Disclaimer: I do not own Edward scissorhands, the wonderful Tim Burton does:)

"Hey, come back you weirdo!" I heard one of the boys shout as I begun to run.

I could hear their taunting laughter as I attempted to run away from the boys who had spotted me talking to my dog in my front garden. The day was hot, the sun beating down on us with a fierce heat. The black jeans and hoody I was wearing didn't help. My dog, Russell, ran along side me. He was too small a dog to do anything. So he was probably as scared as I was.

Scared? No that wasn't the right word. More annoyed. I was use to this back home. I just couldn't understand why people didn't leave me alone.

The boys were nearing and I could tell was I was slowing down. At one point I heard a stone hit the ground near me. Were they really trying to hurt me that bad?

I turned a corner and then stopped. Out of place in this colourful suburb neighbourhood stood a large, gothic mansion on top of a large hill. How odd. How odd it was that I hadn't noticed it yet. I turned and saw the boys edging closer. Then I had an idea. I'm sure I could hide somewhere in that mansion. I doubt anyone lived there anymore. Plus I reckon the idiots who were chasing me would pee their pants even by entering the gate.

"Come on Russell," I beckoned.

I found myself running faster now. Not only because of the boys chasing me, but because this outcast of a mansion intrigued me.

I finally got to the gate which was half open. I turned around. They were still running after me. But for how long?

Russell followed me up the path that led up the hill. No way could I have run this. It was such a steep path that I was finding it hard to even walk up it, let alone run. Overgrown bushes and ageing trees surrounded my path. I heard the squawks of crows now and then. Hearing them made me think of a grave yard. Perhaps the mansion was actually an abandoned church and above was the forgotten graves of people who once lived in the suburban town.

I finally embarked onto another gate. This one was harder to pull open. I opened my ears to see if could hear anything. At first I couldn't and hoped that they had left. But then I heard a moan from one of the boys and a "just come on!" Did they never give up?

I knew that I wouldn't be able pull the gate open in time. So I picked up Russell and dived into the bush beside me. It was big so I knew I could behind it successfully. But I knew that Russell liked to fidget a lot.

I saw them through the gap of the bush. One boy had no hair and was slightly chubby. The other boy was taller, with a black hair and looked smarter than the other boy. The third looked older and was much taller. He wore a leather jacket and a pair of blue jeans. They were rolled up at the bottom and revealed a pair of air-wear boots. The two younger boys looked bored.

"Come on, let's go. She's probably in there doing some weird ritual."

I rolled my eyes. The two left but the older boy stayed. He looked up at the mansion, he hands clenched around the metal bars of the gate. I could only see a little bit of his expression. He looked slightly angry. Did he really want to hurt me that bad?

He turned and faced the bush I was hiding behind. I froze, holding my breath. It seemed like the whole world went still. Then with the sound of some crunching gravel, I looked again and they were gone. I sighed and hugged Russell to me. He licked my face in return.

I stepped out and put down Russell. The gate managed to open relatively easy. I edged through the gap. I looked around in amazement. It felt as though I had entered a well kept mansion, not an abandoned one. The garden was nicely kept. The bushes that had once looked ordinary had been transformed into a beautiful art display. There was a stag, a snake's head that looked like it had poked his head out from under the ground, and one that looked ordinary but amazed me the most: a hand. The fingers were splayed out, facing the sky, as if wanting to hold one of the clouds.

I took my phone out and took a picture of the hand. Then I backed up and took a picture of the mansion itself. I was about to go on further when my phone beeped.

Emily, where are you? X

It was my Aunt Sally. I was staying with her for a few weeks during the summer holiday. She must've seen me sitting in the front garden one minute and then the next gone. I told her that I was coming back now.

I looked at the mansion once more before leaving. It looked derelict and alone. But somehow I knew that someone was living there.