is." She snatched her arm back. Natsu noticing he was squeezing it.

"It's funny. I always knew since college that you loved her. But I didn't want to give up. I just had to have you. Then I finally had you. And then to top it off, Lucy ran away. That's one thing she's good at. You know, running away." Lisanna chuckled while looking at her. Lucy recoiled at her statement. Lisanna spoke again. "What more can a girl ask for? However, look at what happened. I was so absorbed being someone I was not; I place myself in this mess. I tried so hard to be just like her. I forced myself to become her and look where that got me."

"You can't blame yourself-"

"Blame myself?" Lisanna said cutting Natsu off. "You fucked her, got her pregnant, fucked her again in her office, and then have the audacity to blame me." She slapped him across the face. He stumbled back. He wasn't expecting that. She followed him to slap him again. She then started to punch his chest as tears rolled down her cheeks again. "Why did you say okay to dating me back in college? Why did you ask me to marry you? Why are you doing this to me?" she cried out. "I don't deserve this drama in my life. You could of just told me no. I would have been happy somewhere with someone else who would have appreciated everything I've done for them. I would have been the one pregnant with a child with a husband who loves me," she buried her head in his chest and gripped his shirt as she cried.

"I wouldn't have had to lie just to be happy. I could have been myself with my husband and my child" Lisanna shivered. "He would appreciate my cooking, my conversations, and my hospitality." She pulled away. "He would love everything about me. He would love me, and not some failed past he could not have."

Natsu pulled Lisanna into his arms. He laid his head on top of her hair and held her as she cried. Every word she hit home for him.

"I'm so sorry Lisanna," he whispered. "You're right. I shouldn't have put you through this. You were patient with me and not once did you complain since we've been together." He stroked her back to calm her down. "I really tried to love you. Mavis knows I tried, but because you worked so hard in becoming Lucy, you made me fall even more for her. You did everything the way Lucy would have done. From the way she would cook, to the way she talked to me, and at one point you started to act like her. It's my fault for not thinking about your feelings. I only pushed my feelings for her onto you. I wanted Lucy so badly that I settled for you because I could not have her." Lisanna sobbed harder. He held her tighter. "I'm sorry that I hurt you."

He held her for so long that he forgot that they were making a scene with the crowd watching. Especially in front of Lucy. At this point all he cared about was trying to calm Lisanna. She needed him more than Lucy. She was the one throughout this whole fucked up relationship that had no one to love her. She was in a loveless friendship, was in a loveless relationship in college, and even more loveless marriage.

"Come on. I'll take you home." They parted. He took her hand and walked away from the Heartfilia's Corporation. Lisanna sniffled as she walked close behind Natsu.

Lucy turned away and walked back into her building. She passed by the bystanders that watched her love life crumble. She walked into the elevator and pressed the top floor. As soon as the elevator doors closed, she pressed the stop button. She slide down the wall and dragged her knees to her chest. The tears flowed again.

Lucy cried. She cried when her mother died and the pain of losing her was hard. However, the pain of her best friend saying he loves her, then walking away with his wife broke her down.

She deserved to be alone. She tried to ruin their marriage. She told her best friend and his wife her feelings just to end up alone. She didn't want to be alone, but she deserved it. What husband leaves their wife for their mistress? The likelihood of that happening was slim.

I deserve to be alone. I brought this on myself. Lucy told herself. If only she told him her feelings that night they shared their first kiss back at homecoming, she probably would have been Mrs. Dragneel. Instead, she was Ms. Heartfilia, princess of the Heartfilia conglomerate and wanna be homewrecker. The whore. The slut. The hussy. The harlot. The pregnant mistress.

She cried harder. "I'm fucking pregnant and alone." Lucy touched her tummy. "What if my baby is a girl? I don't want her to grow up to be like me." She rubbed her small 15 weeks baby bump. She gripped the railing in the elevator to steady her balance and stood up. Pressing the run button. The elevator jerked into movement and moved upward.

Lucy wiped her eyes and fixed her hair in the mirror walls. The elevator chimed letting her know she had arrived to her floor. Stepping out as soon as the doors open, Lucy walked towards her secretary who had return from her quick break.

She was glad that her secretary was not around for that drama that unfolded in her office. All she knew was that Natsu was her boyfriend and not married like everyone else downstairs did. At least not yet.

"Yukino, I need you to call Dr. Porlyusica and set up an appointment again."

Yukino stood up grabbing her notepad and pen. She wrote down Lucy's request while walking around her desk and following Lucy into her office.

"Anything else Lucy?"

Lucy sat at her desk and started to pack up. Shoving her laptop in her tote along with important papers.

"I need you to also call my town car service and travel agent."

"Do you have a business trip out of town?" Yukino asked out of curiosity. "Your next business trip is not for a while according to your schedule." She pulled out her cellphone from her blazer and went through the calendar.

"No, I don't. I just need a few days to gather myself. Among other things" Lucy stood up throwing her tote handle around her shoulder. She snatched up her cellphone from inside her desk. "Also I need you to call my cellphone provider and cancel my contract. Then order me a new cellphone with a brand new number." She gave Yukino her cellphone when she passed her to exit her office.

"Lucy, what's going on? Why do you need a new phone number?" She held Lucy's phone and trotted after her. "Is Mr. Eucliffe calling again?" Lucy rolled her eyes. That situation she could handle.

"No. Just do as I requested." Lucy pressed for the elevator. "Also, while I'm gone you can also take a few days off."

"Ms. Heart-"

"Also call my contractor. Tell him to stop construction. The house will no longer be needed. At least not in this town." The elevator door opened. She stepped in. Turning around, she held the door open with her hand. "Also call my father and tell him where I'm going."

"Ma'am where are you going?" Yukino asked.

"Back to the old branch building." The door began to close as Yukino wrote down Lucy's requests. Lucy put her hand back on the door keeping them open. "And if Mr. Dragneel calls, tell him I'm no longer available." She paused. "He does not have to worry about anything anymore. I will do what I do best and run away."

"Ma'am?" Letting go of the door, Lucy smiled.

"I'll email you more details of our next location."

"Lucy-"The elevator doors closed before Yukino can ask more questions.

Lucy walked out the elevator into the lobby. The crowd that was there moments before dispersed and went about their day. Walking out of the building, Lucy briskly walked to her car and climbed in.

Looking at her appearance in her rear view mirror, "I have to leave again. I refuse to burden myself. I will not bring a child into this bullshit of a situation." Turning on the ignition, Lucy wiped her remaining tears before putting the car in drive and heading straight home. "I have a lot of packing to do."


Natsu drove Lisanna home. They sat in his car in silence for a few hours as her cries turned from sobs to little whimpers.

He didn't want her to drive in her emotional state. All he could think about was her driving off a cliff because of their mess up situation. Even though he knows she is not suicidal, his mind could not help but drift to the thought.

Natsu's heart craved to call Lucy and tell her he will talk to her as soon as Lisanna was calm. Yet, he couldn't risk making Lisanna hear their conversation. He had so much to tell Lucy, so much to ask her. He just hopes she will wait for him just a little longer. He prayed she was strong enough to wait for him.

Lisanna reached for the door handle. She pushed the door open. Natsu quickly moved to get out of the car to help her out. Running to the passenger side of the vehicle, he extended his hand hoping she would accept his hand. Unfortunately, he got the opposite. She stood up and brushed passed his outstretched hand. He closed the passenger's door before locking the car. He ran ahead to unlock the door to their home.

Walking in the house with a sniffing Lisanna right behind him, Natsu went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass for water. Lisanna followed him and sat at the kitchen table. He placed the glass in front of her.

"Drink." This time, he hopes she would listen to him. She eyed the glass before grabbing it and doing what she was told. "Take off your clothes and take a bath. I'll set it up for you. After your bath, get some sleep." He took the empty glass from her hand and placed it in the sink.

"Are you leaving me?" she whispered. Natsu turned around at her quiet question. That question was vague to him. He didn't know how to answer it correctly. He didn't know if she meant leaving her alone to gather her thoughts or leaving her entirely.

He took it upon himself to answer truthfully. "No and yes."

She winced at his answer. Standing up she passed him and walked to their bedroom to remove her clothing. He followed behind her and went towards the bathroom. He started to run the water in the bathtub and watched it fill up. Lisanna walked into the bathroom naked just as he was turning off the running water. Natsu roamed his eyes on her curves that he grew used to over the years. He just took notice on how beautiful she is. She hugged her body trying to hide her uneasiness. Noticing, he stepped away from the tub to give her room.

She moved forward once he was a good distance away. He watched as she walked towards the tub. She stepped in and sat in the warm water.

"Thank you," she whispered. He nodded.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." She nodded. With her acknowledgement of his words, he left her alone.

Once he was downstairs in the kitchen, he pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and saw he had no missed calls or text messages. He sat down at the kitchen table as he pulled up Lucy's number. He press dial.

"…The number you are trying to reach is no longer in service…" Natsu clenched his phone. Hanging up he scrolled down to her office number.

"Hello, Lucy Heartfilia's office." Natsu smiled. Yukino, Lucy's trusted secretary.

"Hey Yukino, its Natsu. Is Lucy there?" he heard her shuffling around some papers.

"Uh, Mr. Dragneel. I… uh… apologize, but Ms. Heartfilia has left for the day." Natsu ran his hand through his hair for the umpteenth time since the day has started.

"Well, I can't seem to get through to her on her cellphone. Did you have another number like her house number by any chance?"

Yukino sighed. "I apologize Mr. Dragneel but I do not. She is… she is no longer available." Pausing Yukino closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "She did leave a message for you. She wanted to let you know that you no longer have to worry about anything anymore. That she will do what she does best and run away."

Natsu moved his phone from his ear and stared at it.

"Hello? Mr. Dragneel are you there?"

Bringing it back to his ear he growled out. "What the hell does she mean I no longer have to worry? And run away. Where the hell is she going?"

"I honestly don't know Mr. Dragneel; she was unclear about her travel request."

"Travel request? What the fuck!" Natsu stood up knocking over the chair. "Is she really running away again?" Natsu started pacing from the kitchen to the hallway. "She can't run away, not this time. Especially when she's pregnant with my child." He checked his pockets for his car keys. "Did she leave yet?" he asked as he moved to the front door.

"I don't think so, she may still be home packing for her trip," Yukino answered.

"Thanks." Natsu hung up without saying goodbye. He ran out of his house and to his car. He was going to chase her this time and stop her from leaving if it's the last thing he can do to prove his love to her.


Lucy wrapped a towel around her hair, and then tightens her robe around her body. She thought a good hot shower would calm her nerves along with helping her make the biggest decision of her life. It was life altering decision, but her thoughts remained scrambled.

Walking into her bedroom, Lucy pulled out her under garments from her dresser. She chose a simple nude pair of panties and a matching bra. Pulling her robe off, she made quick works of moisturizing her body before slipping on her undies. She made her way towards her open pack suitcases checking if she had all she needed for her trip.

By the time she reached home, Lucy threw her tote down and grabbed her suitcases from her closet. Before hoping in the shower to wash today's events away, she rummaged through her closet to pack enough business suits and casual wears to last her for the next few weeks. At least until she called a moving company. They then can pack up the rest of her things and ship them to her new location.

That reminded her that she needed to contact Yukino to update her on where to ship her new cellphone when it had arrived. Also to find out what time the town car was picking her up so she can make her way to the airport. She closed her suitcase and walked- only in her underwear- out of her room. She placed her suitcase against the wall where her tote was located. She walked to her tote bag that laid by the front door. Grabbing her tote up she drag her feet to her kitchen while taking her laptop out. She placed it on the kitchen counter before powering it on. Opening her refrigerator, she took out the half eaten jar of peanut butter. Since she hit 12 weeks of her pregnancy, Lucy needed peanut butter to be a part of her diet. She grabbed a spoon from the dish tray and scooped a spoonful of the nutty sweetness. Popping the spoonful into her mouth, she made her way back to her laptop.

Before she could log in and check her emails, she heard a loud banging on her door.

"What the-"she jumped. "Who the heck is that?"

"Lucy! Open this damn door right now! I know you're home," more banging. "I see the lights on!"

Lucy shivered hearing Natsu's voice from the other side of the door. She hid thinking he could see her through the door. She thought if she stood still and pretend she wasn't there, he might leave.

"Lucy!" he banged again. So much for pretending. She slammed her spoon down on the counter.

She walked toward her room and grabbed an oversize sweater. She tossed the towel from her head on her bed before slipping into the sweater. More banging and cursing was heard through the door.

"Dammit Lucy! Did you really leave again?" she heard shuffling as she moved toward the closed door.

Lucy turned towards her hallway mirror looking at her appearance. Her shower helped soothe out her puffy cheeks and the swelling around her eyes. She looked as if she had not cried at all that day. Running her fingers through her semi wet hair; she tried her best to look presentable.

"Lucy!" A tick formed on her forehead

"WHAT!" she shouted back as she took a deep breath while still looking at her reflection.

"Oh thank Mavis you're still here," Natsu sighed out. "Open the door."

"You've got to be kidding me. No." Lucy turned toward the door as if she was talking to him face to face.

"No-? Oi Lucy…"

"Shouldn't you be home with your wife," Lucy emphasized.

"Dammit Lucy open the damn door and stop being a coward." Lucy growled at his accusation. She unlocked her door and swung it open.

"Coward, are you kidding me?" Natsu paused. He took in her appearance. She was a breath of fresh air he couldn't get enough of. His eyes roamed her body. Her curves which were more pronounced since she had gotten pregnant along with her pale skin complimented the college sweater she wore. Her hair was tossed over her right shoulder, framing her puffy cheeks. Her whole appearance reminded him of how she would answer her door back in the dorms when they planned to study together. All that was missing was her red rimmed glasses. He took a step back when he noticed her glare. If looks could only kill.

He cleared his throat. "Yes, a coward." He stepped forward. "Why did you turn off your phone? I've been trying to call you. Yukino told me that you were no longer available, whatever that means." He looked down at the packed suitcase. "And what the fuck did she mean when she said that you were planning on running away?"

"I was not planning to run away. I am going run away." Lucy stepped back so he would not be in her space.

"What the fu… stop running away Lucy!" Natsu shouted.

"Don't yell at me!" she shouted back. "And don't tell me I can't run away. You made your choice."

"Choice? What choice?"

"You… you just left me there alone. I told you my feelings. I laid them bare for you… only… just for you to leave me for her?"

Natsu ran his hand down his face.

"What did you expect me to do? She was a mess. You wanted me to leave her there to fend for herself?"

"Uh… yes!" she gripped the door knob. "I had to stand there and fend for myself. Why can't she do the same?"

"You can't be serious Lucy?" Natsu pleaded. "She's my wife."

Throwing her hands up, "and there it is!" Lucy cried. Hearing those words hurt her a thousand times more then she thought it would. She was his wife and Lucy was nothing more than just his mistress. Her heart started to burn. Whether it was from the reality of her situation, or the typical symptoms that comes with being pregnant. Her thoughts went with the former.

Tears formed in her eyes. She was too emotional because of the baby. Damn hormones. "Just leave me alone." She tried to slam the door in his face so he would not see her tears. His foot blocked her from doing so.

"No Lucy. I'm not going to leave you alone. Not again." She let go of the door handle. She placed her hands on his chest. Natsu moved his arms to pull her into a hug. Instead of completing his task, he felt her pushing against him.

"Get out," she whispered. She pushed him harder. "Get out!" she tried again. "I don't want you. Not anymore." The tears she tried to hide made her vision blurry, blocking her from the crushed look that Natsu was giving her. "Just go back home to your wife. Take care of her. I'll be fine. Me and the baby… just please leave," she choked on a sob. "Leave me alone like you always do."

Natsu stepped back, but held onto her arms.

"Do you really want me to go?" he whispered softly. Lucy winced at his broken voice. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" She nodded her head slowly. "You don't mean that. I don't want to lose you again Lucy. Not you or our baby. So please do not push me away." Natsu pleaded.

Lucy cried, "I… I rather you leave me. I don't want to hurt you anymore. I'm no good for you. Because I came back I caused all this mayhem." Her hands slide down to rest by her sides. She looked down at her bare feet, as the tears fell from her eyes. "But I couldn't stay away. My heart, mind, and body loves you. I love you so much that it hurts." He grabbed her face so she could look up at him. With his thumbs he wiped her tears.

"I love you too Lucy." Her breath hitched. More tears fell, but Natsu continued wipe them away. "I've always loved you. Since I've known you I loved you. You leaving broke a huge part of me. I don't want to lose you again."

"Wha… what about Lisanna," she choked out.

"I'll figure it out. I have to take the most delicate way out, but I will get a divorce. Lisanna deserves someone who will love her. That person was never me because I was in love with somebody else. She deserves happiness, just like you."

"I don't deserve happiness. I ruined your marriage."

"No you didn't. That marriage was a mess from the start." He stroked her cheek. "Until I deal with that situation, you will be my main priority. All that matters to me right now is you. You and the baby." He lean in and placed his lips on hers. She breathed him in. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. He grabbed the back of her thighs, before lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she deepens their kiss. She moaned kissing him as if he was her last meal. Damn hormones. He stepped inside her home, and closed the door with a kick of his feet.

Natsu carried Lucy to her couch. He sat down so she could straddle him. She nibbled and licked his lips asking for more access. He granted her request with sliding his eager tongue into her awaiting mouth. Their tongues stroked each other slowly and with precision. There was no fight for domination. They kissed one another to establish that they were on equal footings. The slow caress helped build back the missing chemistry they had lost.

His hands moved to her behind, which he palmed softly. She gasped at his soothing movements. Her gasp gave him courage to finger the outlining of her panties. He needed to feel more of her. Moving her panties to the side, he stroked her hot opening. He moaned in their kiss, pleased that she was already wet for him.

He entered one digit stretching her tightness before entering another. She moaned out in pleasure. His other hand moved upward to her hair. He tugged it gently so she could break their kiss. Leaning her head back, gave him access to her smooth neck. He trailed his bruised lips along her neck, leaving nips and bites. Lucy moved her hips with each stroke of his fingers. She shifted more to feel some friction from his raging erection through his jeans.

"More," she moaned. Pulling his fingers from inside her, Natsu leaned away from her. He helped her tug off her sweater. Once off she leaned forward and kissed him again. As she moved her lips against his own, she ran her hands under his shirt to feel his abs. "Off," she growled into their kiss.

He reached down and pulled his shirt off with her help. Throwing it over to where her sweater laid, he reached behind her and unhooked her bra. The straps fell down her shoulders and slid down her arms. He gave a small kiss that turned into a trail from her collar bone to the center of her breast.

"Be gentle." Lucy whispered. "They're sore." Natsu chuckled. Her bra dropped in his lap in between them. He softly palmed her breast. She sucked in a deep breath. He kissed each breast as his thumbs soothed over her erect nipples. He placed one nipple in his mouth sucking delicately making sure not to hurt her. His hands fell around her waist. He tugged her panties down as he palmed her behind again. Her arousal hit his senses.

"Damn Luce." She groaned as he blew against her nipple. He flipped her so she was the one sitting on the couch. He took her bra from in between them and threw it behind him. He then tugged her panties down the rest of the way, also throwing that behind him. He spread her legs apart. Her scent was intoxicating. Her arousal glistens before his eyes causing him to lick his lips. He leaned forward and trailed his wet kisses up her thigh. He nips when he was close to her core. He blew a kiss on her blonde curls just above her throbbing nub. Before he could devour her, he moved over to the other thigh and gave it the same treatment.

After his last nip near her hip bone, Natsu kissed a trail to her pelvis. His eyes flash up to her eyes. She was breathing harshly. He smirked. He placed one of her legs over his shoulder. He kissed her nub. She cried out in pleasure that he was finally giving her spot attention. He swirled his tongue around it before he sucked it with eagerness. Lucy grabbed his hair and pushed him more into her. He sucked and nibbled at her nub. His tongue licked and soothed her clit from his bites. His tongue moved further down and caressed her folds.

"Ah!" Lucy dug the heel of her foot into his back. She lifted her hips so he can give her more pleasure, but he held her down. She squeezes her thighs around his head so he would not move as payback. He smirked but continued to feed himself. As he moved his tongue from her clit to her opening, Natsu unbutton his jeans and struggled to push them down along with his boxer briefs so his member could stop being restrained.

Natsu sucked her clit once more before stroking her opening. His tongue entered her and moved in and out of her. Lucy threw her head back in pleasure. He used one hand to open her thighs some more. His fingers replaced his tongue. He pushed two digits inside as his mouth focus back on her engorged clit.

Her moans grew louder. Lucy started to scratch Natsu's scalp as she felt the pressure rise within her. He knew she was close as she tightens around his fingers. He sucked harder, fingered her deeper and faster.

She groaned as she felt the tight pressure release. Natsu moan tasting her sweetness on his tongue. In soft strokes and licks, he helped her ride out her orgasm. Lapping up all he could, he removed his fingers and cleaned her with his tongue. With one final kiss, he removed himself from in between her legs once she stopped trembling.

She sighed. He laid her down on the couch. He climbed on top of her. Natsu kissed the top of her head. He continued to give her small kisses before reaching her plump lips. He held his member so he could stroke her wetness. She shivered. He kissed her slowly as he glided his member into her. She moaned at the feeling of fulfillment he gave her. Natsu unlocked his lips from her own. He stared down at her taking in her expressions of pleasure as he entered her.

"I love you and only you," he whispered as he moved inside her. His thrusts were slow. He didn't want to be rough. He wanted to take his time for her sake and the baby. Her moans encouraged him to go deeper but stay in a steady pace. They both needed this.

"Natsu please," she pleaded as a moan rippled through her body. He sucked in a deep breath as she tightens around him. She was close. He was not but he only wanted to take care of her. He took her hands and intertwined their fingers. He legs wrapped around his waist as his strokes went deeper. She let her hips met his own with each stroke. "Ah!' her clit rubbed against his pelvis stimulating her to reach her climax sooner.

He groaned feeling her tightness. With a few more deep thrusts, she final reached her peak. He sucked in a deep breath feeling her release around him. Her eyes clenched shut as she cried out. Natsu continued to move inside her. Her pulsating tightness made him reach his own climax. He bit his bottom lip as he came deep inside her. She sighed feeling his seed fill her up.

Natsu placed his forehead on top of her own. Their breaths mingled together as they stared at each other with thoughts flowing through their mind. Don't you ever leave me again. This is the last time. He kissed her nose then her lips. He rolled off top her. He pulled her close to him resting his head on top of hers. He held her so she would not fall off the couch. The two basked in the silence of their aftermath.

Breaking the silence, Natsu spoke. "Where were you planning on going, by the way?" he asked as he stroked Lucy's hair.

She took a deep breath. "Back to my father's hometown." She looked up at him. "Alakitasia." His grip around her tighten.

"Is that where you were when you went away the first time?" He asked through gritted teeth. She nodded slowly noticing his anger. "Dammit Lucy." He cursed. "That's the next continent over."

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"I know," He sighed. "But you're here now," he smirked. "And you're staying." Not hearing a response, he pushed away to look down to her and asked out of curiosity "right?" Not answering she rolled out of his grip to stand up. She bent over and grabbed her sweater. She pulled it over to cover her nude body. Pulling her hair from inside the sweater, she twirled around looking for her underwear. Natsu sat up on the couch. "Lucy…?" he watched her grab her underwear by his own shirt. She slid it on. She picked up his shirt and threw it at him.

"You have to go." She said before walking to her front door.

"What the fu-"

"I'm not doing this anymore." Lucy spoke. Natsu stood up and threw his shirt on the couch. He reached for his underwear and pants. Sliding them on, he grabbed his shirt and walked towards the threshold where Lucy stood.

"Are you serious?" he pleaded.

"Deadly." She pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. "Until you get your life together, we cannot be together." He felt a strong pang of guilt hit him. "Natsu, you are still married. I am nothing more but your mistress." She opened the door. "Go home and talk it over with your wife. She is home alone while you're here with me getting laid." He narrowed his eyes.

"She's fine; I'm more worried about you."

"That's the problem. You need to be more worried about her. I am not your priority. You don't have to worry about me. I am fine. You satisfied me enough to hold me over until further notice."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" he asked out of anger. "Do you plan on being with someone else?"

She took a deep breath, "if it comes down to that then yes."

He growled. "You got to be fucking kidding me!" he yelled. "Lucy you can't be serious. What about the baby? My child that you are carrying."

'Well be fine until you get yourself together." She gestured to the door. "Now go. I told you where I would be this time. Therefore, if you love me the way you say you do, you will do the right thing. Let me go for now. Get your marriage under wraps. I will wait for you as long as you need me to, but if I wait too long I'll be gone from you forever."

Natsu ran his hand through his hair. "This is so fucked up." He was beyond frustrated. "You're not thinking straight Lucy. I can't let you leave, not with my baby. I want to be there for you every step of your pregnancy. I want to make it work with you." He fell to his knees. "Why is it that I can't have you? Why do you keep pushing me away?" he cried.

Lucy watched him break down in front of her. Her heart tugged at his pain. However, she has to be the rational one in this situation. She had to hurt him to let him understand. She let go the door pushing it so it can close shut. She went down on her knees to be on the same level as him. She watched him quake from anger and sadness. Lucy wrapped her arms around him. He cried harder as he pulled her closer to him, wrapping his own arms around her waist.

"Natsu. Do you feel that pain? The pain you are feeling right now." He nodded as he buried his head into her chest. "That pain, embrace it. Because that pain is nothing compared to what Lisanna is feeling." He stiffened. Lucy ran her hand through his hair. "You said you want to make it work with me. Imagine how Lisanna feels knowing you are not home not trying to work it out with her." His grip got tighter, but she continued. "You also asked me why you could not have me. Thinking about Lisanna again, she is asking herself the same question. Wondering why she cannot have you?" Lucy sighed. She stopped running her hand through his hair. Placing her hand on his cheeks, she lifted his head so he could look into her eyes. "I'm not trying to hurt you Natsu, that's the last thing I want to do to you. Nevertheless, my heart is thinking about all the players in this game. So for once, think about her and her feelings. Do the right thing."

Lucy let go of his face before standing up. "Get up."

He looked up at her serious expression before standing up. She bent down and picked up his shirt. She helped him put it on. Once it was on, she took the sleeve of her sweater to wipe away his remaining tears. She took a step back after wiping his tears but did not get far. Natsu grabbed her and hugged her tightly. They held each other for what felt like an eternity. "I won't let you wait long, I promise," he whispered. Lucy nodded as her own emotions started to surface.

Letting each other go finally, Natsu walked around Lucy heading towards the door. Her back stayed facing the door as he turned around to get one last look at her.

"Goodbye Lucy… and I love you," Lucy took in a shaky breath, nodding in acknowledgement. As she heard, the door shut the click of her door locking broke her down.


1 year & 6 months later

"Mama!" Lucy smiled as her daughter waddled into her arms.

"Hi baby," Lucy picked up Nashi giving her sloppy kisses.

"Mama!" her daughter squealed in excitement. Lucy's little family decided on a small picnic to celebrate Nashi's first birthday.

"Are you ready for cake Nashi?" Lucy asked moving her daughter to her hip to walk towards the picnic table where her family and co-workers along with their children came out to celebrate with the birthday girl.

"Ya!" she cried out in happiness. Another thing her daughter had gotten from Lucy was the love of sweets.

"Okay here comes Papa." Lucy pointed at Natsu as he carried the two- layered cake towards the table with one huge candle on top lit and ready to be blown.

"Papa!' Nashi smiled, her beautiful brown eyes filled with excitement seeing her identical twin. She tried to wiggle out of Lucy's arms so she can go to her father. Lucy smiled.

"Okay, okay Nashi." Lucy placed her daughter on her feet so she can waddle towards her father. Placing the cake on the table, Natsu felt his little girl grab onto his leg. He smiled looking down at his princess with her arms stretched out waiting to be lifted. He picked her up as she giggled with joy. Lucy walk towards them. "The cake looks great," she smiled. Natsu smirked.

"I didn't eat it this time," he leaned down and kissed his wife on the lips. Nashi pushed their heads away from each other so she can be in the middle. Natsu and Lucy laughed at her beg for attention. The photographer came at the right moment and snapped the memorable moment of the two proud parents kissing their baby girl on both her chubby cheeks.

Lucy started singing the birthday song, while everyone joined in. Natsu turned to watch his wife sing. Thinking about how much he went through just to be here with his small family at this very moment…

After Natsu left Lucy's home, he drove straight home. The drive there was conflicting. He didn't know what to say, or at least the right thing to say. Arriving home, he sat in his car thinking about the words that Lucy had spoken to him about. Everything she had said about Lisanna made sense. Her pain does not compare to his own. Her heart might just be shattered from his unfaithfulness. He pushed his own desires onto her and not giving a damn about her own. All she wanted was all of him in the relationship and in the marriage but he gave her nothing in return only hardship and heartache. Hence, he has to make the decision, does he stay in the loveless marriage and try to work it out. Or else, he can divorce his wife and run to the love of his life? He gripped the steering wheel. The answer was obvious.

Entering the house, he had a precise plan in mind. However, through the struggle of trying to make everything run smoothly, Natsu told Lisanna the truth. He wanted Lucy and he wanted to be with her. Despite sharing that news, Lisanna did not take the truth wholeheartedly. There was a few dishes thrown and bad words flown to hurt ones ego, but Natsu took it. He took her pain and anger whether it was words or objects. They both sat in the house for six weeks trying to understand one another's side of the story. He did not care how long it took to work it out. He refused to go anywhere until they reached some type of understanding. They would sleep in separate rooms, then come together for meals and talk about the situation some more. Tears were shed and more hurtful words thrown. For days, she would not acknowledge his presence. When he would wait by the kitchen room table to talk some more, she would walk by and not say a word. By the time the third week came, she was begging him to reason with her and stay. However, Natsu refused to stay in a loveless marriage if it only was going hurt each of them.

By the fourth week, the depression took over her. Natsu would force-feed her so she would have energy. That week was hard on the both of them. Natsu wanted to call Lucy and beg her for advice. By the end of fourth week, Natsu cried while he fed her. He tried to reason with Lisanna. She took notice of his misery, which spiraled her further into depression, making Natsu feel even worst for speaking his mind.

Nevertheless at the end of the fifth week they came to acceptance of what is about to be lost. When week six rolled around, they both calmed down to talk over a cup of tea. He stood by the kitchen counter while she sat at the kitchen table.

"Did you ever love me?" Lisanna asked. Natsu paused, the teacup by his mouth ready to take a sip. Placing it on the counter, he took a deep breath.


Lisanna raised her hand. "Before you answer that," cutting him off. "At any point I mean since we started dating till now. At any point, did you ever love me?" she asked again locking eyes with him.

Natsu stared at her, long and hard. "Lis, I can honestly say I did." He replied. "I really did love you." She smiled.

"But?" she continued.

Taking in a deep breath once again. "I loved you for the wrong reasons. You didn't, and still don't deserve that." She nodded.

"Okay." She played with her teacup. "So where does this leave us?" she asked out of curiosity.

Folding his arms over his chest, he nodded in understanding. "It means we can't be together, we have to get a divorce to find our own happiness. I don't want to hold you back any much longer."

"I agree." She slid off the chair standing up. She walked up towards him. "It was fun while it lasted right," she smiled sadly. Unfolding his arms, Natsu pulled her in his arms. She trembled, as she started to cry. He held her until she was ready to let go. Pulling away from him, "I'll be at my sister's. Just send the papers there and my lawyer will go over everything." She smiled once more "Goodbye Natsu," she said before walking away.

After all he went through the past months; Natsu didn't run to Lucy right away. He made sure he was ready and everything from his past was settled. He craved to be with her but he had to make sure nothing else would hold him back from the love of his life. His divorce was finalized three months after their last goodbyes. He ran into some trouble with Lisanna's brother in law, Laxus. That man wanted Natsu's head. Which Natsu understood but he did not want to die for what his heart wanted. During the proceedings, Natsu explained the reason behind the divorce and willing to pay for emotional damages he causes. However, Lisanna declined, wanting to cut all ties with her ex-husband, which Natsu felt worst about, but came to an understanding about why. The judge took into account Lisanna's plea and finalized everything quickly.

Natsu rapidly made use of his time and relocated his career to Alakitasia. Once arriving there, he ran straight to the Heartfilia Corporation on bended knee to ask to be with Lucy. Her father found it unacceptable for a Heartfilia. Lucy surprised by his arrival declined his offer. Instead, she accepted the chance to date him properly even though she was eight months pregnant with his child despite the objection of her father. From there on, they dated. In spite of the short timing before their baby girl arrives. A few short days after his arrival, a healthy 7lbs and 4oz with a head full of pink locks baby girl was born.

Being first parents for the first time had its struggles but both Natsu and Lucy never gave up with taking very good care of their jolly daughter, Nashi Dragneel. Moreover, they took special care of one another, as their love grew more fondly. Not long after their daughter had turned seven months old, did Natsu pop the question again with Nashi along for the proposal. This time Lucy could not help but smile and accept.

A small wedding and running after a baby later, Natsu bent down with his daughter to blow out her birthday candle. Lucy stood by clapping watching her husband and daughter blow out the candle. Everyone cheered excitedly. They were finally together. How they came about it could have been better, but they were happy with the outcome and neither one of them could not ask for anything more.

~The End~

Author's Notes:

I final finished this story. THANK GOD!

Thank you all for be so patient with me. I planted my booty down and wrote everything out.

Thank you for sticking with me.

Special thanks to FlameDragonHime for personal messaging me to hurry my tail up.

I hope the ending was to everyone's liking.