Disclaimer* I do not own Ouran Host Club

A/N This story is Part two of Lifetime Bonds but you can read it on it's own . .

Life Continues…

Chapter 1 A new part of the city.

Haruhi POV

Time leap ...

Casually strolling in a new unfamiliar part of the city. This part of the city is filled with glassy unfriendly buildings. Gleaming luxury cars line the streets. The windblown cherry blossoms falling from the trees softens the cold impression I get from this part of the city. I guess… it's not completely brand new to me. According to my father, we used to live in Bunkyo, before I turned five.


It doesn't really surprise me, I'm unable to recall my time living here. My mind erased every memory it was holding, before my mother left for her trip. My pace slows after my last thought. The doctor, told my father it was a way for my mind to cope, with …..My mother leaving. I swallow hard to avoid the feeling of lost. It's been almost 7 years since she left .I like thinking of her in that context. It's easier for me, to think she just left for an extended trip then…. the alternative.


I was headed to my brand new class in a ridiculous pink outfit. I shook my head.

'What a way, to make a first impression… In a class, I could care less about going to.' Glancing at the of piece paper in my hand. I notice, I'll be having a lot more opportunities to make first impressions in classes I would rather not attend.' Kicking a rock, with my favorite pair of purple tennis shoes, I continue on, to my current destination.

My dad insisted I attend all of my unwanted classes. He said it was all part of my educational plan. He's used that excuse quite a bit lately, when I refuse to take a class. I just wanted to sit under a nice tree and study the day away. What was so wrong with that? Maybe I was mistaken? After all, this is my first real experience in an academic school with other students. According to my father, he tried to enter me in a normal private school, in the beginning of my first year … but it soon became apparent to him, I was still recovering from my mother's ….extended trip.


Soon after that, I was instructed by several private tutors and my many uncles. Shaking my head 'Well… at least everyone is required to wear this in class .Pinching the offending pink fabric between my fingers.

I start to turn the corner, when I begin to see my destination. The sight makes my blood turn cold and the need to run screaming in the opposite direction pulls on my legs. In bright pink lettering the sign read: Madame Marie's Ballet School. I quickly made a face to get it out of my system. Stepping closer. I glanced at the pink building and unlike my last class in my old neighborhood. This one, had rows of limos dropping off my fellow pink clad classmates. 'Darn rich kids.' I thought to myself. It's yet, just another reason to ask my father why he moved us to this snobby place. I mean if you weren't even wearing the right brands, the mailman would look at you funny.


I wanted to go home to our tiny yellow apartment that could be found over an outrageous drag queen bar. My father decided to move there after …she left. My heart squeezing with pain.

The owner of the bar was an old friend of my father's. They met back in his high school days. His friend offered us the apartment over his bar. It being close to my father's place of employment, my father accepted. When we started to live in the tiny yellow apartment. I found myself surrounded with numerous cross dressing uncles, looking after me.

The Owner of the bar is the ginger headed Misuzu, well I later found out it was part of his stage makeup and he was actually blond. He was my most frequent visitor. He even taught me my times tables. Believe me, being taught your timetables by a flamboyant ginger headed drag queen was something I will never forget. I don't know if it was because the ginger colored hair reminded me of my father or something else…. but I felt a sense of comfort but also a little sadness every time Misuzu came for a visit in full stage costume .I didn't understand my minds crazy reaction ,why I felt sadness when the ginger entered the room. There was nothing about Misuzu that would be even remotely considered sad. He was the opposite of sad… always the life of the party.


Entering my classroom, I couldn't help but think my Uncle Misuzu would go berserk seeing all the girls dressed in pink. I on the other hand noticed the girl's in groups with their noses in the air .I could tell they thought I didn't belong.

With a heavy sigh I straightened my shoulders and checked for a seat to sit in, while I change my shoes before class. When I noticed at the far end of the room, a girl sitting by herself, reading .Her nose deep into what she was reading.

I decided to sit away from the girl. I didn't want to offend her, while I was changing out of my favorite tennis shoes. My worn out shoes were a target for the boldest, and snobbiest of my classmates. Most of them would just hold their noses in the air and pretend, I didn't exists.

Once I was done, changing in to my pink slippers and tossing my more comfortable sneakers in my bag. I pulled out my own book from my bag. I wasn't able to read though the first page, when an excited voice could be heard from behind my book. "I'm in love with Miyabi Ichijo from UKi Doki memorial."

I glanced over my book "Excuse me were you talking to me?"

"Yes, I'm in love with Miyabi Ichijo the characters from Uki Doki memorial, which characters have you fallen for?" she pointed to her paperback book.

"I'm sorry? "With a confused face.

Shaking a finger at me. "Well it really doesn't matter as long as it's not Miyabi Ichijo or Akito Ootori. I believe, we will be amazing close friends."

"Uh, I'm sorry. I haven't read your book. So I 'm not sure, what you're talking about."

"Oh this isn't a book, it's a Fan magazine. Hello, my name is Houshakuji Renge just call me Renge, alright?"

"My name is Fujioka Haruhi you may call me Haruhi."

"Girls please, take your places." An elegant french accented womanly voice could be heard across the classroom.

Haruhi and Renge follow their sensei's directions and line up with the rest of the class.

End of Haruhi's POV.

It was two hours later and ballet class was over. Only a few students remained gathering their things. The chestnut girl placed her book carefully in her bag and pulled the strap over her shoulder. She turned and waved goodbye to her new friend .Only to find Renge quickly joining her as they walked out of the dance school. Haruhi started to walk down the sidewalk when Renge pulled her hand up and grabbed the other girl's arm looking at her with confusion.

"Haruhi, where are you going isn't your family's limo picking you up?"

"No, my family doesn't own a car."

"Well, then at least your nanny is coming to pick you up, right?"

I shook my head "I don't have a nanny and before you ask or a butler…It's just me and my dad, we just moved here into an apartment in town."

"What's an apartment?"

The chestnut haired girl mentally wanted to slap herself, it was the same all over. At her new school she ran into the same problem. The rich kids had no concept of her living conditions."It's a place where a bunch of people live in different parts of the same building."

"Oh, you mean an estate."

With a heavy sigh she shakes her head. "People at my new school, call me a commoner."

"Really, you're a commoner, I've never met one." With her eyes go wide.

"Yeah, well you can make jokes at my expense, when I leave." Folding her arm against her chest.

"Why would I do that?" Looking a bit confused.

"It just happens…. a lot since we moved here." Paying close attention to her feet.

"Well, that's just awful ….Hey, I would offer you a ride home but I still have one more class."

"Yeah I do too." Haruhi puts up her hands to show her new friend she didn't need to trouble herself.

"Well, I'll see you in class." Giving Haruhi a big smile.

"Yeah, bye Renge… see ya." Haruhi heads down the street.

Back in Haruhi's POV

30 minutes later.

I jog down the street. I was headed for yet another class but this one is far more to my liking. I quickly enter the white building with the words "Haninozuka" painted in gold above the door. I quickly run to the girl's locker room and find a locker. I start to pull off my pink leotard with a sigh of relief and quickly stick the offending outfit into my bag, pullout yet another uniform. I Tie up the belt and push my bag into my locker .Once my locker closed with some effort on my part. I headed out of the women's locker room.

When a strange hand came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I jumped in surprise a little fear struck my heart with thoughts running through my head.' This was my first day I attended class here… so I didn't know anyone here.' That's where I would be wrong. My eyes glanced in the direction to see a blond girl smile in my direction. Once my eyes were fixed on the figure that grabbed me, my body relaxed.

"Haruhi what are you doing here .Don't' tell me ..?" She starts to giggle.

"Oh hi, Renge I could ask you the same." Haruhi smiled at her new friend

"This is my next class, I guess I could have given you a ride, after all."

"Renege, why would I need a ride, it's only a few blocks away." Looking a bit confused.

"Oh Haruhi, you're so funny, well expect a ride from me from now on." Laughing in her hands.

"No, I don't want to be a bother, it's no big deal, for me to walk." Putting up my hand to show my new friend not to trouble herself."

"Hey Haruhi, do you have any more new classes, starting."

"With a heavy sigh I'm afraid so, tomorrow, I have western etiquette class, western art history and the next day I have Traditional Ryukyu Dance, Eastern etiquette class."

Renge face looked surprised. "It sounds, like you have my after school class schedule. Do you have a class schedule?"

"Yeah sure, it's never out of my sight. Otherwise, I would have no idea where to go next "I quickly reached in my pocket and pulled a small purple piece of paper out my pants' pocket and handed it to my curious friend.

She eagerly unfolded the purple piece of paper and studied my schedule, while biting her thumb. "From what I can see you have almost the same class schedule, as I do …you have some classes here that I don't even have …No, offense Haruhi why would a commoner such as yourself have his kind of schedule?" With a confused look on her face she hands me back my schedule.

"I'm not sure, my dad's the one that set up the schedule. Once we moved here that's when the classes started adding up. Half of those classes, I have no interest in, but he says it is all part of my educational plan… whatever that means." I tuck the schedule back in my pants.

"Well, since we have the same classes, I insist that we go together. It will make it more entertaining for the both of us. Don't you think? Grabbing both of my hands and gazing into my eyes with a large smile.

"I guess it would be okay…..sure it might be fun having someone around to endure some of the more boring classes. It just might make them bearable."

"So that's settled, tonight after our lesson, I'll drop you off at your house. I'll pick you up tomorrow after school, on the way to class …. But right now, we should get out there. Sensei doesn't like it, when people are late for class."

Renge grabbed my arm and pulled me to the classroom. Once there she left me to look around. I could see a large room with padded flooring. I went to find a seat and noticed a small blond haired boy in a robe. He's sitting all by himself holding a pink rabbit .I decided the boy looked a little lonely and since Renge was nowhere to be found. I went to go see the boy.

"Hello my name is Fujioka Haruhi. Your bunny is cute does he have a name?" I kneeled down to be eye level with the blond boy." I made sure to give him a kind smile.

The boy studied my eyes and he nodded to himself as if he was deciding to himself, if he was going to answer. "His name is Usa-chan, my grandmother made him for me." His face lit up in a large smile when he mentioned his pink bunny.

"I think Usa-chan is super cute, thank you for showing him to me."

"Your welcome."

"Ok, class, assume your positions to start class. "A strong male voice could be heard coming for the room with the padded floor.

Glancing over to the small blond boy, I notice he wasn't leaving his bench "Are you coming, class is starting?"

He shook his head looked at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Are you lost? Is there someone I can help you find? Perhaps I can help find your parents?" I spoke with an alarmed tone.

He chuckled in his hand and with a wide smile he shook his head "No, I'll be ok, but you're going to be late."

"Your right, it's my first day. It was nice to talk to you." I swiftly take a spot next to Renge I was so thankful she saved me a spot.

The next thing I know a tall angry man step in front of us. "Fujioka Haruhi could you please step forward."

I hastily step forward and bowed to my new Sensei.' I noticed my Sensei looked a little stunned. Once I looked him straight in the eyes. He looked like he had just seen a ghost.'

"Fujiokas-san, today I would like you to work with my son. He will show you the ropes .He's the world's youth martial arts champion at age 13, listen to him carefully .You just might learn something." The tall sensei looked around the class room "Now where did he run off to? "Haninozuka Mitsukuni your needed." He called out in a bold voice that I'm sure could be heard outside the building.

Just then the small blond boy comes around the corner and sets his bunny down in the nearest chair. The blond boy runs up to the sensei and bows. My eyes went wide, my mouth fell open.' The little boy I thought was lonely ended up being my sensei's son and not only that but the small, pink ,bunny toting, blonde boy was the worlds martial arts youth champion.' I mentally slapped myself,' I can't believe I made an ass of myself on my first day of class.'

"Mitsukuni, remember what we talked about this morning."

The boy quickly glanced my direction with a serious face. "Yes, father bowing once more."

Gesturing to me. "I would like you to meet Fujioka Haruhi she is whom I was talking about. Please show her the ropes." With that they both bowed and my sensei left to instruct the rest of the class.

'I am so dead. I just patronized a martial arts expert treating him like he was six.' With a nervous smile I bow to my sensei's son.

The blond boy starts to laugh and shake his head" Come on follow me." The boy leads me to an empty classroom next to the one we just left. Once we arrive, I noticed a huge smile on his face, laughing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." I bow towards the blond boy.

Putting his hands up, he shakes his head. "No, it's all right Haru-chan there's no harm done. May I call you Haru-chan?"

I nodded my head." Yes, please do."

Putting out his hand for me to shake" I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you my name . My name is Haninozuka Mitsukuni but you can call me Honey. Okay?"

I take his hand and shake it firmly." Nice to meet you, Honey. Haninozuka does that mean your family owns the school?"

"You mean you don't know." With a confused look on his face.

"Know what? "Looking just as confused .

"Never mind, yes the school is owned by my family." With a beaming smile.

"So you help your father teach the classes?"

"No, not really. You see that's what I find so funny. My father hardly ever teaches a class. He's usually at our Corporation headquarters in board meetings .But this morning he requested me to personally be here, tonight to help you …. And you have no idea who we are?"

Shaking my head." How would I know who you are, I just moved here a week ago?"

With the finger to his chin he suspiciously asks. "Haru-chan, Which family do you belong to?"

"What do you mean, which family I belong to? It's just me and my dad. My last name is Fujioka."

"Well, I don't know what family you're connected to, but I would have to bet it's one of the top five in Japan. In order to not only get my father down here but me as well."

"I'm nobody important, in fact the kids tease me and call me a commoner." Glancing down at my feet a bit embarrassed.

"You are a commoner, now this totally doesn't make any sense."

"Well, go ahead and laugh I've been running into it all day and I don't care if people call me commoner. To me it's a badge of honor to be called that." Irritated I fold my arms against my chest turning my head.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you Haru-chan. I don't care I think you're a nice person and I hope we can be friends." He rushes over and hugs me tightly I notice he's really strong."

Hugging them back. "I would like to be your friend too. So what do you have to show me?"

Honey nods his head. All right Haru-chan, let me show you."

For the next two hours honey shows me the ropes. I try to imitate his actions the best I can. After two hours, I was exhausted. It had been a long day and I was ready to go home.

Lucky for me, Renege did exactly what she said she was going to do, and gave me a ride home. I couldn't help but see her astonished expression when we stopped in front of my apartment. I promised her I'd see her, tomorrow, and quickly went to my door to unlocked it. I swiftly waved my hand to signal I was entering my apartment. I closed and locked the door… I stood there alone in our apartment. I wonder what my new friends would say if they knew I was by myself most nights, because my dad worked.


My mind played my thoughts like a projector, playing a movie, thinking about the day's events. Twirling my hair I start to ask myself questions I didn't have answers for. Why was I taking so many classes and why was there so many rich kids in those classes? Why was honey sure I had connections to one of the top five families of Japan. I laughed at the thought of little old me having connections with such powerful families. After a quick bite I went to bed, tomorrow would be another long day.

Haruhi's POV

"The next day I hurried home after school, and quickly finished my homework. I knew Renege would arrive at my apartment any moment. I didn't want to make her late for her class. A knock at my front door interrupted my thoughts. I went to answer it with a smile on my face and my bag over my shoulder, ready to go.

"Hello Renge, are you ready to go?" I noticed Renege wearing a yellow long-sleeved silk dress that was rather poufy skirt.

My friend quickly turns her head and surveys my apartment. She looked stunned, even horrified. "You and your dad live in this tiny place? Haruhi are you ready for Western etiquette class?"

Rolling my eyes I ignore my friend's last question. "Yeah, all ready" As I was about to go out the door figuring Renege would follow me.

Renege held out her hand to stop me." You can't go like that… Madam Charlotte would be appalled. She won't even consider allowing you in her class without a uniform."

"Are you telling me there's a uniform for this class too?" Placing a hand to my face ,pinching the bridge of my nose to hold off a headache.

"Of course silly what do you think I'm wearing?" Gesturing to the yellow puffy outfit.

"How was I supposed to know that was a uniform? To me it just looks like a dress…. A puffy dress but still just a dress. Please have a seat, I'll go check my closet. "I motioned to the living room and double-timed it to my room. So not to be late .There I open a double door to a room that could be larger than my bedroom. I step into my closet, where I find rows and rows of uniforms for school and for classes after school. I quickly shuffle through the closet paying close attention to the color yellow. My eyes go wide with the dress in sight. ' I swear, if there was a class that had a uniform required, my father could find it.'


I swiftly take out the yellow puffy dress and throw it on. I open the garment bag attached to the hanger to find a yellow headband, a set of fake pearl earrings with a matching necklace and a pair of white tights .I bend down to look at bottom of my closet and sure enough, I find a box labeled "Western Etiquette Class". I quickly open the box to find a pair of black leather heeled Mary Janes. Once I've changed into the dress, tights, shoes I run a quick brush though my hair and leave the room.


"Sorry about that I didn't know the class required a uniform but I'm ready to go now." Throwing my bag over my shoulder and holding tight the pair of earrings and necklace I motioned to the door.

Nodding her head in approval. "Much better… You changed rather quickly. Well, let's go." With a smile on her face she heads for the door. I follow right behind her stopping only to lock the door. Following my new friend rather hastily when she enters the back seat of a very long car. I nod my head to the man holding the door. "Thank you."

Finding myself sitting next Renge in the luxurious plush interior of her family's car. I take a moment to rest my shoulders, back into the dark soft leather seat. Renge notices my behavior and shakes her head, obviously she can't understand why I would take pleasure in something so simple.

"Okay, when we get to Madam Charlotte's, we will stand in line waiting for our male escorts."

"Escorts, who are they?"

"Oh, you don't know? They are the male students of the class. The boys in our class are around our Age, give or take a year or two. Madam Charlotte prefers older boys for her lady students she says that it resembles real life more accurately. Don't worry this is my first time too with the boys in class... But I've studied Madam Charlotte's expectations Just get in line behind me and follow my lead. Ok?"


While my friend explains the rules of the classroom I swiftly added my fake pearl earrings to my look. The next thing I know the car slowly comes to a halt and a minute later the door flings open. Renge and I quickly step out" Thank you." I nod to the driver.

Renge and I quickly take our place in line with our fellow yellow, marshmallow clad classmates. I notice the line quickly moving to one side of the room. Glancing towards the front of the line, I observe a row of younger students walking past me. My eyes quickly catch a glimmer of ginger. I whipped my head around to see two ginger headed boys joking around with each other .They stepped into a waiting black stretch limousine. I noticed a golden capital H on the car as a hood ornament. I had a strange feeling I had met them before. I couldn't help but watch the black car leave the parking lot.


"Haruhi, earth to Haruhi." Renge was waving her hand in front of my face.

I suddenly shake my thoughts back to reality. "Oh, I'm sorry Renege, you were saying?"

"I was saying that the class before us was leaving the girls are younger… but the boys are around our age.

"Thanks for the info."

"If you look straight ahead across the classroom you'll see our male escorts"

"I'm not really interested but I take a quick glance and I notice the older boys dressed in blue suits and yellow ties. I chuckle to myself, they look awkward tugging at their ties and pulling at their shirt collars. I could tell that none of them wanted to be there."

"Please, excuse me I turned my head to see an older boy with black hair and glasses "Sorry, pardon me." I stepped aside to let him pass. As soon as he did, I noticed a strong grip cutting off the circulation of my arm. I turned my head to see my friends eyes as big as saucers.

"Do you know who that it is?" Grabbing onto my arms even tighter and jumping up and down, Renege looked like she was about to explode from excitement.

"Uh, should I?" Trying to pry her fingers off my arm to increase the blood flow going to my heart.

"Ootori Akito he's the actor who plays Miyabi Ichijo in Uki Doki memorial Remember I told you about him last night." She starts to Jump around like she's crazy-mad .Everybody starts looking in her direction.

"Renge your fan girling, please calm down. If it really is him? Do you really want to look insane." pulling my arm free.

"You're right but I just can't help myself! Squealing with delight.

Attention Class." I am Madam Charlotte, I will be your instructor for this class. Gentlemen, please escort your lady to your table. One by one a boy leaves the line at the opposite side of the room, gracefully walks across the room and bows in front of a girl. He swiftly straightens his shoulders and offers an elbow for the girl to take. The girl curtsies and places a hand on the boys elbow. The pair, gracefully find a table.


My attention is quickly diverted when a boy with blond hair bows to Renge. I could swear my new friend was glaring at me as she was being escorted to her table. Her actions soon became perfectly clear to me. I was the last person in line on the girl's side when the boy with the dark hair and glasses bowed towards me. I played out the moves I witnessed flawlessly. Once we arrived to our table, he motioned to a chair and I nodded. The boy with glasses pulled out my chair so I could gracefully glide into it. Without missing a beat he pushed, in my chair. I thanked him sweetly and sat there with my hands folded in my lap waiting for our instructor to speak.


'Ladies and gentlemen since today is the first time both sexes are in the same class. I think we should use this time to get acquainted. Look at your partner, for the next hour try and entertain your partner. Be charming and chat with your partner while using all the proper table etiquette, I have taught you. I will be observing your progress but by all means enjoy yourself. Thank you."

I gesture to the teapot. "Would you care for some tea?"

"Yes, please…..I'm sorry may I ask your name?"

"I'm sorry my name is Fujioka Haruhi, but you may call me Haruhi" I maneuver the teapot to carefully pour his tea in his cup.

"Haruhi, nice to meet you, my name Kyoya Ootori in western etiquette class you pronounce the given name first and the surname last. For all intents, purposes for this class, no honorifics are required, you may call Kyoya." The dark hair boy recited his introduction rather coolly with a stunned facial expression was quickly hidden when he managed to push his glasses up his nose with one finger.

"I'm sorry to upset you. Do you like sugar in your tea?"

"What makes you believe you've upset me ? No sugar please but I do like a little milk."

"It's just when I introduced myself, your face seemed to be a bit stunned which you quickly managed to hide with your glasses." Pouring a small dab of milk for his tea."

"Oh it's nothing I just noticed that your new in class."

"Pardon me for asking but weren't all the girls new to your class?" Lifting his cup and saucer and gently holding it out to be given to him, with a gentle smile.

"Well yes, but that doesn't mean, I didn't know who the girls in the attending class are. Take your friend Renege Houshakuji she obviously has mistook me for someone else." Nodding his head towards Renege who at the moment is speaking to an excited tall blond boy.

Chuckling after taking a sip from my tea cup." Yes well, she believes you to be some character in something called ukidooki, I think that's what she calls it. I'm afraid I don't follow the program but either way I'm in trouble with her for sitting here with you."

"Aw, I see, so you're not a fan of the program."

"Oh no, who has the time? I much prefer my reading to be more cerebral." With my last few words Kyoya managed a quick smirk on his lips.

"Well, I may be able to help you with your trouble that concerns your friend. Your friend is fan girling for the wrong brother .My older brother, Akito Ootori is the actor for the fan girl series Uki Doki Memorial. He plays character Miyabi Ichijo…but please tell your friend, my knowledge for the show and unfortunately my brother ends there."

Taking a sip from my teacup I quickly put it down. "Thank you, I'm sure she won't be terribly upset towards me, after I inform her, so is that your only brother?"

With a heavy sigh and he adjusts his glasses with a finger and almost in a robotic response "No, I have two older brothers and one older sister."

"I'm sorry I offended you." With a blush on my cheeks, I avert my eyes.

"You've done nothing particularly wrong, it's just I'm usually asked questions about my family, but since your inquiry was from general curiosity, I am the youngest sibling of a powerful family here in Japan." Taking a sip from his teacup placing it back down on his saucer.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I had no idea, I didn't mean to pry or make you feel uncomfortable."

"I'm aware, you do not know who I am and you didn't make me feel uncomfortable so tell me. How do you liked this part of the city since you've moved here."

It was my turn to be stunned." How did you know I just moved here from another part of the city?" Looking suspiciously at him.

" I assumed you're new to class, therefore you're new to the city that's all…. Well, I make it my business to know who I associate with in these classes." Gesturing to the room.

"So, what have you found out about me?"

"I know you live with your father and you moved here about a week ago in an apartment and like most of us are extremely busy with school and refinement classes…. am I correct ?"

My eyes went wide behind my teacup who was this guy? How did he know I only lived with my father? Everybody else I've run into isn't aware of that fact. "Who are you…How could you possibly know all that?"

"I informed you, I prefer to make it my business to know who I associate with." With a smirk on his face.

"Yes but…. No, other person I've befriended, this past week, knew I only lived with my father… Plus what did you call these classes… refinement classes? Since I moved here last week, I've been wondering and maybe since you know so much about me, maybe you can answer my questions…. For instance why am I in these classes? Why did my father move us to a part of the city where I'm constantly referred to as a commoner at my school?' Why is it, anytime somebody gets to know me, they think I should be someone else?"... Slouching in my chair and pulling a hand to my forehead, ashamed of my behavior. I quickly glance Kyoya with remorseful eyes. "I'm sorry it's just been a tough week. I didn't mean to throw my troubles on to your shoulders."


Kyoya, quickly straightens his shoulders firmly. Drawing my attention to my current poor posture, I follow his example. Clearing his throat "I'm not sure how I could possibly answer those questions but, with you sitting here with me, I can tell you this. You are anything but, common."

'I carefully ran his words through my mind' but before I could respond, I was interrupted.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid our time in class has ended. Gentlemen, please pull out your companion's' chair and escort her outside the building. I will see you all next week, have a lovely day."

Kyoya swiftly picked up his napkin and dabbed the corners of his lips. Placing his napkin back on his plate. He gracefully stood up and pulled out my chair offering me his elbow once more. I raised from my seat, nodded my head and accepting his arm. We swiftly made our way to the end of the line, waiting to be excused. Just as I had witnessed from the previous class.

Walking out of our class without looking at me he speaks in a quiet manner." If I were you, Haruhi… I would stop questioning why and just except your current responsibilities in your new life. Your new life will offer you many surprises in your future. So enjoy them. My lady, it's been a pleasure." He quickly bows and straightens his shoulders.

Shocked with his last words. "The pleasure, was mine. My fine gentleman." Curtsying towards the dark-haired boy. With one mysterious smile placed on his lips, I was about to ask my classmate what he meant... When he turns on his heel and enters a black stretched car.

The next thing I knew I'm being pounced on by Renge "So how was your first class?"

"Ah, Renge about that… I'm sorry I didn't mean to….."Trailing off.

"Oh that, I was mistaken….Will you forgive my behavior? The gentleman that I was entertaining, informed me the gentleman you were sitting with is Akito Ootori's younger brother… but he still is rather cute, don't you think?"

"Yeah I guess so." Shrugging my shoulders, gazing towards his car. Noticing the car hasn't left yet unlike other students.

"So I figured, we could get a quick bite to eat before western art history. What do you think?"

"Well as long as we don't have to change into another uniform, I'm good."

"No, there's no uniform for the class, lets' go."

As I follow my friend into her car and I relax my shoulders, into the soft leather. I start to ponder about my first week into my new life. At first I wouldn't call the beginning of my week pleasant but the end of my week, I was content with. I made two new friends, both their behavior started out a bit bizarre but after being a participant in this new life I've noticed that their behavior was probably pretty common. My thoughts rambled on until finding their way to a certain glasses wearing classmate of mine. Pondering the words he had just spoke .Something tells me the boy behind the glasses and the mysterious smile knew more, than what he was leading me to believe… but I guess I would take his advice and just except my current responsibilities and look forward to the future, and the surprises belonging to this new life.

End of chapter

Ok Haru starts out young but the story will quickly time leap.

Thanks for giving me a peek. Please Follow/Review It only takes a minute whereas my chapter updates may take as much as 2-3 days to write….seems fair see ya Alimackatjac

So as promised chapter 1. Hopefully a little more upbeat for you .When writing this chapter my head was having a hard time switching out of POV mode after updating Hikaru's doodles. So I went with it. (Which I'm on the fence with and may cancel the story, altogether.) Haruhi is now around 12 give or take a few months. The next chapter should be out soon. Please, let me know what you think.