phoenix wright in undertale

chaptere 3: stuff happens

"hey sanz how long hav we been standin here" say wirght

"about 15 months" say sans

"o shit" say wirght and he lookd around and every1 had died of old age

"wow god job wright you did a genocide run witout even trying" sayed sans

"FUCK" say wirght "so wat now"

"well here u got 2 options" say sanz "u can fight me or you can reset and try againe"

"HAH" say wirght "u little flaccid boner i bet i could whoop ur ass off"

"but i do not have ass" said san and he impald wright it a bone

"o shit" say wirght and he died and reset

WRIGHT woke up at tha begining again

"wtf the fuck" said wright "wow i gota not mess wit that skeleguy" and he walkd to where flowey was

"howdy" said flower "im flowey!"

"yea well im phoenix fuckign wright and u can suck my ass" said wirght and he ran past flowey

"wat" said flowery

wright ran into toeril again who was all like "OMG MY CHIDL U CANNOT LEAV THE UNGERDOUND ULL GET DIED ON"

and wright was lik "fuck you u psycho goat bitch i killd u once and i can do it agen" and he left out of toriels house

wrighte ran back to the forest where he got killd by sans and he went to sans "WHY the fuck did u kill me u peace of shit"

"wat who are you" said sans

"OH RIGHT u dont remember" sayed wirght "ummm forget i say anything ok"

"um ok" say sans

"COOL now lets go meet papayas" say wright and he run to the next screne

"AHA HUMAN U HAVE ARRIVE" said papayas and he took out a cigarete and smoked it "i hav a puzzle for u to solve"

"oh really wat is it" said wright

"what is 2 + 2" say papayas

"o shit" said wirght "HMMMMMMMMMMMMM"

"hahaha i knew i stumpd u" said papayas

"I GOT IT" sayed wright "ITS 3"

"SHIT" said payapas "HOW DID U KNOW"

"i went to fucking kindergarden" said wirght "gimme somethin hard"

"hmm OKAY i have just the thing" say papayas and he go to the next screen

phoenics follow him and papayas hav somethin under a cloth

"BEHOLD HUMAN, it iz the most dificult puzle known to man…" and he pulls the cloth off

"o shit NO NOT DAT" said phoenix


"SHIT" said wirght "ok give it here lets see if i can solve it"


"wel crap" said wirght "i dont think i can do dis" and he tossed tha cube away

"HAHA" say papayas "NOW I CAN CAPTURE U" and he grabbed wirght and threw him into his human cage

"SHIT" said wirght "wtf do i do now"

"now u wait for undine to get here lik a good human" said papayas and he leaved

"wait a secodn" said wright and he saw the bars were far apart so he jus walked between them

"wow gud thing i lost all that weight from the hike" said he and he left the human cage and went more to the right of the screen

"STOP" said papayas

"wat now" said wirght

"IF YOU wont stay in ur cage then you wil have to FIGHT ME UP" said papayas

"FINE" said fight "lets wright"

and papayas used his BLUE POWERS on phoenixs and he made him blue

"HAH UR BLUE NOW" said papayas

"but i was already blue" say wright

"oh right" say papayas "sorry i didnt know since i dont have eyes"

ANYWAY they did a fight and stuff and phoenic was lookin the menu otpions and he saw flirt

"hm" say wirght "might as wel test it to see wat it does"

wright presd the button and sUDDENLY HE GOT INTO A REALY SEDUCTIV POSE AND SAID "hey sexy"

"wat" said papayas

then wirght started doing a sexy dance "AGH HELP I CANT STOP DOIGN THIS"

"wtf dude ur weird i dont wanna catch u anymore" said papayas and he left

"oh" said wirght "well that worked out"