This is my first time writing a PD fic. The title of this fic is from Adele ~ One and Only. This is AU but will eventually have some of the shows storylines introduced.

Erin walked into the precinct waving at Platt before making her way to intelligence. Walking up the steps she noticed there was something off. Platt hadn't been her usual way towards her and right now the office was to quiet. Although her father had called her in earlier than usual so no one had gotten in yet.

"Dad" Erin swung his office door open seeing someone else sitting there. "Oh I'm sorry" Erin went to walk back out the door.

"Kid stop" Voight stood up from his desk walking around the table to sit on it. "Erin meet your new partner, Jay Halstead"

"Is this supposed to be a joke because it isn't funny?" Erin raged as the man himself turned around to look at her. Her heart started beating uncontrollably; it had been what a little under two years. "This isn't happening"

"Kid, Halstead is good police. " Police? Wait the last she heard he was in the rangers. What was her father's game? "He'll have your back better than anyone."

"Is this about me getting shot?" Erin shuck her head. Her father was always protective but had been overly since she got shot two months back by some dealer.

"No this is about you having good back up someone we can trust." Trust now that was something her and Jay hadn't had in a long time. Now she knew why Platt was so weird this morning.

"Erin, I want to join the unit if you don't want me too" "Don't turn this around on me Halstead" Erin practically growled. "You want in fine" Erin through her hands up in the air.

"You won't regret this Hank." Jay turned to the older man.

"I better not. The only reason you're hired is because you're good police. I don't want you hurting my girl again. We clear on that Halstead?" Voight towered over him. He wasn't about to watch history repeat itself.

"I was stupid. I'm not going to leave that happen again." Jay said standing up from the chair watching as Erin got the new case ready.

"You better not Jay or else I won't be so forgiving"


"So are we going to talk at all?" Jay asked as Erin turned the radio up louder. She really wanted to pretend this wasn't happening. Jay turned the radio back down. "We're partners we kind of got to communicate."

"And what would you like to talk about?" Erin could think of a few things she wanted to talk about. She needed to keep her head in the game.

"I'm sorry about everything Er." Jay sighed as they pulled up to take some witness statements. "If I could change things you know I would." Like the time before that Erin thought.

"We got a case this isn't the time to talk about our personal lives." Erin said as she got out of the car walking towards the witnesses. After getting the statements the headed back to the station in silence.

"Erin" Erin walked towards Platt while Halstead kept walking to intelligence. She loved work but she guessed she was going to hate it now. "You doing ok, with him here?"

"Best I can" Erin said truthfully to the woman she thought of as an aunt.

"You're a strong girl. Don't let it get to you." Platt said as Erin already started walking to intelligence. She was about to give a debriefing to the rest of the unit. She need her head right.

"Erin "Antonio first greeted her as she stood off the last step and into intelligence. "What the hell is going on?"

"You would have to ask my old man that one Dawson. He sprung it on me this morning. I didn't even know he was back in town." Erin looked to where Halstead worked on his desk. It was good having him back around but things ended so badly between them.

"I wouldn't like to be Voight right now. I got you" Antonio fist pumped her as Alvin watched his goddaughter from a distance.

"So you've got a new partner" Jules quizzed as Erin got some coffee. "He's hot. I don't know how an office romance would go down with your pops."

"Nothing is going to happen with me and Jay." Erin was sure of that. She wasn't going back there like EVER.

"Uh huh." Jules smirked walking out of the break room. This was going to be a long ass day.


They had caught the bad guys and everyone was happy to be going home. "Linds" Erin stopped what she was doing to look at Jay. "Can we go somewhere to talk? We can't work like this."

Erin knew he was right they were going to be partners and there was a lot of stuff that needed to be said. "Call to the house after, I'll be there we can talk then." She didn't give him time to answer just walked out the door. Jay shoved his locker closed before exiting the same door.

Jay pulled up to the familiar house. It was weird seeing in from this perspective, he was a guest now. Walking up the familiar steps he knocked a few times before Erin answered. She looked beautiful and more relaxed than she was at work. "Come in" Jay followed her down the familiar hall and into the kitchen. "I thought you might be hungry." Erin had made their favorite risotto a lot of people didn't know Erin Voight was an amazing cook. She turned her back taking two beers out of the fridge handing him one and opening the other for her.

"You wanted to talk Halstead" Erin said as she pushed her now empty plate away. The silence when they had eaten wasn't awkward but it wasn't perfect.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry. The way I left…It wasn't right. You had stuck by me through everything and I couldn't for you, for us." Jay put down his beer. "I just hope that one day we can get back to what we were."

"I…I don't know Jay. It's been two years, you left me by myself. I was so lost; my dad didn't know what to do. Jason he was on a downward spiral, you know he's in jail right?" No, Jay didn't know that, a wave of guilt hit him. Jason was like a little brother to him too always hanging around him and Erin.

"I'm sorry Er…I should have been there for our family." Jay squeezed her hand. Erin let him do it for a second before pulling away.

"Your right you should have been. " Erin ran her fingers through her hair. "Where have you been the last two years?"

"I…I went to New York. Will is working their after coming back from overseas. I did my police exams there. I just couldn't face Chicago. I couldn't face you, he left unsaid. When I got myself together, Will saw how miserable I was. He knew I needed you, I was too stubborn. Then he reminded me of when I was seven years old."

"You know we're going to get married one day." A seven year old Jay Halstead told Erin Voight the biggest tomboy he knew. They had lived across the street from each other all their lives.

"Nah uh boys are stupid" Erin stood from the sandbox arms folded walking away from the love struck Jay. Jay father was one of the surgeons at Chicago Med while Erin's father was a detective. Both their mothers were stay at home moms as their father's jobs took up so much time.

"Jay, Jay where's Erin?" Jay turned to look at his ten year old brother Will. Will had always tried to mind Erin and Jay. Looking over he saw Erin climbing a tree while Camille and his mom Anna were fussing over a two year old Justin.

"I was told that I had to watch you two. Come on let's get Erin." Will instructed as Jay stood up with a huff.

"Erin come on we got to go get some ice-cream." Will told the younger girl as she swung out of the tree.

"Ok Will" Erin said in a sing song voice dropping from the tree. "I'll race you both there" Before they could answer Erin was already racing ahead of them.

"You told me we'd get married, I guess you knew what we both wanted." Erin sighed thinking back to the many memories they had together.

"Marry me?" Jay Halstead was bent on one knee in the sandbox he once told her he would marry her in. Erin looked at the ring wiping away the lone tear falling down her cheek. The ring he had in his hands was Anna's, his mothers. It was always Erin's favorite. "I don't want to let anything else come between us, not my father moving me half way across Chicago, me joining the rangers or you becoming a cop. You and me, Er this is it."

"Yes Jay." Jay picked her up swinging her around kissing her with everything he had. "Erin Halstead" Erin put her hand up admiring her ring.

"I like the sound of that" Jay said as they walked towards his jeep. It wasn't anything over the top but it was special to them. Erin and Jay didn't do romantic but they loved each other like nothing else. They were married a week later in a small ceremony in their local church. It was quick and they didn't care. Jay was off to the rangers a couple days later.

"I don't know how to fix this" Jay admitted. Right now Erin didn't know if he could. He had walked away from her at the most difficult times of her life. Both their lives, they had been through everything together.

"Sick she can't be sick" Erin said with a shaky lip as she looked at her father. She was fifteen Justin was ten their mother couldn't have cancer.

"It's aggressive Erin. Your Mom doesn't have a lot of time left." Voight stopped to stop his voice from cracking. This was a talk he never thought he would have to her with his kids. They had caught the cancer too late and now it was spreading with no luck of stopping. Cami had wanted everything to be normal for the family as long as possible. Voight had agreed because who was he to go against his dying wife's wishes.

"But why Mom?" The floodgates had opened and the tears were flowing steadily down Erin's face. "She can leave us, she can't" Voight pulled his daughter into a tight hug.

"I know Er it's not fair but it's happening we just got to be strong for your Ma and Justin." Voight said as his little girl sobbed into his chest. Erin should have know something was wrong. Her mother hadn't been ok for a while. "I'm going to get Justin into bed we can tell him tomorrow he's so excited for his game let's not ruin it for him." Telling a fifteen year old was one thing but his ten year old was completely different. Erin nodded running her hands over her face before she even knew what she was doing she was outside Halsteads door opening it and running into Jay's bedroom. They had been going out for over two years now.

"Er what's wrong?" Jay hugged his girlfriend tight.

"My mom Jay, my mom she's dying." His heart broke for his girlfriend and for the Voight's. He had grown up with them. Cami was his mother's best friend. His own tears started rolling down his cheeks. "I'll be here for you babe, through everything,"

Cami died just after Erin's sixteenth birthday. It had hit them all hard especially Hank. Erin learned how to drive and they got his mom to look after Justin when Erin or Hank weren't around. Everything was finally getting back to as normal things could when Jay's mother got sick. Will was off saving the world and wouldn't come home to help his mother. A brain tumor, she lasted a little under a year.

Everything was so up in the air Jay's father decided to move house to be closer to the hospital and to keep Jay close. He didn't understand taking him from the Voights, the only family he had left was the worst decision. Erin and he had been together nearly five years. Things started to strain when he had to move schools. Erin was always laid back didn't get in to the whole popular thing but people just seemed to flock to her.

"You're moving schools too" Erin ran a hand over her face Jay was already going to live a little over thirty minutes away. She could get over that, they could drive to see each other, they both had cars.

"It's not by choice Er. You know my father." Erin knew once he decided something there was no changing his mind no matter how hard anyone tried.

"Everything is going to be so different you know. You've always been there." Erin sighed running her hand over his naked torso. They were laying in Jays bed in his home. The one thing about both their fathers' long hours was it involved less sneaking around. Justin was gone to a sleepover at his friends.

"Nothing is going to change between us. We got this Erin it doesn't matter if it's a car journey away or an ocean away, me and you that's it." Erin looked into Jays eyes, she believed him. They could make anything work, they had lost both their mothers and helped each other through that.

"I don't know if we can Jay. We lost our baby, you blocked me out, moved to New York and didn't contact until I saw you in my dad's office today. The rangers I dealt with, your PTSD I was there every step but I didn't just lose our baby, I lost you too."


So what do you guys think? Should I continue?