A/N: I had surgery and it's been a long recovery. Forgive me?


"Dawn?" Oliver asked after the team caught them all up. "Didn't she show up early in the morning?"

"Yeah, it was pretty early." Barry nodded. "Maybe. But honestly it could be anything, she might have been trying to say something else."

"I think we shouldn't worry about the dawn part." Felicity said, her surface already synced up with Cisco's lab equipment. "Barry's right, it really isn't that much use to us right now. Though can I also go in on this bet? I like Cisco's idea of an alternative dimension."

Oliver and Barry shared a look but neither commented.

"What about the time travel thing?" Caitlyn protested.

"The time travel thing has been done though, it wouldn't be that again." Felicity pointed out.

"Fine, I hope you can put your money where your mouth is." Caitlyn murmured as she went back to re-checking the girl's vital signs again.

"Let's focus on something that we can analyze." Felicity tried to redirect the conversation again. "Cisco, how is the analysis going on the energy signal from the alleyways that Barry collected from the robberies?"

"The first two were identical, but the last one was slightly different." Cisco said. "And a few other similar but smaller signatures across the city."

"Let me take a look!" Felicity rushed over to his desk. "Is there any way to get a time stamps on these? Maybe we can track him."

"I'm way ahead of you and I thought of that but it doesn't seem to be working." Cisco frowned. "There are a few other algorithms I want to try though."

"Guys, I have some news from Lyla." Diggle walked back into the room after taking the call from his wife. "She and Thea had an encounter with a guy in a green suit who broke into Star Labs. Only one man, but he seemed to have been expecting Thea and was able to navigate out easily and disappeared."

"How much do you bet that's our guy?" Barry asked sarcastically, only to see Oliver give him a pained looked. "Or no more bets."

Diggle's phone rang again as did Felicity's. They both answered and Felicity shot out of her chair.

"No, I am not selling." Felicity shouted. "I don't care how much money this guy is offering."

"Yeah, she's getting the news now I think." Diggle mumbled, looking at the outraged Felicity.

"Ray's only been … gone for a little over a month." Felicity's voice faltered slightly. "I still haven't finished going through all the legal documents yet, it can't even be legal for someone to buy out Star Labs just yet."

"Buy out Star Labs?" Oliver asked Diggle in shock.

"Some anonymous group filed to buy Star Labs and all patents it holds." Diggle related what Thea was quickly telling him on the phone as he hung up.

"Ok, everyone just stop." Barry said, frowning deeply. "This is starting to get weird even for us. All of this happening is connected, it's too crazy not to."

"Barry's right." Caitlyn sat down and shook her head at this entire situation. "I'm just waiting for a guy in a cape or something to just start flying around the sky in their pajamas or shape shifting aliens from mars to come start trying to learn human ways."

"At least we don't have to worry about any more billionaires with parent issues." Felicity ventured a joke but saw Oliver glaring at her from her peripheral.

"The statistical probability of any of that happening is so small I don't think we need to worry." Barry tried to defuse the tension. "What we need to do now is figure out what we can do. Felicity, Caitlyn, and Cisco can keep trying to figure out what all these energy signals mean as well as hopefully seeing if this girl wakes up. Diggle and I can go to Starling City to help Thea and Lyla stop the green guys who I bet anything are behind the sudden buy out of Star Labs."

"Wait a second." Felicity rushed back to her computer. "Cisco, didn't you say the closest energy signal was from Ray's suit?"

"Yeah…" Cisco pulled up his own files.

"Wait, so you think this all goes back to Ray?" Diggle asked.

"That's what it's looking like." Oliver leaned over Felicity and tried to understand her screen.

"So apparently there is a club of people who have a thing for Ray and/or his research who share a love of the color green?" Caitlyn summarized.

"I don't think it's that simple." Diggle hesitated when no one else spoke up.

"Let's just go with what Barry suggested." Oliver voiced calmly. "Felicity, Caitlyn, and Cisco are obviously making progress here so Diggle, Barry and I should go be back up in Starling and try and stop these guys there."

"Wait, you want to go with them?" Felicity jumped in her chair and nearly hit Oliver in the face. "Are you sure."

"Yeah, Oliver are sure?" Diggle asked.

"Yes." Oliver squared his jaw. "This is big. When things get big we are each other's backups. Until aliens start flying around with capes that is." He added with a small smile.

"Wow, civilian life has loosened you up." Caitlyn commented, slightly frightened at seeing Oliver joke for the first time.

"I'm so proud of him." Felicity gave him a quick kiss and dropped her voice low so it was just the two of them having a conversation. "You are sure, right? You feel up to all this?"

"Yeah." Oliver whispered back as he pressed his forehead to hers. "Are you ok with me going?"

"As long as you don't do any of that sacrificing yourself for others thing." Felicity chuckled, though it wasn't really a joke. "Stay safe and get your cute butt home safe."

"Promise." Oliver kissed her again. "Love you."

"I know." Felicity smirked and turned back to the others. "All right, let's get back to work. I think Barry should literally run ahead with the scanner and see if he can pick up any more energy signals that come close to ours in Starling City, especially by Star Labs."

"Great thinking." Barry said. "Except I'm technically on a case for the precinct so let me go let Joe know that I'll be 'working in my office' on this one."

"Alright team, let's go then." Diggle said as they all went back to work. He took one final glance at the girl laying on the table as he and Oliver walked out and hoped all these puzzle pieces would start fitting together soon.