Disclaimer: I do NOT own Young Justice, and claim no ownership or rights to it! No copyright intended, just having some fun with my favorite heroes.

ITALICS ARE THE EPISODE (which I do not claim ownership to)

Non-italics are the team's reaction.

"Um, guys?" Wally asked his teammates at the Cave. Connor was wrestling with Wolf, Artemis and M'gann were engaged in a serious conversation that they vehemently denied was 'girl talk', and Robin was fixing the gaming console under the TV while chatting with Kaldur.

Everyone turned their attention to the speedster, who sounded very confused and wary. "That wasn't there a second ago." he stated, pointing to a plain brown box sitting on the kitchen table. Looking closer at it, he saw, in plain black font, 'Young Justice' printed on the top of it.

Robin was behind him with his wrist computer out, face set in a determined expression. "It's not a bomb, but the readings I'm getting are faint traces of would have to be magic. No other explanation." He gave Wally a nod that meant to open it; what was revealed was a flash drive, which he handed to Robin. The rest of the team was tightly crowded around them by now.

"If 'Young Justice' means what I think it means, this is either footage or files." Robin told them grimly. "Of us." The team exchanged looks of surprise, bewilderment, anger, and shock.

"Should we...contact the League?" M'gann asked, to which Robin immediately replied, "No!" to everyone's surprise. "Sorry, but no - if we were to contact them now and give it to them, we'd never find out what is on it. We either find out now or never."

And with that he tossed it to Artemis, who had moved close to the TV; she plugged it into a port as everyone took seats on the couches. Curiosity was rolling off of everyone in waves.

There was static for a moment until...

Gotham Park came up as the text GOTHAM CITY July 4 12:00 EDT rolled on, then off, the screen.

Robin narrowed his eyes, recognizing the scene in front of him, while Wally's face was set with sudden realization. Kaldur softly exclaimed 'oh!", Connor looked at the screen warily since he knew what that date meant, and M'gann and Artemis were completely intrigued and curious as to what would happen - neither had been on the team at that time...

People were grilling out, enjoying the sunny day when the crowd started screaming and running; Mr . Freeze made his presence known.

The girls gasped as people were frozen - "Did they die?!" M'gann exclaimed, but Robin reassured her that they were able to save everyone that day.

"Enjoying family time? My family has other plans" Mr Freeze declared, as he froze people with his freeze gun. Suddenly a batarang was thrown at Freeze - "Batman, I was wondering when..." he trailed off, as an eerie laugh echoed somewhere behind him.'

Robin's teammates started getting excited, knowing things wouldn't end well for Freeze. Meanwhile, the red-clad hero was wracking his brain, trying to remember any cameras, and how they possibly could have been there.

On screen, Robin was reflected off of Freeze's helmet, jumped on it, flipped off, then landed while launching two birdarangs, effectively taking Freeze off of his feet and cracking his helmet.

Wally grinned at seeing his best friend in action, while the girls were yelling abuse at and cheering for their favorite bird-brain.

"Oh - Boy Wonder. The Bat sent you to drag me off to prison. Frankly I'm underwhelmed."

Everyone laughed at how unfazed, and frankly, unimpressed Robin looked. Apparently, the feeling of being 'underwhelmed' was mutual.

"Great, but I'm kinda in a hurry here." Robin replied, gesturing impatiently.

"Was so not in the mood for a villain monologue," Robin commented, rolling his eyes behind his shades.

"Kids, always in such a rush" Freeze said, but in a singsong voice Robin went, "Not talking to youuu!"

This cracked everyone on the team up as Robin looked sheepish - how typical of the youngest hero on the team. However, laughter turned to 'whoa!' and exclamations of surprise as Batman epically flew into the fight, shattering Freeze's helmet with a single punch.

"Helluva entrance!" Artemis exclaimed, totally impressed.

"Wait," Wally said, "You weren't talking to Freeze, which means that when you said 'kinda in a hurry here', you were basically telling Batman to hurry the frickety frack up?" Robin's teammates looked at him in shock - nobody, on the League or otherwise, tells THE Batman, to 'hurry up'.

Unless, apparently, you are Robin. Everyone just shook their head in disbelief.

The scene switched to Star City, July 4, 09:01 PDT as 'Junior' caused mayhem on a bridge with his ice powers, laughing in the most irritating, cliche way possible.

Wally and Robin began cheering as GA and Speedy started to shoot at Junior. When the young Ice villain made the comment about 'getting a little attention around here', Connor muttered under his breath 'attention whore", causing Robin and Wally to collapse onto each other in fits of laughter.

'Junior's doing this for attention?' Speedy asked, 'I'm telling you now, this little distraction better not interfere.'

Kaldur was enjoying seeing his friend on the screen in action, while Wally and Robin made comments about Roy's attitude, and laughing at it. When Roy leapt into the air to make his knock-out shot, everyone cheered; it was awful impressive, even Artemis clapped a few times.

GA chuckled, telling Speedy, "Kid had a glass jaw" to the sidekicks non-amusement. "Hilarious. Can we go - today is the day." Speedy impatiently told his mentor.

The scene switched again, to a snowy and freezing Pearl Habor, July 4, 06:02 HST. Aquaman was dodging icy blasts, getting caught in one as Aqualad charged towards their ice villainess.

The team started cheering for Kaldur, who smiled appreciatively.

Breaking his icy encasement, Aquaman asked his protege, "Don't tell me youre not excited?", to which Aqualad, who was skillfully dodging icy bursts, replied, "Right now my King, I'm more focused on the matter at hand."

"Almost there, come on Kal you can do it!' Wally shouted, totally absorbed in the action playing out on the screen as Aqualad jumped into the air.

Aqualad caught the icy blast with his water bearers, landed, then brought them up and caught their villain in a knockout swing, effectively taking her down. "Well?" Aquaman asked, to which Aqualad replied, "Yes, I'm excited, today's the day."

While Connor was asking exactly what they meant by 'today's the day', Artemis was extremely impressed with the fight, and took the time to tell Kaldur so as everyone else was high-fiving Kal, or congratulating him.

"Hey, this just leaves one more, and thats me and Flash!" Wally exclaimed, and sure enough, the scene on screen switched.

Central City, July 4, 11:03 CDT. Captain Cold was firing ice at the two Central City speedsters, who were running in a blurred circle around him.

"Ah, what exactly are you guys doing, besides making him dizzy? Artemis asked. Wally simply shot her a look and shushed her, motioning for her to watch.

"Stealing ice, seriously? Isn't that even a bit cliche, even for Captain Cold?" Flash asked. A disgruntled looking Kid Flash then went, "Come ooon, we don't have time for this!', then took action himself; putting his goggles on and going for the gusto, He headed towards the ice villain. Dodging ice shot at him, Kid did a 360 degree turn and grabbed the ice pistol halfway through; coming to a screeching stop. Cold's attention was focused on the yellow speedster when a punch, courtesy of The Flash, knocked him out cold. Pun intended.

"Dude that was wicked!" Robin told him, and even Artemis had to be impressed with how Wally handled the situation.

"Calm down Kid." Flash told his protege, but Kid Flash retorted with, "Oh, puh-lease, you'll chat it up with the cops, bystanders, with Cold even. No - no way! Today's the day!"

"See, you're a Speedster, and even you think Flash talks too much - think about how we feel, between the two of you!" Artemis teased as her boyfriend shot her another annoyed look.

Washington D.C July 4, 14:00 EDT came onto the screen, showing the famous landmarks and buildings of the nation's capital, and then...

"The Hall of Justice." Wally and Robin said in unimpressed, slightly scoffing tones. Kaldur sighed, finding that the lack of trust their mentors had in them back then still stung a bit.

Robin, Speedy, and Aqualad were all lined up with their mentors next to them, looking at the Hall of Justice. Batman put a hand on Robin's shoulder and told him, 'Today is the day', with an actual smile on his face, as Robin looked up to him with a proud, smug smile as well.

The room erupted with shocked yells and exclamations at Batman smiling, and Wally went on and on about how it "just isn't normal!", and then everyone was giving Robin strange looks as it dawned on them that he was the only one who could actually make the Dark Knight smile. They suddenly wondered what other superpowers Robin had.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice," Green Arrow told the young heroes, "Headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman finished.

"Lies!" Robin and Wally bellowed, pouting a bit afterwards.

"Aw man!" Kid Flash's complained as he and his mentor arrived in a ...Flash. "I knew we'd be the last ones here."

The team rolled their eyes at this while Wally just groaned.

The screen went to black, then showed the Leaguers and their proteges going down the walkway towards the Hall, flocked on each side by tourists.

"Is that Batman?"

"I see Flash, and Flash Jr.!"

"His name's Speedy - duh."

"No, Speedy's Green Arrow's sidekick!"

"Well that makes no sense."

The commentary provided by the crowd of tourists had the team in fits of laughter, although Wally was looking very indignant now, and was back to pouting.

"Ready to see the inner sanctum?" GA asked Speedy, who quipped, "Born that way."

"I'm glad we're all here." Aqualad stated.

"Have all 4 sidekicks ever been at the same place at the same time?" Wally asked, excited at the occasion.

"Don't call us sidekicks." Speedy irritably reprimanded Kid Flash, "Not after today."

"Sorry, first time at the Hall, I'm a little overwhelmed." Kid told him.

"I see where this is going!" Artemis yelled, noticing the 'whelmed' theme.

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed, why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" Robin asked, then Kid Flash gave him a look.

"Called it! Totally called it," the blonde archer congratulated herself.

Suddenly they walked into the Main Hall, where enormous bronze colored statues of the League were displayed. "Oh. Maybe that's why." the youngest hero stated.

"That's not seen as a tiny bit conceited?" Connor asked, "I mean, those are enormous statues."

Two air lock doors opened up to reveal Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter, who welcomed the young heroes. Martian Manhunter gave his 'welcome' speech, then led the way inside for the heroes; Kid Flash and Robin fist- bumped as they entered, obviously feeling the aster.

"It was the heeeeat of the broment," Artemis sang, enjoying agitating Robin, who shot her a dirty look.

"Hey, look how short you are compared to everyone standing there, oh my gosh!" she suddenly noticed, and pointed it out.

"You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked galley, and of course our library. Make yourselves at home." Manhunter told them, which they did by throwing themselves into the library's lounge chairs.

"HOW did someone get undetectable cameras into the Hall of Justice too?!" Robin yelled, vexed by the whole situation, and Artemis' slur against his height. Wally was simply muttering about the chairs not even being comfortable.

"Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of 4 ice villains attacking on the same day. We shouldn't be long." Batman told them, then turned away as he was recognized for the zeta beam.

"Aaaand here's when shit hit the fan." Robin casually commented. Although he was glad it did, seeing as how it led to one thing and another.

'Recognized: Batman, 0-2; Aquaman, 0-6; Flash, 0-4; Green Arrow, 0-8; Martian Manhunter, 0-7; Red Tornado, 1-6" the computer's voice announced, but Speedy drew everyone's attention to himself as he angrily said, "That's it? You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified Backstage pass."

"I'm sensing a bitch-fit coming on here." Artemis said in a singsong voice. Wally grudgingly had to agree with her, but not before telling her, "Look at it from a different point of view on this deal...it was legit."

"It's a first step. You've been granted access few others get." Aquaman tried to appease him.

"Oh, really? Who cares which side of the glass we're on?" Speedy exclaimed, gesturing towards the tourists goggling at them and taking pictures through the huge window above.

"There's a video on youtube of Speedy quitting, someone was up there videoing you guys." Connor informed them.

"Ooh, and there's a video of you getting mobbed by tourists!" M'gann added.

"Is that all you guys do in your spare time?" Wally asked, "Look up youtube videos of us?"

"When they're not 'fixing the bikes'" Robin muttered under his breath. Only Connor was able to hear the remark, which he pointedly ignored.

"Roy, you just need to be patient." GA told him, but the younger archer retorted, "What I need, is respect."

"R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Find out what it means to me! Oh a little respect (just a little bit) whoa babe (just a little bit!)" Robin and Wally belted out, laughing when everyone threw pillows at them for the interruption. Which was okay, since they referred to the pillows as 'prisoners of war' and refused to give them back.

Turning towards the younger heroes, he said, "They're treating us like kids. Worse-like sidekicks! We deserve better than this." The response he got was clueless looks exchanged between the three younger heroes.

"That whole charade was just insulting." Wally grumbled. Robin was silently fuming again, at the fact that Batman had kept the Watchtower a secret from him.

"You're kidding, right? You're playing their game? Why? Today was supposed to be the day, step one in becoming full-fledged members of The League." Speedy angrily exclaimed.

"They were totally taking us for a ride." Wally complained, still feeling insulted. Kaldur and Robin nodded, feeling similar sentiments.

"Well, sure, but I thought step one was a tour of the HQ." Kid Flash interjected.

"Except the hall isn't The League's real HQ." Speedy dropped the bomb, resulting in completely shocked faces all around. "I bet they never told you it's just a false front for tourists and a pit stop for catching zeta beam teleporter tubes to the real thing, an orbiting satellite, called the watchtower."

"Ya, that's one little detail they forgot to mention." Artemis scoffed.

GA turned to look at Batman as the Dark Knight crossed his arms and glared at the green archer. He was Not. Happy.

Abashed, GA went "I know, I know, but I thought maybe we could make an exception?"

Batglare intensifies.

"Or not."

This exchange between the two heroes had the team in hysterics, so bad that they had to pause it until they regained control of their laughter.

"You're not helping your cause here, son." Aqualad tried to placate, "Stand down or- "

" - Or what? You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son! I'm not even his. " Speedy exclaimed in his rising temper. Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad all had wide eyes and were watching the blowout, completely shocked at the turn of events.

"I thought I was his partner, but not anymore." Speedy continued, throwing his hat on the ground. Turning, he addressed the others; " Guess they're right about you three. You're not ready."

"Well thanks Roy, that didn't sting at all." Wally sarcastically muttered.

Before there was even time for anyone to react, or say something, an alarm went off and Superman appeared on a large screen. "Superman to Justice League. There's been an explosion at project Cadmus. It's on fire," Superman reported.

Looking at Wally, Robin, and Aqualad suspiciously, Artemis asked, "Wasn't there something on the news around that time about a Washington D.C. laboratory building totally collapsing, decimated?"

"I've had my suspicions about Cadmus." Batman stated, "This may present the perfect opportunity to in-" but he was cut off as another alert went off, and a very urgent Zatara reported, "Zatara to Justice League. The sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Attan to blot out the sun. Requesting full League response."

"Superman?" Batman asked, to which the Kryptonian replied, "It's a small fire. Local authorities have it under control."

"Then Cadmus can wait. All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates, Batman out."

"Stay put." the Dark Knight ordered the three protege's. Robin instantly challenged him with a, "What? Why?"

"This is a League mission" Aquaman justified, and Flash continued with, "You're not trained -" but Kid Flash interrupted with an indignant, "Since when?", and Flash picked up with, " I meant you're not trained to work as part of this team."

"Okay, did nobody else notice how high their voices went in indignation right there?" Artemis smugly asked the team; Robin discreetly flipped her off.

It was all in good fun though.

"There will be other missions when you're ready." Aquaman told them.

With a tone of finality, Batman ordered, "But for now, Stay. Put."

"Okay just to clear things up, that may have been an order but sounded like a death threat to me." Wally told the team. Connor snorted in amusement while the girls laughed, and Robin rolled his eyes, telling Wally to quit being such a drama queen.

"Glad you didn't bring you know who?" GA asked Martian Manhunter, who replied with a solemn,"Indeed."

"Well that's not nice to call M'gann Voldemort!" Robin exclaimed, while Wally insisted that Artemis have a serious talk about her mentor about manners.

She shot a rubber band at him, which shut him up.

The mentors and fellow League members left, leaving the Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad standing there in disbelief and anger.

"When we're ready?" the speedster exclaimed, " How are we ever supposed to be ready when they treat us like- like sidekicks?"

"You really do have a point." M'gann agreed.

"What I'm wondering is how they thought you'd actually sit around and be 'good wittle sidekicks', waiting for them to get back while twiddling your thumbs." Artemis asked, bewildered at how naive the League had been.

Looking and sounding very betrayed, Aqualad said, "My mentor, my king, I thought he trusted me."

"Trust?" KF asked, scoffing, " They don't even trust us with the basics! They've got a secret HQ - in SPACE!"

"What else aren't they telling us?" Aqualad stated more than asked. "I have a better question," Robin followed up, "Why didn't we leave with Speedy?"

"We risk our lives to complete the same mission as them; saving people, and sometimes the world. Their lies and lack of trust were disappointing, to say the least." Aqualad commented.

"What is ...project Cadmus?" Aqualad asked, curious.

"Don't know, but I can find out." Robin smirked, going over to the computer and typing something in. "Access denied." the computer announced.

The entire team laughed and regarded the computer with pity.

"Heh. Wanna bet? Robin rhetorically asked in a tone that clearly said 'I know I won't be beat', as he started to hack.

With an awestruck look on his face, Kid Flash went, "Whoa! How are you doing that?"

"Same system as the batcave." Robin smugly told them, all too pleased with himself.

Connor shot Robin a grateful look - if he hadn't hacked the JL systems that day, he probably never would have been rescued.

"Access granted." the computer announced.

" All right. Project Cadmus. Genetics lab here in D.C. That's all there is...but if Batman's suspicious, maybe we should investigate." Robin told the others, sounding ready to go for it, and wheedling for some partners in crime - er, crime fighting, that is.

"Is this...the founding of the team?" Artemis asked, a bit unsure.

"You're just now picking up on that?" Wally said, answering her question with another one.

"Wow, this ought to be really interesting," M'gann joined in.

"Let's just say we have a lot to thank Robin, Wally, and Kaldur for." Connor said, shooting his friends a smile.

"A great day in history." Robin bragged.

"Solve their case before they do. It would be poetic justice." Aqualad suggested.

"Hey, heh, They're all about justice." Robin agreed.

"But they said stay put." Aqualad said, conflicted.

"For the blotting out the sun mission, not this!" Robin continued to convince them.

"Dude, you are sooo manipulative." Wally told his best friend.

"How did you manage to convince yourself that you weren't breaking the rules?! Artemis asked, dubious, "I mean, it was a direct order!"

"Wait." Kid Flash piped up, "Are you going to Cadmus? Because if you're going, I'm going."

The two flashed Aqualad over-the-top 'winning' smiles, trying to convince Aqualad to join them.

This once again made the entire team laugh - who could say no to those smiles?

"Just like that, we're a team on a mission?" Aqualad asked, sounding skeptical and wary.

Still smug, Robin told him, "We didn't come for a play date," a remark that Aqualad most definitely approved of, judging from the smirk on his face.

"Nah, see the playdate was the previous Thursday." Artemis teased

The scene switched to firefighters trying to put out a fire, while two scientists were trapped on the top floor. An explosion knocked both men out of the building; they were falling to their deaths until Kid Flash appeared, ran straight up the building, grabbed the men, and put them on the roof of the building which was...well, for the moment, stable.

Connor looked shocked, speaking up. "You managed to run with at least 400 pounds directly up the side of a building?"

This was pretty impressive, but Wally still got teased for what happened next.

The momentum wore off, leaving Kid Flash to grab onto the ledge of the building and hang there as he tried to pull himself up. The firefighters below recognized him and shouted, Ohh, ohh! - It's what's his name-Flash boy!"

"Why don't you just change your name to The Streak, its no different than Flash Boy!" Robin cackled, holding his sides as he laughed.

Irritated, the speedster shouted down, "Kid Flash!" then mumbled to himself, "Why is that so hard?"

Aqualad and Robin arrived at the scene, prompting Robin to say, "So smooth." as he saw the situation his friend was in.

"You enjoyed that way too much." Wally complained to his best friend.

"Does he always have to run ahead? We need a plan. We-Robin? " Aqualad replied, only to find himself talking to empty air, looking around for the caped hero as he heard an eerie cackle echo through the air.

Artemis, Connor, and M'gann all shot Kaldur purely sympathetic glances. Having to put up with those two? It was gonna be rough on the Atlantean.

However, he went into hero mode as he told the firemen, "I need to borrow that," and used his water bearers to create a platform for the scientists on the roof to get onto. " Step aboard, now," he ordered.

"'Under control' Artemis scoffed. "Those labcoats were screwed until you guys showed up to save them."

After the scientists were safely on the ground, he joined Kid Flash and Robin, who were sifting through digital and paper files, on the second floor.

"You guys couldn't even give him a hand?" Artemis asked them, shaking her head. Wally and Robin immediately began spouting off excuses, while Kaldur smirked.

"Appreciate the help." Aqualad said, a tiny bit exasperated.

"You handled it." Robin deflected the sarcasm,"Besides, we're here to investigate. Poetic justice, remember?"

"You know, I think this team was lousy from the get-go about 'stealth' and 'recon' missions. Although M'gann and I can say we were just following the example of the founders" Artemis offhandedly remarked.

"What?" M'gann asked

"Oh you know, how in the beginning missions always ended with fire, explosions, guns, and all that jazz? I have a feeling this mission is the one that set the norm; it won't be long, and this will go to hell in a handbasket." the archer explained, sure of herself.

Robin shot Wally a look. Well, she wasn't wrong.

As Aqualad walked into the hallway, he saw a mysterious silhouette as the elevators closed. "There was something in the- "

"What was that?" M'gann squeaked.

"Double X." Connor stated, not bothering to elaborate.

"Elevators should be locked down.' Kid Flash observed.

"This is wrong." Robin stated, opening his computer. "Thought so. This is a high-speed express elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building."

"Noowww we're getting down to business." Wally said, leaning forward on the couch, getting more absorbed with what was going on. He glared at Robin, and threatened, "You say anything about defeating the Huns, I'll rat you out to Aunt Iris about the Dove chocolates."

A threat which shut Robin up.

"Neither does what I saw." Aqualad grimly told them. Walking forward, he pulled elevator doors open, revealing a huge, elevator shaft.

"Whoa." Artemis breathed out.

"Don't fall..."M'gann nervously warned Kaldur.

"And that's why they need an express elevator." Robin deadpanned. Launching his grappling hook at the ceiling, he anchored and then rode it all the way down, Aqualad and Kid Flash following until...

"I'm at the end of my rope." and with that he jumped onto the nearest ledge, sitting down on it while hacking security.

The team couldn't help but be impressed with how confident and sure Robin was of himself. They noticed how him and Aqualad took turns being leader, and how all three respected, and really trusted, each other.

"Bypassing security...there! Go!" he told his two teammates, so Aqualad opened the elevator doors again. As the three of them looked down the large, dark, sinister looking hallway, Robin said, " Welcome to project Cadmus."

Wally started humming 'Welcome to the Jungle' by Guns n' Roses, but was cut short with a 'Hmph-ow!" as Robin elbowed him in the ribs.

"Kid, wait!"Aqualad quietly exclaimed as the speedster took off ahead.

"Ah!" Kid Flash cried out as he slipped and skid all the way into the walkway of a herd of gigantic creatures. Looking up in shock as a massive foot was about to come down on him, Kid Flash was able to roll out of the way just in time.

"Dude, that was WAY too close for comfort!" Robin scolded his friend.

But Artemis and M'gann were looking at the genomorphs with looks of utter disbelief on their faces, eyes wide and jaws dropped, completely speechless.

Kid joined Robin and Aqualad again, all gazing up in utter disbelief as the creatures roared and shook the floor with every step they took.

"No...nothing going on here..." Aqualadsaid, his turn to deadpan.

"Nope, nothing at all - might as well go home so we can be grounded for life." Robin joked.

The scene changed to a laboratory, where a scientist, who was revealed by Guardian entering the room to be Doctor Desmond , was experimenting with glowing vials, labeled 'Blockbuster'.

This elicited groans from Kaldur, Connor, Robin and Wally.

"Tell me, guardian, what part of no interruptions did you not understand?" Desmond irritably asked.

They discussed a potential security breach that Desmond brushed off as a mistake, and the scientist told Guardian, "Whatever might occur in our faux lab above ground, The real Cadmus is the most secure facility in D.C."

"Then how are there even cameras in Cadmus!" Robin shouted, desperate to know how this was all recorded.

"My job to keep it that way." Guardian stated.

'Fine. Take a squad." Desmond relented, annoyed.

"Might I recommend guardian leave his g-gnome behind?" Double X suggested. " If violence should occur -"

"The little guy would be in my way." Guardian continued.

"They are a little bit cute..." M'gann trailed off as everyone looked at her like she was crazy.

"No." Desmond protested, "The advantage of instant telepathic communication outweighs other concerns," then he prompted one of the g-gnomes to use it's mind control to obey Desmond's orders.

" I need my g-gnome with me at all times." Guardian droned mindlessly before leaving the lab.

Everyone shuddered at the mind control - not being in control of your own mind and body was a terrible thought.

"That Desmond guy is a full-blown creep, not to mention nutjob." Wally commented.

The scene switched to the three young heroes entering a door, and Robin stating, "O-kay, I'm officially whelmed."

"What is it with you and this whelmed thing?" Artemis asked in fond exasperation.

'Don't judge me." Robin told her,

"Totally judging you." Wally informed his best friend.

Looking around, Kid Flash said, "This is how they hid this massive underground facility from the world. The real Cadmus isn't on the grid! It generates its own power with these... things. Must be what they're bred for!"

The sight of the energy-creating creatures was bizarre, amazing, and crazy enough to leave everyone speechless. Well, for a moment, at least.

"You guys haven't been caught yet?" M'gann asked in disbelief. Robin opened his mouth to answer but Artemis yelled, "No! don't tell us, this is too good to ruin with spoilers."

The 'things' were creating energy as they hummed and crackled with electricity.

"Of course, even the name is a clue," Aqualad added his own input, "the Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragons' teeth into the earth."

"It pays to know your myths and lore." Robin pointed out.

"Ya Kal, you shoulda been a Hunter!" Wally teased, much to the Atlanean's confusion.

"And this Cadmus creates new life, too. Let's find out why," Robin said as he walked over to a computer, plugging his own wrist computer into it. "They call them...genomorphs. Whoa! Look at the stats on these things-" he exclaimed while scrolling through them, "Superstrength, telepathy, razor claws - these are living weapons!"

Artemis and M'gann gasped in disbelief - this was all a new revelation to them. For some reason the guys never talked about their first mission together.

"They're engineering an army, but for who?" Kid asked, but Robin replied with an urgent "Wait - there's something else: Project Kr. Ugh! The file's triple-encrypted, I can't-"

"Supey!" Wally exclaimed happily as M'gann gave Connor a hug, and Robin requested a high-five.

"Don't move!" Guardian yelled, bursting into the room.

"Buuusteeeed." Artemis rubbed in. Connor grimaced in sympathy, suspecting a fight to happen in a few moments.

The three heroes looked up in surprise,"Wait, Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash?" Guardian asked.

"At least he got your name right." Robin quipped, but threw Guardian a caution glance afterwards as he kept focusing on the computer.

Everyone laughed at Robin's snide remark towards Wally's name. However, Artemis noticed how non-chalant the Robin on the screen was playing things off, but saw how serious the 13 year old really was. She knew he was preparing to fight.

"I know you. Guardian, a hero." Aqualad stated, sounding confused as to what Guardian was doing there.

"I do my best." Guardian replied.

"Then what are you doing here?" Kid Flash exclaimed,

" I'm chief of security. You're trespassing, but we can call the Justice League, figure this out."

"I love how he says that, he could be saying 'we can call your mom and have her come pick you up' and would use the exact same tone!" Artemis exclaimed, laughing at the boys.

"You think The League's gonna approve of you breeding weapons?" an outraged Kid Flash asked.

"Weapons?" Guardian asked, sounding confused. "What are you-what have I-ugh. My head." But before anyone could do or say anything else, a g-gnome had mind controlled him back into the pawn he was being used as. "Take 'em down hard! No mercy!" he yelled.

The genomorphs advanced, but Robin was faster, threw a smoke bomb before they reached the team of three, and shot his grappling line at the ceiling, leaving the others.

"Thanks for that." Wally grumbled, miffed at being deserted.

"You handled it!" Robin defended himself.

The screen was taken up with the fight as Kid Flash and Aqualad tackled the genomorphs and Guardian. They were able to catch a break long enough to run towards the elevator, where Robin had been busy hacking the whole time.

"Way to be a team player, Rob!" Kid reprimanded him, for Robin to only reply, "Weren't you right behind me?"

Wally smacked him for that one. "You frigging ninja, you knew we weren't there! Brat."

"Not a brat!" Robin retorted,

"Yer a snot-nosed brat." Wally insulted, but laughed as he was attacked by a pillow wielding ninja.

With genomorphs hot on his tail, Aqualad barely made it into the elevator before the doors shut. As the elevator started descending, Aqualad exclaimed, "We're headed down?!"

"What?!" Artemis exclaimed, while Wally went, "Exactly!"

Connor smiled at the 13 year old, extremely grateful that he had in fact gone down.

"Dude, out is up" Kid Flash agreed.

"Chickening out now, Wally?" Robin taunted him.

"No, I was simply getting in touch with my self-survival instincts."

Robin 'hmphed' and muttered, "baby."

"Excuse me? Project Kr, it's down on sub-level 52." Robin told them matter-o-factly.

"This is out of control." Aqualad said, then suggested,"Perhaps-perhaps we should contact The League?"

"You guys are in so deep." Artemis observed. "Listen to the only voice of reason!"

The elevator dinged and reached SL 52 before Robin or Kid could give a proper answer, so the speedster simply said, "We are already here." before taking off to investigate...again.

"Batman would kill me is he ever saw this..." Robin muttered to himself. M'gann giggled at the moody bird.

The tunnel split into two ways...

"Which way?"

"Yeah," Robin agreed, contemplating, "Bizarre-looking hallway one Or bizarre-looking hallway two?"

But their way was chosen for them when Double X called for them to "Halt!" and telekinetically hurled barrels at them, which exploded, forcing the heroes to retreat down the hallway to the left.

"Oh, that was part of his plan all along!" Connor realized. The other guys had just realized it too, leaving only the girls in confusion since they refused to explain what was happening.

Things were getting very tense and suspenseful; everyone was leaning forward in their seats, whether knew knew what what happened or not. M'gann had a tight grip on Connor's wrist, Robin was absentmindedly playing with a batarang while his attention was focused elsewhere (the screen), Kaldur had twined his fingers together, and Wally had a pillow clutched tightly to his chest.

"They are headed for project Kr!" Double X urgently told the newly arrivals from the elevator; Guardian and the genomorphs.

Connor's teammates cheered, for this was when he would be freed.

As they approached the vault door containing Project Kr, a dark female scientist was exiting the door, which was closing. Skidding to a halt, Kid Flash fell and slid, knocking her off her feet.

"You really need to work on your stops dude." Robin observed. "I mean, there was that, and almost being crushed by the herd of mega sized genomorphs, plus when you crashed into the huge door on sub level 1.

Artemis snorted in amusement at her boyfriend who sulked.

The vault door was closing and would be shut by the time Aqualad and Robin arrived, so Kid Flash took a heavy tank and used it to keep the door open until their arrival.

"Hurry!" he yelled at them, then they all jumped into the room containing Project Kr. Aqualad kicked the tank out of the gap in the door, and it shut with a loud clang.

'Oh good, you're safe." M'gann breathed out.

"You're trapped." Artemis observed.

Connor was looking very guilty at this point, knowing what was about to happen.

Pulling up his wrist computer again, Robin let them all know, "I disabled the door. We're safe."

"We're trapped." Aqualad contradicted.

"Uh, guys? You'll want to see this" Kid Flash said, in disbelief. Pushing a button, he revealed something that blew the minds of all three young heroes...

Artemis and M'gann gasped at the revelation, while Connor's face contorted into an angry grimace.

"Whoa!" Robin breathed out.

"Big "k," little "r," the atomic symbol for krypton." Wally informed them. "Clone?"

"Robin, hack." Aqualad ordered the red-clad hero, who seemed a bit shell-shocked.

"Oh. Right, right." Robin replied, then got to work hacking.

"That really threw you off, didn't it?" Wally observed, laughing at his youngest teammate, who gave him a scornful look. "Who didn't it throw off?" Robin retorted.

"Weapon designation Superboy, a clone force-grown in...16 weeks!? From DNA acquired from Superman."

"Stolen from Superman." Aqualad stated, without a doubt.

"No way the big guy knows about this." Kid Flash agreed.

"That's an understatement." Connor muttered.

"Solar suit allows him to absorb yellow sun Radiation 24/7." Robin continued.

"And these... creatures?" Aqualad inquired,

"Genomorph gnomes, telepathic, force-feeding him an education."

"And we can guess what else." Kid added. "They're making a slave out of, well, Superman's son."

Everyone looked outraged at this; their teammate was much more than a tool, or a weapon. He was their friend.

"Now we contact The League." the Atlantean told the others. They all tried their method of communication, but...

"No signal." Robin announced.

"We're in too deep - literally." Kid elaborated.

"No shit Sherlock." Artemis remarked, trying to lighten up the atmosphere. Things were getting...wound up. She knew a fight was coming, from how guilty Connor looked, and how Kal, Rob, and Wally seemed to grimace at what was going to happen.

The scene switched to the female scientist trying to wire the door open, while Guardian and the genomorphs waited. Desmond came running up, demanding answers.

"They're still in there! With the weapon?!

"We can't get the door open." he was told.

"Use your telekinesis!" Desmond ordered Double X, who replied with, "I have tried, to no avail."

"Useless! This is a debacle - get some g-trolls down here to muscle the door open, now!" he barked again, to Guardian who simply told him, "Already on their way."

"You realize, once we get in there we can't ever let them leave." Doctor Desmond told the head of security.

"Ya, like that's really gonna happen." Robin scoffed.

"Doc," Guardian tried to reason, "these aren't your typical 'meddling kids'. You don't want to get on the wrong side of the Justice League."

Artemis suddenly collapsed in fits of laughter, trying to get coherent words out; "Guys, guys - 'meddling kids', its - scooby doo, you're - mystery gang reference, oh gosh." Robin was cringing; he was not flattered by the comparison.

"Better then getting on the wrong since of the Cadmus Board of directors, believe me." Desmond retorted. "Contact the g-gnomes inside Kr."

Connor, Aqualad, Robin, and Wally all groaned or moaned in different variances, while M'gann breathed out, "Oh no..." and Artemis simply muttered, "Crap."

Things went back to the three heroes, who were contemplating what to do. "This is wrong." Kid Flash stated.

"We can't leave him like this." Robin agreed,

"Set him free." Aqualad instructed, "Do it."

"Thanks guys." Connor softly told his friends. "And, you know, uh...sorry."

With a few key strokes, Robin opened the enclosure around Superboy.

The clone's hand flexed, and the three warily watched.

The team was holding their breath; nobody made a sound.

His eyes suddenly opened next, only for him to launch himself at Aqualad a moment later, in full attack.

M'gann jumped in surprise, while Artemis exclaimed, "Shit!", almost falling off the couch from being startled. Kaldur and Connor cringed.

"Whoa! Hang on, Supey!" Wally exclaimed,

"We're on your side!" Robin grunted; the clone had been punching the Atlantean, and Robin and Kid Flash tried to stop him; Kid Flash was sent airborne with a vicious undercut, crashing into a large glass tube, then hitting the ground, unconscious.

"Aww"s and "Ohhs," were spoken in sympathy by everyone as they saw Kid Flash land on the floor, knocked out.

" I don't want to do this!" Robin threatened/apologized before triggering a cloud of smoke/gas, allowing Aqualad to get a kick at the clone's chest, sending him flying backwards.

Nobody was cheering, and simply cringed at every point of physical contact in the fight.

Getting his taser out, Robin tried to shock Superboy, only to be jerked forward and slammed to the ground, taking a Superstep to the chest. Struggling to breath, and with the pain, he tried to escape but couldn't. Seeing Robin in trouble, Aqualad morphed his water bearers into a large sledgehammer, yelling " Enough!" as he knocked Superboy off of Robin. Aqualad checked on his friend, who quickly lost consciousness.

Everybody winced on Robin's behalf; the 13 year old was absentmindedly rubbing his chest - supersteps to the chest hurt.

"We are trying to help you!" Aqualad tried to reason, but the Superboy only attacked again; Aqualad held his own for a bit, but was eventually knocked unconscious like his friends.

Everyone cringed in sympathy for Kal this time; it all looked pretty painful.

The kryptonian clone then ripped the door off, allowing entrance to Desmond and company. Surveying the helpless, unconscious, and injured sidekicks, Desmond smirked, smugly praising Superboy with,


And the screen went black. There was immediately an uproar, everyone talking at once.

"Wait, what happened? Where's the next part?"

"Were you guys okay?"

"HOW did the cameras get down there?"

"Guys, I'm really sorry."

"Play the next one! What happens?"

"Damn cliffhanger!"

"Why the heck haven't we gotten a pizza?"


Holy. Hell.

This took 2 days to complete.

Okay, so I started this series, and I WILL finish it - But It's gonna have to be one chapter(episode) a month. This is huge.

Please let me know if you liked it and want to see more, because I'm gonna need some encouragement - guys, please understand how big of a project this is, and how much work it takes!

This is the huge project I was talking about in my Authors Note in one of my other stories.

Sorry about any mistakes/errors, but cut me some slack here

Oh, and as a sidenote - I'm an idiot. We've had netflix for 2 months and I never bothered to look up Young Justice on it! Season 1 is on it, which is all that really matters :)

Shoutout to forever-a-fanchic - your username describes my sentiment exactly ;)

I'm just too tired to booyah, do it for me, would ya guys?

There will be more chapters, but patience...

Thx and love from Redhead98