Hello, everyone.

After long and hard consideration, I have decided to discontinue this fanfiction. To be honest, I have fallen out of my 'LiS'-obsession long ago. I am starting to see writing as a task, something I have to force myself to do, and I do not believe that's the way it should be.
I don't think me losing interest is a result of my depression (for which I've been taking medication for a couple of years now), since this is a problem I have had my entire life. I used to play the keyboard, but it got annoying, and I stopped. I used to draw, but it became a drag. I used to write, but it brought me no satisfaction. I used to create beautiful websites, I used to play the flute, I used to play badminton. I used to wake up early and jog for hours on end, but it became boring. And school has stopped stimulating me before I even got my first period. The only reason I'm in university right now, is to please my mother. I do not feel like studying, or working, or doing anything. Life feels empty, and it has been this way for most of my life. Nothing manages to hold my interest, and I imagine nothing will in the future.
However, I do not wish to trouble you with my own bullshit. Everyone has problems, and everyone has their own views on life. I realise this news (the story being discontinued) must be disappointing for you all, who have been with me through it all and commented and pushed me to write, even if just for your sake and not mine. And I am sorry.

For this reason, I want to keep the door open for this fanfiction. I shall give you the summary of the plot (nothing is written in advance), so that, if anyone wants to continue this story, they know what to write:

Jefferson, though reluctantly, backs off and drives Max back to her dorm. Max notices the lock on her room is busted, but sees nothing out of place. While she searches her room, we switch to Jefferson who watches her through a hidden camera Nathan placed, and jacks off, finally relieving himself. Max and Jefferson will share a few light-hearted conversations throughout the following weeks, but nothing extraordinary happens (Max occasionally hangs out with Warren and Kate), until Jefferson asks Max to model for him again, to which Max agrees because she feels guilty for having pushed Jefferson away.
Victoria and Nathan approach Max the following day, telling her to back off from Jefferson. In reality, Nathan has learned of Jefferson's plan and tries to warn Max, though he doesn't do a very good job at it. He doesn't actually want Max to get hurt, though he's the one who placed the camera in her room. Victoria has no idea of Jefferson's plan, or that Max will visit Jefferson that weekend. She is just pissed and jealous that Max talks with Jefferson after class.
That weekend, Max models for Jefferson, and falls unconscious because Jefferson has put a drug in her drink. When she awakens, she is locked in a small room with a freezer (mentioned in chapter 13. The "he" mentioned in chapter 13 is Jefferson, by the way. Someone though that referred to Nathan, but that's not the case. I've only written from either Max's or Jefferson's POV)). She spends what seems like a day inside the room, confused, when the door opens and Nathan tries to let her escape. Max is still feeling dizzy so she can't walk very well and Nathan has to help her. They make it out of the basement, but then Jefferson appears out of nowhere and hits Nathan on the back of his head. Nathan falls on the floor, not moving. Jefferson had been hiding, waiting to see if Nathan would betray him (which he now obviously has). Max is still weak, but tries to run. Jefferson will have none of that, though, and rapes her brutally, unleashing his anger and lust. He stops mid-way to grab his camera and then continues, while taking pictures of Max whimpering beneath him. This chapter has a split-view, from both Max and Jefferson's POV. For Jefferson, this is heaven. For Max, this is hell.
Afterwards Max is in the small room with the freezer, in pain and depressed. She becomes thirsty (and hungry) after a few days, and she's afraid she's going to die. She opens the freezer to see if there's, by chance, anything to drink or eat inside, and almost has a heart attack when she discovers Rachel's body. Max is broken, but after some more time her thirst drives her to lick the ice in the freezer (since ice is frozen water), though she's disgusted with herself.
In the meantime, we switch to Jefferson again, who's teaching class. He notices Victoria is quieter than usual. He himself also misses Max's presence, but then looks at Kate and decides she's good enough to be his next subject.
We go back to Max now, who's miserable and in her own little hell. The door of the small room opens, revealing Jefferson. He takes Max out of the room and photographs her, while giving a long speech about beauty and innocence (saying he's happy Max's last moments will be with him, seeing the portraits he took of her) and also talks about Rachel, though not too much. Jefferson had been in a sexual relationship with Rachel and photographed her, but murdered her accidentally with an overdose when Rachel refused to pose for him further. It is worth mentioning that Jefferson felt (slightly) guilty at this. Jefferson pursued a relationship with Max because he sort of wanted to replace Rachel and relive the memories he and Rachel had together. (Nathan never knew where Rachel was, but suspected Jefferson. Nathan is now long dead, by the way. Jefferson killed him, to silence him, and buried him in the junkyard.) After his long speech, Jefferson approaches Max with a syringe, quoting the game: "I promise, this final dose won't hurt." (check the exact quote)
He drugs Max and Max dies. The last line of this fanfiction is the following one:
'As the permanent/final/lingering/… darkness consumed her, one final thought crossed through her mind (you can phrase the previous sentence differently):
She wouldn't make it to Chloe's concert after all.
THE END' (the last phrase and 'THE END' have to remain unchanged, as this will have the maximum effect on the reader, in my opinion)

That was it. If any of you wishes to finish it, go right ahead. You can always message me any question and I will answer if I see it.
Once again, I apologize for this. Thank you all so, so much for having supported me. I never thought anyone would even like my writing. Thank you. I wish you all the best.