Aderyn woke slowly. She was so warm and comfortable. There was an arm thrown over her waist and another one underneath her head. She smiled. River had spent the night with her. This was the first time she'd woken up before River had left and she revelled in the feeling of River asleep next to her.

The TARDIS lurched and shuddered, eventually coming to a complete stop. The Doctor threw open the door and looked at the Earth below them. River ran to the door and looked over his shoulder.

"Why aren't we there?"

The Doctor ran back over to the console and tinkered with the scanner "I have no idea." he said.

"Wait, what day and time are you going to?" River said, closing the door and joining the Doctor at the console.

"A two days after we saw her last." The Doctor said, pacing around the console.

River flicked through her diary "Without giving too much away when did you last see her?"

"Our wedding." Amy said.

River closed her diary with a small thump and smiled "Try going for about a week after that."

"Why?" Amy asked.

"It's safer." River said, the smile still playing at the corners of her mouth.

The Doctor sighed and changed their heading "You're there aren't you? That's why the TARDIS isn't letting us get close." River just smiled at him.

"So, you could actually run into yourself?" Rory asked.

"Anyone could. That's the wonders of time travel. We would have been away for more than a few days so technically we're going backwards in her time. Her time line is continuing as normal. So she would have already bumped into me. But me from a different point in my time stream. It's all very complicated."

"Bumped into?" The Doctor scoffed "Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" River rolled her eyes.

Aderyn paced restlessly. She was too excited to know what to do. Her first book was finally published. She couldn't quite believe it. She hadn't believed in until she got a parcel that morning containing a few copies of the book. She threw herself into a chair and picked up the book again. She couldn't believe it. She really couldn't. She was trying to decide what to do with herself when she heard it. It started as a distant rushing sound that grew in volume. She smiled. He really needed to stop leaving the breaks on. She ran to where the sound was coming from. The TARDIS had already fully materialized by the time she reached it. She threw open the door and, still stood in the doorway, she raised her arms in triumph and shouted "I've been published."

The Doctor smiled as River and Amy rushed to congratulate her. Aderyn was fine. She had finally got one of the things she wanted in life. And what was a thousand times better then that, she was alive and well. He silently vowed he would never tell her about Oswin. She didn't need to know. Oswin had worried the Doctor, but he wouldn't let that happen. Aderyn would never become Oswin.

They celebrated Aderyn's success in an uncharacteristically domestic manner. River made tea and Amy chatted happily to Aderyn. Amy matched Aderyn's excitement, constantly congratulating her and saying she knew she could do it. Sat at the kitchen table, the Doctor smiled. Last time he had sat here it had just been three of them, just Amy, Aderyn and himself. And Aderyn had then told them she had been trying to get published. After the hectic few days it felt like years ago. He pretended to be reading the blurb on the back of the book, but he was peering over the top of it. Everything felt right. Aderyn was happy and smiling. Amy and River laughed and joked. Even Rory seemed to get over his uncertainty about Aderyn and was raising his mug of tea in a toast.

The Doctor turned his attention to the book. It was titled 'Rose'. His hearts skipped a beat. It wasn't a particularly thick book. He usually avoided science fiction. It was always horribly inaccurate and that always bothered him. He blinked quickly at the blurb, hoping he had read it right. But he had.

'What was meant to be a normal day at work proved anything but that for Rose Tyler. She soon realises that the world as she knows it could end and the only salvation is a mysterious man called the Doctor and his strange blue box.' The blurb also declared it to be the first exciting adventure in the series entitled Doctor Who.

When he looked up again Aderyn was staring at him with uncertainty. The Doctor broke into a broad, genuine grin. Before they left a copy of the book found it's way into his pocket.

In the TARDIS library the Doctor took Aderyn's book out of his pocket. He put it neatly on a shelf next to a small clay paper weight. He gently ran his hands over the painted surface. It had been a Christmas present from Aderyn years ago. She'd made it in an art class. A brilliantly intricate model of a rose, painted red. He looked across the rest of the shelf. He hadn't thought about it before, but everything on this shelf had something to do with Aderyn. A pebble from a beach he'd taken her to, a picture she had drawn when she was a child (though he still didn't know how he'd come to have that one), small things that she'd insisted on giving him for Christmas. He would need to get the TARDIS to extend the shelf. He needed space for her books.