Hello again, everyone!

A short break from the line of requests with one of my own short stories! Just a little something I've been concocting, nothing huge! I hope you all enjoy 'In or Out', prepare for lots of fluff. As I'm sure all of you recognise the amazing E-Vay's artwork as my cover photo for this story! Keep updated with my stories for another request coming through soon from Fantasy Amy Rose Co. Until then, enjoy!

Ciao! xx

A certain fuchsia hedgehog had been cooped up in her kitchen all day long, baking and sweating as she blared her music. It wasn't until somewhere after nine o'clock at night that she caught a glimpse of the clock on her wall, realising she had been at it for almost twelve straight hours. Maybe she had gone a little over board on all the food, but it would all be worth it for a certain birthday tomorrow.

Where had the time gone? Cream would be a teenager tomorrow, and it was almost certain she was the only one excited about it. Everyone was accepting the fact that they would forever see her as that little eight year old, sweet and innocent, the one of them that was never allowed to grow up. It was a given they were going to celebrate with her, but a lot of the gang were telling themselves she was just having another twelfth birthday party.

As Amy slipped a tray of cupcakes into the oven and closed the door, she stood up straight and cracked her back before examining her days work. An entire kitchen full of cakes and chocolate, sweets and treats of all kind. She let out an exhausted sigh as she slipped off her apron and tossed it on a chair, revealing the pyjamas she has been wearing all day, a pair of panties and a baggy T-Shirt, exposing her slim legs.

She walked over to her stereo and turned it up even louder before walking over to her sink to start on the washing up. She swayed her hips absent-mindedly, dancing along to the music, as she reached the sink and started the warm water. She added the soap as she began to sing, her beautiful voice radiating the room along with the pounding music.

Is it too late now to say sorry?
'Cause I'm missing more than just your body
Is it too late now to say sorry?
Yeah I know that I let you down
Is it too late to say that I'm sorry-

'Hello?' Amy cut herself off, swearing she heard a gust of wind drift through her home.

She dried her hands before walking over to turn down the stereo a little, looking around for someone or something. She squinted her eyes suspiciously before turning the stereo back up cautiously. As her hand left the volume control, she put both hands on her hips, standing in place for another second before a pair of strong, masculine and blue arms snaked around her waist and pulled her close from behind, causing her to let out a screech.

'I should've known.' Amy giggled as the hands traced all over her stomach.

'I wanted to surprise you.' A familiar, sultry voice whispered in between pecks on her shoulder.

She let out an involuntary moan, her teeth biting down on her bottom lip as she smiled. The large hands and strong arms traced her petite figure as they turned her around to face their owner. She looked up into his familiar emerald orbs, the same ones that dazzled in the light and made her legs tremble. She laced her arms around his neck as he pecked her once on the lips.

'You nearly scared me half to death, Sonic the Hedgehog.' Amy smirked.

'Worth it.' Sonic winked before kissing her cheek tenderly yet passionately.

'So,' Amy began as she unlaced herself from his grasp and headed back to the sink, 'what brings you over so late?'

'To fool around.' Sonic winked through his blunt statement as he walked over to her.

'Sonic!' Amy mockingly scolded his bad boy behaviour.

'I'm joking, Ames.' Sonic chuckled as he stood next to her and got to drying the washed dishes, 'I came over to see if you had a few ingredients for chilli dogs. Tails got half way through and realised we were out of a few things.'

'Oh, well just a second and I'll see what I've got.' She smiled before walking into her pantry.

Sonic watched her turn her back and walk away, a blushing smile creeping up on his muzzle as he did so. He got to thinking about how beautiful she was, even just in a baggy T and her quills askew, which he actually found ridiculously sexy. It had been the most amazing few weeks, spending every few nights together fooling around, talking, having dinner together and everything in between.

They made each other so happy, they couldn't deny that even if they wanted to. The only thing was, that was apparently the only thing they could admit, at least to themselves, that and how good they were together. Their kisses sent off fireworks, Sonic's hands tracing down her back gave her goose bumps, and when they looked into each other's eyes their hearts would melt. Every single time.

But alas, they hadn't talked about being anything more than what they were. Perfect in private. Amy wanted to, to no surprise, but she figured if Sonic hadn't said anything yet, then maybe he just didn't want to. That scared her. The fear of thinking he was only in this for everything physical and nothing more, the fact he may not have the same feelings she has always had for him made her stomach twist.

'So, how's the preparation for tomorrow coming along?' Sonic asked, taking Amy's attention away from the sickening pain in her stomach.

'I'm almost finished,' Amy began as she tried to reach something on her top shelf, 'Just a few more bits and pieces to- ah!'

The bubble-gum hedgehog cut herself off as a few things came tumbling down, Sonic by her side in a flash to prevent them from hitting her. He caught a can of tomato juice above her head, holding it there after everything else had fallen before the two hedgehogs caught each other in a glance. He placed the can back on the shelf absent-mindedly as he put his other hand on her hip, closing the close proximity between them.

'A few more pieces to…?' Sonic coaxed through a whisper.

'I forget.' Amy responded before their lips interlocked.

Fireworks exploded the second their lips touched, Sonic hoisting her up to wrap her legs around his waist while he supported her by holding her up from her backside. Their stomachs were doing all kinds of twists and turns as he pushed her up against the wall, making his way down her neck as her fingers laced through his quills. Never had she ever been so unable to resist anything or anyone, he was just so invigorating.

Amy couldn't help but think back to how it all started. In fact, it was kind of similar to this… It was all a blur. Sonic has come over to get something or ask something, she didn't remember. They got to talking about the day's battle with Egghead. They laughed and cheered and got so excited that they were slowly making their way closer to each other, until something suddenly just clicked. It seems crazy, especially after so long of knowing each other. The room fell silent, the laughter died, and he'd kissed her. Now, here they were.

'Oh Chaos,' Amy whispered as she heard the oven timer sound, 'I… I have to… I have to get that.'

'Shhh, no, no, it'll go away.' Sonic chuckled as he made his way back up to her lips.

'Put me down, you silly hedgehog.' She giggled before he let her down.

He gave her one last peck before she walked off to pull the cupcakes out of the oven. As she did so, she fanned them with her hand before placing them down and beginning to get out the ingredients for the icing. She quickly got to mixing everything in a small bowl, returning to moving her hips slightly to the music and beginning to sing again.

Sonic watched her with a grin, trying not to laugh at how cute he thought she was being. He walked over to her and rapidly pulled her around to face him, startling her, before taking the spoon out of her hand and placing it down on the counter. He then pulled her in close again and began dancing with her, causing them both to laugh.

'Sonic, I have to get these finished tonight. We have to be there early tomorrow to set up for her!' Amy giggled.

'Don't worry,' Sonic began as he scooped up some icing on his finger, 'I'll stay to help.'

'Oh really? And how do you-' Amy cut herself off as he smeared the icing on her nose.

'I didn't say I'd be good help?'

When her mocking shock passed, she scooped up some more icing and smeared it across his cheek, beginning an all-out icing brawl. Suddenly Sonic grabbed a handful of flour from the counter and patted it onto both sides of her face, turning her entire muzzle white. She retaliated by smearing whisked egg down his neck, causing her to laugh at his reaction.

'You'll pay for that!' Sonic exclaimed before picking her up and attacking her neck with his lips, taunting her.

'Oh, Sonic, don't start what we can't finish.' Amy whined through a smile as he pushed her up against the wall, sucking on her shoulder.

'Come on, Ames, we have time to finish.' Sonic chuckled, making Amy gasp a little at his boldness.

'Tails is going to be wondering where you are, you know.' She insisted, biting her bottom lip.

'Oh, please, he'll think I went for a run. Which, technically, I did?'

The pink heroine realised she was suddenly out of excuses, knowing she had stuff she had to do but couldn't find the will to push him away. He set her onto her feet so he had easier access to her lips, still pinning her against the wall, running his fingers through her hair as she tugged on his back quills. They knew they were dirty and messy from their food fight, but they quickly forgot about it.

'Wanna stay over tonight?' She whispered as she smiled up at him.

'Well,' Sonic began as he caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall, 'Tails will probably be passed out in the garage by now. So, I won't have to explain why I've been away so long.'

Amy giggled as she led him to the bathroom, insisting they get cleaned up. They splashed each other with water, making another mess of the bathroom, but she couldn't have cared less. They finished washing up before Sonic headed back to the living room, making himself comfortable on the couch. Amy headed to her room to change her clothes, slipping into a tight singlet and matching panties before heading back out to snuggle into Sonic's chest on the couch.

'So, what are we watching?' Amy asked as she watched Sonic surf the channels.

'Don't need to finish stuff for tomorrow?' Sonic cocked a brow through a smile.

'I'll do it in the morning.'

Sonic smiled at her before he pulled her on top of him, forcing her to begin kissing him. He traced the sides of her petite figure, grasping her hips tighter than he figured was comfortable, but he just couldn't help himself. As she straddled him she pulled on his quills again, making him moan involuntarily into her mouth.

She could feel he wanted to take things further - for what would be their first time, but she had to admit – to herself, anyway – she was scared. She wanted to, she really did, she wanted him, but what if that was all he was after the entire time? No, Sonic isn't that shallow. Still, what if it was really a possibility? Then nothing serious could ever happen! Or what if-

'Ames?' Sonic whispered as he broke of their kiss, and her train of thought.

'Yeah?' She whispered back.

'I…I love you.'

'Wh- Really?'

'You seem surprised?' Sonic cocked a brow through a smirk.

'No! No, just relieved.' Amy cried before attacking him again, much to his delight, 'I love you, too.'

The sun was only just rising when Sonic woke up on Amy's couch, the fuchsia bundle still curled up in his arms. He took in a deep morning breath, inhaling the scent of roses and cherries coming from her quills. He exhaled through a smile before kissing her on the head, causing her to turn a little as she woke up and looked into his eyes.

'Good morning, Ames.' He smiled before kissing her.

'Good morning.' She whispered as their lips parted.

'I better get out of here, if Tails wakes up before I get there he'll be asking questions.' Sonic smiled as he got up.

'Well, it doesn't really matter now, does it? I mean, if they find out now it doesn't really-'

'I'll see you this afternoon, Ames.' Sonic cut her off with a kiss before dashing out the door.

'Matter…' Amy finished in the silence of her living room.

A few hours later, Sonic was drinking a glass of orange juice out on the balcony as Tails walked up from the garage, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. He let out a yawn and stretched his arms as he dragged his feet out to the balcony, leaning on the railing besides his brotherly figure. He ruffled his hair and tried to crack his neck, having slept so badly.

'I need to stop falling asleep down there.' Tails said sleepily.

'You look like you had a rough night?' Sonic smirked as he finished off his drink.

'Well, it wouldn't have been so bad if you came back with dinner.' Tails rolled his eyes through a smirk, 'What happened to you?'

'Sorry, lost track of time out on a run.' Sonic lied.

'You never made it to Amy's?'

It crossed his mind to tell Tails, his best friend, what had been going on between him and Amy and how they had finally made things official last night. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't, maybe it was because he was scared or nervous? Or maybe he just didn't want anyone to know, but why? He came back to reality as he noticed Tails' expression coaxing him to reply.

'No. No, by the time I headed there it was late and she would've been asleep.' Sonic nodded, as if trying to convince himself he was believable.

'Fair enough. Anyway, we need to make sure this place is set for this afternoon, the girls are keeping Cream occupied while us and the guys set up.' Tails informed him as he stood up, cracked his back and headed inside.

'No worries.' Sonic sighed before looking back out at the horizon.

After both Sonic and Tails had showered, eaten and cleaned themselves up for the morning, Cosmo and Sonia had come over with all the food for the party this afternoon. Their arms were filled with baskets full of everything Amy had made the previous night, while the fuchsia hedgehog herself had gone to the young rabbit's house to get her birthday started.

The two girls dropped off the food quickly, strictly instructing that the boys weren't to eat anything! Cosmo left Tails in charge with it all, knowing he was probably the only one that could be trusted out of all the boys. They met up with the other girls soon after to meet Amy at Cream's home, all showering her with the sisterly love she deserved, especially on her birthday.

'So, Vanilla, how do you feel about Cream being a teenager today?' Cosmo smiled as she sipped her tea.

'I think it'll take a long time to get used to!' Vanilla exclaimed as she squeezed her daughter.

'Oh, Mama.' Cream smiled.

'We couldn't agree with you more, Vanilla!' Tikal smiled at the young rabbit.

'I'm still telling myself she is just turning twelve again!' Sonia laughed.

'Every time she has a birthday, can we just re-celebrate her twelfth birthday?' Sally questioned through a cocked brow.

'I've been re-celebrating her tenth birthday for three years?' Blaze shrugged.

'I tried that, but then she got boobs and it made it a lot harder to do so!' Rouge smirked, causing everyone to laugh.

'Before we know it, she'll have a boyfriend!' Amy exclaimed.

'Let's not even think about that!' Vanilla insisted as she cuddled her daughter.

'I'm never going to get to grow up.' Cream sighed through a smile.

'Now you're getting it, sweetie!'

Everyone laughed at the motherly bunny, knowing she must be secretly freaking out about today. Vanilla was one of the most beautiful beings on all of Mobius, even in her older age, and while she was always portraying the happiest of people, it was obvious in her eyes that she was a little scared and a little sad, probably all in between.

Maybe it was because she saw her husband in Cream, sweet and caring, and every time she looked at her she couldn't help but remember him. Having passed away just after Cream was born, she raised their daughter on her own, and did a fine job of it. How she wished he had been around at least long enough for their daughter to remember him…

'Alright, Vanilla, we're taking the birthday girl out for lunch!' Rouge exclaimed as she sent a subtle wink Vanilla's way, to which she returned.

'Let's get to it!' Sally added.

'How is it that we always get stuck behind doing all the work?' Manic questioned.

'Well, the girls do all the work when it's one of our birthdays?' Tails pointed out as he hung up a few streamers.

'Yeah, but they never have to do as much as we do?' Knuckles counter-pointed.

'That's because we're never able to plan anything as extravagant as they do.' Shadow huffed.

'Come on, guys, this is for Cream!' Silver insisted, 'Turning twelve is a big deal!'

'Dude, she's thirteen?' Sonic cocked a brow.

'No she isn't!'

The other guys snickered under their breath at Silver before getting back to work. They'd been at it for at least a few hours and still weren't even close to finished! The girls would be back as the sun was setting, and that was only an hour away at most. They probably would've been finished by now, had Manic not sucked in most of the helium, and Knuckles having not eaten all the choc chip cookies.

'Amy is actually going to kill me, dead.' Sonic mumbled as he looked on at how much still needed to be done.