Short last chapter! Basically an excuse for just a lil' more Doctor whump! Hope you don't mind, cause this is all I got. :P

After the landing of Thor, they heard the sound of a hatch opening, followed by a set of heavy steps.

"Well, it really was nice meeting you all, really, but, no matter how much I really want to meet Thor, I really should be leaving." The Doctor said this while gently pushing the others out of the TARDIS.

"You're leaving?" asked Fitz.

"Ya." replied the Doctor

"Like right now?"


"After all of this?"

"Yep." he replied, popping the "p" at the end.

The thunderous footsteps got closer and closer, until the door above them opened, and the god of thunder became visible.

The Doctor knew that it was probably too late to leave, but he wasn't very keen on meeting him. He turned around and started walking back into his TARDIS, but then heard a voice exclaim, "Son of Coul, very good to see that you are not dead."


I assume that son of Coul is Coulson...Thor knows Coulson? Like Personally? Before the Doctor got to ask these questions aloud, Thor said,

"I normally wouldn't visit in times like these, where it seems as if there are no iminate threats at the moment, but my technology keeps picking up these repeated alien signatures at various times. This time it was intruding on alien property. Doesn't seem like a threat as of right now, but I wanted to come to make sure. Better now than when things actually become...threatening."

"Is that...holy shit that's-" started Skye.

"Yes Skye, that is Thor." He turned to address the rest of the group. "Hello everyone, meet Thor!" exclaimed Coulson.

The rest of the team just kept looking at Thor, awestruck, except for the Doctor, of course. He just stood there like there was nothing to see, absent-mindedly tapping his foot, his eyes drifting.

Thor's eyes fell on his, and they stared at each other for a second. Thor was the first to break, and said, "That's him, I'm guessing." Thor bounded up to him. "I want to know what your business is on this planet, and your intentions, good or bad."

The Doctor gave him a puzzled expression. He made to say something, but then Thor quickly said, "I am the sworn protector of this planet, so if your intentions are bad, then I will be forced to remove you with any means possible."

The Doctor stared for a second, then broke out laughing. Thor was obviously confused, and looked to the others for help, but they just stood there, not daring to say anything.

"You dare to laugh at me?"

The Doctor pulled himself together, took a deep breath, and said, "Oh please, I have been protecting this planet throughout history, and into its future. To think that I would purposely harm even one human, I-I would rather not think about it."

"Into their future? What does that mean? What are you?"

"Timelord. It may sound a bit pompous, but I like to think that-"

Thor hurdeled his fist at the scrawny Timelord's stomach. He flew back and into the TARDIS's side. "Imposter!"

"What?" The Doctor spat out, clutching his abdomen.

"They're extinct! The Great Time War wiped them all out, along with the Daleks."

The rest of the team exchanged a few nervous and confused looks.

"So," Thor walked up to the fallen Timelord, and placed his foot on his chest, and slowly built up pressure on it. "Tell me who you are!"

The Doctor cried out, he didn't want to, but he couldn't hold it in. He was sure some stitches were getting torn. Coulson cautiously walked up next to Thor.

"I don't think that's a good idea, he isn't a threat to SHIELD or this planet...and he's injured...on our account." whispered Coulson.

Thor looked at Coulson and released the Timelord, who curled up immediately, most likely to protect from getting crushed by the God of Thunder again.

"Alright then," said Thor, "but I still want an answer! He is still impersonating a Timelord, and that is a high offence."

"I-I'm not lying." came a small voice from in front of them.

"What do you mean?" questioned Thor.

"I'm the last. The last of the Timelords."


"They're all dead, except for me, away." The Doctor didn't feel the need to expose the whole truth, what he told them was the truth, just not some of the details, even if they were immense.

Thor looked crestfallen, along with the rest of the agents.

"You're the last of your kind..." stated Simmons, "you poor thing..."

"I would actually rather not be called poor, because I am a coward for getting away anyway."

"Timelords aren't cowards."

"They weren't cowards, but I'm an exception." he corrected. "I don't need pity." The Doctor shakily got to his feet. "Thor, it was nice meeting you, I'm sure I will be visiting Asgaurd soon because this one woman told me something like that in a's a long story." He walked into the TARDIS.

"Wait, Doctor." said Coulson.


"Are we on good terms? Like would you willingly be an asset for SHIELD?"

The Doctor turned around. He was scowling, and Coulson didn't think he would like what would come next.

But the scowl instantly turned to a bright smile. "Well of course! Not everyone can just catch me off guard like that! In the TARDIS no less, come on! I would love too. SHIELD has impacted me in a huge way...both literally and figuratively, and I thank you all for that." And with that, the Doctor walked into the TARDIS, the doors closed, and then came the churning sound. A few second later, it was gone.

"Well, son of Coul, it was nice catching up, again, nice to know you didn't die from that sceptor poked through your heart. If you don't mind, I will be visiting Jane Foster now." Thor exited.

May said something about not trusting the Bus's autopilot anymore, and left. Fitz and Simmons went back into their lab. Skye remained with Coulson, who was staring at the spot the TARDIS once was.

"Well...that was a...unique...expierience." said Skye.

"Agreed." They turned to leave, but soon enough, the TARDIS churned back into existence. They spun around, and the doors opened. The Doctor stuck his head.

"I can't help but think that I'm forgetting something..."

Skye and Coulson had put on blank faces.

"Oh, that's right, your friend, Ward was it? Oh, no no, Simmons, right, she took my clothes, and I would like them back, if that's not too much to ask."

"Oh, definitely, grey is not your color honey." said Skye.

Aaaaaaand fin. I know, I know, not the ending you were hoping for. Leave me a review and tell me what you think. No sequel as of now, but what IS possible is another story kind of like this, but with the Avengers instead. Thank you all for reading, I have enjoyed alllllll reviews, (especially those who reviewed multiple know who you are...Luv 2 u :) ) and all follows, and all favorites. If you found any faults, typos, plot-holes, or any other type of error, PM me or leave it in a review if you want.