If only she possessed more social skills.

"Max, come here."

Mark Jefferson beckoned her. He was leaning comfortably against his wooden desk, able to relax after class was over.
Maxine Caulfield was surprised to see Victoria had already left. Normally she would stick around for at least a minute, asking the teacher an innocent question about photography, and trying to get a conversation going. Whatever, Victoria was just annoying anyway. Maxine didn't understand how Jefferson could handle her with such patience, like he was giving her the benefit of the doubt. Like he couldn't see how much she was trying to kiss his ass for better grades. Bad, Victoria, bad.
Or perhaps he just loved talking about art, and it didn't matter to him who his conversation partner was.

Maxine shuffled towards the man, not sure what could be the problem. She hadn't really been paying attention during the lesson, but then again, she rarely did, so that wouldn't be any reason to call her out. And she had handed in he r photo for the last assignment, so she was okay on that too. (The assignment was to represent an emotion or a sensation that you have recently felt visually. Maxine had taken a picture of a few autumn leaves on the pavement, and added a black-and-white filter. It was supposed to show loneliness.)

She stood by Jefferson's desk, her fingers loosely intertwined. He granted her a small smile before talking:
"How have you been lately, Max?"

Said girl wasn't sure how to react to that nonchalant question from her teacher. "Uhm… Things have been going pretty well." She stopped talking for a second, but he seemed to be waiting for more, so she added: "I've been keeping busy with photography… and stuff."

Jefferson looked at her for a few seconds more, before seeming content with the answer.

"I see… An artist's life is always busy. So many moments to capture, and so many things to share. Although you may need a little help with the latter, Max."
He chuckled good naturedly. "I understand it can be scary to put yourself out there and go out of your comfort zone, but I can assure you, it will be worth it in the end." He appeared pleased with himself, and locked his eyes with hers.

Maxine gave a curt nod and then started to awkwardly look around the now empty classroom. The situation felt weird, and it was as if Jefferson expected something from her. He was one of her inspirations and also one of the reasons she had decided to attend Blackwell Academy. Surrounding yourself with successful people was a great way to learn how to achieve success yourself. She'd read that somewhere. If only she possessed more social skills.

She could hear Jefferson sigh almost inaudibly, and looked up to see him proceeding to sit at his desk.
"I shall see you in my next class, Max. Keep up the good work." And with that, it was over.