I… was kind of blindsided by how quickly you took to the last chapter. I love it and I am truly grateful. I did not expect that many reviews in less than twenty-four hours so this chapter is for you. See, people? Reviews make everything go faster. :) :) I know that I technically updated yesterday but... You earned this. Thank you for all of your reviews, favorites and follows. I am very pleased to present Chapter 15 of Resilience. (This chapter is more than 5,000 words.)
Chapter 15: At long last
Previously on Resilience:
If we don't get to Rivendell in time… Elesia ceased movement, growing quiet in such a way that was abnormal to her, will Frodo… She gulped hard as she trailed after the group, her blood boiling with anguish with her thoughts.
Will Frodo die?
She frenzied forward then, shadowing Frodo from where he limply hung in Strider's arms. In her hour of need, a most interesting thing happened indeed though. A ripple effect of emotions; ones of fear, happiness, and sheer determination surged through her system. It caused her to take pause… for these emotions were not her own.
Strider jogged grimly through Weatherhills, now carrying an ailing Frodo on his back with Elesia shadowing the two of them. She had ignored the wayward feelings for now, even though she want to sit around and analyze the origin. The only meaning she could come up with was that they belonged to her soul's mate… but why was she experiencing such things now? It made naught one bit of logic and even though she wanted to know why; she also knew that she could not contemplate such things now. The other Hobbits did their best to try and keep up; clutched tightly within their hands were brightly lit torches for protection. If only they knew the possibility of the torches giving their position away. "Hurry!" Strider ordered of all them to make haste, specifically the disheartened Hobbits.
"We are about six days from Rivendell." Sam said in response, quickly losing hope that they would get Frodo there in time to receive help. In turn, Frodo released a soft groan that may have been in agreement.
"Hold on, Frodo." Strider murmured desperately to the Hobbit even though they knew his words would fall upon deaf ears, "Hold on."
"No." Elesia said soft before repeating it louder to him, making him stop and turn his head to her. "It is you that needs to hold on, Strider."
"What? We don't have time for whatever it is that you have planned!" Strider growled at her and watched as Elesia's face turned into an expression of stone, cold and unyielding.
"You're wrong. It is Frodo that doesn't have time. It is however very fortunate that it will take less than a minute." Elesia responded back before stepping swiftly standing on Stride's left side and place a hand where Frodo's heart was, "I cannot shield him from the pain but what I am capable of is shielding his heart. I can do no more than this though, hopefully it will hold up until we get to Rivendell."
Elesia felt her shield mold around him, sliding into him upon his heavy breath, traveling through his blood and then coiling around Frodo's heart. Still she was worried for when Frodo's moved his head it dizzily shifted, showing that he was barely holding on to consciousness. Sweat started to cling to his brow and his eyes were dazed as they scanned over her. Before she stepped back, Elesia could hear that Frodo was feverishly calling for Gandalf. Swallowing deeply and willing away the tears that threatened to sting her eyes, Elesia nodded twice quickly before she spoke.
"Let's move."
They moved through the forest as quickly as they were able to, before they finally stopped upon a clearing. Elesia eyed Frodo in concern as she watched his eyes flicker open, seemingly a lighter blue in the moonlight, clouded and red rimmed. His brow beaded with even more sweat than he had before. All in all, it wasn't looking good.
"Is he going to die even with Elesia's shield helping him?" Pippin fretted as he gazed at his friend with widened eyes, listening as Frodo's breathing get shallower by each passing moment.
"No." Strider answered quickly, "With Elesia's shield, his heart will be intact though darkness is currently fighting against it, for a short while at least. The darkness within his blood is raging war within, trying to lay claim upon his heart. His mind is passing into the shadow world and if it breaks through the shield... he will soon become a wraith like them."
A distant cry carried through the air then, making each one of them startle with the fact that the Ringwraiths were closer than any of them suspected. Merry nervously pointed out the obvious, that they were close, just before Frodo gasped in pain.
Strider paused before looking at Frodo and the condition that he was currently in. Suddenly, he turned to Sam with an idea glinting in his intelligent brown eyes. "Sam, do you know what the Athelas plant is?" All Sam did was look at him blankly for a long moment before questioning what he was talking about. "Kingsfoil."
"Kingsfoil…? Aye. It's a weed." Sam stated though from his tone, it was obvious that he wondered just what Strider was thinking about and how it would help this situation.
"It may help to slow the poison. Hurry!" Strider urged him after clearing away confusion and made a move to search with him. It was only when Elesia spoke that he stopped, just a few inches away from stepping out of the clearing.
"I will seal us in to protect us whilst you look. When you want to find your way back, look for the shine of the shield. Be relentless in your steps and do not pause, you will in turn walk right through." Elesia warned him in a serious tone and watched as he nodded in understanding. Just as he stepped out of the clearing, Elesia raised her hands in defense, pushing a shield outward with her necklace once again alight. The familiar bright blue dome brushed past the remaining members of their group like a warm breeze before stopping at the forest line.
"I don't think I will ever get tired of seeing that up close." Pippin had murmured to Merry, to which the other nodded in agreement before looking at Elesia. The Fae fell upon her knees next to Frodo, one hand moved up to brush away a dark curl that clung to his pale face. Elesia paused for a moment before humming the ancient song that her mother once had sung to her as but a pixie. It was one that always calmed her and in Frodo's own time of need, the hum came naturally to her. In hopes that it would calm him down as easily as it did to her, once upon a time. "May you find some comfort here." She sung to him gently, before speaking in her native tongue that she had thought to be lost to her by now; Merry and Pippin stunned into silence at the beauty of all that she was within this moment more so than all the others they had witnessed of her.
Frodo was breathing hard, even as Elesia tried to sooth the desperately ill Hobbit. He wavered in and out of consciousness. "It's not going so well." It seemed that no matter what she tried, Elesia would only fail. Frustration surged within her as she fought with everything in her to save Frodo's life. She wasn't even mindful of the Hobbits that remained by their side anymore, so focused on the one that lay prone before her that time seemed to pass all too quickly.
It must have been so, because by her calculation it seemed all too quick that an ethereal looking elfin galloped her noble, white steed through the barrier. Elesia knew that they were safe, for what she didn't tell Aragon was that the shield would keep the ill at heart away; even if they didn't hesitate. The other woman eyed Elesia in shock after leaping off of her horse. It was almost as if she too couldn't believe that she was actually laying her eyes upon a Fae, before the elven dark haired beauty forced herself forward. Elesia could only watch in silence as the elven knelt beside Frodo as well as spoke in her native tongue.
"I am Arwen, I have come to help you." The woman introduced herself to Frodo, the Elvish language sure to help him even if Elesia tried that already. It didn't help much either, though Elesia didn't have the heart to tell her as such even when Arwen continued with urgency. "Hear my voice, come back to the light." In response, Frodo's eyes closed. Pippin's question of who she was seemed to be ignored by them all as Arwen said his name worriedly.
It was Sam that spoke, each of them eyeing the young woman with tousled long hair and dressed in mud splattered riding clothes, "...She's an elf." His voice awed at finally being in the presence of one.
Though he too was ignored as Arwen spoke again, "He's fading. The shield, I suspect, will not last long before it too is compromised. We must get him to my father." Wha-? Elesia thought as Strider quickly lifted Frodo to place him onto the white horse. "I have been looking for you for two days."
"Wait, father as in…? Oh, please don't tell me he passed the grudging expression onto you." Elesia spoke up immediately, "Though from what I remember it isn't that far off from his Thursday look." She was granted a smile from the two before she continued on, "How did he know that we were on our way two days ago?"
"Premonition, I was told." Arwen shrugged her shoulders easily before once more bypassing a concerned Hobbits' question, this once again was from Pippin, of where was she taking Frodo. "There are five Wraiths behind you. Where the other four are, I do not know."
Elesia thought of the ones she encased in her shield, trying to tinker and fruitlessly bring their souls to peace. I may have had something to do with that, the Fae thought in an almost sheepish manner just as Strider reverted to speaking in Elvish, "Stay with the Hobbits and Elesia. I will send the horses for you."
Arwen grabbed the reins of the horse in visible protest before she opened her mouth to speak, "I'll take him. I'm the faster rider between you and I. You know this as well as I do, Aragorn."
Elesia watched silently as Strider clamped his hand of Arwen's, familiarity in his movements. "The road is dangerous." He warned of her, trying desperately to sway her with his reasons.
"If I can get across the river, the power of my people can protect him." Arwen pushed back, speaking softly to him with reasons of her own. Pippin once again asked a question, wondering what the two of them were speaking of. Elesia supposed that he was talking to her… but she could not permit herself to speak when faced with such an intimate moment sparking between the two. Arwen then lifted her other hand, clasped around the one holding her right one, and looked deeply into his orbs with calmness radiating from her every pore. "I do not fear them." She then spoke in English, urging him and soothing him at the same time.
Strider, for the most part, looked as if he had a hard time letting her go. It was obvious to Elesia that he held deeper feelings for her than most would think. After but a moment of hesitation, Aragorn shuffled backward though from his face, he heart was telling him to move closer. Arwen mounted her horse, situating her body behind Frodo to cradle him against her, with her arms tightly clutching at the reins. "Arwen." Strider called softly to her, gaining her attention quickly and he hesitated for a second too long before he spoke again. "Ride hard. Don't look back."
Arwen looked down at Strider as she supported Frodo with one hand; obviously taking the order for what it was and instantly understood. She didn't even offer a blink at his words before she urged her horse, Asfaloth, forward in the Elvish language. The white stallion darted forward upon her command, leaping out of the shield that still had been encasing them.
"What are you doing?" Sam questioned of Strider with a voice that was raising with his ire by the second, "Those Wraiths are still out there!"
"We know that." Elesia shot back, turning her body to glare at him, "Haven't any of you been paying attention? Frodo needs to get to Rivendell in order to survive! Elvish medicine is his only hope now. I have not ever before tried to wrap a shield around someone's heart and it is flimsy at best. Instead of yelling at Strider, you should be very lucky that the shield around us is sound proof. Otherwise, you would attract more Wraiths by your voice alone!"
The anger, frustration and fear Elesia had in regard to this entire situation bubbled forth and she couldn't seem to stop it. Sam flinched backward in surprise and of some shame after he processed how true her words were. Aragon moved forward, hesitantly placing a hand on her shoulder to offer her some comfort in this situation; even though he himself held doubts.
She turned her head to scan his face, maybe to even try to sense what they were to do now and before he even opened his mouth to speak, Elesia spoke to penetrate the silence. "You do know that I am not going to just stand around here while Frodo is fighting for his life… right, Aragorn?"
His true name rolled off of her tongue in Elvish, taking him by surprise even though a part of him already guessed that she knew the song-like language. There were too many similarities between the Elfin community and what he saw of Elesia to build characteristics of the Fae… to not guess that there was some kind of cross gene between the two of them. He didn't know where or even how it all started, but Aragon left that he was on the right track with this. "You know Elvish… and now you know my name." He replied, stunned before shaking his head, and nodding to where the Hobbits stood in confusion, "Look at them. They are tired and worn out from this journey. You really wish to take them further?"
She raised an eyebrow at him, sensing that he changed the subject about his name that quickly on purpose. "I know that names themselves have a specific power to them. I grew up listening to the trees speak in a language that only they themselves could pronounce. If you wish me to keep this to myself, I will, though I do not see the big deal." Aragorn released a breath of relief and gave her a quick nod, even as she continued, "Maybe it is one of the things I have yet to learn of this new world. Be that as it may, do you really think any of us will just lay down and get some sleep while Frodo is fighting for his life? A Fae's promise is sacred, Aragorn and I promised that I would do everything that I could to protect him as long as I remained at his side. I am not going anywhere any time soon. As for the rest of the Hobbits... Why don't you simply ask them?"
As Aragorn opened his mouth in protest, Elesia ignored him in favor of looking at the Hobbits who was talking quietly among themselves. "Hey." She said in English and all three of their heads snapped upward to look at her with wide eyes, "Show of hands. Who wants to continue onward after Frodo?"
All three of their hands shot up immediately in response, Merry even going so far as to add his other one upward after only a second. Aragorn sighed softly, obviously worried that they all would run themselves ragged and too become unhealthy. It showed concern, which Elesia was thankful for, but she beckoned to Rivendell's call.
She turned away from them, leading the Hobbits onward in the direction that the horse carried both Arwen and Frodo but not before giving Aragorn one last comment in Elvish.
"...I told you so."
It had taken three days to get to Rivendell; of forcing their bodies forward by day… and forcing their bodies to sleep at night. Elesia made sure that they were all in the shield so naught one thing - mainly the Wraiths - snuck up on them whilst they laid at rest. Though the last one was mainly due to Aragorn's insistent worrying babble that reminded Elesia at times of the 'mother hen' figure of speech. She appreciated it nevertheless, even when she tiredly snarked at him and left him no other choice but to snark back. Surprisingly, hearing him do so increased the respect that she held for him. Not many these days could hope to keep up with her, the only closest she had come across was Merry and Pippin. The mischievous duo quickly grew on her; ever since she had met them, if Elesia was being honest.
With Aragorn's encouragement that they were almost there, the Hobbits picked up the pace. The heat of the day shone upon them, making Elesia shed her coat. Eager to see Frodo and all the Elves that awaited for them in Rivendell, they forced their tired feet faster. They crossed the river that Arwen spoke of and slowly… finally… Elesia could see Rivendell come into view. It seemed to be just like Elesia remembered it to be; though now, it seemed that there was a wall perimetered around it. A safe haven, Elesia's first thought was as soon as she laid eyes upon it. The few elves that stood guard with sharpened swords at the ready locked eyes with them and instantly parted to make way for their entry.
Elrond really was expecting us. Elesia thought as soon as she noticed that they may have scoped out the three Hobbits and Aragorn but each set of eyes lingered on her; moving as soon as they mentally processed the sight. It was obvious they never laid eyes upon a Fae before, and really how could they. As she walked past them with a nod of her head in greeting; Elesia's mind conjured the humorous image of Elrond, stern faced with an upright posture, raise both of his hands to emphasize to his guards that they are to let the company of a Fae in without any spoken questions at all… lest they be painfully punished by a ten thick tomes falling upon their heads. A pain that Elrond knew quite well, Elesia thought bemusedly with a smile curving her lips and she couldn't help it. She released a snicker at the mental image.
"As always Elesia, I marvel at your ability to find amusement in things that are lost to those standing in the outside world." A voice commented dryly, making her stand at attention as the familiarity reached her ears. Though from her, the elf that stood a few feet away from her could not hide how pleased he was to see her. He missed her; she just knew it to be so.
There, before her very eyes, was a face she would recognize anywhere. Etched in the same stern expression that she often commented would forever stay like that if he didn't change it. She remembers often creeping up on him just to poke at his face, which irritated him in many ways since he had not hear her until she was beside him. Oh, how he got red faced with the temperament that just amused her even more.
"Elrond." She responded just as dryly as his own tone was as she fluttered forward a step teasingly, a slight bounce in that one step towards her old friend. "I see that you still haven't changed your facial expressions, despite all of the warnings that I gave you all those years ago." She shook her head sadly, as if the knowledge greatly wounded her, and amusement that was foreign to her mingled with her own. It had to be coming from someone that was standing in the growing crowd. The added dose making her pause and tilted her head to the side as she regarded Elrond with glittering eyes, "Tell me, old friend. Have you read any tomes lately?"
Elrond released a long sigh, his face looking quite a bit pinched and she knew that he was thinking about holding the bridge of his nose with a thumb and pointer finger. Much alike how he always did when he would get frustrated with her. Elesia thought to tease him more but abruptly remembered why they indeed rushed to get here and all her amusement drained from her body. Fear, heart pounding fear, replaced it. "How is Frodo?" She now demanded in Elvish, her tone suddenly hardening as she took another step towards Elrond.
"Sleeping." He responded stiffly, looking at her warily because of the change. Elrond knew of her fierce temper when he was an elfling and had never forgotten it. If the little Hobbit, the one that had been on the verge of death when he arrived at Rivendell, somehow earned Elesia's favor… than Elrond almost felt bad for the many enemies after the boy. Almost but not quite. He remembered quite clearly just how skilled Elesia was in battle, and from memory he knew she only entered it when she had to. When something or someone's life that she cared a great deal about was on the line. It seemed she was already involved in this and Elrond, as skilled as he himself was, refused to stand in her way. Elesia had the potential to become deadly on the battlefield; and he held no doubt that given the chance, even her enemies would weep for forgiveness. Though he sworn he wouldn't stand in her way when it came to battle, certainly not after the last time that they fought, he stopped her from taking a step further.
"Elesia, he is sleeping. Let him sleep. He will have no visitors until he has finally recovered." He stated in English to her primary, even as the remaining Hobbits continued to move forward until they stop side by side to the Fae. Elrond blinked twice in surprise, taking in the fierce edge that reflected from each one of their orbs. ...When did Elesia get a Hobbit army?! He thought with an incredulous edge before the Fae offered him a look that he knew well, one that he knew the message instantly after witnessing that look too many times to count: 'Oh yeah? Watch me.'
"Eles-" He went to say her name sternly, but was cut off by that cheeky smile that he never could forget and with that, Elesia ran past him in a speed that many onlookers blinked at. Her shoulder accidentally knocked into his and the hard shove made him fall, his arms frailing to find purchase all the way down. His left eye twitched as all three Hobbits followed after her like a couple of ducks following after their mother, and he shut his eyes just as some of the Elves - the one that weren't snickering at his expense - rush over to offer some help.
"Just like our first meeting all over again." Elrond grumbled underneath his breath before he straightened up his posture, closed his eyes and counted to ten before reopening them. First he noticed that Aragorn was standing a few feet away from him, trying to smother his laughter but still the human's body shook with mirth that he couldn't hide. It took him a few moments but Elrond realized something. The elves of Mirkwood were present, all having smiles alight the faces… but Legolas was not.
Just where was he? Elrond blinked in confusion before his eyes widened in surprise. If those two are mates… You know what? I have been needing to update my security anyway. For I know that if it is so, nothing would be safe from all the pixie dust and fireworks that would surely cover Rivendell... And the arrows, I cannot forget about the arrows.
Yes, security will be decidedly the very first thing to tend to.
Elesia smirked as she remembered Elrond's face as she ran past, before she quickly led the Hobbits away and it was only when she turned to look at them that she paused. A tall man with a muscular build and long blonde hair that two warrior braids on each side, though with him he pulled them back to get them out of his way. It surprised her how silent he was, standing behind the Hobbits. His eyes were stunning to her, shades of blue and gray intertwined with one another to make someone wonder where one color ended and the other began. His ears marked him as an elf, with fair skin and defined features that marked him as of noble blood as well. Whom ever he is… he's perfect. Elesia thought a bit dazed, before she turned away from him to ignore his lips that almost tugged into a smug smile and the - aftershock? - of amusement that surged through her. When she turned back to him, she shrugged after coming to a decision and nodded for him to come along as well if he chose to; before the Hobbits followed her once more.
"How will we find Frodo?" Sam wondered, looking between the elf and her curiously though no questions were asked. Good, I wouldn't know how to answer them even if he did ask. Elesia thought dryly, before opening her mouth to speak.
"That shield I placed upon him? It now acts as a… tracer, I guess you can say." The Fae spoke after she finally decided to tie her jacket around her waist. "I can find him." She smiled reassuringly down at the Hobbit before moving to around other Elfin that stood in their path, all of whom acted surprised by her wings though Elesia herself showed no reaction to it. After leading them down a series of hallways, she came to stop in front of a wooden door that was arched at the top. Turning she glared seriously at the Hobbits, "We are just here to check on him, make sure he is alright. If at any point that you can't be quiet, you will be forced to leave the room. Elrond, as much as it would amuse him greatly to hear it, was right. He is sleeping and needs that rest… understand?" The Hobbits' nodded their heads in union before she looked up to the elf whom was also nodded his head once at her look. He understood that it applied to him as well, smart.
"Good." Elesia murmured to all of them before she turned back towards the door and opened it slowly, leading the group inside and with the unknown elf walking in last, he shut the door behind him. She looked up to see him looking at Frodo with a glint of confusion before he looked at her and back again, trying to make a connection between them as it must have been obvious to him that Elesia cared a great deal. The Hobbits crowded silently around Frodo, two huddled on either side of him and Elesia had to lean over Merry to gently place the back of her hand on Frodo's forehead. She was pleased to note that it wasn't as clammy as it was the last time she did this. He seemed to slowly get coloring back in his cheeks and she had to smile gently, for she held no doubt that Frodo would pull through.
Having reassured herself of this, Elesia left the Hobbits to get their own reassurances as long as they were quiet and hesitantly moved towards the Elf that made note to follow them. She found herself to be… attracted to him like she had not been towards anyone before him. It was strange, different and yet… it didn't seem to be a bad thing. Not in the slightest. "He is the one that carried the Sauron's ring." She turned away from him to look at Frodo, her gaze caught on him for more than a few moments, "He may be small but he has a heart of a giant…" She turned back toward him with a sheepish smile, "and that says a lot from someone who has a natural form that is smaller than your hand." She shook her head bemusedly before offering hers for him to shake, "My name is Elesia." Her tone curling the L in her name that she pronounced as 'El-es-yah'.
He grabbed her outstretched hand in his seemingly much bigger one and instead of shaking it, rose it to his lips and placed a butterfly's kiss on the back of it. A show of respect, even if she knew naught of him and Elesia figured he knew naught of her either. "It is pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Elesia. My name is Legolas."
Her heart sped from it's place within her chest, eyes widened as Elesia looked up to scan his face for any deception. He allowed her to do so, for Legolas knew she would find none. Her face softened slowly, a smile curving her lips happily and the soft skin around her eyes crinkled gently with her expression. Her face content and peaceful as Elesia stared at the Elfin warrior that was destined to be hers and hers alone. It took a few long moments before she seemed to finally get possession of her voice back.
"Legolas." His name rolled off of her tongue sensually, and she made note to ask him later where her name was etched upon his skin. If he, as an Elf was connected to the Earth... even if it was a lesser degree than her, than he too must have a name. Her name, etched upon his skin... like the many Elves that she knew would have of their mates. Though right now… it didn't seem to matter. Right now, in this moment that both of them yearned for, it seemed that the outside world had faded. The soft murmuring from the Hobbits too have become distant and it felt as if only the two of them remained. Eclipsed by their soul's finding their other half, their mate, at long last. "At long last." Elesia echoed her thoughts, her gaze not wavering from his own, "I… have been waiting to cross paths with you for such a long while."
His eyes sparked with softened light, comforting her without saying another word and he stepped forward in one sudden movement to share her personal space. Legolas's breath mingled with her own, her head tilted upward slightly to look at him for even as this form was five foot six inches, he was still taller than her. He may be around six foot, Elesia thought fleetingly before he smiled gently at her, and his arms wrapped around the waist of her smaller body.
"As have I." Legolas murmured softly, as if he was suddenly worried that if he spoke too loud it would disrupt the spell that had been seemingly cast upon them… That or he was still wary that she would still throw him out of the room if he awoke Frodo from his much needed sleep.
He embraced her then, slowly and gently, mindful of the wings that fluttered to the beat of her heart. The warmth that he offered was flowing out of him and into her; much like it would in a cycle. As if just by first touch, their souls connected and Elesia supposed that such a statement wasn't so far from the truth after all. Elesia felt that within his arms, she was somehow stronger than she had been throughout all of her past years. Somehow, even with darkness still lingering upon their horizon, Elesia held this hope that everything would be okay.
I hope that you liked this! Please review and let me know what you think?! Thank you all so much for reading! No, I am not rushing into this. They are two beings that cannot die to natural circumstances, they will take their time and we shall love every single moment of this. :)